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Wireless  Telegraphy 

Its  History,  Theory  and  Practice 



Published    by  the 

McGraw-Hill    Book.  Company 


to  the  Book  Department*  of  tKe 

McGraw  Publishing  Company  Hill  Publishing  Company 

Bobliahers  of  Books  for 

Electrical  World  The  Engineering"  and  Mining  Journal 

TKe  Engineering  Record  Power  and  The  Engineer 

Electric  Railway  Journal  American   Machinist 




Wireless  Telegraphy 

Its  History,  Theory  and  Practice 



Of   THE 






Copyrighted,    1905 

by  the 



Nearly  a  decade  has  now  elapsed  since  the  wireless  telegraph 
made  its  spectacular  appearance  on  the  horizon  of  progressive 
achievement,  and  in  these  passing  years  it  has  come  to  be  a  factor 
of  the  first  magnitude  in  the  scheme  of  social  and  commercial 
economics  which  forms  the  foundation  of  our  complex  mode  of 

As  an  example  of  occult  manifestations  by  the  most  subtle  of 
nature's  forces  it  stands  vividly  at  the  head  of  this  class  of 
phenomena,  and  the  skilled  labor  it  has  called  forth,  that  longer 
distances  might  be  bridged,  greater  accuracy  assured,  swifter  work- 
ing effected,  and,  above  all,  the  correlation  of  the  invisible  and 
elusive  waves  which  would  render  selectivity  a  concrete  fact,  may  in 
a  small  measure  be  determined  by  a  perusal  of  these  pages. 

Since  it  frequently  happens  that  didactic  treatises  fall  into  the 
hands  of  the  untaught  and  the  simplest  of  texts  are  sometimes 
found  useful  by  the  most  highly  trained  specialist,  it  was  pro- 
posed that  all  the  various  phases  of  the  subject  under  consideration 
should  receive  due  attention  and,  by  connecting  them  in  series, 
a  complete  and  logical  account  would  necessarily  follow  and  one 
that  would  bring  the  state  of  the  art  down  to  the  present  time. 

For-  this  reascm  a  brief  historical  retrospect  takes  precedence 
at  the  beginning  of  nearly  every  chapter,  and  then,  in  order  to 
fulfil  in  sequence  the  conditions  cited  above,  the  theoretical  deduc- 
tions, experimental  physics  and  finally  the  practical  workings  are 
given,  and  it  is  believed  that  by  pursuing  this  course  of  treatment 
the  book  will  find  a  hitherto  unoccupied  niche  in  the  bibliography 
relating  to  wireless  telegraphy. 

In  conclusion  I  wish  to  acknowledge  my  indebtedness  to  my 
friend,  Dr.  James  E.  Ives,  for  many  consequential  details  herein 
enumerated,  and  which  should,  in  virtue  of  his  wide  experience  in 
the  analysis  and  synthesis  of  electric  wave  action,  make  these  por- 
tions invaluable  to  the  student  as  well  as  to  the  advanced  worker; 
and  my  thanks  are  also  clue  to  my  brother,  Dr.  T.  Byard  Collins 
and  to  my  wife,  both  of  whom  have  greatly  assisted  in  its 
preparation  by  reading  the  proofs  and  checking  up  the  data. 

New  York  City,  April,  1905. 






Function  of  the  Ether    5 

Constants  of  the  Ether 10 




Molecular  Undulations    11 

Transverse  Vibration 13 

Light  Wave  Length 14 

Reflection   16 

Refraction 16 

Polarization 17 





Hertz's  Apparatus   28 

Reflection   29 

Rectilinear  Propagation    30 

Refraction    30 

Polarization   32 

Free  Electric  and  Sliding  Half -Waves 33 




Forms  of  Discharges  38 

Discharge  Through  Dielectrics   39 

Color,  Size  and  Shape  of  Discharges 40 

Striking  Distance 42 

Action  of  Ultra  Violet  Light 44 

Direct  and  Alternating  Current  Effects 45 






Low  Frequency  Currents 48 

High  Frequency  Currents 49 

Analogue  of  Electric  Oscillations 49 

Properties  of  Electric  Oscillations 50 

Transformation 52 

Rate  of  Radiation  of  Energy 53 

Decrement  of  Oscillations    54 

Skin  Effect  in  Oscillators   55 




Oscillators   56 

Oscillator    Systems    56 

Hertz's  Oscillator 57 

Righi's  Oscillator 58 

Lodge's  Oscillator 58 

Multiplex  Oscillator 59 

Dumbbell  Oscillator 59 

Bose's  Oscillator    60 

Experimental  Oscillator   60 

Marconi's  Oscillator 61 

Open  and  Closed  Systems  61 

Symmetrical  and  Dissymmetrical  Systems 63 




Capacity 64 

Inductance   65 

Resistance    66 


Capacity  Defined   66 

Inductance  Defined 67 

Resistance  Defined  68 

Effect  of  Constants  on  Oscillations 69 

Formulae  for  Calculating  Constants 70 

Calculation  of  Oscillator  Dimensions 71 

Measurements   71 

Capacity 72 

Capacity  of  an  Aerial 74 

Inductance   75 

Inductance  of  an  Aerial   76 

Resistance 77 





Induced    Currents    80 



Primary  and  Secondary  Currents 82 

Theory  of  the  Induction  Coil 83 

Permeability 83 

Hysterisis 84 

Mutual  Induction 84 

Function  of  the  Condenser 85 

Optimum   Capacity    87 

Calculating  the   Potential  of  a  Coil 88 

Forms  of  Coils " 89 





Primary  Coils   96 

Secondary  Coils    97 

Insulation 99 

Assembly  of  Parts 100 

Sources  of  E.  M.  F 100 

Selection  and  Care  of  a  Coil 100 

Types  of  Coils    102 

Ordinary  Coil   102 

Modern  Coil 102 

Foote  Pierson  Pelta  Coil 103 

Lodge  Muirhead  Coil 103 

Kinraide  Coil    103 

Braun-Siemens  and  Halske  Coil 103 

Slaby-Arco  Coil 103 

Fessenden  Coil    104 

Queen  &  Co.  Meter  Spark  Coil 105 




Single  Vibrating  Interruptor 108 

Double-Contact  Interruptor   109 

Double  Spring  Interruptor    110 

Independent  Interruptor Ill 

Mechanical  Reciprocating  Interruptor 112 

Mechanical  Rotating  Interruptor  113 

Mercury  Turbine  Interruptor   114 

Electrolytic  Interruptor   116 

Liquid  Interruptor    119 

Rotary  Interruptor    120 

Disruptive  Discharge  Interruptor    121 

.    Rotary  Converter   Interruptor 122 

Mercury  Vapor  Interruptor 125 




Holtz-Toepler  Machines 128 

Fleming  Transformer    130 

Tesla  Oscillator 130 

Elihu  Thomson  Apparatus 134 

viii  CONTENTS. 






Branly's  Experiments   140 

Koepsel's,  Guthe's  and  Tommasina's   Researches     142 

De  Forest  and  Smyth's  Investigations   143 

Testing  the  Coherer 143 




Calzecchi  Tube   145 

Hertz  Resonator   145 

Branly  Radio-Conductor   145 

Lodge  Coherer 147 

Other  Detectors    147 

Marconi   Coherer    149 

Experimental  Coherer  150 

Slaby-Arco  Coherer 150 

Braun   151 

Blondel  Regenerable  Coherer  153 

Schaffer    Anti-Coherer    153 

Branly  Tripod  Coherer   154 

Castelli  Coherer 154 

Fessenden  Magnetic  Detector  154 

Marconi  Magnetic  Detector    : 155 

DeForest  Electrolytic  Responder   157 

Lodge  Mercurial  Coherer 158 

Marconi  Magnetic  Detector   (Second  Form)    159 

Fessenden  Hot-Wire  Barretter 160 

Fessenden  Liquid  Barretter 161 

Testing  Boxes  or  Buzzers 162 





Classification  of  Transmitters    165 

Marconi  Transmitter    (First  Form)    .'  166 

Marconi  Transmitter   (Second  Form)    166 

Lodge  Transmitter 167 

Slaby-Arco  Transmitter    (First  Form)    168 

Slaby-Arco  Transmitter   (Second  Form)    169 

Guarini  Transmitter   (First  Form)    171 

Guarini  Transmitter   (Second  Form)    173 

Marconi  Transmitter   (Third  Form)    174 

Braun  Transmitter 175 

Marconi  Transmitter  ( Fourth  Form )    176 



Popoff-Ducretet  Transmitter   178 

DeForest    Transmitter   178 

Fessendeii  Transmitter   179 

Branly-Popp  Transmitter 180 

Cervera  Transmitter 182 

Lodge-Muirhead  Transmitter 182 

Bull  Transmitter 183 

Marconi  Cableless  Transmitter   184 





Classification  of  Receptors    186 

Popoff  Receptor    187 

Marconi  Receptor  ( First  Form )    188 

Marconi  Receptor  ( Second  Form )    190 

Lodge  Receptor 191 

Slaby-Arco  Receptor 191 

Braun  Receptor 192 

Marconi  Receptor   ( Third  Form )    194 

Guarini  Automatic  Repeater 195 

Marconi  Receptor    (  Fourth  Form  )    : 197 

Fessenden  Receptor   198 

Popoff-Ducretet  Receptor   200 

DeForest-Smythe  Receptor 201 

Cervera  Receptor   202 

'    Branly-Popp  Receptor 203 

Lodge-Muirhead  Receptor    204 

Bull  Receptor   207 

Marconi  Cableless  Receptor  207 




KEYS  210 

Marconi  Key   - 210 

( a )  Braun  Key 211 

(b)  Braun  Key 211 

Ducretet  Key    212 

Fessenden  Key 213 

DeForest    Key   213 

Lodge-Muirhead  Key  214 

Lodge-Muirhead  Buzzer    215 


Tesla  Oil  Condenser 216 

Braun  Cylindrical  Condenser 216 

Adjustable  Mica  Condenser 217 


Braun  High-Frequency  Transformer   218 

Marconi  Low  Potential  Transformer   .  .  219 




Marconi  Tapper   221 

Braun  Tapper 222 

Guarini   Tapper    223 

Collins  Magnetic  De-Coherer 223 

RELAYS  223 

Ordinary  Relays    223 

Polarized.  Relays 224 


Morse  Register   227 

Telephone   Receivers    228 

Siphon  Recorders  229 





ALPHABETIC  CODES  .  , .  232 






Methods  of  Suspension  : 239 

Forms  of  Aerials   240 

Lodge  Capacity  Aerial 241 

Guarini  Sheathed  Aerial 241 

Jegou  Differential   Aerial 241 

Marconi   Aerial    (Second  Form) .  . 242 

Slaby-Arco  Direct  Earthed  Aerial    243 

Braun  Artificial  Earth  244 

DeForest    Mast  and  Aerial   244 

Fessenden  Wave  Chute    245 

Kite-Sustained  Aerials   247 

Marconi  Cableless  Station  Aerial   .  252 






Simple  Resonance 261 

Sympathetic  Resonance 262 

Determination  of  Periodicity 264 

Apparatus  for  Plotting  Resonance  Curves   265 

Relation  of  Co-efficients  to  Resonance   ...  v 265 

Tuning  Closed  to  Open-Oscillator  Circuits  267 

Tuning  Resonator  Circuits    . 267 

Resonance  in  Wireless  Telegraphy 268 






Lodge  Tuned  System 270 

Slaby-Arco  Multiple  System  272 

Marconi  Syntonic  System  (First  Form) 273 

Marconi  Syntonic  System  ( Second  Form )    274 

Braun  Resonance  System   274 

Fessenden  Selective  System 275 

Tesla  Duplex  System 276 

Stone  Multiplex   System    277 

Bull  Synchronized  System   280 



Conductivity  Method  286 

Inductivity  Method   286 

Electric  Wave  Method 287 

Bell  Radiophone 287 

Ruhmer  Photo-Electric  Telephone 288 

Collins  Wireless  Telephone   292 



To  understand  the  fundamental  principles  involved  in  trans- 
mitting electric  waves  without  connecting  wires  we  are  confronted 
at  the  very  outset  with  the  postulates  of  that  branch  of  physics  deal- 
ing with  transcendental  matter. 

By  transcendental  matter  we  mean  the  substance  of  which  the 
ether  is  composed  and  we  cannot,  by  any  known  physical  method, 
determine  its  constituency,  although  this  has  been  attempted.  By 
the  term  electric  waves  we  differentiate  waves  emitted  by  electricity 
and  electricity  itself. 


For  at  least  a  thousand  years  B.C.  philosophers  advanced  the 
hypothesis  of  a  medium  in  the  form  of  a  substance  or  attenuated 
fluid  filling  interstellar  space  and  all  space  in  masses  and  between 
molecules  and  atoms  not  otherwise  occupied  by  gross  matter. 
These  speculations,  though  not  verified  by  experiment,  were  ad- 
vanced for  the  purpose  of  satisfying  the  demand  occasioned  by  a 
particular  phenomenon,  for  it  frequently  occurred  that  an  ex- 
planation or  a  theory  would  be  found  wanting,  if  not,  indeed, 
utterly  untenable,  without  assuming  the  existence  of  a  connecting 
medium ;  other  thinkers  advocated  a  universal  ether  in  virtue  of 
the  requirements  of  their  metaphysics,  as,  for  instance,  where  its 
presence  was  deemed  a  necessary  factor  in  the  extension  of  matter, 
or  the  postulate  that  all  space  must  be  filled  with  something,  since 
nature  and  a  vacuum  are  incompatible. 

Oppositely  arrayed  were  those  who  proclaimed  that  matter 
could  act  on  other  matter  through  space  without  intervening  mat- 
ter to  transmit  the  energy,  i.e.,  action  without  physical  contact ;  and 
by  them  this  was  considered  a  rational  philosophy.  Without  the 
evidence  of  an  experimental  nature  to  justify  the  claims  of  either 


faction,  the  problem  remained  practically  unsolved  throughout  all 
the  succeeding  centuries  until  the  dawn  of  the  nineteenth,  when 
the  cloud  of  obscurity  overhanging  it  began  to  rise. 

The  question  was,  from  its  incipiency,  a  constant  theme  for  dis- 
cussion and  bitter  debate,  and  even  in  1(550,  when  Sir  Isaac  Newton 
evolved  his  theory  of  universal  gravitation,  there  were  still  the 
opposition  parties,  who  were  now  resolved  into  the  Cartesians,  or 
followers  of  Descartes,  who  resisted  the  onward  wave  of 
"action  at  a  distance,"  and  the  Newtonians,  who  believed  that 
intervening  matter  was  not  essential  to  the  transmission  of  energy 
from  one  body  to  another  removed  by  distance.  This  was  a  rather 
curious  phase  of  the  discussion,  for  it  would  seem  from  Newton's 
own  letters  that  he  was  quite  firm  in  his  belief  of  the  actual 
existence  of  this  attenuated,  subtle  substance,  notwithstanding  his 
followers  were  opposed  to  it. 

Nearly  one  hundred  years  after,  or  in  the  middle  of  the  eigh- 
teenth century,  Father  Boscovitch  promulgated  his  doctrinal  theory 
that  the  laws  governing  all  matter,  including  their  inherent  char- 
acteristics of  physics,  chemical  affinity,  electricity,  and  magnetism, 
could  be  explained  by  mutual  attractions  and  repulsions,  but  to  fire 
he  gave  a  special  attribute — that  of  an  essence — to  account  for  un- 
familiar phenomena.  During  the  next  fifty  years  the  erratic  phi- 
losophy of  the  priest  had  become  almost  universally  accepted  as  the 
final  solution  of  action  at  a  distance  through  absolute  vacuum,  or,  as 
Sir  William  Thompson,  now  Lord  Kelvin,  tersely  puts  it,  "matter 
acting  where  it  is  not,"  so  that  the  dissolution  of  the  ether  was 
thought  by  scientists  to  be  complete  and  the  question  forever  settled, 
and  this  in  the  face  of  the  fact  that  Christian  Huygens,  a  Dutch 
mathematician  and  physicist,  had  in  1678  worked  out  his  undulatory 
theory  of  light  and  an  ether  by  which  he  was  enabled  to  account  for 
all  its  various  phenomena.  Huygens's  is  the  only  tenable  theory 
in  the  revelations  of  modern  science,  but  it  was  shelved  for  that  of 
Boscovitch  and  was  doomed  to  obscurity  until  the  wheel  revolved 
and  it  again  came  uppermost  when  that  eminent  experimentalist, 
Michael  Faraday,  in  1845,  made  a  series  of  tests  in  an  effort  to 
prove  that  the  laws  which  govern  light  as  elucidated  by  Huygens— 
in  whose  undulatory  theory  he  had  the  utmost  confidence^ — were 
the  same  as  those  of  magnetism.  This  he  successfully  accomplished 
by  the  rotation  of  the  plane  of  polarized  light  under  the  action  of 

ETHER.  3 

magnetism,  the  transparent  glass  employed  for  the  purpose  being 
quite  heavy  and  of  his  own  manufacture. 

This  discovery  did  not  lead  to  such  important  practical  results  in 
applied  science  as  some  of  Faraday's  earlier  discoveries,  but  it  has 
been  of  infinitely  greater  scientific  value  in  establishing  the  unity  of 
an  all-pervading  medium,  ether,  upon  which  is  based  the  complete 
evidence  that  electricity  and  magnetism  are  propagated  by,  in,  and 
through  the  same  substance  which  transmits  the  undulatory  waves 
of  light  as  Huygens  had  proposed  nearly  two  hundred  years  before. 
It  is  true  that  earlier  in  the  nineteenth  century,  before  Faraday's 
experimental  researches,  a  reaction  had  partially  set  in  regarding 
the  merits  of  Boscovitch's  action  at  a  distance  and  Huvgens's  lumi- 
niferous  ether ;  and  the  latter,  which  had  been  so  utterly  rejected  the 
preceding  century,  was  now  to  have  an  inning  and  the  former's 
pseudo-tenets  relegated  to  the  dead  past.  But  it  was  Faraday's 
results  that  encouraged  belief  in  the  existence  of  an  ether,  and  it 
has  grown  stronger  through  the  deductions  based  upon  his  experi- 
ments by  others  who  have  repeated  or  enlarged  upon  them,  and  the 
impetus  Faraday  gave  to  the  Huygens  theory  has  changed  in  the 
last  fifty  years  the  trend  of  scientific  opinion  completely  from 
action  at  a  distance  to  that  of  matter  acting  only  where  matter  is. 
Now  also  was  Descartes  and  his  law  of  vortices  in  the  ascendency 
after  having  lain  dormant  for  many  years. 

The  empirical  evidence  Faraday  accumulated  was  entirely 
sufficient  for  the  complete  acknowledgment  of  the  existence 
of  an  ether,  and  that  electricity,  magnetism,  and  light  were 
propagated  by  and  through  the  same  medium,  but  by  many  of  his 
contemporaries  his  classical  experiments  were  not  accepted  without 
the  proverbial  grain  of  salt.  A  few  years  later  Faraday  had  a 
champion  who  developed  his  electro-magnetic  theory  of  light  mathe- 
matically and  with  such  consummate  skill  and  precision  that  they 
have  not  only  withstood  the  test  of  time,  but  every  crucial  test  which 
has  been  applied  to  them,  and  every  discovery  bearing  on  the  sub- 
ject has  proven  the  correctness  of  their  views. 

In  1861  James  Clerk-Maxwell  systematized  Faraday's  concep- 
tion, which  is  now  known  as  the  Faraday-Maxwell  electro-magnetic 
theory  of  light,  which  means,  in  its  simplest  form,  that  light,  elec- 
tricity, and  magnetism  are  transmitted  by  the  same  ether  through 
which  they  travel  with  an  identical  rate  of  speed.  Maxwell,  by  a 


system  of  Le  Grange's  co-ordinates,  determined  accurately  the  rela- 
tions between  the  various  phenomena  it  included.  The  number  of 
converts  to  the  doctrine  of  transcendental  matter  were  now  greater 
than  had  been  made  in  all  the  preceding  centuries,  for  Maxwell's 
equations  gave  a  tangibility  to  the  subtle  substance  such  as  it  had 
never  known  before.  There  were  those  of  course  who  still  re- 
fused to  be  convinced  and  who  still  clamored  for  such  proof  as  could 
only  be  obtained  by  decisive  experiment. 

The  deductions  of  Maxwell  were  now  taken  up  eagerly  and 
analyzed  by  such  eminent  scientists  as  von  Helmholtz,  Kelvin, 
and  many  others,  all  of  whom,  starting  with  the  well-knowr 
laws  of  light,  electricity,  and  magnetism,  were  led  to  conclude  from 
their  own  results  the  correctness  of  the  Faraday-Maxwell  theory, 
and  the  final  analysis  of  all  tended  to  prove  the  actuality  of  one 
ether.  This  was  sufficient  to  account  for  all  the  varied  phenomena 
such  as  the  rectilinear  propagation  of  light,  radiant  heat,  electro- 
kinetics, and  the  curved  lines  of  magnetic  force. 

The  name  of  the  lamented  Heinrich  Hertz  should  have  been 
added  to  those  above  written,  for  it  remained  for  him  alone  to 
establish  experimentally"  the  proof  of  Maxwell's  deductions.  His 
methods,  like  Faraday's,  were  physical  rather  than  theoretical.  The 
tremendous  amount  of  labor  involved  in  probing  for  the  truth 
about  ether,  and  the  infinite  pains  required  to  obtain  absolute,  un- 
deniable proof  of  it,  may  be  understood  by  looking  backward  again 
to  the  laborious  task  Faraday  performed  in  showing  experimentally 
that  the  undulatory  theory  of  light  and  his  own  curved  lines  of  force 
were  related,  and  that,  therefore,  the  ether  transmitting  them 
must  be  the  same.  Maxwell  then  assumed  the  arduous  duties  entail- 
ing the  verification  of  Faraday's  researches  mathematically,  and 
finally  Hertz  utilized  the  equations  of  Maxwell  and  reversed  the 
order  of  Faraday's  experiment  demonstrating  the  existence  of 
stationary  electric  waves  and  that  the  time  constant  of  their  propa- 
gation in  ether  was  identical  with  that  of  light.  This  he  did  in 
1888  at  Karlsruhe,  Germany,  and  his  experiments,  simple  as  the 
laws  governing  the  action  of  the  electric  waves  they  represent,  and 
as  grand  in  their  sublimity  as  the  scientific  world  has  ever  known, 
settled  conclusively  and  finally  the  existence  of  an  ether  and  laid 
the  foundation  for  a  commercial  enterprise  that  has  so  recently 
startled  the  world  in  wireless  telegraphy. 


(According  to  Helmholtz.) 


Hertz,  in  his  great  work,  "Electric  Waves/'  has  thoroughly 
sifted  the  various  viewpoints  assumed  by  recent  scientists  for  an 
ether  fulfilling  all  the  functions  required  of  it,  and  concludes  with  a 
concise  statement  showing  the  difference  in  the  views  held  by 
Maxwell  and  those  of  Helmholtz.  According  to  Helmholtz  the 
attractions  between  two  separate  bodies  A  and  B,  Fig.  1,  is  based 
upon  two  factors,  the  first  by  direct  action  between  A  and  B,  repre- 
sented by  the  arrows,  and  second  by 
the  changes  in  the  ether  represented 
by  the  intervening  rectangles.  Sup- 
posing that  the  black  portion  of  A 
is  positively  charged,  the  force  ex- 
erted directly  on  B  will  be  negative, 
as  indicated  by  the  ruled  portion; 
the  intervening  matter,  be  it  the 
ether  or  other  substance  shown  by 
the  rectangles,  will  be  polarized, 
that  is,  the  portions  nearest  A  will  be  negative  and  the  opposite 
sides  will  be  positive,  and  these  forces  acting  and  reacting  on  the 
subsequent  matter  on  reaching  B  charge  it  negatively.  According 
to  Poisson  this  polarization  of  the  ether  is  of  a  magnetic  nature,  and 
upon  this  deduction  he  developed  his  theory  of  statical  magnetism ; 
Mosotti  assumed  them  to  be  electrical,  and  Helmholtz,  combining 
these  two  hypotheses,  formulated  a  theory  embracing  all  the  phe- 
nomena of  electro-magnetism.  This  theory  postulates  that  if  from 
the  space  C  the  ether  be  removed,  forming  an  absolute  vacuum,  the 
positive  and  negative  forces  will  continue  to  exist  as  shown  by  the 
arrows,  but,  since  there  is  no  matter,  polarization  cannot  take  place. 
Maxwell,  according  to  Hertz,  agrees  with  Helmholtz  in  that 
the  polarizations  of  the  ether  are  actually  present,  but  not  that 
these  polarizations  are  due  to  the  force  of  A  acting  on  B,  and 
Maxwell  does  not  assume  that  the  distant  forces  exist,  hence  A  and 
B  represent  nothing,  and  that  the  polarization  is  the  only  factor 
present,  as  shown  in  Fig.  2,  and  it  is  this  cause  to  which  we  may 
trace  all  the  effects  of  molecular  and  transcendental  matter  we  are 
acquainted  with.  It  will  be  seen  that  if  all  the  ether  is  removed 
from  the  space  C,  Fig.  2,  according  to  Maxwell,  not  only  would  the 
polarizations  not  be  manifested,  but  the  electro-magnetic  forces 



(According  to  Maxwell.) 

producing  them  would  also  not  be  present.  This  is  Maxwell's 
theory  upon  which  he  based  his  system  of  equations,  and  this  is  the 
theory  Hertz  employed,  with  some  few  practical  modifications, 

in  his  experiments.  Faraday  laid 
the  corner-stone  for  this  evolution 
of  etheric  polarizations.  Maxwell 
was  the  architect  who  drafted  the 
plans  for  its  consummation,  but 
Hertz  was  the  builder,  and  when 
he  had  finished  his  grand  work 
the  first  absolute  proof  of  a  ma- 
terial ether  rose  before  men,  a 
mighty  masterpiece;  so  complete 
were  his  classical  investigations  that  Ernest  Haeckel,  the  great  evo- 
lutionist, proclaimed  that  there  would  now  be  just  as  much  reason 
to  deny  the  existence  of  molecular  matter  as  to  deny  the  existence 
of  the  more  subtle  transcendental  ether,  and  he  lamented  the  fact 
that,  as  there  were  metaphysicians  who  denied  the  molecular  theory 
of  matter,  as  Berkeley  and  Hume,  there  were  still  a  few  philosophers 
of  the  abstract  who  denied  the  existence  of  ether. 

Hertz  commenced  his  researches  in  1879,  when  the  Berlin  Acad- 
emy of  Science  offered  a  prize  for  the  solution  of  a  problem  show- 
ing polarizations  in  a  non-conductor  or  dielectric  to  be  the  result 
of  electro-magnetic  induction,  but  it  was  not  until  1886  that 
he  was  able  to  see  his  way  clear  to  solving  it.  These  remarkable 
achievements  will  be  fully  treated  in  the  succeeding  chapters,  for 
Hertz's  work  embraces  a  whole  series  of  exceedingly  vital  proposi- 
tions, among  them  being  the  proof  of  the  electro-magnetic  theory 
of  light,  the  proof  of  the  existence  of  an  ether,  the  discovery  of 
stationary  electric  waves,  the  mode  of  producing  electric  waves  by 
means  of  a  spark-gap,  and  the  manifestation  of  electric  waves  by 
means  of  a  detector,  all  of  those  enumerated,  but  especially  the 
two  latter  discoveries,  forming  the  basis  of  the  subject  herein 
treated,  wireless  telegraphy.  The  sum  of  the  knowledge  advanced 
by  all  the  workers  has  given  us  the  following  conception  of  what 
ether  is,  its  functions,  and  we  already  know  some  of  its  uses. 

But,  after  all  is  said,  it  must  not  be  supposed  that  the  nature 
of  ether  is  really  known ;  for  that  matter,  we  do  not  know  positively 
the  real  nature  of  molecular  matter,  but  we  do  know  many  of  the 
laws  governing  the  latter  and  some  of  the  laws  of  the  fornler,  and 

ETHER.  7 

with  these  for  the  present  we  must  be  content.  Slowly  but  surely 
our  knowledge  of  the  laws  of  both  are  being  enlarged  and  new  laws 
are  occasionally  discovered  or  more  accurately  determined,  and  all 
this  is  of  the  greatest  importance.  As  we  have  seen,  the  views  of 
those  thinkers  who  have  bended  their  energies  toward  a  possible 
solution  of  the  ether  mystery  do  not  always  coincide;  more  fre- 
quently they  appear  to  contradict  each  other,  so  that  one  is  at  a  loss 
to  choose  between  them,  but  the  following  points  will  serve  to  show 
the  trend  of  scientific  opinion. 

Starting  out  with  the  now  universally  accepted  idea  that  a 
cosmic  ether  pervades  all  space  not  otherwise  taken  up  by  molecular 
matter,  and  accepting  Maxwell's  postulates  as  gospel  truths,  we 
are  next  confronted  with  the  question  of  its  structure.  By  some  it 
is  believed  to  be  a  homogeneous  corpuscular  body,  while  others 
conceive  it  to  be  a  continuous  substance.  By  those  who  hold  to 
the  continuous  theory,  it  is  pointed  out  that  the  opposite  theory  of 
etheric  corpuscles  is  defective,  for  it  must  then  be  supposed  that 
there  is  another  ultra-etheric  medium  between  the  corpuscles  and 
so  on  to  infinity. 

In  behalf  of  the  corpuscular  theory,  it  has  been  advanced  that 
the  corpuscles  of  ether,  though  of  a  uniform  size,  need  not  neces- 
sarily be  spherical,  but  of  any  shape  permitting  them  to  conform 
to  each  other  without  leaving  any  intermediate  space.  The  net 
product  would  be  then,  to  all  intents  and  purposes,  a  continuous 
substance.  The  consistency  of  ether  calls  for  another  subdivision 
of  opinion,  for  by  some  it  is  considered  gaseous,  by  others  a  liquid, 
and  again  by  some  others  a  solid.  Again,  probably  it  is  none  of 
these,  though  each  in  turn  serves  as  an  analogue  for  its  actions.  In 
popular  lectures  it  is  often  likened  to  a  jelly,  and,  though  crude, 
this  offers  a  very  good  illustration  of  the  elasticity  and  incom- 
pressibility  of  the  ether. 

As  a  substance  it  is  so  high  in  the  scale  of  matter  that  we  cannot 
sense  it,  nor  have  we  any  instruments  sensitive  enough  to  recognize 
it.  A  conception  may  be  obtained  from  Faraday's1  statement  rela- 
tive to  the  fourth  state  of  matter.  In  1816  he  was  conducting  his 
researches  along  these  lines,  and  the  expression  he  employed  may 
assist  in  elucidating  the  vast  difference  between  gross  matter  and 
ethereal  matter ;  he  said,  speaking  of  radiant  matter :  "If  we  conceive 
a  change  as  far  beyond  vaporization  as  that  is  above  fluidity,  and 

'Dr.  Bence  Jones's  Life  and  Letters  of  Faradav. 


then  take  into  consideration  also  the  proportional  increased  ex- 
tent of  alterations  as  the  changes  rise,  we  shall,  perhaps,  if  we 
can  form  any  conception  at  all,  not  fall  short  of  radiant  matter; 
and  as  in  the  last  conversion  many  qualities  were  lost,  so  here 
many  more  would  disappear.  As  we  ascend  from  the  solid  to  the 
fluid  and  gaseous  states  physical  properties  diminish  in  number 
and  variety,  each  state  losing  some  of  those  which  belong  to  the 
preceding  state;  when  solids  are  converted  into  fluids  all  varieties 
of  hardness  and  softness  are  necessarily  lost.  Crystalline  and  other 
shapes  are  destroyed.  Opacity  and  color  frequently  give  way  to  a 
colorless  transparency  and  a  general  mobility  of  particles  is  con- 
ferred. Passing  onward  to  the  gaseous  state,  still  more  are  the 
evident  character  of  bodies  annihilated.  The  immense  differences 
in  their  weight  almost  disappear,  the  remains  in  the  difference  in 
color  that  were  left  are  lost.  Transparency  becomes  universal. 
They  now  form  but  one  set  of  substances  and  the  varieties  of  den- 
sity, hardness,  opacity,  color,  elasticity,  and  form  which  render  the 
number  of  solids  and  fluids  almost  infinite  are  now  supplied  by  a 
few  slight  variations  in  weight  and  color." 

How  true  is  this  of  molecular  and  transcendental  matter!  It 
is  evident  if  we  could  conceive  a  matter  as  many  times  removed 
from  radiant  matter  as  the  latter  is  from  solids  we  would  have  a 
substance  almost  as  far  beyond  our  analytical  powers  as  ether  itself. 
The  distinction  that  some  physicists  have  made  between  ether  and 
molecular  matter  is  to  class  the  former  as  imponderable  and  the 
latter  as  ponderable;  this  is  evidently  erroneous,  for,  though  the 
specific  gravity  of  ether  is  so  slight  as  to  be  beyond  the  sensibility 
of  the  most  delicate  testing  instrument,  yet  as  a  substance  it  must 
have  weight,  and  this  has  been  computed — from  the  energy  of  the 
light  waves  through  it1 — to  be  approximately  over  fifteen  trillion 
times  lighter  than  the  air,  or,  in  popular  language,  a  sphere  of  ether 
the  size  of  our  earth  would  weigh  only  250  pounds. 

Maxwell  has  estimated  its  density  to  be  that 
of  water,  and  its  rigidity  to  be  rooo.oo^ that  of  steel-  Having 
density  and  weight,  ether  and  matter  have,  essentially,  properties 
in  common  with  each  other,  and  this  is  the  more  easily  understood 
if  we  consider  Lord  Kelvin's  hypothesis  of  matter. 

An  atom  of  gross  matter,  according  to  this  beautiful  deduction, 

^ebedew,  Experiments  on  Radiation  Pressure. 

ETHER.  9 

had  not  always  a  distinct  entity,  but  originated  in  a  minute 
portion  of  the  ether  attaining  a  whirling  motion,  and  in  virtue  of 
the  vortex  so  formed  it  became  a  particle  of  rigid  matter — an 
entity  in  itself.  Although  the  ether  is  extremely  tenuous,  the  vortex 
motion  will  give  it  all  the  physical  properties  of  matter  such  as 
rigidity,  stability,  density,  and  weight. 

As  an  analogue  of  the  ether  metamorphosed  by  vortex  motion 
into  an  atom  of  matter,  vortex  rings  formed  of  smoke  in  the  air 
may  be  given,  as  they  are  familiar  objects  and  may  be  easily  pro- 
duced. It  must  be  remembered,  however,  that  smoky  air  rings  are 
excessively  crude  when  compared  with  ether  vortex  rings  or  atoms, 
for  the  air  is  a  very  imperfect  medium,  whereas  ether  is  absolutely 
perfect ;  for  this  reason  air-vortex  rings  increase  in  size  and  decrease 
in  energy  and  ether- vortex  rings  remain  absolute  and  constant,  and 
so,  when  once  set  in  motion  become  atomic  matter,  and,  when  thus 
transformed,  cannot,  by  any  method  known  to  man,  be  destroyed. 

As  Oliver  J.  Lodge  says,  this  ether  offers  practically  one  con- 
tinuous substance  which  can  vibrate  as  light,  which  may  be  sheared 
into  positive  and  negative  electricity,  which  in  whirls  constitutes 
atomic  matter,  which  transmits  energy  by  polarization  instead  of 
impact  and  is  the  primary  cause  of  every  action  and  reaction  of 
which  matter  is  capable. 

In  however  many  respects  physicists  may  disagree  as  to  the 
nature  of  ether,  they  stand  a  unit  in  agreeing  that  it  is  in  a 
state  of  continual  unrest.  According  to  Plato  ether  derives  its  name 
from  the  Greek  term,  signifying  perpetual  motion.  Likewise  are 
these  thinkers  agreed  as  to  the  ether's  incompressibility,  which  may 
be  regarded  as  infinite,  although,  according  to  Fresnel,  in  the  pres- 
ence of  gross  matter  there  is  an  attraction  between  the  ether  and 
the  atoms  of  matter,  readily  accounted  for  in  the  light  of  Kelvin's 
hypothesis,  which  results  in  some  of  the  ether  forming  a  closer 
affinity  for,  or  clinging  to  and  surrounding  each  individual  atom  like 
the  sugar  coating  of  a  pill.  This  is  what  Nikola  Tesla  terms  bound 
ether,  and  is  a  part  of  the  atom  to  which  it  adheres  and  travels  about 
with  it. 

The  relation  of  bound  ether  to  electricity  does  not  particularly 
concern  wireless  telegraphy — that  is  another  question — but  it  is 
the  radiation  of  waves  emitted  by  electricity  through  and  by  free 
ether  that  here  claims  our  attention.  Lodge  thinks  it  probable  that 
negative  and  positive  electricity  jointly  may  make  up  the  ether  and 



that  the  ether  may  be  divided  into  positive  and  negative  electricity. 
As  an  illustration  of  this  shearing  process,  let  A,  B  represent  the 
ether ;  then,  if  it  is  sheared,  as  shown  diagrammatically  in  Fig.  3,  by 

_ ^ p..    the  dotted  line  dividing  it  into  two  portions,  A 

j  t     will  be  positive  and  B  negative  electricity.    Al- 

^     though  Erlung  asserts  ether  to  be  a  perfect  con- 
A           B      ^     ductor,  it  is  more  reasonable  to  suppose  that  it 
^     is  a  perfect  non-conductor,  for,  according  to 
^     Maxwell,  conductors  must  be  opaque,  while,  as 
•    •   — I 0     Lodge  points  out,  the  ether  is  absolutely  trans- 

The  constants  of  the  ether,  while  far  from 
being  determined  with  exactness  have  been  determined  with  suf- 
ficient accuracy,  for  practical  purposes.  For  instance,  the  velocity 
of  propagation  of  waves  in  the  ether  has  been  found  to  be  about 
168,000  miles  per  second. 


ETHER     (According 

to  Lodge). 



In  beginning  the  study  of  electric  waves  it  is  very  important  to 
have  clearly  in  mind  the  essentials  of  undulatory  or  wave  motion. 
Undulations  may  be  divided  into  two  classes  (a)  molecular  wave 
motion  in  gross  matter  imported  by  the  impact  of  one  molecule  on 
another,  and  (b)  etheric  wave  motion  caused  by  transverse  vibra- 
tions in  the  ether. 


The  first  principles  of  physics  illustrate  the  simplest  form  of 
wave  motion  of  the  first  class  in  the  following  familiar  scene. 
Standing  on  the  shore  of  an  ocean  and  gazing  on  the  gigantic  waves 
impelled  with  mighty  force  toward  the  shore,  the  mind  is  easily  led 
to  believe  that  the  incoming  waves  are  carrying  great  masses  of 
water,  but  let  a  boat  or  a  bit  of  wood  float  upon  its  surface  and  it 
will  be  seen  to  rise  on  the  wave  crest  and  fall  on  the  wave  valley, 
but  making  no  progress  in  a  horizontal  line  or  toward  the 
shore.  It  is  evident,  then,  that  it  is  not  the  mass  of  water 
that  forms  the  actual  onward  movement,  but  that  it  is  the  particles 
of  water  of  which  it  is  composed.  These  waves  transmit  energy 
and  wave  motors  are  constructed  to  utilize  the  force  so  sent  on 
from  one  wave  to  another.  Waves  may  travel  great  distances  but 
the  motion  of  each  particle  of  water  is  exceedingly  limited. 

Another  illustration  that  gives  an  exceedingly  clear  idea  of  wave 
motion  and  one  that  has  long  been  in  favor  among  physicists  is  the 
simple  wave  motion  shown  in  a  rope.  This  idea  has  recently  been 
brought  to  a  high  degree  of  perfection  by  Dr.  M.  I.  Pupin  as  an 
analogue  showing  the  constants  of  long  electrical  current  waves  for 
long  distance  telephone  transmission.  Fig.  4  shows  the  undulatory 
or  wave  motion  of  a  rope.  The  distance  between  1  and  2  or  3  and 



4  is  termed  a  wave  length ;  1  and  2  are  the  nodes  or  null  points  of 
the  waves  caused  by  the  crest  of  one  wave  intersecting  the  valley 
of  another  wave ;  the  vertical  distance  between  3  and  6  and  4  and  5 
determines  the  amplitude  of  the  wave. 


Next  higher  in  the  scale  are  sound  waves;  again  the  cause  of 
sound  is  the  molecular  vibration  or  the  impact  of  one  molecule  on 
another,  as  a  bell  ringing  or  a  whistle  blowing.  The  vibrating 
molecules  of  the  bell  or  whistle  impinge  upon  the  nearest  molecule 
of  air  and  these  in  turn  pass  the  motion  onward  by  impact  until 
they  reach  the  ear  or  other  receiving  apparatus  or  until  the  trans- 
mitted energy  is  lost  by  diffusion.  Sound  is  thus  propagated 
through  the  air  and  may  be  transmitted  through  any  elastic  me- 
dium or  substance  as  a  body  of  water  or  mercury. 

The  motion  of  air  molecules  is  backward  and  forward  in  the 
line  of  propagation,  by  longitudinal  vibrations  or  end  thrusts. 
Sound,  like  all  waves  of  the  first  class,  cannot  be  transmitted 
through  a  vacuum,  i.e.,  where  the  air  has  been  exhausted,  and  the 
ether  has  nothing  to  do  with  its  motion.  Sound  waves  travel  in 
free  air  with  the  velocity  of,  approximately,  1,120  feet  per  second, 
and  the  wave  length  may  be  found  by  dividing  the  velocity  by  the 
number  of  vibrations.  The  particles  or  molecules  forming  sound 
waves,  like  those  of  water  or  the  rope  do  not  travel  but  remain 
practically  stationary. 

If  the  waves  are  permitted  to  continue  only  a  given  distance 
and  are  then  reflected  back  on  themselves  so  that  the  line  of 
reflection  is  in  the  line  of  propagation,  the  wave  crests  and 
valleys  or  nodal  points  may  be  easily  distinguished.  The  waves 
are  then  called  stationary  waves. 

Heat  offers  a  connecting  link  between  the  first  and  second 
classes  of  wave  motion,  for  it  may  be  transferred  from  one  molecule 
to  another  like  sound,  while  it  possesses  the  added  property  of 


communicating  to  the  ether,  by  its  vibratory  atoms,  waves  that 
travel  with  the  velocity  of  light,  and  which  are  propagated  by  the 
ether;  this  is  called  radiant  heat.  Eadiant  heat  waves  differ  from 
those  set  up  in  the  air,  for  ether  in  a  space  where  there  is  no 
atomic  or  molecular  matter  present,  transmits  waves  with  greater 
ease  than  the  bound  ether  of  the  air.  The  sun  offers  a  good  illus- 
tration of  the  transference  of  radiant  heat  from  one  body  to 
another  irrespective  of  the  temperature  of  the  intervening  me- 


Having  now  the  fundamental  principles  of  wave  motion  set  up 
by  molecular  impact,  the  next  stepping-stone  to  electric  waves  is  by 
a  familiar  knowledge  of  the  laws  of  light  which  belong  to  the  second 
class  of  wave  motion,  and  these  will  serve  to  explain  largely  the 
nature  of  electric  waves.  The  only  difference  between  luminous, 
radiant  heat  and  electric  waves  is  a  variation  of  the  wave  lengths. 

Though  electric  and  molecular  undulatory  motion  are  similar, 
in  that  both  travel  in  straight  lines,  there  is  yet  a  vast  difference 
between  them,  for  in  molecular  matter  the  wave  is  caused  by  a 
to  and  fro  movement  of  the  molecules,  or  by  end-thrusts  as  at  A,  Fig. 
5,  and  ether  waves  vibrate  across  the  line  of  propagation  as  at  B, 


Fig.  6.    Waves  in  gross  matter  are  by  longitudinal  impact,  those  of 
ether  are  transversal  by  polarization. 

The  history  of  light  waves  follows  coincidently  that  of  ether, 
and,  in  fact,  all  other  phenomena,  for  there  were  two  theories  ad- 
vanced, both  of  which  had  their  champions.  The  corpuscular  or 
emission  theory  found  favor  with  Newton,  who  believed  light  to 
be  a  form  of  segregated  matter,  each  particle  being  smaller  than  the 
atom  and  that  these  were  projected  with  enormous  velocity  from  a 
body  having  luminous  properties.  Tyndall  proved  this  theory  un- 
tenable by  demonstrating  that  a  body  having  a  weight  of  one  grain 


would  acquire  the  momentum  of  a  cannon  ball  traversing  its  course 
at  the  rate  of  1,000  feet  per  second,  whereas  the  most  delicate  test 
he  could  apply  showed  that  light  does  not  possess  mechanical 

Huygens  advanced,  in  opposition  to  the  above,  the  undulatory 
or  wave  motion  theory  of  light,  and  this  was  finally  proven  experi- 
mentally by  Young  and  Fresnel.  Accepting  now,  Huygens's  un- 
dulatory theory  and  Young's  transverse  vibrations  of  light  waves 
and  the  Faraday-Maxwell  electro-magnetic  theory  of  light,  that 
ether  waves  are  propagated  with  finite  velocity,  and  that  regard- 
less of  their  length  the  velocity  remains  identical,  we  have  the  laws 
of  electric  waves  well  within  our  grasp.  The  speed  of  light  has 
been  determined  by  several  different  methods  and  is  found  to  be 
practically  186.500  miles  per  second.  As  early  as  1676  Romer  cal- 
culated the  velocity  by  the  interval  between  two  successive  eclipses 
of  the  satellites  of  Jupiter.  Bradley  devised  a  method  by  the  aber- 
ration of  light.  Fizeau  measured  the  velocity  directly  in  a  most 
convincing  manner  in  1849,  with  results  closely  coinciding  with 
Romer  and  Bradley.  Foucault2  developed  a  method  in  1850  de- 
pending upon  the  Wheatstone  revolving  plane  mirror,  which  had 
been  invented  prior  to  that  time  to  prove  that  time  was  required  for 
the  spark  of  a  disruptive  discharge  to  take  place.  One  of  the  first  rea- 
sons advanced  for  an  ether  was  that  light,  however  great  its  velocity, 
required  a  given  length  of  time  to  travel.  Without  entering  into 
a  detailed  description  of  the  properties  of  light  waves — these  may 
be  found  in  any  treatise  on  light — mention  will  be  made  of  a  few 
of  those  by  which  Hertz  was  enabled  to  compare  and  so  determine 
the  nature  of  his  electric  waves.  These  are  reflection,  refraction, 
absorbtion,  polarization  and  the  final  test  for  wave  motion — inter- 
ference, developed  by  Young  in  1801  for  light.  Whatever  is  said 
about  light  waves  here  may  be  taken,  not  only  as  analogous  but  as 
applying  directly  to  electric  wave  phenomena. 


A  body  emitting  light  produces  waves  of  a  length  capable  of 
affecting  the  optic  nerve,  though  the  range  of  wave  lengths  the  eye 
is  capable  of  receiving  is  not  great,  being  from  271  ten-millionths 

*Lebedew  on  Mechanical  Force  of  Light. 

2R6mer's,  Bradley's,  Fizeau's  and  Foucault's  methods  are  fully  described 
in  Ency.  Brit. 


of  an  inch,  which  is  red  light,  to  165  ten-millionths  of  an  inch  or 
violet  light.  This  is  the  visible  spectrum,  and  it  is  interesting  to 
note,  in  view  of  what  has  been  said  concerning  transverse  vibrations 
of  light,  that  the  physiological  structure  of  the  retina  of  the  eye,  as 
revealed  by  the  microscope,  is  made  up  of  minute  elevations  at 
right  angles  to  the  surface  of  the  retina  and  in  the  line  of  wave 
propagation  as  shown  in  Fig.  7.  To  any  one  who  has  seen  the 


spectrum  and  given  a  thought  to  it,  the  idea  must  have  occurred 
as  to  what  is  above  and  below  the  visible  portion,  and  it  is  true  that 
at  both  ends  there  are  invisible  waves,  some  being  much  too  short 
and  others  a  great  deal  too  long  to  impress  the  sense  of  sight. 

Thus  from  some  sources,  especially  from  the  electric  arc  and 
from  sunlight,  a  radiation  or  stream  of  waves  proceeds,  called  ultra- 
violet light,  or,  more  properly,  ultra-violet  radiation,  since  all 
waves  not  visible  to  the  eye  should  be  designated  as  radiations. 
The  wave  length  of  the  ultra-violet  radiation  is  in  the  neighbor- 
hood of  140  ten-millionths  of  an  inch;  the  eye  failing  to  be  im- 
pressed with  wave  lengths  so  exceedingly  minute,  recourse  must  be 
had  to  something  that  will  be'  sensitive  to  their  presence  and  the 
action  of  a  photographic  plate  answers  admirably,  for  when  ex- 
posed to  the  spectrum  it  shows  a  color  band  far  above  that  of 
the  violet  seen  by  the  eye;  likewise  will  a  plate  record  the  pres- 
ence of  transverse  waves  so  very  short  it  is  doubtful  if  they  have 
ever  been  measured  correctly,  although  it  is  supposed  that  the 
period  of  vibration  is  some  300  quadrillions  per  second. 

So  exceedingly  penetrating  are  these  transverse  vibrations 
that  they  will  pass  through  wood,  paper  and  sheets  of  metal,  as 
light  waves  pass  through  glass.  These  are  the  most  rapid  vibrations 
of  which  we  have  absolute  knowledge. 



At  the  opposite  end  of  the  visible  spectrum  are  the  radiant  heat 
waves,  and  these,  although  emitted  by  luminous  bodies,  are  much 
longer  than  the  retina*  of  the  eye  is  capable  of  sensing.  From  radi- 
ant heat  waves  the  length  of  the  invisible  ones  gradually  increases 
until  those  are  reached  with  which  we  have  to  deal,  namely,  elec- 
tric waves.  Light  waves  and  other  radiations  have  a  rectilinear 
motion,  or  travel  in  straight  lines  when  propagated  through  a 
medium  of  uniform  composition  and  density,  and  it  has  been 
shown  that  the  ether  absolutely  fulfills  these  conditions. 

REFLECTION. — Eeflection  of  light  and  other  ether  waves  is  simply 
a  change  in  the  direction  of  the  waves,  or,  in  other  words,  the  waves 
are  thrown  back  by  some  physical  surface,  usually  a  polished  mir- 
ror of  metal  or  glass,  thus  changing  the  original  direction,  though 
the  medium  through  which  they  are  propagated  remains  the  same. 
The  law  of  reflection  for  ether  waves  is  that  the  direction  in  which 
the  rays  fall  upon  the  reflecting  surface — called  the  angle  of  inci- 

FIG.  8. 

FIG.  9. 

dence  a  Fig.  8 — is  exactly  equal  to  the  reflection  of  the  waves, 

called  the  angle  of  reflection  b. 

REFRACTION.— The  refraction  of  light  is  a  bending  of  a  luminous 

ray  formed  of  waves,  when  it  passes  from  one  medium  to  another  as 

from  air  into  glass.  The  refrac- 
tion of  a  ray  of  light  through 
a  glass  prism,  Fig.  9,  is  made 
clear  when  it  is  understood  that 
the  velocity  of  light  is  less  in 
glass  than  in  air.  Since  ether 
waves  are  due  to  transverse  vi- 
brations, they  are  therefore  per- 

FIG.  IO.-LIGHT  WAVE  THROUGH  PRISM.     peilciicular   to   the   wave   front; 

for  instance,  let  AA  represent  the  direction  of  the  light  or  electric 



wave,  BB  the  transverse  vibration,  then  the  surface  of  the  wave  CC 
would  be  the  wave  front.  When  a  wave  reaches  the  side  of  the 
prism  AB,  Fig.  10,  the  lower  end  of  the  wave  front  a,  strikes  and 
enters  the  glass  first.  This  end  of  the  wave  moves  more  slowly  in 
the  bound  ether  of  the  glass,  while  the  upper  end  of  the  wave  a  is 
still  in  the  free  ether  outside  the  glass.  The  lower  end  of  a,  is  so 
greatly  retarded  in  its  propagation,  that  when  the  whole  wave  has 
entered  the  prism,  the  wave  front  is  rectified  as  shown  at  c.  The 
wave  front  being  perpendicular  to  the  path  causes  a  change  in  the 
direction,  and  the  wave  now  travels  in  a  straight  line  until  the  top 
of  the  wave  front  strikes  AC,  the  surface  of  the  prism,  as  shown 
at  m.  The  upper  end  of  the  wave  emerges  first  into  the  free, 
ether  and  travels  much  more  rapidly  than  the  other  end  of  the 
front  which  is  still  impeded  by  the  bound  ether  of  the  glass.  When 
the  wave  finally  emerges  from  the  glass  as  shown  at  n,  a  second 
change  is  involved  in  the  direction  of  its  propagation  and  it  is  now 
refracted  from  the  perpendicular. 

POLARIZATION. — Another  remarkable  property  of  light  and  one 
with  which  we  shall  have  to  deal  later  in  electric  waves  is  polariza- 
tion. Silvanus  P.  Thompson  has  offered  an  exceptionally  clear 
description  of  what  polarization  really  means.1  Light  from  the  sun 
or  any  luminous  body,  he  says,  is  non-polarized,  that  is,  it  consists  of 
vibrations  which  are  not  especially  directed  up  and  down,  right  or 
left  or  in  any  given  order.  Natural  light  is  not  only  made  up  of 
many  different  wave  lengths,  representing  so  many  different  colors, 
but  it  consists  of  waves  whose  transverse  vibrations  are  all  jumbled 
up,  that  is,  not  polarized  in  any  particular  direction.  As  a  me- 
chanical analogue  of  polarization  Thompson  used  an  india-rubber 
cord  passing  through^  a  wooden  box,  with  vertical  partitions,  Fig. 
11 ;  these  partitions  limit  the  motion  of  the  cord  and  allow  only  the 
vertical  waves  to  pass  through,  irrespective  of  the  direction  of  the 
vibration  of  the  cord.  The  waves  that  have  passed  through  the  box 
are  said  to  be  plane  polarized,  i.e.,  all  are  in  the  same  plane.  If  the 
box  is  turned  over  on  its  side,  Fig.  12,  it  will  now  transmit  only 
horizontal  waves. 

If  a  second  box  is  used  and  the  first  one,  P,  is  placed  with  its 
partitions  vertical,  it  will  polarize  the  waves  vertically,  and  as  these, 
waves  reach  the  box  marked  A,  also  having  similar  partitions,  the 
waves  will  get  through  both  boxes  and  are  polarized  in  the  vertical 

^Thompson  on  "Light." 



plane.  But  if  the  first  box,  P,  is  set  vertically,  and  the  second  box, 
A,  horizontally,  Fig.  13,  P  will  polarize  the  waves  vertically,  but 
the  box,  A,  called  the  analyzer,  prevents  the  waves  from  passing 
through  it.  However  the  polarizer  P  is  placed  it  will  polarize  the 
waves,  but  if  the  analyzer  A  is  turned  at  right  angles  to  P,  the 
waves  will  be  cut  off. 

To  recapitulate,  when  the  polarizer  and  analyzer  are  parallel, 
the  waves — plane  polarized — pass  through;  but  when  the  polarizer 
and  analyzer  are  crossed,  the  waves  are  cut  off.  Hence  by  turning 
round  the  analyzer  to  such  a  position  that  it  cuts  off  the  waves,  the 

FIGS.  11,  12,  AND  13. — ANALOGUE  OF  WAVE  MOTION. 

direction  of  the  waves  emanating  from  the  polarizer  may  be  easily 
determined.  Now  light  and  electric  waves  may  be  plane-polarized, 
by  means  of  suitable  apparatus,  in  a  similar  manner  to  that  just 

There  is  a  gem,  called  tourmaline,  which  when  cut  into  thin 
slices  has  the  property  of  polarizing  light  waves.  If  waves  of  light 
are  allowed  to  pass  through  a  tourmaline  plate  it  acts  on  them 
like  the  polarizing  box  P,  Figs.  11,  12  and  13,  on  the  cord.  A 
tourmaline  plate  is  shown  in  Fig.  14.  As  the  waves  from  light 

pass  through  the  plate  they  are  polarized. 

Now  if  a  second  plate  of  tourmaline  is 
.  ^=  -^^/         introduced  and  placed  in  the  line  of  direc- 

FIG.  14.— TOURMALINE  PLATE  tion  of  the  light  waves  and  parallel  to  the 
first  plate,  a  stream  of  light  waves  will  pass  through  both  plates, 
and  to  the  unaided  eye  it  could  not  be  detected  that  the  waves  had 


been  polarized.  Fig.  15  shows  such  an  arrangement,  with  mixed 
waves  entering  the  polarizing  plate  P,  the  waves  rectified  after 
emanating  from  the  plate  and  passing  through  the  analyzer  A. 
S  is  the  source  of  light,  and  all  waves  entering  the  polarizing  plate 

are  parallel  with  the  axis  of  the  plate 
P ;  these  are  readily  transmitted,  but 
all  waves  in  any  other  direction  are 
extinguished.  The  waves  entering 
the  second  tourmaline  crystal  A,  the 
vibrations  of  which  are  parallel  with 
its  lines,  pass  between  them  and 
through  the  crystal  easily.  But  if 

FIG.  ^.-TOURMALINE  PLATES.       the   analyzing   crystal   A   is   placed 

at  right  angles  to  the  polarizer  P, 

Fig.  16,  the  waves  cannot  pass,  for  the  microscopic  lines  of  the 
tourmaline  cut  off  the  light  vibrations  and  destroy  the  waves. 



Thus,  if  the  crystals  P  and  A  are  held  before  the  eye  as  in  Fig.  17, 

it  will  appear  perfectly  dark,  showing  that  no  waves  are  passing 
through.  If  the  axes  of  the  tourmaline  crystals 
are  arranged  at  an  angle  of  45°  the  light  is  only 
partially  cut  off  as  in  Fig.  18. 

These  are  the  first  principles  of  reflection,  refrac- 
tion and  polarization  of  light  and  other  waves  in 
ether,  but  what  has  been  said  is  merely  the  begin- 
ning, the  statement  having  been  carried  only  to  the 

CROSSED  AT  45°.    exten(;  necessary  to  elucidate  the   experiments   of 

Hertz  on  the  action  of  electric  waves. 

FIG.   18. —  TOUR- 



The  term,  electric  radiation,  was  first  employed  by  Hertz  to 
designate  waves  emitted  by  a  Ley  den  jar  or  oscillator  system  of  ^an 
induction  coil,  and  since  the  discovery  of  these  radiations  by  that 
brilliant  young  scientist  of  Karlsruhe,  in  1888,  they  have  been 
called  almost  universally,  Hertzian  waves. 

In  this  year,  coincidently,  Lodge  investigated  the  theory  of 
the  lightning  rod,1  and  as  a  necessary  part  of  his  work  he  made  a 
large  number  of  experiments  with  disruptive  discharges  from  small 
Ley  den  jars  and  noted  that  the  resultant  manifestations  were 
electric  waves  in  neighboring  wires. 

Professor  Fitzgerald,  of  Dublin,  had-,  several  years  prior  to 
Hertz's  discovery,  theoretically  demonstrated  the  existence  of  elec- 
tric waves  and  attempted  to  produce  them,  but  without  practical 
results.  Hertz,  however,  had  no  knowledge  of  the  work  of  Lodge 
and  Fitzgerald  until  after  he  had  announced  his  own  discoveries. 
One  of  the  nearest  approaches  to  the  discovery  of  electric  waves  in 
space  before  Hertz,  was  made  by  Prof.  Joseph  Henry,  of  Washington, 
when  he  succeeded,  by  means  of  a  spark  from  a  frictional  machine 
on  an  upper  floor  of  his  house,  in  magnetizing  needles  in  the  cellar 
beneath  at  a  distance  of  30  feet  with  two  floors  and  ceilings  inter- 
vening.2 Here  were  the  elusive  electric  waves,  but  the  knowledge 
of  the  electro-magnetic  theory  of  light  was  yet  to  be  elucidated  by 
Faraday,  and  as  Hertz  pointed  out,  even  though  it  had  been  enunci- 
ated by  Maxwell,  this  special  and  surprising  property  of  the  electric 
spark  could  not  have  been  foreseen  by  any  theory. 

Silvanus  Thompson,  in  1876,  produced  electric  radiations  by 
an  apparatus  quite  like  the  one  Hertz  employed  twelve  )^ears 
later,  but  he  failed  to  grasp  the  great  underlying  principle  in- 


Lightning  Guards. 
2Memoirs  of  Joseph  Henry. 


volved — that  the  effects  obtained  were  the  evidence  of  electric  waves 
transversing  space  in  exactly  the  same  manner  as  light  waves.  The 
cause  of  the  electric  waves  as  well  as  the  effect  produced  by  them 
must  have  come  under  the  observation  of  experimentalists  time 
and  again,  sometimes  both  together,  as  when  Henry  and  Thompson 
noted  them,  but  more  often  the  effect  was  observed  without  the 
cause  being  suspected.  As  long  ago  as  18GG  A.  S.  Varley,  of  Eng- 
land, applied  for  a  patent  on  a  lightning  bridge  based  on  the  prin- 
ciple of  the  cohesion  of  carbon  or  metallic  powder,  Calzecchi-Onesta, 
of  Italy,  observed  this  "coherer  action"  in  1885,  but  he  attributed 
it  to  induction. 

It  remained  for  Hertz  to  make  known  the  real  nature  of  the 
phenomenon,  that  others  before  him  had  merely  speculated  upon. 
Since  his  time  the  subject  has  been  a  favorite  one  with  investigators 
and  has  received  the  attention  of  such  eminent  scientists  as  De  la 
liive,  Lodge,  Poynting,  Bjerknes,  Heaviside,  Poincaire,  J.  J.  Thom- 
son, Lebedew  and  Fleming,  all  of  whom  have  contributed  important 
results  to  the  accumulation  of  facts.  The  workers  who  have  utilized 
these  thoughts  are  many,  and  the  analyses,  opinions  and  practical 
results  will  be  treated  of  in  the  unfolding  of  this  and  the  succeeding 


When  the  oscillations  of  a  disruptive  discharge  occur,  a  dis- 
placement or  strain  in  the  ether  in  the  form  of  a  wave  is  produced 
similar  to  the  strain  in  an  elastic  solid.  The  ether  resists  by  its 
elasticity  the  emitted  wave  and  when  the  polarizations  producing  it 
cease,  the  ether  resumes  its  normal  state.  To  produce  a  wave  there 
must  be  an  expenditure  of  energy,  and  the  law  governing  the  con- 
servation of  energy  requires  that  the  strained  ether  in  being  re- 
stored shall  be  supplied  with  some  other  form  of  energy  to  take  its 
place.  This  law  is  fulfilled  by  the  creation  of  magnetic  flux  or 
lines  of  force  in  a  direction  at  right  angles  to  the  wave.  When  the 
magnetic  lines  of  force  disappear  they  give  rise  in  their  place  to 
electric  waves,  and  when  the  waves  vanish  they  again  produce  the 
magnetic  flux1  and  so  on.  For  this  reason  all  ether  waves  are  electro- 
magnetic in  character. 

An  analogue  of  the  electric  wave  and  its  accompanying  mag- 
netic action  and  reaction  may  be  found  in  the  sound  wave.  A  bell, 



when  struck,  gives  rise  to  an  elastic  strain,  and  the  strain  in  dis- 
appearing creates  velocity  by  setting  the  air  particles  into  motion 
and  thus  produces  the  strain  energy  in  a  kinetic  form,  by  causing 
another  strain  in  the  opposite  direction  to  the  first. 

For  the  production  of  electric  waves  Hertz  used  a  simple  device, 
which,  according  to  his  terminology  is  called  an  oscillator.  It  is 
shown  diagrammatically  in  Fig.  19 ;  a  a  are  two  polished  brass 


spheres;  &  &,  the  oscillator  plates,  the  distance  between  them  being 
60  cm.;  c  c  are  wires  connected  with  the  terminals  of  the  sec- 
ondary of  a  large  induction  coil  or  other  source  of  -high-tension 
electro-motive  force.  As  the  disruptive  discharge  breaks  through 
the  air  gap  d  electric  radiations  in  the  form  of  waves  traveling  with 
the  finite  velocity  of  light  and  all  other  ether  waves  emanate  from 
not  only  the  spark,  but  the  entire  oscillator  system. 

The  waves  emitted  by  the  oscillator  system  of  the  coil  used  by 
Hertz  were  several  meters  in  length.  To  detect  them  Hertz  em- 
ployed a  modified  form  of  Eeiss  micrometer  spark  gap  detector, 
Fig.  20,  to  which  he  gave  the  name  of  resonator,  for  he  found  that 
the  best  results  were  obtained  when  its  natural 
period  of  vibration  was  in  tune  or  syntonized 
with  the  oscillations  and  waves  producing  it. 
The  resonators  Hertz  employed  were  of  several 
forms,  but  for  the  first  of  his  experiments  in 
electric  radiations  the  resonator  was  circular  with 
FIG.  20^-HfeRTz  RE-  a  diameter  of  35  cm.  In  his  earliest  experiments 
SONATOR.  Hertz  used  a  rectangular  form  of  resonator.  To 

one  side  of  the  oscillator,  he  attached  the  resonator  by  a  wire  at  a 
dissymmetrical  point  as  in  Fig.  21  A,  or  as  in  Fig.  21B;  when  the 
primary  spark  passes  at  2,  secondary  sparks  will  also  pass  in  the 



gap  of  the  resonator,  but  if  the  wire  attached  to  the  resonator  is 
at  a  point  symmetrical  to  the  spark  gap,  Fig.  2 1C,  then  no 
secondary  sparks  will  pass  in  the  micrometer  gap,  though  the 
most  vigorous  primary  sparking  may  be  taking  place  in  the 
oscillator.  According  to  Fleming  this  is  due  to  the  inductance  of 
the  wire  of  which  the  resonator  is  composed.1  Hertz  found  that 



without  the  wire  connecting  the  resonator  and  oscillator  secondary 
sparks  could  still  be  obtained,  see  Fig.  2 ID,  and  that  the  energy 
set  in  motion  by  the  spark  of  the  coil  was  propagated  through  space 
to  the  resonator  in  the  form  of  electro-magnetic  waves.  Fleming 
concluded  that  in  this  case  the  electric  displacement  as  he  calls  it, 
or  electric  wave,  on  arriving  at  the  resonator  fills  its  spark  gap  and 



creates  an  alternating  displacement  and  an  alternating  potential 
difference  between  the  terminals.  When  this  reaches  a  certain 
amplitude  the  minute  air  insulation  breaks  down  and  a  small  spark 
is  produced  between  the  ball  terminals  of  the  resonator. 

However  this  may  be,  it  is  substantially  the  method  by  which 
Hertz  discovered  electric  waves  and  found  that  they  may  be  propa- 
gated in  space  or  guided  by  wires,  but  in  either  case  the  time  con- 
stant of  their  velocity  remained  unchanged.  When  the  waves 
emitted  by  an  oscillator  are  transmitted  through  a  dielectric  without 
the  aid  of  guiding  wires,  they  travel  in  straight  lines  and  at  right 

Fleming,  Journal  of  the  Society  of  Arts,  January,  1901. 


angles  to  the  plane  of  the  oscillator,  shown  by  the  dotted  lines,  Fig. 
22.  If  the  resonator  /  is  placed  in  such  a  position  that  its  plane 
is  horizontal  to  the  oscillator  plates  b  I,  as  shown,  sparks  will  pass 
in  the  air-gap  of  the  resonator  if  it  is  held  at  proper  distance 
from  the  sparks  of  the  oscillator  where  the  electric  waves  originate, 


or  equal  to  a  wave  length,  if  measured  from  the  point  of  its 
greatest  amplitude;  g  g,  is  a  metallic  plane  mirror  for  reflecting 
and  producing  stationary  waves;  now  with  the  resonator  in  the 
same  plane  but  at  a  greater  distance  away,  at  h,  hf  li  or  h  no 
spark  will  pass  in  the  resonator,  for  here  the  nodal  points  have 
been  reached.  Hertz  concluded  that  the  length  of  the  waves  could 
be  determined  absolutely  by  observing  the  point  where  the  spark  in 
the  resonator  is  the  brightest,  this  being  its  greatest  amplitude  of 
vibration  or  by  noting  the  null  points  where  the  spark  is  extin- 
guished. However,  Sarasin  and  De  la  Rive>  in  1891,  ascertained 
that  the  wave  length  was  variable  and  that  the  nodal  points  changed 
position,  upon  enlarging  or  reducing  the  size  of  the  resonator  and 
that  the  wave  length  was  approximately  equal  to  four  times  the 
diameter  of  the  resonator.1  These  investigators  also  ascertained 
that  the  size  of  the  oscillator  plates  affected  the  secondary  sparks  or 
the  position  of  the  resonator  but  very  little. 

By  placing  the  resonator  in  other  planes  different  phenomena 
are  exhibited.  Fig  23  shows  the  resonator  a  in  a  plane  parallel 
with  the  oscillator ;  if  the  spark-gap  is  at  the  top  of  the  resonator  or 
turned  around  until  at  the  bottom,  sparks  at  the  oscillator  will 
produce  secondary  sparks  in  the  gap ;  but  let  the  resonator  assume 
a  position  in  which  it  is  at  right  angles  to  the  oscillator  plates,  as 

Sarasin  and  De  la  Rive,  Comptes  Rendus,  March,  1901. 


at  b,  then  no  sparks  will  pass,  though  the  gap  may  be  turned  com- 
pletely around. 

In  the  original  experiments  conducted  by  Hertz  a  large  sheet 
of  zinc  was  used  for  the  purpose  of  reflecting  the  radiations  Fig. 
22,  g  g,  and  producing  stationary  waves  which  might  be  meas- 
ured. When  the  sparks  pass  in  the  micrometer  gap  of  the  resonator 


we  have  an  exhibition  of  electrical  resonance,  for  the  detector  acts  as 
a  closed  circuit  conductor  of  such  dimensions  that  the  electric  waves 
are  propagated  through  it  at  the  same  rate  as  those  emitted  by  the 
oscillator ;  when  this  is  the  case  the  detector  is  said  to  be  in  syntony 
with  the  oscillator  system,  just  as  a  tuning  fork  vibrating  in  air 
and  sending  out  waves  of  a  given  length  are  reproduced  by  a  second 
tuning-fork  of  the  same  size,  tone  and  pitch  as  the  first.  After 
Sarasin  and  De  la  Rive's  discovery  relating  to  the  effect  the  size  of 
the  resonator  had  upon  the  wave  length  it  was  believed  that  the 
oscillator  system  emitted  waves  of  many  lengths,  just  as  white  light 
is  made  up  of  an  admixture  of  many  wave  lengths  and  that  the 
resonator  responded  to  the  wave  length  that  was  in  tune  with  it. 
Another  view  that  gained  considerable  credence  is  that  the  sparking 
in  the  micrometer  gap  of  the  resonator  was  not  due  to  stationary 
waves  set  up  in  space,  but  that  the  period  of  oscillation  or  wave 
length  corresponded  to  the  resonator  itself.  However,  it  is  now 
generally  accepted  that  the  theory  Hertz  first  advanced — that  elec- 
tric waves  are  actually  present  and  that  the  resonator  gives  the  value 
of  these  wave  lengths  direct — is  the  correct  one  and  the  approximate 
estimates  the  experimenter  gave  concerning  their  length,  vibration 
and  velocity  have  been  determined  more  accurately, since  then  and 
confirm  his  results  almost  identically. 



In  the  following  as  well  as  the  preceding  experiments  it  is 
assumed  that  the  oscillator  s}Tstem  produces  electric  waves  of  a 
given  length,  and  thus  differs  from  a  luminous  body  emitting  light 
waves,  for  in  the  first  the  waves  are  of  a  single  definite  value  and 
in  the  second  all  the  various  wave  lengths  are  sent  forth  which  con- 
stitute the  visible  spectrum  and  many  wave  lengths  of  the  invisible 
spectrum.  The  micrometer  spark-gap  resonator  differs  materially 
from  the  eye  as  a  detector  of  ether  waves,  for  the  organ  of  sight  is 
capable  of  discerning  a  great  many  short  wave  lengths  from  the 
deep  red  to  the  violet  of  the  spectrum,  but  the  circuit  of  the  Reiss 
detector  is  limited  to  waves  of  a  definite  length  like  that  of  a 
tuning  fork. 

To  many,  doubtless,  there  may  appear  to  be  a  considerable  diver- 
gence in  the  nature  of  electric  and  light  waves,  but  this  disparity  is 
exactly  in  accordance  with  Maxwell's  electro-magnetic  theory  of 




light;  it  is  the  frequency  of  vibration  and  length  of  wave  that  dif- 
ferentiates them,  making  it  possible  for  some  waves  to  do  things 
which  other  waves  cannot  do.  As  water  may  be  made  into  a 
solid  by  freezing,  a  liquid  at  normal  temperatures,  or  into  steam 
by  heating,  yet,  after  all,  it  is  H20.  So  is  it  with  ether  wave 
lengths;  all  have  properties  in  common  and  each  has  its  especial 
attributes.  One  of  the  properties  of  electric  waves  is  that  they 
travel  with  equal  facility  and  velocity  in  open  or  closed -wire  cir- 
cuits or  in  space,  whether  the  medium  intervening  is  a  dielectric 
or  the  ether  alone.  The  method  of  measurement  Hertz  devised 
for  ascertaining,  the  wave  length  in  a  wire  is  shown  in  Fig.  24,  the 
plate  B  is  parallel  with  A,  but  is  not  in  contact  with  it,  the  distance 


may  be  6  or  8  cm.,  and  between  the  two  may  be  a  dielectric  of 
air  or  any  other  substance:  from  Bf  a  wire  1  mm.  in  thickness 
extends  to  C,  and  then,  describing  a  curve,  the  wire  is  carried  above 
the  spark-gap  and  for  some  distance  through  the  air,  perpendicular 
to  the  plane  of  the  oscillator  plates,  say  15  or  20  meters.  Now  if 
the  resonator  is  placed  in  such  a  position  that  its  plane  includes  the 
wire,  sparks  will  appear  in  the  micrometer  spark-gap  and  are  very 
bright  when  the  detector  is  near  the  oscillator  but  decrease  notice- 
ably as  the  end  of  the  wire  C  is  reached. 

Between  the  ends  of  the  wire  at  given  distances  that  are  approxi- 
mately equal,  the  secondary  sparks  decrease  as  the  nodal  points  are 
reached  and  cease  sparking  almost  entirely  when  at  0;  if  the  wire 
C  is  cut  through  at  a  node,  it  does  not  oppose  in  the  least  the  propa- 
gation of  the  waves  through  it. 

Another  and  most  easily  accomplished  method  for  obtaining  the 
wave  length  in  wires  was  used  by  Hertz  in  his  analysis  of  the  me- 
chanical action  of  electric  waves  in  wires.  This  was  Herr  E. 
Lechers  arrangement,1  and  is  shown  in  Fig.  25 ;  AA1  is  the  oscil- 


lator,  as  described  in  preceding  experiments.  Opposite  the  plate, 
A  A1,  the  plates  B  B1  were  placed  at  a  distance  of  10  cm.,  with 
the  air  as  a  dielectric  between  the  two  sets  of  plates.  From 
B  B1  two  parallel  wires,  6.8  meters  long  and  30  cm.  apart  extend 
into  space  and  are  connected  together  at  &  b;  a  low  vacuum  tube 
C — as  a  Geissler  tube — is  arranged  with  sliding  contacts  a  a  ;  when 
the  tube  slides  over  the  wires  it  will  be  found  to  become  luminous 
in  some  portions  and  to  remain  dark  in  others. 

Other  methods  have  been  devised,  the  detector  consisting  of  a 
Langley  bolometer,  or  a  Kelvin  quadrant  electrometer  and  T row- 
bridge  and  Duane  used  a  modified  form  of  the  Lecher  scheme, 

*E.  Lecher,  Wiedemann's  Annalen,  vol.  41,  1890. 


but  in  all  cases  the  experiments  have  practically  agreed  and 
show  that  the  velocity  of  electric  waves  over  wires  is  identical  to 
that  of  electric  waves  in  space,  the  wires  acting  only  as  a  guide  for 
the  waves. 

Knowing  the  method  of  determining  experimentally  the  length 
of  electric  waves  and  that  wave  propagation  in  ether  is  186.500 
miles  per  second/  the  frequency  or  period  of  oscillation  may  be 
found  by  dividing  the  length  of  the  wave  by  the  velocity  in  miles 
per  second.  The  greater  the  self-induction  or  electrical  inertia  of 
a  Leyden  jar  or  oscillator  system  of  an  induction  coil  and  the 
greater  the  capacity  of  the  jar  or  system  the  larger  the  lineal 
dimensions  of  the  wave  will  be.  Immediately  after  Hertz  had 
proven  that  electrical  oscillations  of  high  frequency  generated 
electric  waves  in  space  he  arranged  the  proper  apparatus  for  con- 
centrating the  action  and  ascertaining  if  a  further  relationship 
existed  between  the  waves  he  had  discovered  and  those  of  light. 

THE  HERTZ  APPARATUS. — In  his  experiments  with  electric  radi- 
ations in  free  air  Hertz  employed  a  shorter  wave  length  than  'in 
those  described,  wherein  the  wave  action  was  manifested  in  wires. 
He  used  a  small  induction  coil  giving  a  maximum  spark  of 
4r5<j  cm.  in  length,  but  the  spark-gap  was  cut  down  to  5mm.  when 
the  tests  were  under  way. 

FIG.  26a.  FIG.  26b. 


FIG.  26c. 

The  oscillator  balls  a  a,  Fig.  26&,  were  connected  with  the  brass 
rods  b  b  3  cm.  in  diameter  and  13  cm.  in  length,  each.  These  were 
attached  to  a  parabolic  mirror  c  made  of  planished  sheet  zinc  sup- 
ported by  a  wooden  framework,  Fig.  26c.  The  oscillator  system  was 

'There  is,  doubtless,  a  slight  variation  in  ihe  velocity  of  ether  wave 
lengths,  but  it  is  so  small  as  to  be  extremely  difficult  of  experimental 
proof;  for  instance,  it  is  believed  that  red  waves  of  light  travel  slower  than 
other  wave  lengths,  and  the  Franklin  Institute  has  been  offering  a  prize 
for  many  years  for  conclusive  experimental  proof  that  it  is  so. 



held  in  place  by  means  of  four  sticks  of  sealing  wax.  The  termi- 
nals of  the  coil  led  to  the  spark-gap  spheres  direct  and  the  coil  itself 
was  arranged  back  of  the  reflector.  It  was  supplied  with  current 
from  three  storage  batteries. 

The  resonator  is  shown  in  Fig.  2Gb;  it  is  of  the  open  circuit 
type,  in  contradistinction  to  the  spark-gap  resonator  Hertz  chiefly 
employed  in  his  earlier  experiments,  made  in  the  form  of  a  circle. 
It  consisted  in  this  case  of  two  straight  pieces  of  wire  50cm.  long 
and  5mm.  in  diameter,  separated  at  their  ends  5cm.,  from  which 
two  smaller  wires  at  right  angles  with  the  vertical  wires  and 
parallel  to  each  other  were  arranged  with  a  micrometer  spark-gap, 
formed  of  a  brass  sphere  at  the  top  and  a  pointed  screw  below.  The 
resonator  was  arranged  within  a  parabolic  reflector  of  similar  con- 
struction, to  that  described  for  the  oscillator.  As  Hertz  pointed 
out  in  his  paper  on  Electric  Radiation,1  and  Fleming  by  his  later 
apparatus  has  proven,  there  can  be  a  considerable  modification,  as 
to  form  and  size,  without  interfering  with  the  successful  working 
of  the  tests. 

REFLECTING  ELECTRIC  WAVES. — By  placing  the  concave,  para- 
bolic zinc  reflectors  back  of  the  oscillator  system  and  resonator, 


having  the  axis  of  their  oscillators  in  the  focal  line  of  the  mirrors, 
it  was  found  that  there  is  no  manifestation  behind  or  on  either  side 
of  the  mirrors.  Here  we  have  an  example  of  a  shadow  cast  by  the 
electric  wave.  When  the  mirrors  were  placed  so  that  their  apertures 
face  each  other,  as  in  Figs.  26,  the  waves  were  reflected  from  the 
polished  surface  and  were  found  to  reinforce  the  advancing  waves 
like  the  condensation  of  air  between  two  tuning  forks,  as  in  Fig.  27. 
At  other  points  again  the  two  sets  of  waves  weaken  one  another 
like  the  rarefaction  of  sound  waves  as  indicated  in  Fig.  28;  in 
this  way  the  nodal  points  and  wave  crests  may  be  distinguished 

lWiedemann's  Annulen,  vol.  36,  p.  769. 


easily.     Again,  if  the  detector  and  oscillator  reflectors  are  arranged 
as  shown  at  Fig.  29,  A  and  5,  no  sparks  will  pass  in  the  resonator 


until  the  plane  sheet  of  metal  C  is  set  in  such  a  position  that  the 

right  angle  was  obtained  to  re- 
flect the  waves  from  the  oscil- 
lator into  the  aperture  of  the  re- 
ceiving mirror,  and  a  variation 
of  this  angle  was  sufficient  to 
change  the  direction  of  the  waves, 
and  thereby  cause  the  sparks  to 

FIG.  29. — REFLECTING  ELECTRIC  WAVES,     j  •      TJY^POT. 

'  RECTILINEAR  PROPAGATION. — Among  the  many  tests  Hertz  ap- 
plied to  demonstrate  that  electric  waves  travel  in  straight  lines, 
one  was  to  place  a  sheet  of  zinc  between  the  oscillator  and  resonator 
in  the  position  shown  in  Fig.  29,  or  between  the  two  mirrors.  With 
the  plane  sheet  of  metal  in  place  the  sparks  in  the  resonator  dis- 
appear, or  if  a  person  crosses  the  path  of  the  waves  the  sparking 
ceases  in  the  detector  spark-gap,  showing  that  the  waves  were 
intercepted.  Electric  waves  pass  through  all  insulators  and  are 
intercepted  by  all  conductors  except  in  the  case  of  liquids,  which 
conduct  in  virtue  of  their  electrolytic  properties,  but  otherwise 
follow  the  law  of  insulators,  all  this  being  in  accordance  with  Max- 
well's fundamental  law. 

REFRACTION. — To  ascertain  if  the  electric  waves  were  refracted 
when  they  pass  from  the  air  into  another  insulating  medium,  Hertz 
constructed  a  huge  prism  by  chipping  a  cube  of  pitch  until  the  de- 
sired angles  were  obtained.  This  pitch  prism  had  a  refracting 
angle  of  30°  and  by  its  use  the  experimenter  was  able  to  discern  a 
refraction  of  22°.  With  Fleming's  apparatus1  it  is  quite  easy  to 
exhibit  the  power  of  insulators  to  refract  the  waves  with  a  prism  of 

Fleming,  on  Electric  Waves,  Journal  of  the  Society  of  Arts,  January 
18,  1901. 



much  smaller  dimensions  than  Hertz  used.  Fleming's  apparatus 
consists  of  two  metal  boxes,  Fig.  30,  placed  with  their  open  ends  to- 
wards each  other  and  about  50cm.  apart.  At  A,  Fig.  30,  is  the 
oscillator.  The  boxes  are  made  of  sheet  zinc.1  From  the  sides  of  the 


box  protrude  zinc  tubes  and  inside  of  these  are  ebonite  or  other 
insulating  tubes,  containing  brass  rods  8  or  10cm.  in  length  and 
terminating  in  brass  balls  forming  the  spark-gap;  the  balls  are 
adjusted  to  give  a  spark  1mm.  in  length.  To  the  opposite  ends  of 
the  brass  rods  are  long  spirals2  of  gutta-percha  covered  wire  filling 
up  the  rest  of  the  tube.  The  outer  ends  of  these  spirals  are  con- 
nected with  the  secondary  terminals  of  the  induction  coil;  when 
the  apparatus  is  in  operation  sparks  pass  between  the  oscillator  balls, 
and  the  electric  waves  resulting  emanate  from  the  aperture  of  the 

The  box  containing  the  detector  is  exactly  like  the  one  described 
containing  the  oscillator  system;  instead  of  the  resonator  Hertz 
employed,  Fleming  uses  a  later  product  of  science,  a  coherer  of 
simple  form,  with  nickel  filings.  The  coherer  is  inside  the  receiving 
zinc  box  and  the  wires  connecting  with  it  are  brought  out  through 
a  metal  tubing,  this  precaution  being  necessary  to  prevent  extraneous 
waves  from  manifesting  themselves  therein.  This  tube  with  the 
inner  insulating  conductor  leads  to  another  metal  box  containing  a 
bell,  relay  and  battery,  as  in  the  ordinary  wireless  signal  apparatus 
described  in  a  later  chapter. 

Now  if  the  emitting  and  jeceiving  boxes  are  set  up  with  their 

*Zinc  is  usually  employed  because  it  is  very  much  cheaper  than  copper, 
and  is  not  magnetic,  as  sheet  tin  (iron)  would  be. 

2  The  object  of  the  spirals  is  to  increase  the  self-inductance  of  the  os- 
cillator system. 



apertures  at  such  an  angle  that  the  electric  waves  emerging  from 
the  oscillator  system  do  not  .pass  into  the  aperture  of  the  receiv- 
ing box,  the  detector  system  is  not  affected,  but  on  introducing  a 
prism  of  pitch,  glass,  wood  or  paraffin,  so  that  it  is  in  the  path  of 
the  electric  waves,  it  is  bent  out  of  its  course  and  is  refracted  into 
the  opening  of  the  receiving  box.  The  object  in  using  paraffin  or 
pitch  for  the  prisms  is  that  the  length  of  the  waves  under  in- 
vestigation being  greater  than  where  light  is  used,  a  much  larger 
prism  is  needed  than  may  be  readily  obtained  in  glass.  Any  in- 
sulating substance  having  a  homogeneous  structure  may  be  used 
with  equal  advantage.  Fleming  has  concentrated  the  electric  waves 
by  means  of  a  piano-cylindrical  lens  of  paraffin.  The  apparatus 
may  also  be  used  in  all  the  experiments  made  by  Hertz  in  which  he 
employed  the  large  zinc  reflectors. 

POLARIZATION. — Hertz  sought  for  and  found  a  method  to  ascer- 
tain if  electric  waves  consisted  of  transverse  vibrations  like  light. 
This  he  did  by  polarization.  IJe  arranged  the  mirror  Af  Fig.  31, 


with  the  enclosed  detector  so  that  it  could  be  revolved  about 
the  axis  of  the  electric  ray  ft  &;  both  the  resonator  C  and  the 
mirror  A  were  in  the  horizontal  plane  to  the  emitter  D  and  the 
mirror  B;  when  the  foci  A  and  B  are  at  right  angles  to  each  other 
the  mirrors  perform  the  same  functions  as  an 
optical  polarizer  and  anatyzer,  or  the  crystals  of 
tourmaline  or  the  boxes  with  the  partitions  of- 
fered as  an  analogue  for  polarization.  Another 
mode  of  polarizing  the  electric  wave,  and  a  close 
counterpart  to  the  Thompson  rope  analogue,  is 
by  means  of  a  wooden  frame  with  parallel  wires 
WAVES.  arranged  3cm.  apart,  Fig.  32. 

If  this  screen  is  interposed  with  the  wires  perpendicular  to  the 






-electric  ray,  as  in  Fig.  33,  the  waves  pass  and  produce  a  spark  in 

the  detector,  but  if  the  screen 
is  set  up  so  that  the  wires  will 
be  at  right  angles  to  the  wave 
front,  the  ray  is  stoppedrcom- 
pletely,  as  at  Fig.  34. 

If  the  receiving  mirror  is 
again   placed   as   at   Fig.   31, 

FIG.  33.-PLANE  POLARIZED  WAVES.          and    the    wire    screen    inclined 

at  an  angle  of  45°  to  the  horizontal,  then  sparks  may  be  seen  in 
the  detector.  Here,  then,  is  another  and  most  striking  similarity 
between  the  action  of  light  and  electric  waves.  Electric  waves 
may  be  of  any  length  from  10,000 
miles,  produced  by  the  lightning 
flash  and  having  a  period  of  ap- 
proximately 18  oscillations  per 
second,  down  through  radiant 
heat,  the  visible  spectrum,  to  the 
invisible  ultra  -  violet  radiation, 
having  a  wave  length  of  185  ten 
millionths  of  an  inch  with  1500  trillion  oscillations  or  vibrations 
per  second. 

Lebedew  and  Fleming  have  produced  electric  waves  so  short 
as  to  be  measured  by  the  ten-millionths  part  of  an  inch;  so  short 
they  could  be  seen,  in  fact,  they  were  light  waves,  and  reversed,  light 
waves  are,  as  we  know,  electro-magnetic  waves. 

In  all  the  experiments  cited  the  production  of  the  electric  waves 
was  due  to  the  surging  of  electric  oscillations  through  the  oscillator 
system  seeking  to  find  its  potential  level,  and  this  was  caused  by  the 
disruptive  discharge  breaking  down  the  air-gap. 

the  phenomena  of  electric  wave  propagation  over  great  distances 
where  the  curvature  of  the  earth  intervenes  between  the  oscillator 
and  resonator,  two  theories  have  been  advanced.  The  first  is  that 
of  the  rectilinear  propagation  of  free  electric  waves  and  the  second 
is  that  of  sliding  half -waves. 

Blondel,1  Taylor2  and  Fessenden3  have  evolved  the  sliding  half- 

'Syntomy  in  Wireless  Telegraphy.  Archives,  Academy  of  Sciences 
Aug.  16,  1898.  Blondel. 

2 London  Electrical  Review,  May  12,  19,  1899.     Taylor. 

3  Transactions  Am.  Inst.  Elec.  Engs.,  Nov.  1889.  See  also  Fessenden's 
work  in  Wireless  Telegraphy;  Collins;  Elec.  World  and  Eng.  Sept.  19,  1903. 


wave  theory  which,  briefly  described,  is  as  follows :  In  wireless  teleg- 
raphy, where  the  oscillator  and  resonator^  systems  have  earthed 
terminals  and  high  aerial  wires,  the  spark-gap  is  located  very  closely 
to  the  surface  of  the  earth,  as  shown  in  Fig.  35.  It  is  contended 


that  the  vertical  wire  of  such  an  oscillator  is  the  only  portion  of 
it  capable  of  emitting  electric  waves,  in  which  case  they  must  of 
necessity  be  in  the  nature  of  half -waves,  since  the  earthed  arm  of 
the  oscillator  is  so  short  when  compared  with  the  opposite  or 
aerial  arm  that  it  is  of  little  consequence.  Under  these  conditions 
the  lower  half  of  the  wave  would  be  represented  as  a  reflection  or 
an  image  shown  by  the  dotted  lines.  These  half-waves  being  de- 
tached, slide  over  the  surface  of  the  earth  with  the  wave  front  per- 
pendicular to  its  surface.  The  half-waves  sliding  over  the  surface- 
of  the  water  or  earth  follow  its  contour,  just  as  electric  waves 
follow  a  bent  wire,  so  that  it  matters  but  little  whether  or  not  the 
sending  and  receiving  stations  are  in  a  direct  visual  line. 

The  author  has  held  to  the  theory  of  free  electric  wave  propaga- 
tion, since  there  is  no  experimental  proof  that  a  spherical  electric 
wave  can  be  divided  and  maintain  its  integrity  or  an  electric  wave 
can  be  formed  so  that  one-half  of  it  is  real  and  the  other  half 
imaginary.  In  the  free  electric  wave  theory,  it  is  assumed  that 
spherical  waves,  like  light  waves,  are  emitted  and  these  on  reaching 

the  higher  strata  of  rare- 
fied air,  which  becomes 
a  conductor  of  current 
electricity,  and  also  a 
non-conductor  of  electric 
waves  are  then  reflected, 
as  indicated  in  the  dia- 
gram, Fig.  36,  when  the 

Fio.    36.— PROPAGATION  OF  FREE  ELECTRIC  WAVES,     radiations  impinge  On  the 


resonator  system  of  the  receiver.  Where  the  distance  between  the 
sending  and  receiving  stations  is  not  great  and  the  instruments  are 
in  a  direct  visual  line  with  each  other  as  A  B,  the  action  is  of  course 
direct  and  without  the  losses  due  to  diffusion  and  absorption.  The 
former  theory  of  sliding  waves,  minus  that  dealing  with  half-waves, 
is  based  upon  Hertz's  deductions  as  set  forth  in  his  paper  on  "Pro- 
pagation of  Electric  Waves  by  Means  of  Wires/' 1  and  the  latter 
theory  upon  his  investigations  of  free  electric  waves  as  described  in 
his  paper  on  "Electric  Kadiation."  2 

'Hertz,  Electric  Waves.    Trans,  by  Jones. 
'Hertz,  Electric  Waves. 



The  phenomenon  of  an  electric  spark  springing  across  an  air- 
gap,  or  a  disruptive  discharge,  was  probably  the  first  electrical  dis- 
turbance witnessed  by  man  to  which  he  gave  a  thought.  When  the 
Traustralian  of  the  Post-Glacial  Age  saw  the  terrific  zigzag  light- 
ning shattering  the  air  in  discharging  from  a  cloud  to  the  earth  or 
to  another  cloud  he  sought  shelter  within  his  cave  and  thought  long 
and  hard,  within  the  limits  of  his  ability.  But  he  wrestled  with 
the  subject  in  vain. 

That  was  half  a  million  years  ago  at  least,  and  the  query  orig- 
inating in  the  brain  of  this  prehistoric  being  was  not  answered 
until  Franklin  established  the  electrical  nature  of  the  display,  and 
therefore  its  identity,  when  he  flew  his  kite  in  1750  in  Philadelphia. 

The  disruptive  discharge  had  been  produced  and  noted  as  early 
as  1602  by  von  Guericke,  and  by  Newton  in  1643,  and  again  by 
Hawksbee  in  1705,  but  the  sparks  they  observed  were  so  minute  as 
to  be  barely  visible  to  the  unaided  eye,  and  as  they  appeared  to  be 
of  the  same  origin  as  heat,  the  name  of  electrical  fire  was  given  to 
them.  During  the  succeeding  forty  years  many  other  experimenters 
produced  and  witnessed  the  sparks  as  they  restored  the  electrical 
equilibrium  of  the  charged  objects,  but  nothing  more  was  added 
of  importance  to  the  knowledge  until  the  invention  in  Leyden, 
Germany,  in  1745,  of  a  jar  or  phial  whereby  the  electricity  could  be 
accumulated  and  preserved  in  considerable  quantities.  This  served 
to  stimulate  interest  in  the  study  of  electricity  in  general  and  of 
the  disruptive  discharge  in  particular.  'To  whom  the  honor  is  due 
of  inventing  the  Leyden  jar  is  not  known  with  certainty,  but  it  has 
for  its  claimants  three  distinguished  investigators  of  that  period; 
these  were  Kleist,  a  monk,  Cuneus,  a  philosopher,  and  Musschen 
broek,  a  professor. 

To  Sir  William  Watson,  however,  as  much  credit  is  due  as  to 



the  original  inventor,  for  it  was  he  who  conceived  the  idea  of 
coating  the  inner  and  outer  surfaces  of  the  Ley  den  jar  with  tin- 
foil as  well  as  to  be  the  first  to  observe  the  spark  upon  its  dis- 

Allemand,  of  Leyden,  and  Franklin  were  the  first  to  explain 
the  action  of  the  spark  and  the  jar  as  an  accumulator  of  elec- 
tricity. For  nearly  another  century  the  observers  of  disruptive 
discharges  were  confined  to  electrostatic  sparks  produced  by  fric- 
tional  machines  and  jars,  in  fact,  until  a  new  and  better  way  was 
opened  by  Faraday's  discovery  of  the  induction  of  electric  currents 
in  1831.  This  led  to  the  modern  induction  coil,  brought  to  such  a 
high  degree  of  perfection  by  Ruhmkorff,  of  Germany,  in  1850;  it 
was  now  possible  to  obtain  a  continuous  series  of  disruptive  dis- 
charges between  the  secondary  terminals.  In  the  next  few  years 
the  striking  or  explosive  distance,  as  the  distance  through  which  the 
spark  passes  in  a  dielectric  is  termed,  was  greatly  increased  and  a 
coil  constructed  by  Mr.  Apps,  of  England,  for  Mr.  Spottiswoode, 
gave  a  spark  42  inches  in  length,  the  longest  on  record  for  many 

While  the  instrument  makers  were  devising  more  efficient  ap- 
paratus for  the  production  of  disruptive  discharges  the  scien- 
tists were  engaged  in  examining  their  nature.  In  1842  Joseph 
Henry  suggested  that  the  spark  was  not  a  unit  in  itself  but  that 
each  spark  consisted  of  a  number  of  minute  sparks ;  in  1850  Lord 
Kelvin  mathematically  demonstrated  it,  and  in  1859  Fedderson 
experimentally  proved  it  by  analyzing  it  with  a  revolving  mirror. 

While  improvements  were  in  order  during  the  next  twenty  years, 
the  striking  distance  of  the  Spottiswoode  coil  had  not  been  dupli- 
cated, the  limit  having  seemingly  been  reached.  Elihu  Thomson, 
in  1877,  produced,  by  means  of  a  high  frequency  apparatus  invented 
by  him,  sparks  64  inches  in  length. 

In  1880  Trowbridge  succeeded  in  obtaining  disruptive  dis- 
charges measuring  7  feet  in  length,  and  these  spark  lengths  were 
later  eclipsed  by  Tesla,  with  a  similar  high  frequency,  high-poten- 
tial discharge1  of  an  explosive  length  so  great  that  the  word  spark 
became  a  misnomer  when  applied  to  it ;  it  was  in  fact  a  miniature 
bolt,  resembling  in  every  particular  the  tortuous  path  of  ramified 

^Tesla  Lecture  before  the  American  Institute  of  Electrical  Engineers. 




The  simplest  method  for  obtaining  a  disruptive  discharge  is 

by  means  of  the  electrophorus,  an  electrostatic  induction  apparatus. 

After  the  hard-rubber  plate  A,  Fig.  37,  is  charged  by  a  brisk  rub- 
bing with  a  piece  of  flannel  or  cat's  skin, 
the  metal  disc  B  is  touched  with  the  finger 
causing  the  —  electricity  to  be  dissipated 
and  the  cover  or  disc  B  to  be  charged  with 
4-  electricity.  On  the  disc  being  lifted 
and  the  knuckle  presented,  as  shown,  the 
difference  of  potential  will  be  sufficient  to 
cause  the  breaking  down  of  the  air-gap 
and  consequently  the  passing  of  the  spark. 
Frictional  electric  and  other  plate  ma- 
chines follow  practically  a  similar  course 
in  charging  and  discharging,  but  to  retain 
or  store  the  electricity  recourse  must  be 
had  to  the  Leyden  jar.  To  discharge  the 
jar  the  finger  or  other  negatively  electrified 

body  may   be   brought   closely  to  or   in  contact  with   it.      The 

physiological  effect  of  a  discharge,  even  from  a  small  jar,  is  a 

"shock,"  and,  if  sufficiently  intense,  is  painful ;  in  cases  where  the 

heart  is  weak  it  is  dangerous.  To  avoid 

the  unpleasant   sensation   described,   a 

discharger,   Fig.    38,  is  employed.     It 

usually  consists  of  two  pieces  of  brass 

wire,  hinged  together  with  a  pair  of 

insulated    handles    and    the    terminals  FlG-  38.— DISCHARGER. 

fitted  with  brass  spheres  of  small  diameter.     The  outer  coating  of 

tinfoil  should  be  in  contact  with  one  arm  of  the  discharger  first. 



There  are  many  different  forms  of  discharge  between  the  ter- 
minals of  a  jar  or  induction  coil,  and  with  the  increase  in  frequency 
and  potential  there  is  a  corresponding  increase  in  variety.  The 
three  principal  ones  are  the  disruptive,  convective,  and  conduc- 
tive discharge.  The  convective  discharge  may  be  seen  glowing 
from  the  positive  terminal  of  a  frictional  machine  or  an  induction 


coil,  and  is  caused  by  the  electrification  of  the  air  particles,  which 
on  being  charged  are  projected  by  repulsion  into  the  surrounding 
space,  still  carrying  the  charge;  in  Geissler  tubes  and  other  tubes 
containing  residual  atmosphere,  as  the  low  vacuum  Crookes  tube, 
the  convective  discharge  is  easily  produced  and  may  be  closely  fol- 
lowed. When  a  wire  joins  the  opposite  terminals  of  a  jar  or  coil 
and  the  potentials  are  equalized  by  discharging  the  current  through 
it,  a  conductive  discharge  results,  the  phenomenon  being  identical 
to  the  discharge  through  a  wire  from  one  terminal  of  a  battery  to 
the  other.  When  the  potential  difference  is  great  enough  to  break 
down  the  air,  or  other  dielectric  separating  the  terminals,  a  surging 
takes  place  through  the  insulating  medium  before  it  is  restored,  the 
visible  effect  of  which  is  manifested  in  the  spark.  This  is  the 
disruptive  discharge  and  is  the  most  suitable  discharge  for  the 
emission  of  electric  waves. 

The  initial  energy  of  the  disruptive  discharge  depends  on  at 
least  four  factors,  and  according  to  Jaumann  upon  five.  The  first 
and  most  important  of  these  is,  of.  course,  the  potential  at  the 
electrodes  or  terminals  of  the  secondary  coil,  and  these  usually 
consist  of  metal  spheres,  Fig.  39;  in  wireless  telegraph  practice 
these  spherical  electrodes  are  called 
the  oscillator  l)alls.  If  the  poten- 
tial difference  is  sufficiently  diver- 
gent and  the  quantity  of  induced  FlG-  SQ.-USUAL  FORM  OP  SPARK-GAP. 
'current  great  enough,  the  spark  is  so  intense  that  it  will  disrupt 
the  dielectric  placed  between. the  terminals.  A  charge  is  often  so 
excessive  in  a  Leyden  jar  that  the  mechanical  strain  of  the  glass 
separating  the  coatings  of  tinfoil  causes  it  to  give  way  and  the 
discharge  piercing  it  breaks  the  vessel.  With  a  9  or  10  inch  heavy 
spark  from  a  coil,  cubes  of  glass  three  inches  in  thickness  are  easily 


Disruptive  discharges  through  fluid  and  solid  dielectrics,  as  oils 
and  glass,  have  been  tested,  with  the  object  of  increasing  their  wave 
emitting  properties,  but  while  the  break  is  more  sudden,  there  is  a 
corresponding  decrease  of  energy  available  for  sending  out  the 
electro-magnetic  waves;  at  the  present  time  nearly,  if  not  all,  the 
best  wireless  telegraph  systems  are  using  the  air  as  a  dielectric,  for, 


as  Lodge  clearly  puts  it,  the  air  constitutes  a  self -mending  partition 
and  upon  the  passage  of  every  spark  it  is  instantaneously  as  good 
as  new  again.  This  holds  good  for  oil,  which  has  been  used,  and  is 
now  occasionally,  for  it  does  offer  a  higher  insulation  than  does 
air,  before  the  break,  but  this  good  feature  is  largely  counteracted 
by  the  greater  resistance  offered  during  the  passage  of  the  spark. 
What  the  exact  resistance  of  oil,  air  or  other  dielectric  is  at  the 
moment  of  disruption  is  not  known,  but  in  any  case,  the  value 
cannot  be  great.  One  good  feature  of  the  oil  dielectric  is  that  it 
effectually  prevents  the  oscillator  balls  from  tarnishing.  In  Fig. 
40  is  shown  a  spark-gap  formed  in  a  dielectric  of  oil.  When  a 

spark  takes  place  in  oil  it  is  of  a 
greenish-white  color.  Bisulphide  of 
carbon  and  spirits  of  turpentine  are 
excellent  liquid  dielectrics,  and  in 
these  the  spark  is  very  bright;  in 


40.-SPABK-GAP  FOBMED  OF  Oil,       ^^    ^    fc    ^  .    by    gubmerging   ^ 

oscillator  balls  in  water  and  having  a  very  short  striking  distance, 
the  spark  may  be  had  with  little  difficulty. 


The  best  practical  guide  to  the  working  efficiency  of  a  wireless 
telegraph  transmitter  is  by  making  careful  observations  of  the 
color,  size,  shape  and  sound  of  the  disruptive  discharge.  To  deter- 
mine the  effect  of  the  disruptive  discharge  on  the  air,  de  Nikolarene 
arranged  between  two  ebonite  rings  a  layer  of  cotton-wool,  and  this 
he  placed  in  the  path  of  the  spark;  after  discharging  through  it 
the  cotton-wool  was  found  to  be  compressed  on  either  side  forming 
a  canal  6mm.  wide.1  The  explosive  effect  of  a  disruptive  discharge 
is  of  electro-static  origin  rather  than  due  to  heat ;  with  a  large 
coil  provided  with  an  ordinary  mechanical  interrupter  the  spark  is 
brilliant  in  color,  zigzag  in  form,  and  produces  a  sharp  crackling 
sound,  but  if  the  induction  coil  is  equipped  with  an  electrolytic 
interrupter  of  the  Wehnelt  type  or  a  mercurial  turbine  interrupter 
the  discharge  loses  these  characteristics  and  presents  instead  an 
arc,  less  brilliant  in  color  and  giving  forth  a  hissing  sound.  The 
second  factor  on  which  the  effectiveness  or  inefficiency  of  an  elec- 
tric wave  emitter  depends,  relates  to  the  form  and  dimensions  of  the 

^Journal  de  Physique,  August,  1899. 



terminals  or  oscillator  balls.  Where  two  points  are  employed, 
as  in  Fig.  41a,  and  are  separated  just  beyond  the  striking  dis- 
tance, a  luminous  convective  discharge,  called  a  brush  discharge, 
takes  place  from  the  positive  terminal  especially,  and  if  the  points 
are  so  adjusted  that  an  occasional  spark  will  pass,  the  brush  will 
be  seen  to  act  as  a  path  for  the  latent  sparks.  While  streams  of 
electrified  air  precede  the  disruptive  discharge  in  any  case,  yet 
where  it  is  so  pronounced  as  to  be  visible  it  detracts  largely  from 
its  wave  emitting  qualities,  probably  by  a  lowering  of  the  specific 
resistance  of  the  air. 

Where  a  point  and  a  disk  b,  Fig.  41,  form  the  terminals  of  the 
air-gap  the  brush  discharge  is  brighter  than  with  two  points,  and 


unless  the  normal  striking  distance  is  considerably  cut  down  the 
disruptive  discharge  is  quite  difficult  to  obtain.  With  a  point  and 
a  sphere,  c,  Fig.  41,  the  brush  loses  its  visible  properties  where 
small  coils  are  used  and  is  faintly  luminous  with  larger  coils,  but 

FIG.  41d.— SPARK-GAP  BETWEEN  Discs. 

the  disruptive  discharge  is  persistent.  With  two  disks,  d,  Fig.  41, 
there  is  a  convective  discharge  around  the  periphery  of  each  unless 
they  are  carefully  rounded,  and,  when  the  sparking  distance  is  at  its 
maximum,  the  disruptive  discharges  constantly  shift  from  one 
position  to  another.  From  these  facts  it  is  clear  that  to  obtain  the 
best  results  the  terminals  or  electrodes  should  offer  no  sharp  edges 
or  points  to  assist  a  convective  discharge,  and  so  spheres  of  melal 
are  the  usual  form,  the  disruptive  discharge  breaking  down 
the  air-gaps  between  the  peripheral  portions  offering  the  shortest 
striking  distance.  It  was  believed,  until  quite  recently,  that  the 
length  of  the  electric  waves  depended  largely  upon  the  size  of  the 
electrodes  or  oscillator  balls,  but  it  has  since  been  determined  that 
the  wave  lengths  vary  with  the  inductance  and  capacity  of  the 


oscillator  system,  and  that  the  length  of  the  waves  is  influenced 
by  the  oscillator  spheres  only  in  so  far  as  their  size  alters  the 
capacity  of  the  system. 

After  what  has  been  said,  it  is  self-evident  that  the  spark  depends 
largely  upon  the  distance  between  the  oscillator  balls  or  terminals. 
When  the  striking  distance  represents  the  maximum  capacity  of  the 
coil  the  sparks  are  long,  ribbon-like,  and  attenuated,  as  shown  in 
Fig.  42,  which  is  a  photograph  of  a  42-inch  spark,  from  a  meter 

FIG.  42. — 42-iNCH  SPARK. 

spark  coil  made  by  Queen  &  Co.,  for  the  Japanese  government  for 
cableless  telegraphic  communication  between  Corea  and  Japan. 
When  the  air-gap  is  cut  down  to  32  inches,  the  spark  passes  between 
the  terminals  in  the  form  of  a  pencil  of  light  of  gigantic  propor- 
tions, Fig.  43,  with  a  wavy  luminous  effect,  giving  forth  a  blue 
blaze  of  electrical  energy  and  capable  of  emitting  waves  of  great 
penetrative  power. 


It  is  necessary,  in  order  to  obtain  the  greatest  efficiency  in  the 
production  of  electric  waves,  to  cut  down  the  length  of  the  spark- 
gap  until  the  striking  distance  is  approximately  forty  times  less 
than  the  maximum  distance  through  which  the  disruptive  discharge 
takes  place:1  this,  in  the  case  of  the  42-inch  spark,  would  give  a 
working  value  of  lA  inch,  or,  with  a  standard  10-inch  coil,  a 
working  spark  of  one-quarter  inch.  This  ratio  varies  with  the  fre- 
quency and  potential  of  different  coils,  and  in  very  small  coils 
the  discharge  may  give  the  best  results  when  the  terminals  are 
separated  one-tenth  of  the  total  striking  distance.  The  heavy  dis- 
ruptive discharge  shown  in  Fig.  43  is  termed  usually  a  "fat"  spark, 
and  a  good  heavy  spark  is  the  first  requirement  for  the  wireless 
transmission  of  intelligence. 

1  This  refers  only  to  the  usual  high  tension  induction  coil. 



The  fourth  factor  in  the  initiation  of  the  disruptive  discharge 
•depends  on  the  nature,  pressure  and  temperature  of  the  gas  or 
medium  in  which  the  spark  takes  place  and  need  not  be  discussed 

FIG.  43.— 32-iNCH 

"here,  since,  as  has  been  pointed  out,  air  and  oil  furnish  the  best 
practical  dielectric  for  the  spark-gap. 

I  A    clever    device    invented 

6-\  by  Fessenden,  the  purpose  of 
which  is  to  maintain  a  cer- 
tain definite  relation  between 
the  inductance,  capacity  and 
resistance  without  regard  to 
the  potential  employed,  is 
shown  in  Fig.  44.  The  dis- 
ruptive discharge  takes  place  in 
air  under  pressure,  the  spark 
being  formed  in  the  gap  be- 
tween the  point  4  and  the 
plate  5.  In  using  this  appar- 
atus the  terminals  are  adjusted 
to  about  one-quarter  of  an  inch 
apart  when  using  a  12-inch 
coil.  By  increasing  the  pres- 
sure the  dielectric  strength  of 
the  air  is  increased  and  the 
spark-potential  can  be  raised  to  almost  any  amount  without  any 
material  loss  in  the  power  of  the  oscillator,  as  indicated  by  the 
line  a,  Fig.  45,  whereas  in  air  under  ordinary  pressure  it  is  found 





that  no  matter  how  high  the  potential  is  raised,practically  no  in- 
crease in  efficiency  is  obtained  higher  than  is  given  with  a  spark 
length,  as  indicated  by  the  line  b.  The  horizontal  line  c  indicates 

the  potential  of  the  spark  in 
inches,  and  the  vertical  line  d 
represents  the  radiation. 

In  relation  to  Jaumann's  as- 
sertion, that  the  spark  is  affected 
by  a  variation  of  the  magnetic 
field,  it  will  be  omitted,  as  his 
theory  is  not  sufficiently  estab- 
lished to  assist  in  any  way  the 
improvement  in  the  working  qualities  of  the  spark. 


The  curious  observation  that  the  disruptive  discharge  of  one 
induction  coil  possesses  the  property  of  increasing  the  length  of 
the  spark  of  a  second  induction  coil  was  made  by  Hertz,  who  traced 
the  phenomenon  through  a  long  series  of  splendid  experiments  and 
finally  determined  that  it  was  caused  by  the  ultra-violet  radiation 
falling  on  one  of  the  oscillator  spheres.  In  these  investigations 
Hertz  *  found  that  the  electric  spark  itself  was  richest  in  emitting 
the  invisible  ultra-violet  rays,  but  that  the  flame  of  a  candle  if  held 
near  one  terminal  of  the  spark-gap  was  sufficiently  productive  to 
cause  sparking  when  the  striking  distance  was  otherwise  too  great 
to  permit  the  spark  to  pass. 

The  apparatus  employed  by 
Hertz  in  his  photo-electric  re- 
searches is  illustrated  in  Fig.  46. 
An  ordinary  induction  coil  A  is 
connected  with  the  oscillator  sys- 
tem 5;  a  second  and  smaller  in- 
duction coil  C  having  a  very  small 
spark-gap  at  D  was  set  in  a  plane 
parallel  with  the  larger  coil,  so 
that  the  emitted  waves  from  both 
oscillators  will  receive  the  waves. 
The  primaries  of  both  coils  were 
46.  connected  in  series  with  a  com- 

mon source  of  E.  M.  F.,  and  with  an  interrupter  /  common  to  both 
lWiedemanri's  Annalen,  vol.  31. 


coils.  When  the  spark-gap  B  was  screened  from  that  of  D  by  a 
sheet  of  glass,  the  sparks  discharging  across  the  latter  became  very 
much  smaller  and  this  effect  led  Hertz  to  conclude  that  it  was  not 
the  visible  waves  of  light  that  produced  this  property,  but  the  ex- 
tremely rapid  invisible  ultra-violet  waves. 

The  electric  arc  light  is,  next  to  the  disruptive  discharge,  the 
most  effective  method  of  producing  sparks  or  increasing  them. 
Hertz  states  that  if  the  oscillator  balls  are  drawn  so  far  apart  that 
sparks  cannot  pass  and  an  arc  light  is  started  at  a  distance  of  from 
1  to  4  meters,  the  sparks  begin  to  pass  and  cease  when  the  arc 
light  is  cut  out.  By  means  of  an  aperture  held  in  front  of  the  arc 
light  he  was  enabled  to  separate  the  ultra-violet  radiation  from  the 
visible  luminous  rays  of  the  glowing  carbons,  and  found  that  the 
ultra-violet  radiation  was  the  direct  cause. 

In  wireless  telegraphy  any  cause  having  a  tendency  to  ab- 
normally increase  the  length  of  the  spark,  likewise  decreases  the 
efficiency  of  the  electric  wave  emitting  system,  and,  therefore,  the 
ultra-violet  radiation  falling  upon  the  oscillator  balls  is  detri- 
mental to  the  proper  working  of  the  apparatus.  Lodge  has  secured 
patents  in  the  United  States  and  England  for  excluding  these 
radiations,  which  he  does  by  means  of  colored  glass  encasing  the 
oscillator  balls. 

Sparks  of  an  irregular  form  may  be  traced  to  an  uneven  dis- 
tribution of  the  metal  vapor  from  the  electrodes,  and  is  caused 
largely  by  unclean  terminals;  the  oscillator  balls  should  be  kept 
perfectly  clean  and  should  be  polished  frequently.  Since  the  dis- 
ruptive discharge  is  electrolytic  in  character,  different  metals  have 
been  tested  with  a  view  of  ascertaining  the  most  consistent  ter- 
minals ;  spheres  of  copper  and  aluminium  have  been  found  to  yield 
the  best  results,  although  brass  terminals  are  almost  universally 


An  intermittent  arc  formed  between  metals  resulting  from  the 
break  of  contact  either  by  a  direct  or  alternating  current  suffices  to 
produce  electric  waves  of  considerable  intensity,  and  if  in  the  prox- 
imity of  a  sensitive  coherer  will  affect  it.  While  conducting  some 
experiments  in  New  York  City,  the  author  had  to  contend  with  the 
sparking  of  a  trolley  as  it  passed  an  uneven  juncture  in  the  con- 
ductor. Although  the  distance  was  nearly  one  hundred  feet,  yet 


every  spark  cohered  the  filings.  Another  source  of  trouble  from 
extraneous  sparking  by  direct  currents  is  due  to  the  relay  and  tapper 
contacts  breaking  the  battery  circuits  of  the  receiving  devices.  The 
remedy  for  these  untoward  effects  is  the  employment  of  choking 
coils.  To  test  the  striking  distance  best  adapted  for  a  given  coil 
as  an  electric  wave  emitter,  a  Eeiss  micrometer  spark-gap  detector 
is  the  most  convenient.  By  setting  the  detector  and  radiator  or 
oscillator  system  in  the  same  horizontal  plane  and  observing  the 
secondary  sparks  while  adjusting  the  oscillator  balls,  the  brightness 
of  the  detector  sparks  as  well  as  their  length  will  be  found  to 
indicate  clearly  when  the  maximum  value  of  spark-length  has  been 
obtained.  .With  a  disruptive  discharge  of  the  proper  density  and 
length,  powerful  oscillations  may  be  easily  set  up  in  an  open  circuit 
radiator  and  electric  waves  capable  of  intense  penetration  traversing 
long  distances  may  be  produced. 



In  the  historical  retrospect  of  electric  oscillations  two  classes 
are  observed:  (1)  that  of  commercial  low  frequency  alternating 
currents  produced  by  moving  coils  of  wire  in  a  magnetic  field,  and 
(2)  the  surging  of  high  frequency,  high  potential  currents  through 
a  low  resistance  as  the  oscillator  system  of  a  coil  or  jar. 

In  Gilbert's  Annalen  der  Physilc,  published  in  1806,  the  phe- 
nomenon of  the  "back-stroke"  in  lightning  discharges  is  spoken  of 
as  a  common  occurrence.  But  the  first  suggestion  that  the  dis- 
ruptive discharge  was  caused  by  the  to  and  fro  motion  of  the 
electric  current  was  distinctly  expressed  by  Felix  Savart,  of  France, 
who  was  perplexed  by  the  irregularity  of  the  magnetization  in  small 
needles  when  affected  by  the  discharge  of  a  Leyden  jar.1 

Joseph  Henry  contributed  a  paper  to  the  Philosophical  Society 
in  June,  1842,  on  his  investigations  of  some  anomalies  in  ordinary 
electrical  induction.  He  repeated  Savart's  experiments  with  No.  3 
and  4  sewing  needles,  subjecting  them  to  a  magnetizing  helix,  and 
found  the  polarity  always  conformable  to  the  direction  of  the  dis- 
charge and  that  when  very  fine  needles  were  employed  an  increase  in 
the  force  of  the  electricity  produced  changes  in  polarity.  This 
puzzling  phenomenon  was  finally  cleared  up  by  the  important  dis- 
covery that  an  electrical  equilibrium  was  not  instantaneously 
effected  by  the  spark,  but  that  it  was  attained  only  after  several 
oscillations  of  the  current. 

Henry  himself  says:  "The  discharge  is  not  correctly  repre- 
sented by  the  single  transfer  from  one  side  of  the  jar  to  the  other  ; 
we  must  admit  the  existence  of  a  principal  discharge  in  one  direc- 
tion and  then  several  reflex  actions  backward  and  forward,  each 
more  feeble  than  the  preceding,  until  the  equilibrium  is  ob- 
tained." 2 

Edinburgh  Journal  of  Science,  October,  1826. 
'Proceedings  American  Philosophical  Society,  June,  1842. 



Five  years  later,  in  1847,  Helmholtz  communicated  his  views,, 
which  were  evidently  independent  of  those  of  Henry.  In  his  paper, 
Ueber  die  ErJialtung  der  Kraft,  Helmholtz  suggested  the  electric 
oscillations  and  said  he  assumed  the  discharge  of  a  jar  not  a  simple 
motion  of  electricity  in  one  direction,  but  a  backward  and  forward 
motion  between  the  coatings  of  oscillations  which  become  con- 
tinually smaller  until  the  entire  vis  viva  is  destroyed  by  the  sum 
of  the  resistances,1  and  again,  five  years  later  (in  1852),  Lord 
Kelvin,  deduced  the  phenomenon  mathematically,  the  results  coin- 
ciding almost  exactly  with  Savart,  Henry  and  Helmholtz.  Faraday 
arrived  at  the  same  conclusion  experimentally  by  decomposing  water 
with  an  ordinary  f rictional  electric  machine,  and  showed  that  hydro- 
gen and  oxygen  rose  in  a  mixed  condition  from  either  electrode,  and 
that  this  was  due  to  electric  oscillations  of  the  discharge.  In  1859 
Fedderson  proved  the  oscillatory  nature  of  the  electric  discharge 
by  observing  the  spark  in  a  Wheatstone  revolving  mirror,  as  first 
suggested  by  Lord  Kelvin.  Photographic  proof  of  the  oscillations 
has  not  been  wanting  in  recent  years.  Yernon  Boys,  in  1890,2 
made  some  exceedingly  fine  photographs  of  the  principal  and 
supplementary  sparks  of  the  discharge,  each  of  which  left  a  well- 
defined  and  separate  record  on  the  negative.  Trowbridge  obtained 
photographic  proof  that  the  long  seven-foot  sparks  were  oscillatory. 
Some  very  interesting  photographs  of  electric  oscillations  have 
been  made  by  Dr.  E.  W.  Marchant  with  a  revolving  mirror,  with 
and  without  iron  cores  in  the  coils.  Many  facts  have  been  added 
within  the  past  two  years,  and  the  laws  governing  the  emission 
of  electric  waves  are,  for  the  most  part,  quite  well  known. 


Low  FREQUENCY  CURRENTS. — In  commercial  alternating  cur- 
rent generators  the  current  flow  reverses  direction  from  50  to  300 
times  per  second.  By  increasing  the  number  of  polar  projections 
or  the  speed  of  the  armature,  or  both,  a  higher  frequency  may  be 
obtained,  but  the  limit  is  soon  reached.  In  telephone  circuits  the 
frequency  of  reversal  may  be  1,000  or  more  per  second.  These  are 
simple  periodic  currents  having  characteristic  curves.  A  low  fre- 

Scientific  Memoirs  of  Helmholtz:  edited  bv  Tyndall,  1853. 
^Proceedings  Physical  Society,  London.  1890. 


quency  alternating  current  requires  the  element  of  time  for  the 

maximum  positive  to  change  to  the  maximum  negative  potential, 

and  vice  versa;  the  e.  in.  f. 

and  current  strength  are  kept 

at   a  constant   value   by   the 

generator,  hence  the  constants 

usually   follow   some   smooth 

Curve,  as  in  Fig.  47.  FIG.  47. — ALTERNATING  CURRENT  CURVE. 

HIGH  FREQUENCY  CURRENTS. — To  obtain  electric  waves  an 
alternating  current  of  exceedingly  high  frequency  having  a  period 
of  reversal  many  times  greater  than  can  be  produced  by  mechani- 
cal means  must  be  employed.  There  is  but  one  method  known  to 
science  by  which  electric  oscillations  of  the  requisite  frequency  for 
the  emission  of  electric  waves  may  be  had.  This  is  by  discharging 
a  condenser  or  oscillator  system  through  a  circuit  of  small  resistance 
and  allowing  the  maximum  positive  and  negative  charges  to  restore 
the  electrical  equilibrium  through  a  disruptive  discharge,  this 
forming  at  the  moment  the  spark  passes  a  conductor  of  low  re- 
sistance, there  is  then  set  up  in  the  oscillator  system  high  fre- 
quency currents,  the  duration  of  which  may  be  measured  by  the 
ten  and  hundred  thousandths  part  of  a  second.  In  this  case  depend- 
ing on  the  capacity,  inductance  and  resistance  of  the  circuit  the  cur- 
rent will  oscillate  to  and  fro  several  times  before  it  is  finally  damped 
out  by  the  sum  of  the  resistances. 

Alternating  and  oscillating  currents,  of  whatever  frequency, 
are  governed  by  the  electrical  dimensions  of  the  oscillator  system, 
and  these  factors,  i.e.,  ohmic  resistance,  inductance,  and  electro- 
static capacity,  all  tend  to  slow  down  the  frequency.  Ohm's  law 
does  not  apply  to  the  circuit,  but  its  value  largely  depends  on 
the  frequency  with  which  the  reversals  take  place,  and,  in  circuits 
containing  iron  upon  the  e.  m.  f.  By  increasing  the  frequency  of 
the  current  the  ohmic  resistance  decreases  in  value  while  the  in- 
ductance and  capacity  increases.  In  oscillator  systems  where  high- 
frequency  currents  are  induced  by  a  disruptive  discharge  the  effect 
of  resistance  is  usually  so  small  as  to  be  negligible. 

logue, designed  by  Fleming,1  illustrates  the  electric  action  taking 
place  in  an  oscillator  system  at  the  moment  of  discharge;  it  is 
shown  in  Fig.  48.  It  consists  of  a  glass  tube  bent  in  the  forpi  of 

Fleming,  Cantor  Lecture,  Jan.,  1901,  Society  of  Arts,  London. 



a  U ;  it  is  partially  filled  with  mercury,  which  is  so  displaced  that 
there  is  a  difference  of  level  between  the  parallel  tubes  a  and  b; 
gravitational  force  is  therefore  exerted  upon  the  two  columns  of 
mercury,  tending  to  cause  the  high  and  low  levels  to  equalize.  If 
this  force  is  allowed  to  act  slowly  the  mercury  will  find  its  normal 

level,  without  oscillation.  But  if 
the  force  is  allowed  to  act  sud- 
denly, the  mercury,  in  virtue  of 
its  density,  flows  beyond  the  nor- 
mal level, indicated  by  the  dotted 
line,  and  then  returns,  its  inertia 
causing  several  oscillations  of  the 
fluid  metal  before  coming  to  rest. 
If  the  tube  is  rough  inside,  the 
mary  friction  offered  to  the  mercury 


x  v> 




FIG.   48.-ANAix>Qt,»  OF  ELECTRIC   OSCIL- 


has  a  damping  effect  and  permits 
only  one  or  two  oscillations  to 

take    Place  5     in    electric    OScilla' 

tions  the  inductance  of  the  sys- 
tem has  the  effect  of  slowing  down  the  oscillations.  The  resistance 
offered  to  the  flow  of  the  mercury  by  the  abrased  surface  of  the  tube, 
or  in  other  words,  the  friction,  corresponds  to  the  ohmic  resistance 
of  the  circuit;  the  denser  the  liquid  in  the  tube  the  less  appreciable 
will  be  the  effect  of  the  friction,  likewise  the  higher  frequency 
of  the  discharge  the  less  the  ohmic  resistance  of  the  circuit  affects 
the  oscillations. 

If  the  glass  tube  contains  air  above  the  mercury  and  the  ends 
are  hermetically  sealed,  the  air  will  be  compressed  by  the  impact 
of  the  mercury  and  acts  similarly  to  the  electrical  capacity  of  the 
oscillator  system.  It  is  evident  that  to  produce  oscillations  in  a 
mechanical  body,  as  mercury  in  the  U-tube  system,  the  first  requisite 
is  that  of  density,  so  that  when  the  mercury  is  displaced  it  will  tend 
to  return  to  the  level  from  which  it  started  and  will  oscillate  to  and 
fro  in  accordance  with  this  tendency.  For  obtaining  the  best  re- 
sults in  electric  oscillations  the  system  must  be  composed  of  metal- 
lic bodies  having  electrical  capacity  and  the  system  must  have  the 
coefficient  of  inductance  and  possess  low  resistance. 

oscillation  attained  by  a  high  potential  current  through  the  dis- 


ruptive  discharge  of  a  Leyden  jar  may  range  approximately  from 
1,000.000  to  10,000,000  per  second.  The  decadent  reversals  in 
oscillator  systems  may  be  ten  times  less  than  in  the  case  of  the  jar. 
By  properly  arranging  the  capacity  and  inductance  of  a  system 
the  number  rate  may  be  as  slow  or  as  rapid  as  desired,  depending, 
as  we  have  seen,  on  the  coefficients  of  the  circuit,  i.e.,  capacity, 
inductance  and  resistance.  The  number  of  complete  oscillations  or 
swings  for  each  initial  discharge  depends  absolutely  on  these  factors. 
The  rapidity  of  each  successive  discharge  depends  on  the  arrange- 
ment of  the  oscillator  system  or  circuit  in  which  the  current  flows. 
In  a  Leyden  jar  only  one  series  of  oscillations  can  be  had  upon 
discharge,  unless  there  is  provided  some  method  for  recharging  the 
jar,  as  a  frictional  machine  or  an  induction  coil.  In  non-syntonic 
systems  of  wireless  telegraphy  the  period  of  oscillation  need  not  be 

given  special  attention, 
since  the  length  of  wave 
emitted  may  be  any  one 
of  a  number  of  lengths, 
but  the  important  feat- 
ure is  the  arrangement 
of  the  emitter  or  oscil- 
lating system.  A  sys- 


cillator  and  a  poor  radiator  or  a  poor  oscillator  and  a  good  radiator. 
As  an  illustration,  the  long  vertical  aerial  wire  which  forms  one 
arm  of  the  oscillator  system  may  produce  only  two  or  three 
oscillations  before  the  damping  coefficient  causes  the  surging  cur- 
rent to  fall  to  0  as 
shown  in  Fig.  49,  ow- 
ing to  its  large  capac- 
ity.1 On  the  other 
hand,  a  closed  circuit, 
such  as  is  employed  in 
Lodge's  syntonic  jars,2 
is  a  very  persistent  os- 

cillator,   and    is    Shown  FlG'  5°—  FEEBLY  DAMPED  OSCILLATIONS. 

graphically  in  Fig.  50;    but  as  a  radiator  it  is  very  feeble,  for 
its  energy  is  not  quickly  dissipated  by  conversion  into  electric 

Marconi  Society  of  Arts,  London,  May  15,  1900. 
"Lodge,  The  Work  of  Hertz. 




waves  as  in  the  case  of  an  open  circuit  oscillator,  and  so  thirty  or 
forty  oscillations  may  take  place  in  the  system  before  the  energy 
is  damped  out.  The  value  of  the  damping  coefficient  has  been  de- 
termined mathematically  by  Herr 
V.  Bjerknes1  from  the  calcula- 
tions of  an  electrometer  inserted 
in  the  micrometer  air-gap  of  "a 
Reiss  detector.2  If  the  oscillator 
of  a  closed  system  is  in  syntony 
or  tune  with  a  Eeiss  micrometer 
detector  the  persistency  of  oscilla- 
tion in  the  detector  will  be  very 
great  as  the  curve,  Fig.  51, 

TRANSFORMATION. — Another  property  invested  in  electric  oscil- 
lations is  that  of  transformation  or  conversion ;  just  as  low  potential 
commercial  alternating  currents  may  be  stepped-up  or  stepped- 
down,  so,  also,  may  oscillating  currents  be  transformed  into  a 
higher  or  lower  potential;  the  principles  of  alternating  current 
transformation  are  well  known  and  consist  in  passing  a  current 
through  a  primary  coil  which  causes  the  space  between  the  turns  of 
wire  to  become  alternately  charged  and  discharged  with  magnetic 
flux,  the  coil  and  core  thus  being  magnetized  in  opposite  directions ; 
this  reversal  of  magnetism  of  the  core  induces  an  e.  m.  f.  in  the 
secondary  coil,  increasing  or  decreasing  the  potential  according  to 
the  relative  number  of  turns  of  wire  wound  on  the  primary  and 
secondary  coils,  the  frequency  remaining  the  same.  This  is  like- 
wise true  of  electric  oscillations. 

To  increase  the  frequency  of  the  oscillations  the  disruptive  dis- 
charge must  be  resorted  to.  Before  the  spark  passes  in  an  oscillator 
system  the  frequency  of  the  current  is  the  same  as  the  frequency  of 
the  vibrations  of  the  interruption  where  a  direct  current  is  employed, 
or  the  alternations  of  current  in  the  secondary  equals  that  in  the 
primary  circuit  where  a  primary  alternating  current  is  used.  This 
frequency  is  enormously  increased  when  the  spark  takes  place,  con- 
verting the  period  of  reversals  from  a  few  hundreds  per  second  to 
hundreds  of  thousands  per  second.  A  higher  potential  may  be 

iBierknes,  Wiedemann's  Annalan,  44:  1891. 
*See  Chapter  II  of  Hertz'  Electric  Waves. 



produced  by  connecting  the  secondary  terminals  of  the  coil  7  in 
parallel  with  a  number  of  condensers,  L  L  L  L,  or  Leyden  jars  hav- 
ing the  sparks  in  shunt,  as  shown  in  Fig.  52,  so  that  the  inside 
coatings  of  both  series  of  jars  are  connected  by  both  terminals  of 
the  secondary  coil  and  the  outside  coatings  are  connected  with  a 
few  turns  of  coarse  wire  forming  the  primary  P;  if  now  a  second 
frame  is  wound  with  a  larger  number  of  turns  of  fine  wire,  and 
this  secondary  transformer  is  placed  parallel  to  that  of  the  first 
coil  the  potential  of  the  oscillatory  current  will  be  very  greatly 
increased;  if  a  Leyden  jar  M  is  introduced  in  the  secondary  cir- 
cuit and  a  spark-gap  arranged  at  F,  a  second  disruptive  discharge 
will  occur  and  the  frequency  obtained  by  the  spark  S  will  also  be 
increased  many  fold,  and  a  high-potential,  high-frequency  current 
results.  The  Tesla-Thompson  effects  are  produced  in  this  way,  and 


it  is  evident  that  any  potential  and  any  frequency  may  be  easily 

KATE  OF  RADIATION  OF  ENERGY. — The  rate  at  which  an  open 
circuit  oscillator  emits  its  energy  in  the  form  of  electric  waves  is 
enormous,  as  the  following  deduction  of  Hertz  will  show.  By 
employing  a  dumbbell  oscillator  30  cm.  in  diameter  connected  with 
a  spark-gap  of  1  cm.  by  means  of  two  rods  each  50  cm.  in  length 
he  was  enabled  to  charge  the  system  to  a  potential  difference  of 
36,000  volts.  Just  before  it  breaks  down  the  air-gap  of  the  charged 
oscillator  represents  an  amount  of  energy  equal  to  f^  of  a  joule. 
At  the  moment  the  spark  passes  the  electric  charge  is  set  in 
motion  in  the  oscillator  and  it  radiates  energy  in  each  half  of  an 


oscillation  equal  to  2,400  ergs  or  -^~  joules  as  indicated  by  the 


where  Q  is  the  charge  of  each  sphere,  I  the  length  of  the  connecting 
rods,  and  X  the  length  of  the  wave  emitted,  which  for  the  size  of 
the  oscillator  employed  was  ascertained  to  be  480  cm. 

If  each  half  oscillation  radiates  energy  equal  to  ^  joules,  then 
in  11  half  oscillations  or  5%  complete  cycles  half  of  the  electrical 
charge  of  the  oscillator  will  have  been  emitted,  and  it  is  evident 
that  before  the  10  complete  cycles  are  completed  practically  all  the 
energy  will  have  been  transformed  into  electric  waves.  Fleming 
shows  that  since  the  length  of  the  wave  is  480  cm.  and  the 
velocity  of  propagation  is  3  X  1010  cm.  per  second,  the  period 
of  time  occupied  by  ten  oscillations  is  sixteen  hundred  millionths 
of  a  second,  and  in  this  exceedingly  short  space  of  time  the  oscillator 
has  emitted  energy  equal  to  about  ~~  of  a  joule,  or  at  a  rate  of 
almost  45  horse-power.  As  an  illustration  of  the  rate  at  which  the- 
oscillator  would  have  to  be  supplied  with  energy  to  keep  up  with 
its  enormous  output  so  that  the  emission  of  the  waves  would  be 
continuous,  it  may  be  stated  that  25,000  foot-pounds  per  second 
would  be  required,  an  amount  equal  almost  to  that  required  to  light 
500  16-candle-power  100-volt  incandescent  lamps  simultaneously. 

But,  as  a  matter  of  fact,  the  oscillator  system  of  an  ordinary 
wireless  telegraph  system  sends  out  trains  of  electric  waves  with 
long  intervals  between  them,  while  the  secondary  is  charging  the 
oscillator  preparatory  to  sending  out  another  train  of  waves. 

electric  oscillators,  or  the  rate  of  damping  in  open  circuit  oscillators, 
showing  the  ratio  of  amplitude  for  each  successive  oscillation,  has 
been  determined  by  Plank  and  .others.  From  the  formula 



in  which  C  is  the  capacity  of  the  oscillator,  /  the  length  of  the  con- 
necting rods,  and  X  the  length  of  the  wave,  it  will  be  seen  that  large 
capacities,  large  inductances,  or  both,  are  essential  for  prolonging 

the  oscillations. 


SKIN  EFFECT  IN  OSCILLATORS. — An  interesting  experiment  by 
Hopkins  and  Wilson  in  1895  showed  that  in  a  conductor  of  iron 
or  other  metal  a  magnetic  field  produced  by  a  magnetizing  force  re- 
quired a  large  time  value  for  the  flux  to  reach  the  centre.  If  the 
conductor  exceeded  a  certain  diameter  and  was  placed  in  a  magnetic 
field,  which  constantly  and  rapidly  changed  polarity,  the  magnetism 
would  not  extend  to  the  centre. 

An  analogous  effect  is  produced1  when  a  high-frequency  current 
surges  to  and  fro  in  an  oscillator  system ;  when  such  a  condition  pre- 
vails the  current  penetrates  the  metal  only  a  fraction  of  a  mm., 
and  this  is  termed  the  skin  effect.  In  an  experimental  investigation 
of  the  skin  effect  in  oscillators  Chant2  tested  both  cylindrical  and 
spherical  oscillators.  In  these  forms  he  compared  their  metallic 
shells  with  those  made  of  solid  metal,  and  found  oscillator  doub- 
lets made  of  gold  leaf  equally  as  efficient  as  those  in  the  solid  form. 
In  1886  Lord  Rayleigh3  gave  a  mathematical  formula  for  com- 
puting the  effective  resistance  and  the  effective  inductance  per  unit 
of  length  of  a  circular  section  of  wire  when  traversed  by  an  alter- 
nating current  of  known  frequency. 

Fleming,  Journal  of  the  Society  of  Arts.  1900. 
2Chnnt,  American  Journal  of  Science.  1901. 

3Self-Induction  and  Resistance  of  Straight  Conductors.  Phil.  Mao., 



DEFINITION  OF  OSCILLATOR. — The  term  oscillator,  in  wireless 
telegraphy,  is  applied  to  any  electrically  charged  body  where  the 
charge  moves  to  and  fro  at  a  high  rate  of  alternation  in  restoring 
the  potential  level  or  electric  equilibrium.  Here  the  body  has  a 
maximum  and  a  minimum  charge  at  two  different  points  at  the 
same  instant. 

OSCILLATORS. — There  are  an  almost  infinite  number  of  sizes  and 
forms  of  oscillators,  ranging  from  the  sun,  which  is  the  largest, 
down  to  the  smallest  particle  of  matter,  be  it  atom  or  corpuscle. 
The  sun,  considered  as  an  oscillator,  emits  electro-magnetic  waves 
of  such  great  length  that  they  have  never  been  observed  experimen- 
tally, although  the  wave  length  has  been  determined  by  calcula- 
tions from  the  size  and  conditions  of  it  as  an  electrically  charged 
sphere,  producing  oscillations  of  a  definite  frequency,  and,  therefore, 
waves  of  given  length."  The  atom  charged  with  electricity,  when 
disturbed  by  heat,  impact,  or  other  means,  agitates  its  potential 
level,  and,  being  so  very  minute,  the  oscillation  is  quickened  until, 
ior  the  sake  of  clearness,  it  is  now  termed  vibration  and  produces 
electro-magnetic  waves  that  are  visible,  or  light  waves. 

Between  the  sun  as  a  mass  and  an  atom  of  matter,  all  other 
charged  bodies,  when  the  charge  is  disturbed,  produce  oscillations 
differing  in  degree  in  the  period  of  each  reversal  of  the  charge. 
To  produce  definite  oscillations  for  wireless  telegraphy,  an  ap- 
paratus must  be  employed  for  charging  a  body  to  its  maximum 
potential  and  then  setting  the  charge  into  motion;  this  is  accom- 
plished by  means  of  an  oscillator. 

OSCILLATOR  SYSTEMS. — In  the  discharge  of  a  Leyden  jar  it  was 
shown  that  the  difference  of  potential  was  equalized  through  the 
spark-gap,  the  wire  or  tongs  forming  the  conductor  connecting  the 
inside  and  the  outside  of  the  jar.  This  constitutes  the  oscillator 




system  of  a  Leyden  jar.  In  the  discharge  of  an  induction  coil  the 
oscillator  system  is  a  modification  of  the  jar  just  cited,  but  ar- 
ranged to  suit  the  exigencies  of  the  case.  The  oscillator  system 
employed  by  Hertz  consisted,  as  has  been  shown,  merely  of  two  brass 

HP         °'n 


spheres,  A,  A',  Fig.  53,  two  larger  metal  spheres,  B,  B',  connected 
with  the  brass  wires  and  rods,  C,  C' ;  D,  D'  are  the  binding  posts 
of  the  secondary  terminals  of  the  induction  coil,  and  do  not  form 
a  part  of  the  oscillator  system  proper,  but  are  merely  the  connection 
between  it  and  the  secondary  coil,  for  the  purpose  of  charging  the 
system  with  electricity  to  a  high  potential.  Thus  the  dividing  line 
between  the  secondary  of  the  induction  coil  or  transformer  and  the 
oscillator  system  is  the  binding  posts.  To  obtain  the  best  results 
with  the  minimum  amount  of  energy,  much  effort  has  been  spent 
not  only  on  the  oscillator  system  as  a  whole,  but  on  individual  parts 
of  it ;  the  following  represent  the  different  forms  as  used  by  Hertz 
and  by  his  successors  to  the  present  time. 

HERTZ'S  OSCILLATOR. — Another  form  of  oscillator,  shown  in 
Fig.  54,  was  devised  by  Hertz  for  his  first  experiments.  The  spheres 
B  and  B'  may  be  replaced  by  any  shape  or  size  having  capacity, 
though  Hertz  favored  the  adjustable  oscillator  shown  in  Fig.  54, 


where  B  and  B'  are  arranged  to  slide  on  the  rods  C  and  C'  permit- 
ting the  value  of  inductance  and  capacity  to  be  varied  at  will  and  the 
system  thus  tuned  or  syntonized  with  the  resonator  or  spark-gap 
detector.  In  the  Hertz  oscillator  the  spheres  were  of  sheet  zinc 
30  cm.  in  diameter,  the  spark-gap  balls  3  cm.  in  diameter  connected 



with  rods  50  cm.  long.     This  form  is  called  the  Hertz  dumb-bell 

RIGHT'S  OSCILLATOR. — Auguste  Righi  in  his  photo-electric  re- 
searches devised  the  oscillator  shown  in  Fig.  55.     It  consisted  of 


two  large  spheres,  A,  A' ',  with  a  spark-gap  between  them  1  mm. 
in  length  and  two  secondary  terminal  spheres,  B,  B' ',  a  cm.  from 
A  and  A'  respectively.  In  this  oscillator  two  sets  of  electric  waves 
are  emitted,  those  emanating  from  the  large  spheres  A,  A'  and 
those  emitted  from  the  smaller  spheres  B,  B' ,  including  the  rods 
leading  to  the  secondary  terminals  C,  C'.  Both  of  these  sets  of 
oscillators  are,  of  course,  in  alignment  with  the  oscillator  system, 
that  is,  the  surging  takes  place  along  the  line  of  propagation. 

LODGE'S  OSCILLATOR. — Another  form  of  oscillator  devised  by 
Lodge  is  shown  in  Fig.   56,   nnd   is   similar  to  Righi's,  but  has 


only  one  central  sphere,  instead  of  two,  which  is  much  larger 
and  is  supported  between  two  smaller  spark  balls  in  close  proximity 
on  either  side.  When  the  disruptive  discharge  current  oscil- 
lates through  the  system  represented  diagrammatically  by  the 
letters  A  B  C  D  E  F,  waves  are  emitted  by  the  system  from  A  to  F, 
but  a  secondary  definite  charge  surges  from  side  to  side  on  the  ball 
C  D,  sending  out  another  train  of  waves  with  considerable  vigor, 
but  the  oscillations  die  out  quickly,  since  it  is  readily  seen  that 
such  a  charged  body  is  a  good  radiator  for  the  electric  waves.  Two 
or  three  oscillations  only  will  take  place  in  the  ball  when  the  charge 



will  have  been  dissipated  in  the  form  of  electric  waves,  reaching 
the  vanishing  point  or  zero  in  finite  time  theoretically,  but  prac- 
tically in  a  very  small  fraction  of  a  second.  From  tests  of 
capacity  and  inductance  it  has  been  deduced  that  the  wave  length 
produced  by  these  charged  metal  spheres  is  about  one  and  one-half 
times  the  diameter  of  the  sphere. 

MULTIPLEX  OSCILLATOR. — M.  Albert  Turpain1  describes  an 
oscillator  for  emitting  an  octave  of  electric  waves  or  waves  of  differ- 
ent lengths  simultaneously.  Fig.  57  shows  the  arrangement 
for  producing  multiplex  waves,  or,  as  Turpain  terms  it,  a 
multiplex  oscillator.  Before  the  laws  of  the  coefficients  were 


interpreted  by  J.  J.  Thomson,  Lamb  and  Lodge,  the  sup- 
position relating  to  wave  lengths  radiated  by  an  oscillator 
was  that  they  were  of  many  and  varying  lengths,  like  the 
composite  wave  lengths  of  light,  producing  white  light,  but  it  was 
finally  determined  that  waves  of  a  given  length  only  were  emitted  by 
an  oscillator  of  specific  proportions.  The  monochromatic  oscillator 
may  therefore  be  compared  to  an  octave  of  musical  notes,  each 
producing  a  distinct  wave  length.  In  the  monochromatic  or  multi- 
plex oscillator  there  are  a  number  of  spherical  metal  shells  of  differ- 
ent diameters,  each  of  which  is  supported  on  an  ebonite  or  other 
dielectric  and  the  whole  immersed  in  an  oil  chamber.  When  the 
disruptive  discharge  takes  place  through  the  system,  the  oscillatory 
charge  of  each  of  the  spheres  radiates  a  train  of  electric  waves  of  a 
definite  length.  These  waves  may  be  detected  and  picked  out,  or 
selected  by  means  of  a  Hertz  resonator  at  short  distances ;  and  this 
offers  a  good  illustration  of  selective  or  syntonic  signaling. 

dumb-bell  oscillator  without  the  usual  air-gap  is  shown  in  Fig.  58 ; 
it  may  be  charged  and  the  charge  caused  to  oscillate  as  in  the 

lLes  applications  Pratiques  des  ondes  electriques,  Turpain. 



spherical  oscillator  of  Lodge,  i.e.,  by  having  the  terminals  of  the 


secondary  coil  end  in  small  brass  balls,  oppositely  disposed,  and 
with  the  oscillator  between  them. 

BOSE'S    OSCILLATOR. — Prof.    J.    Chandler 
Bose  designed  an  oscillator  for  producing  ex- 
ceedingly short  wave  lengths.    It  is  illustrated 
in  Fig  59,  and  consists  of  a  small  ball  of 
platinum  2  mm.  in  diameter  supported  between 
two  smaller  balls  of  the  same  metal;  it  is 
really  a  miniature  form  of  Lodge's  oscillator, 
previously  described.    With  this  oscillator  Bose 
has  polarized  the  electric  waves  by  means  of 
asbestos,  epidote  and  other  fibrous  minerals. 
EXPERIMENTAL   OSCILLATOR. — An  oscillator  for  experimental 
work,  emitting  300  million  waves  per  second,  each  having  a  length 
of  one  meter,  is  shown  in  Fig.  60.  It  consists  of  two  identical  arms, 
A,  B,  each  of  which  has  a  sphere  8  cm.  in  diameter  at  the  end  and 

FIG.  59.— 


connected  with  spark-gap  balls  by  a  brass  bar  1  cm.  in  diameter  and 
6  cm.  in  length ;  the  spark-gap  balls  measure  2  cm.  in  diameter  each, 
and,  used  with  a  15-cm.  spark-coil  should  be  set  8  mm.  apart. 
With  a  larger  coil  they  should  be  set  farther  apart,  and  used  with  a 
smaller  coil  the  gap  should  be  correspondingly  decreased. 

Instead  of  employing  the  large  spheres  for  the  oscillators,  it  is 
often  more  convenient  to  use  circular  disks  of  sheet  metal,  or  square 
or  oblong  plates  may  be  used.  The  formula?  for  obtaining  the 
specific  inductive  capacity  and  its  permeability  or  inductance  of 
these  values  will  be  found  in  the  following  chapter.  Leaving  the 
experimental  forms  of  oscillators,  we  now  come  to  those  designed 
for  practical  work  in  wireless  telegraphy,  or  that  class  found  neces- 



sary  for  radiating  waves  to  great  distances,  or  at  least  to  such  dis- 
tances as  are  required  for  commercial  purposes. 

MARCONI'S  OSCILLATOR.— To  Marconi  belongs  the  credit  for 

having  been  the  first  to  discover  the 
requirements  necessary  to  fulfill 
these  exacting  conditions.  The  sim- 
plest form  of  practical  oscillator  for 
wireless  telegraphy  is  shown  in  Fig. 
61.  It  consists  merely  of  a  vertical 
wire,  fifty  or  one  hundred  feet  in 
length,  and  extending  into  the  air, 
the  lower  terminal  of  which  is  con- 
nected with  the  spark-ball  2;  a 
second  spark-ball,  3,  separated  a  few 
mm.  from  the  first,  forms  the  spark- 
gap  4,  and  from  this  a  wire  leads  to 
the  earth  at  5. 

SYSTEMS. — All  the  oscillator  sys- 
tems described  above  are  known  as 
open-circuit  oscillator  systems,  that 
is  to  say,  they  have  a  free  period 
of  oscillation,  and  therefore  radiate 
waves  with  great  energy,  though  the 
oscillations  are  quickly  damped  out. 
There  is  another  class  of  oscillators 
termed  closed-circuit  oscillator  sys- 
tems, in  which  the  period  of  oscilla- 
tion is  limited  to  the  size  of  the  circuit ;  if  this  has  a  natural  period 
equal  to  that  of  the  impressed  oscillations  these  will  be  prolonged 
for  a  considerable  length  of  time  before  the  energy  is  dissipated; 
closed-circuit  oscillators  are,  therefore,  very  feeble  emitters  of  elec- 
tric waves. 

Lodge  in  his  researches  on  the  lightning  rod1  devised  many  ex- 
periments; one  especially  is  of  interest  here,  bearing  as  it  does  on 
the  action  of  closed  circuits  forming  oscillator  systems.  In  Fig.  62 
is  shown  the  oscillator  system  of  Lodge's  syntonic  jars;  1  is  an 
ordinary  Leyden  jar,  the  inner  coating  of  which  is  connected  to 
one  ball,  forming  the  spark-gap  2 ;  a  circuit,  rectangular  or  of  other 
JThe  Lightning  Rod.  O.  J.  Lodge. 



suitable  shape  and  dimensions,  leads  from  the  upper  ball  and 
terminates  in  a  connection  with  the  outside  coating  of  the  jar. 
If  the  jar  is  now  charged  and  then  allowed  to  discharge  through 


the  spark-gap  2  and  the  circuit  of  wire,  the  oscillations  will  be  very 
persistent  in  the  circuit,  surging  to  and  fro  many  times  before 
reaching  0,  and  emitting  waves  that  have  but  little  penetrative 
power,  for,  as  previously  pointed  out, 
such  a  closed  circuit  spends  its  energy  in 
oscillation  instead  of  in  radiation. 

Slaby,  during  his  early  experiments, 
employed  an  oscillator  system  in  his  trans- 
mitting apparatus  for  practical  wireless 
telegraphy  which  was  similar  to  the  Lodge 
syntonic  emitter  jar,  except  that  its  pro- 
portions were  much  larger  and  its  energy 
supplied  by  a  very  large  induction  coil. 
An  inductance  coil,  E,  Fig.  63,  was  added 
at  the  top  for  the  purpose  of  conducting 
away  and  dissipating  all  electric  waves  of 
a  length  greater  than  those  required  to 
fulfill  the  law  of  harmonics  represented 
by  the  terminal  of  the  vertical  wire  A,  and 
the  earthed  end,  B.  It  will  be  seen  that 
a  practically  closed  circuit  was  formed  be- 
tween A  B  C  D,  the  earth  closing  the  cir- 
cuit between  B  and  D.  Slaby  has  now 
abandoned  this  form  for  an  open  oscillator  system,  based  on  the 
original  single  vertical  wire. 

Nevertheless,  in  wireless  telegraphy  where  syntonization  or  a 
tuned  system  is  desired,  it  is  quite  advantageous  to  operate  with 
closed-circuit  oscillators,  and  Marconi  in  his  recent  attempts  to 
produce  a  commercial  syntonic  system  has  evolved  from  the  simple 

TO  (.o\tt : 


FIG.  63.— 




Leyden-jar  circuit  of  Lodge  an  apparatus  so  constructed  as  to 
effect  a  compromise  between  'the  open-circuit  and  the  closed-circuit 
oscillator,  producing  in  turn  an  emitter  having  an  intermediate 
amplitude  between  the  severely  damped  oscillation  of  the  open- 
circuit  system  and  the  prolonged  period  of  oscillation  of  the  closed- 
circuit  system,  thus  yielding  trains  of  waves  of  considerable  pene- 
trative power.  In  nearly  all  commercial  systems  now  in  actual  use, 
one  terminal  or  arm  of  the  oscillator  is  earthed.  Lodge  deemed 
the  earth  connection  unnecessary,  and  deduced  the  conclusion  that 
if  the  spark-gap  was  elevated  midway  between  the  oscillator  arms, 
and  these  were  mutually  balanced  in  capacity  and  inductance,  the 
resultant  effect  would  be  equal  in  efficiency  to  that  of  a  grounded 
open-circuit  system.  This  oscillator  will  be  described  under  the 
head  of  Syntonization,  Chapter  19. 


Oscillators,  where  the  arms  are  balanced  equally  in  resistance,  in- 
ductance and  capacity,  as  in  the  open-circuit  type  of  Hertz,  are 
termed  symmetrical  systems.  Where  the  coefficients  vary  in  value 
in  the  opposite  arms  of  the  same  system,  they  are  termed  dis- 
symmetrical systems.  All  commercial  systems  are  dissymmetrical, 
since  the  arm  connected  with  the  earth  is  loaded  with  an  additional 
capacity  by  the  condenser  action  of  the  earth  itself.  This  may  be 
attributed  to  two  factors;  (1)  the  capacity  of  the  earth  slows  down 
the  oscillations,  and  (2)  Hertz  has  shown  that  by  physically  alter- 
ing the  coefficients  of  capacity  and  inductance,1  in  accordance  with 
Lord  Kelvin's  deductions2,  a  harmonic  relation  or  syntonization 
could  be  effected  between  the  emitter  and  detector  systems,  due  to 
resonance,  and  thereby  increasing  the  efficiency  very  materially.  The 
diagram  Fig.  65  illustrates  a  dissymmetrical  oscillator,  having  a 
Leyden  jar  or  glass-plate  condenser,  A,  inserted  in  one  arm  and 
an  inductance  coil,  B,  in  the  opposite  arm.  Variations  of  capacity 
and  inductance  may  be  made  to  fulfill  any  condition  which  may 
arise  in  practice  required  by  the  law  of  resonance. 

1  Hertz's  Electric  Waves. 

'Kelvin,  Transient  Electric  Currents,  1853. 



HISTORY  OF  CAPACITY. — In  1776  Coulomb,  whose  name  has 
Bince  been  given  to  the  unit  of  electrical  quantity,  proved  by  a 
series  of  brilliant  tests,  based  on  the  two-fluid  hypothesis  of  elec- 
tricity, that  the  action  of  an  electric  charge  varies  in  the  inverse 
ratio  as  the  square  of  the  distance.  He  likewise  investigated  theo- 
retically and  experimentally  the  distribution  of  electricity  on  the 
surface  of  spheres.  In  1782  Laplace  and  Biot  enlarged  upon  these 
researches,  deducing  important  mathematical  conclusions.  Poisson 
next  brought  the  subject  under  analysis  based  on  the  two-fluid 
hypothesis  to  a  higher  degree  of  perfection.  In  1828  Green1  ex- 
tended the  analysis  of  Poisson  and  Laplace  and  mathematically 
evolved  the  electrostatic  theory  based  on  the  law  of  Coulomb. 
Faraday  in  1837,  with  his  intuitive  insight,  concluded  that  the  di- 
electric through  which  induction  takes  place  was  polarized  and  that 
the  strain  or  stress  was  transmitted  between  the  positive  and 
negative  charged  bodies  by  the  polarized  atoms  of  the  dielectric. 
This  strain  is  often  seen  in  the  piercing  of  the  glass  dielectric  of  the 
Leyden  jar,  as  well  as  in  the  residual  charge  of  the  glass. 

Green's  theorems  and  Faraday's  deductions  were  enlarged 
and  improved  upon  in  1845  by  Lord  Kelvin,  who,  with  great 
mathematical  power,  showed  how  the  electrostatic  strain  of  a 
dielectric  was  in  absolute  accord  with  the  theory  annunciated  by 
Green.  Following  Kelvin  are  the  researches  of  Maxwell.  In  1873, 
in  his  Electricity  and  Magnetism,  he  fully  elucidated  his  beautiful 
theory  of  the  action  of  a  dielectric  medium  which  is  contained  in 
the  proposition  that  in  transparent  media  whose  magnetic  induc- 
tive capacity  is  very  nearly  that  of  unity  the  dielectric  capacity  is 
equal  to  the  square  of  the  index  of  refraction  for  light  of  infinite 

1Green's  Application  of  Mathematical  Analysis  to  Electricity  and  Mag- 



wave  length.  Hertz  determined  experimentally  that  by  varying 
the  capacity  the  electric  oscillation  could  be  modified  and  therefore 
the  length  of  the  wave  emitted. 

HISTORY  OF  INDUCTANCE. — The  history  of  self-induction,  or,  as  it 
is  now  termed,  inductance,  extends  only  to  Henry's  time.  Joseph 
Henry  observed  the  phenomenon  and  published  an  account  of  it  as 
early  as  1832. *  The  remarkable  fact  that  a  long  conductor  had  an 
intensifying  influence  on  the  current,  and  especially  if  the  wire 
was  wound  in  the  form  of  a  spiral  and  interposed  in  the  circuit, 
Henry  attributed  to  the  long  wire  becoming  charged  with  electricity 
which  by  its  reaction  on  itself  projects  a  spark  when  the  connection 
is  broken1.  The  same  discovery  was  made  a  year  or  two  later  by 
Fleeming  Jenkins,  who  communicated  to  Faraday  the  fact  that  he 
was  able  to  obtain  shocks  when  he  included  the  coil  of  an  electro- 
magnet in  the  circuit,  though  no  appreciable  effect  was  obtained 
when  the  coil  was  removed.  In  1834  Faraday  published  in  the 
Philosophical  Magazine  the  result  of  his  researches  on  self-induction, 
and  asserted  that  the  same  law  was  in  evidence  when  a  simple  coil  of 
wire  without  a  magnetic  core  was  substituted  for  the  electro-mag- 
net, and  that  a  similar  effect,  though  less  pronounced,  was  obtained 
when  a  very  long  straight  wire  was  employed.  Faraday  believed 
that  self-induction  was  due  to  magnetism,  and  that  the  current  in 
rising  in  the  circuit  produced  a  number  of  lines  of  magnetic  force 
which  opposed  that  of  the  battery  and  caused  the  current  to  rise 
slowly.  He  believed  also  that,  when  the  current  begins  to  decrease, 
the  number  of  lines  of  force  begins  to  decrease  and  the  e.  m.  f .  of  in- 
duction is  called  forth,  which  tends  to  prolong  the  current,  weak- 
ening the  e.  m.  f.  at  starting  and  exalting  it  at  stopping.  Edlund 
investigated  the  integral  e.  m.  f.  of  inductance  on  making  and 
breaking  the  circuit  and  found  that  they  were  equal.  Max- 
well treated  the  subject  exhaustively  from  a  mathematical  stand- 
point, and  introduced  a  convenient  method  for  showing  the  effects 
and  measuring  the  inductance  by  using  a  Wheatstone  bridge. 
Helmholtz  was  the  first  to  treat  the  subject  experimentally  and 
mathematically.  Lord  Kelvin  published  his  deductions  in  the 
Philosophical  Magazine  in  a  paper  entitled  "On  Transient  Electric 
Currents/'  in  which  he  discussed  the  discharge  of  the  Leyden  jar 
and  elucidated  other  important  phenomena.  For  instance,  he 
recognized  the  influence  which  the  electro-dynamic  capacity,  or, 
1PhilosopMcal  Magazine,  November,  1832. 


as  we  now  term  it,  inductance,  of  the  oscillator  had  upon  the 
discharge,  and  he  established  an  equation  of  energy  which  expresses 
the  fact  that  the  energy  of  the  charged  body  at  any  instant  is  partly 
dissipated  as  heat  in  the  discharging  circuit  and  partly  conserved 
as  current  energy  in  that  circuit.  Hertz,  in  his  paper,  "Very 
Rapid  Electric  Oscillations,"1  considers  the  theory  of  Kelvin, 
Helmholtz  and  Kirchhoff,  in  which  the  inductance  is  considered  in 
electro-magnetic'  r^asure,  and  capacity,  in  electrostatic  measure  and 
applied  them  to  actual  cases  of  experimental  research. 

HISTORY  OF  RESISTANCE. — Before  the  year  1827  the  nature  of 
the  electric  current  was  expressed  in  terms  of  intensity  and  quantity. 
In  1827  Ohm  enunciated  his  great  law  relating  to  the  resistance 
of  a  circuit  to  a  steady  direct  current,  which,  fully  stated,  is  I  =  - 


The  verification  of  Ohm's  theory  of  the  electric  current  and  im- 
provements in  instruments  for  measuring  resistance  are  largely 
due  to  Wheatstone,  Kelvin,  Matthieson,  and  others.  In  1841  Joule 
established  the  law  relating  to  the  heat  evolved  per  second  with 
the  current  strength  and  the  resistance  of  the  wire,  which  may  be 
stated  by  the  formula  H=RPt.  The  experiments  of  Joule  were 
carefully  repeated  to  insure  accuracy  by  Becquerel,  Lenze  and  Botts. 


DEFINITION  OF  CAPACITY. — In  the  succeeding  explanations, 
formulae  and  examples,  the  term  capacity  will  be  understood  to 
mean  electrostatic  capacity,  unless  otherwise  designated.  The 
electrostatic  capacity  of  an  oscillator  system  is  the  quantity  of 
electricity  which  will  raise  its  potential  to  a  definite  amount.  A 
gas-tank  may  be  taken  as  an  analogue  for  an  electric  oscillator.  The 
electricity  will  produce  in  an  oscillator  system  a  difference  of  po- 
tential depending  on  its  size,  form,  and  the  electrical  pressure  ex- 
erted upon  it  at  the  terminals  of  the  secondary  coil  charging  it. 
The  capacity  represented  by  K,  of  a  conductor,  condenser,  or 
oscillator  is  directly  proportional  to  the  quantity  of  electricity  Q, 
which  it  will  hold  at  a  given  potential  V;  or,  K  =  ^  ;  or  the 
quantity  of  electricity  to  charge  an  oscillator  to  a  given  potential  is 

'Hertz'  Electric  Waves. 

'Kirchhoff  in  1849  was  the  first  actually  to  measure  the  resistance  of 
a  circuit,  which  he  did  by  a  comparison  of  a  resistance  with  a  coefficient 
of  mutual  induction,  the  time  measurement  being  that  of  the  period  of 
oscillation  of  a  galvanometer. — Enoy.  Brit. 





equal  to  the  capacity  of  the  oscillator  multiplied  by  the  potential 
through  which  it  is  raised,  or  Q  =  KV. 

The  charging  of  the  oscillator  is  the  first  effect  of  the  high- 
potential  current  producing  a  distribution  over  the  surface  like  the 
charge  of  a  condenser.  The  capacity  depends  on  the  length  and 
surface  of  the  oscillator,  its  proximity  to  other  conducting  bodies, 
and  its  relative  distance  from  the  earth.  The  capacity  retards  the 
frequency  of  oscillation  because  the  charge  must  be  neutralized  at 
each  disruptive  discharge  before  the  oscillatory  current  can  exert 
a  reflex  action  in  the  opposite  direction. 

UNIT  OF  ELECTROSTATIC  CAPACITY.  —  The  coulomb  is  the  unit 
of  electrical  quantity  and  is  equal  to  (1)  the  charge  contained  in 
one  farad  capacity  when  subjected  to  a  pressure  of  one  volt,  or  (2) 
the  quantity  passing  in  one  second  through  a  resistance  of  one  ohm 
under  an  e.  m.  f.  of  one  volt,  or  (3),  the  quantity  of  electricity  con- 
veyed by  one  ampere  of  current  in  one  second.  The  farad  is  the 
unit  of  capacity  and  represents  a  surface  of  such  dimensions  that 
one  coulomb  will  produce  a  potential  of  one  volt.  The  microfarad, 
or  one  one-millionth  of  a  'farad,  is  used  in  ordinary  measurements, 
since  the  farad  is  too  large  for  practical  purposes. 

DEFINITION  OF  INDUCTANCE.  —  Self-induction,  or  inductance, 
is  that  property  of  an  electric  current  which  finds  its  material 
counterpart  in  inertia.  A  current  in  a  conductor  or  an  elec- 
tric charge  of  an  oscillator  requires  a  definite-  time  to  start1; 
again,  when  a  current  is  flowing  in  a  wire  or  a  charge  oscil- 
lating in  a  system,  time  is  again  required  for  the  flow  to  cease 
or  the  charge  to  fall  to  zero.  In  virtue  of  this  quality  of  inductance, 
the  oscillation  of  an  electric  charge  causes  a  magnetic  field  to  be 
formed  by  the  absorption  of  electric  energy.  The  inductance  of  an 
oscillator  depends  on  (1)  the  form  or  shape  of  the  system;  (2) 
the  magnetic  permeability  of  the  space  surrounding  the  oscillator 
system  —  this  is  usually  the  air,  representing  unity;  and  (3)  the 
magnetic  permeability  of  the  oscillator  itself.  In  high-potential, 
high-frequency  currents  like  those  due  to  a  disruptive  discharge, 
inductance  becomes  a  most  potent  factor  and  causes  the  current  to 
act,  with  relation  to  time,  like  a  heavy  body  under  the  starting 
action  of  any  force.  The  electro-magnetic  energy  present  in  any 
circuit  is  equal  to  one-half  of  the  square  of  the  current  multi- 
Modern  Views  of  Electricity. 


plied  by  the  inductance.  The  oscillating  current,  then,  is  the  factor 
representing  force,  hence  inductance  must  be  represented  by  the 
dimension  of  length ;  the  practical  unit  of  inductance  corresponds, 
therefore,  to  a  length  equal  to  the  earth's  quadrant,  or  109  cm.,  and 
was  formerly  called  a  quadrant  or  secohm,  but  is  now  known  as  a 
henry;  the  absolute  unit  of  inductance  corresponds  to  one  cm. 

Usually  oscillators  are  formed  of  some  metal  or  metals  that 
have  no  magnetic  properties;  they  are  likewise  usually  exposed  in 
free  air,  which  has  a  constant  magnetic  permeability ;  where  the  in- 
ductance is  constant,  its  value  depends  only  on  the  size  and  shape  of 
the  oscillator  system.  In  this  limiting  case  the  total  inductance  of 
the  oscillator  is  proportional  to  the  magnetizing  force  and  the 
magnetic  resistance.  In  the  construction  of  oscillators  for  high 
frequencies,  flat  strips  of  copper  may  be  used  to  advantage,  as 
it  has  been  shown  that  a  form  of  this  type  is  a  good  emitter,  since  it 
offers  a  greater  surface  for  absorption  to  the  air  than  a  round  con- 
ductor having  an  equal  cross-section.  When  the  geometric  form 
of  an  oscillator  remains  unchanged,  as  it  does  in  all  practical  cases, 
and  the  lines  of  magnetic  force  pass  through  homogeneous  di- 
electrics, as  the  air,  and  uniform  diamagnetic  metals,  of  which  the 
oscillators  should  be  made,  the  inductance  is  constant.  The  mag- 
netic permeability  of  a  body  depends  on  its  conductibility  to  the 
lines  of  magnetic  forces.  The  ratio  between  the  intensity  of  mag- 
netic induction  and  the  force  producing  the  magnetization  may  be 
stated  thus :  p  =  ^,  where  p  is  the  permeability,  B  the  produced 
magnetization,  and  H  the  magnetizing  force.  The  permeability 
of  oscillators,  assuming  them  to  be  made  of  non-magnetic  metals, 
is  practically  that  of  air,  and  as  the  magnetization  increases  the 
magnetic  permeability  decreases. 

DEFINITION  OF  EESISTANCE. — The  law  of  resistance  stated  by 
.  Ohm  for  direct  steady  currents  is  that  the  resistance  equals  the 
e.  m.  f .  divided  by  the  current,  or  R  =  j,  or,  7  =  |-.  The  unit 
of  resistance  is  the  ohm,  and  a  resistance  of  one  ohm  would  limit 
the  current  flow  to  one  coulomb  per  second  when  the  e.  m.  f.  is 
equal  to  one  volt.  Another  law  must  be  recognized  in  the  action 
for  alternating  currents  of  high  frequency,  as  these  do  not  follow 
absolutely  the  laws  of  resistance  for  low-voltage  direct  currents; 
the  second  law  is  known  as  Joule's  law,  and  asserts  that  the 
heating  power  of  a  current  is  proportional  to  the  product  of 


the  resistance  and  the  square  of  the  current  strength.  In  lim- 
ited cases  Ohm's  and  Joule's  laws  agree;  but  as  Lodge  has 
pointed  out,1  in  cases  of  varying  magnetic  induction,  some  of  the 
energy  is  stored,  all  is  not  dissipated,  and  the  two  definitions  do 
not  agree.  An  oscillator  in  action  dissipates  a  very  small  part  of 
the  current  as  heat,  and  a  much  larger  portion  in  the  form  of 
waves  radiated  into  space.  Both  the  heat  dissipation  and  the 
electric  radiation  are  included  in  the  law  of  resistance. 

ELECTRIC  OSCILLATIONS.  —  Lord  Kelvin  has  given  in  his  paper, 
"Transient  Electric  Currents/'2  an  equation  showing  that  the  rate 
of  release  of  energy  of  a  charged  jar  is  at  any  instant  equal  to 
the  dissipation  of  energy  in  the  discharge  circuit,  or,  as  it  is  now 
termed,  the  oscillator  system,  added  to  the  rate  of  change  of  the 
kinetic  energy  in  the  circuit.  Kelvin's  deductions  were  based  on 
the  experimental  evidence  of  the  action  of  a  Leyden  jar,  but  the 
equations  hold  good  for  the  oscillator  systems  of  induction  coils  as 
well.  Let  the  capacity  of  a  jar  or  oscillator  be  expressed  by  C,  its 
resistance  bv  "R,  its  inductance  by  L,  the  quantity  of  electricity 
in  the  condenser  at  any  time  t  by  q,  and  the  current  in  the  oscillator 
circuit  by  I,  then  by  the  following  differential  equation  we  have  the 
above  stated  thus:3 

I     . 

where  T  is  written  for  £,  TT,  for  CE,  and  <2  and  £  for  the  first 
and  second  time  derivatives  of  q.  The  solution  of  the  above 
equation  enables  the  value  of  the  quantity  of  electricity  or  the 
charge  of  the  jar  or  in  the  system  to  be  found  at  any  instant.  It  is 
evident  that  the  constants  may  be  so  proportioned  that  the  discharge 
may  describe  a  smooth  curve  in  reaching  zero,  or  the  discharge  may 
describe  a  curve  which  is  periodic  and  alternate  until  it  reaches 

dodge's  Modern  Views  of  Electricity. 

^Philosophical  Magazine,  1853. 

'Fleming,  Journal  of  the  Society  of  Arts,  1900. 



zero.     The  two  solutions  of  the  equation  are  shown  graphically  in 
rectangular  coordinates  in  Figs.  66  and  67.    Fig.  66  represents  the 


/      \TIME:.  7^\T 

\   /   ^ 




discharge  through  a  large  resistance  and  Fig.  67  the  discharge 
through  a  small  resistance. 

cal determination  of  the  constants  governing  the  period  of  oscilla- 
tion, recourse  may  be  had  to  the  following  formulae.  Let 

K  =  capacity. 

R  =  resistance. 

L  =  inductance. 

n  =  number  of  oscillations  per  second. 
Then  oscillations  will  occur  if 

R<!*    ML 
\  IT 

and  will  not  occur  if 

In  this  latter  case  a  unidirectional  current  will  reach  zero 

The  frequency  of  oscillation  of  the  charge  of  the  oscillator  may 
be  obtained  from  the  formula : 

In  practice  the  resistance  is  usually  very  small  and  may  be 
considered  negligible ;  and,  therefore,  making  R  =  0  in  the  above, 
we  have 


Since  K,  L  and  R  depend  on  the  size  and  shape  of  the  oscillator,  it  is 
often  necessary  to  construct  an  oscillator  for  producing  oscillations 
of  a  definite  frequency.  In  this  case  let 

1  =  length  of  rod  (a  a  Fig.  68). 
d  =  diameter  of  rod, 
r  =  radius  of  spheres  (b  b'  and  c,  c'.) 
s  =  distance  from  center  to  center. 

L=21  (lo?      '-l). 

and         K  =  %rl 
Where  the  capacity  areas  are  of  other  forms  than  the  sphere 
the  value  of  K  is  for  a 

thin  circular  disk,  2  radius. 


thin  square      "    0.36  side  of  a  square. 
thin  oblong      "   slightly  greater  than  square  of  same  area. 
MEASUREMENTS.  —  It  is  quite  difficult  to  measure  the  inductance 
and  capacity  of  oscillator  systems  by  comparison  with  standardized 


units  of  these  quantities  since  K  and  L  are  usually  of  a  very  small 
value.  The  resistance  of  the  system  may  be  easily  measured,  how- 
ever small  its  value,  but  where  R  is  small  it  may  be  neglected  in 
calculations  for  ascertaining  the  frequency  of  oscillation.  In  all 
measurements,  as  in  deductions,  the  oscillator  system  is  understood 
to  include  the  connecting  wires  leading  to  the  binding  posts.  In 
measuring  oscillators  such  as  spheres  or  isolated  systems  the 
terminals  of  the  testing  instruments  should  be  placed  in  contact 
with  the  opposite  peripheral  surfaces.  In  discontinuous  oscillators, 
i.e.,  where  a  spark-gap  intervenes,  as  in  the  Hertzian  type,  the  con- 
stants of  each  arm  may  be  measured  from  the  terminals  leading 
to  the  binding  posts  of  the  secondary  coil,  and  each  arm  may  be 
measured  separately  or  the  gap  bridged  by  causing  the  spark-gap 
balls  to  form  a  contact. 


CAPACITY. — There  are  several  excellent  methods  for  measuring 
electrostatic  capacity;  among  those  usually  employed  are  the  direct 
deflection  method,  the  divided  discharge  method,  and  the  Grott, 
Siemens  and  Thomson  methods ;  the  least  difficult  way,  though  not 
the  most  accurate,  is  by  the  direct-deflection  method,  where  the 
discharge  from  an  unknown  capacity  is  compared  with  the  discharge 
from  a  condenser  of  known  capacity. 

MEASUREMENT  OF  CAPACITY — If  the  inductance  is  small  com- 
pared with  the  capacity,  as  in  the  case  of  a  plate  condenser,  the 
bridge  method  may  be  used.  If  the  inductance  cannot  be  neglected 
in  comparison  with  the  capacity,  as  in  the  case  of  some  Leyden  jars, 
the  ballistic  galvanometer  method  must  be  used. 

In  the  bridge  method,  the  arrangement  must  be  as  shown  in 
IPig.  69,  where  C^  is  the  condenser  of  unknown  capacity;  C2,  a 

6.  S/         K. 


standard  condenser ;  Rs,  a  constant  non-inductive  resistance  of  suit- 
able magnitude ;  R4,  a  variable  non-inductive  resistance ;  A,  a  source 
of  periodic  current ;  T,  a  telephone  receiver,  and  Kf  a  key  to  open 
and  close  the  circuit  Rs  and  R4  can  conveniently  be  the  fixed  and 
variable  resistances  of  a  Wheatstone  bridge  of  the  box  form.  The 
•commercial  alternating  110-volt  current  can  be  used  to  supply 
periodic  current  if  proper  precautions  are  taken  to  prevent  too 
large  a  current  passing  through  the  bridge.  This  current  should 
not  exceed  a  tenth  of  an  ampere,  otherwise  there  will  be  danger  of 
burning  out  the  resistance  coils  of  the  box.  The  desired  result  may 
fee  obtained  satisfactorily  and  safely  by  the  method  of  the  po- 
tentiometer. This  arrangement  is  shown  in  Fig.  70,  where  m^  and 
m2  are  the  alternating  current  mains  and  r  a  resistance  of  100 
•ohms  or  more.  The  sixth  arm  of  the  bridge  is,  in  this  case,  attached 


to  the  two  points  a  and  b  of  the  resistance.     In  this  way  any  de- 
sired difference  of  potential  can  be  obtained. 

If  a  small  induction  coil  is  used  to  generate  the  periodic  current, 
the  secondary  of  the  coil  is  inserted  in  place  of  A  in  Fig.  69. 


In  either  case  to  determine  the  unknown  capacity,  the  resistance, 
EI  must  be  varied  until  no  sound  is  heard  in  the  telephone,  when 
the  circuit  is  closed  by  the  key,  Tc.  Sometimes  it  is  impossible  to 
get  rid  of  the  sound  entirely.  In  this  case  that  value  of  #4  must 
be  taken  which  makes  the  sound  a  minimum. 

When  this  value  of  R4  has  been  found  we  have  the  well-known 

that  is 


That  is,  the  unknown  capacity  is  equal  to  the  standard  capacity 


multiplied  by  the  variable  resistance  and  divided  by  the  constant 

If  it  is  inconvenient  to  use  a  periodic  current  and  telephone, 
a  battery,  B,  and  galvanometer,  G,  may  be  used  as  shown  in  Fig.  71. 


A  value  of  R4,  is  then  found  such  that  on  opening  and  closing  the 
key,  Ic,  there  is  no  deflection  of  the  galvanometer. 

In  the  ballistic  galvanometer  method,  the  condenser  to  be 
measured,  C19  is  put  in  series  with  a  battery,  E,  a  galvanometer,  G, 
and  a  key,  fcx;  see  Fig.  72.  A  second  key,  Ic2,  is  put  around  the 



condenser  C19  so  that  it  may  be  discharged  when  desired. 

In  making  the  measurement,  the  deflection  d±  is  noted  when 
the  key  Jc^  is  opened.  C^  is  now  replaced  by  the  standard  condenser 
C  and  the  deflection  d  is  noted.  When  we  have 

C,       d, 

C2  X 

CAPACITY  OF  AN  AERIAL. — In  the  following  diagram,  Fig.  73 

a,  is  the  antenna; 

c,  a  commutator  (rotating) ; 
g,  a  galvanometer ; 

b,  a  battery; 

E,  the  earth  plate. 

The  antenna  is  charged  n  times  a  second  by 
the  rotating  commutator  c  from  the  battery  b. 
After  every  charging  it  is  discharged  through 
the  galvanometer  g.  The  n  discharges  a  sec- 
ond through  the  galvanometer  produce  a 
steady  deflection  on  the  galvanometer,  the 
value  of  which  in  terms  of  amperes  can  be  de- 
termined by  calibrating  the  galvanometer. 
E  Call  this  current  value  of  the  deflection  A; 

Fio.  73.— CAPACITY  OF  wp   4-|lpn    y.oyp 

AN  AERIAL.  " e    uien    nave 


where  q  is  the  quantity  of  electricity  sent  into  the  aerial  by  one 
charging  for  in  one  second  the  total  quantity  sent  into  the  aerial, 
or  what  is  the  same  thing,  discharged  through  the  galvanometer,  "is 
n  X  q.  But  this  is  the  mean  current  through  the  galvanometer. 
But  q  =  CV  where  C  is  the  capacity  of  the  aerial  and  V  the  po- 
tential of  the  battery.  Therefore  we  have 




This  is  in  absolute  units.    To  convert  it  into  practical  units  we 
must  multiply  by  106.    Then  we  have 

r       IX  10* 

where  C  =  capacity  in  microfarad, 
I  =  current  in  amperes, 
V  =  potential  in  volts. 
This  is  a  simple  and  satisfactory  method. 
MEASUREMENT  OF  INDUCTANCE. — The  inductance  of  a  single 
loop  of  wire,  or  of  a  small  coil,  may  be  determined  by  comparison 
with  a  standard  inductance  in  much  the  same  way  as  a  capacity, 
by  the  bridge  method.    It  is  necessary  in  this  case,  however,  to  in- 
sert an  auxiliary  non-inductive  resistance,  r,  either  into  arm  1  or 
arm  2  of  the  bridge.    See  Fig.  74,  where 


Lj  is  the  unknown  inductance  to  be  measured; 

Rt,  its  resistance; 

L2,  the  known  standard  inductance; 

R2,  its  resistance; 

R3,  a  non-inductive  constant  resistance; 

R4,  a  variable  resistance. 


In  order  that  there  shall  be  a  complete  balance  between  the  four 
arms,  that  is,  that  there  shall  be  no  sound  in  the  telephone,  we 
must  have  the  resistances  of  the  four  arms  proportional  to  each 
other,  and  at  the  same  time  the  inductances  must  be  proportional 
to  the  resistances,  that  is,  we  must  have 

R,         R. 

This  result  is  obtained  by  alternately  varying  r  and  £4  until 
there  is  no  sound  in  the  telephone.    When  this  is  the  case,  we  have 

If  it  is  not  convenient  to  use  a  telephone  and  periodic  current, 
a  galvanometer  and  battery  may  be  used  as  in  the  case  of  the  con- 

INDUCTANCE  OF  AN  AERIAL.  —  It  is  obvious  that  aerials  cannot  be 
measured  directly  by  the  bridge  method  suggested  by  Maxwell,  since 
both  ends  of  the  conductor  must  be  connected  in  the  bridge.  It  is 
possible,  however,  to  measure  the  inductance  of  either  single,  multi- 
ple or  other  form  of  aerial  indirectly,  by  measuring  its  capacity 
and  its  wave-length  and  then  .calculating  its  inductance  from  the 

A  =  2  TT  v  VLG 


X—  wave  length  of  the  aerial. 

v  =  velocity  of  light. 

L=  inductance  of  the  aerial. 

G—  capacity  of  the  aerial. 
solving  for  the  inductance  L  we  get 

~  4^  V2C 

so  that  if  the  wave  length  *  and  the  capacity  C  of  the  aerial  can 
be  obtained,  the  inductance  L  may  be  also  ascertained. 

The  capacity  may  be  measured  by  the  method  described  above 
and  the  wave-length  can  be  found  by  one  of  several  methods;  of 
the  latter  a  very  excellent  one,  based  on  the  phenomena  of  reso- 
nance, is  due  to  Drs.  de  Forest  and  Ives,  and  is  described  in  the 
Electrical  World  and  Engineer,  for  June  4,  1904.1  V~i 

'On  a  New  Standard  of  Wave  Length.     By  Dr.  James  E.  Ives. 


RESISTANCE. — The  most  convenient  arrangement  for  measuring 
resistances  is  the  Wheatstone  bridge,  the  connections  and  circuits 
of  which  are  given  in  the  diagram  Fig.  75.  The  four  arms  con- 
stituting the  parallelogram  A  B  R  and  X  are  arranged  so  that 
when  a  current  from  the  battery  flows  through  the  circuit  and  the 
needle  of  the  galvanometer  shows  no  deflection  the  arms  A  R  and 
B  X  neutralize  each  other  and  equilibrium  is  obtained.  For  calcu- 
lations lower  than  the  actual  lowest  value  of  the  variable  resistance 
R  i.e.,  1  ohm,  the  bridge  arm  A  is  given  a  value  of  1,000  ohms  and 
that  of  B  1  ohm.  If  an  oscillator  having  a  very  low  resistance  id 
to  be  measured  it  is  connected  to  the  terminals  of  the  X  arm;  a 
5-ohm  plug  is  removed  from  the  variable  resistance,  let  it  be  sup- 


posed  that  the  needle  is  deflected  several  degrees;  this  shows  too 
small  a  resistance  in  the  variable  resistance  compared  with  the  un- 
known resistance.  Next,  unplug  10  ohms,  making  a  total  of  15  ohms 
in  the  variable  resistance;  the  needle  now  swings  to  +,  showing 
the  resistance  too  high;  replace  the  5-ohm  plug  and  the  needle 
remains  on  the  0  division  of  the  galvanometer,  indicating  that 
the  arms  are  balanced  and  that  the  resistance  of  X 



;         ,<fi.;-..  '•  .  i 

Mutual  induction,  or  the  action  of  a  current  in  one  con- 
ductor on  another  or  second  current  by  the  mutual  interaction 
of  their  magnetic  fields,  was  discovered  by  Faraday.  The  first 
remarkable  experiment  which  finally  enabled  Faraday  to  make 
this  sweeping  observation  was  the  discovery  of  Oersted  in  1819  that 
a  current  of  electricity  produced  a  magnetic  field.  He  found  that 
when  a  wire  through  which  a  current  was  flowing  was  held  parallel 
to  an  ordinary  compass  needle,  the  needle  would  be  deflected  at 
right  angles  to  the  direction  of  the  flow  of  the  current.  In  1820 
Davy  and  Arago  discovered,  independently,  the  method  of  magnet- 
izing iron  by  passing  a  current  through  a  wire  coiled  around  it. 
Ampere  was  the  first  to  give  these  observations  a  theoretical  value. 

In  a  communication  dated  1825,  Sturgeon  described  his  electro- 
magnet1, consisting  of  a  piece  of  heavy  iron  wire  bent  into  a  U-f  orm, 
having  a  copper  wire  wound  around  it  loosely  in  eighteen  turns,  and 
connected  to  a  battery.  In  1828  Henry  exhibited  a  small  electro- 
magnet closely  wound  with  silk-covered  copper  wire  one-thirtieth, 
inch  in  diameter.  The  first  experiment  illustrating  the  phenomena 
of  mutual  induction  was  made  by  Faraday  in  1831,  the  apparatus 
consisting  of  a  spool  of  wood  on  which  were  wound  two  coils  of 
wire  parallel  with  each  other.  In  the  circuit  of  one  coil  was  inter- 
posed a  galvanometer ;  in  the  circuit  including  the  opposite  coil  was 
a  battery  and  a  key  to  make  and  break  the  circuit.  When  the  key 
was  pressed  in  the  first  circuit  the  galvanometer  showed  the  passing 
of  a  current  in  the  second  circuit,  but  in  the  opposite  direction  to 
that  in  the  primary  coil;  and  when  the  circuit  of  the  latter  was 
broken,  the  needle  was  again  deflected  in  the  opposite  direction.  In 
either  case  the  induced  current  had  only  a  momentary  duration. 
To.  explain  this  action  of  one  current  upon  another,  Faraday 

Memoirs  of  Joseph  Henry. 



evolved  his  curved  lines  of  force.  Lenz  in  1833  deduced  his  law 
for  the  determination  of  the  direction  of  currents  produced  by 
mutual  induction  from  the  theory  of  Ampere ;  this  law  follows  co- 
incidentally  the  principles  of  Faraday.  Henry  in  1840  investigated 
the  nature  of  mutual  induction,  devising  for  the  purpose  a  series  of 
three  coils,  and  named  the  current  obtained  in  the  second  coil 
a  "current  of  the  second  order'"  that  in  the  third  coil,  a  "current  of 
the  third  order''  et  cetera,  producing  successive  induced  currents 
up  to  the  seventh  order.  Becquerel  described  in  detail  Henry's  re- 
searches on  mutual  induction  in  his  work,  Electricity  and  Magnet- 
ism.1 Ritchie  also  conducted  some  experiments  in  mutual  induction 
about  the  same  time.  From  the  laws  of  Lenz,  Neumann  in  1845 
developed  the  mathematical  theory  of  the  action  of  one  linear  cur- 
rent on  another.  In  1846  Weber  verified  mathematically  and 
experimentally  the  law  of  induction  and  improved  upon  the  galva- 
nometer for  the  purpose  of  testing  his  conclusions.  The  first  attempt 
to  ascertain  the  absolute  value  of  a  current  in  the  secondary  circuit 
was  made  by  Kirchhoff  in  1849.  The  first  application  of  the  in- 
duction coil  to  practical  purposes  was  probably  made  by  DuBois- 
Reymond,  who  introduced  the  automatic  make  and  break  about  the 
year  1850 ;  with  this  coil  he  made  his  famous  electro-physiological 
experiments.  Wagner  subsequently  improved  upon  the  interrupter, 
using  an  independent  electro-magnet  in  the  form  of  a  horseshoe 
to  interrupt  the  primary  circuit.  A  year  later  Helmholtz  worked 
out  the  theory  of  induced  currents  in  a  number  of  limiting  cases, 
as  did  Felici  in  1852.  In  1853  Fizeau  made  the  modern  induction 
coil  what  if  is  by  his  application  of  the  condenser  in  the  primary 
circuit.  In  1855  Foucault  designed  the  interrupter  which  bears  his 
name.  To  Ritchie  is  due  the  credit  of  having  devised  the  method 
of  building  up  the  secondary  coil,  by  winding  a  number  of  layers 
and  then  joining  them  together,  insulating  the  segments  from  each 
other.  Ruhmkorff,  a  German  mechanician,  residing  in  Paris, 
constructed  induction  coils  having  the  greatest  degree  of  efficiency 
and  added  the  commutator  for  reversing  the  current.  Finally,  in 
1864,  Maxwell,  with  his  wonderful  conception  and  grasp  of  electro- 
magnetic phenomena,  deduced  the  principles  of  the  electric  field, 
including  not  only  mutual  induction,  but  every  phase  of  statical 
and  dynamical  electricity,  on  which,  as  a  whole,  he  constructed 
the  electro-magnetic  theory  of  light. 

lrTraite  experimental  de  l'Slectricit£  et  magngtisme,  vol.  5. 


INDUCTION. — When  a  current  of  electricity  flows  through  a 
closed  circuit  there  is  produced  outside  the  conductor  a  field  of 
magnetism  and  if  the  conductor  is  wound  in  a  coil  the  number  of 
lines  of  magnetic  force  is  greatly  increased.  If  the  theory  is. 
accepted  that  magnetism  is  merely  electricity  in  rotation,  constitut- 
ing a  whirl  in  the  dielectric  medium,  it  is  easy  to  account  for  the 
phenomenon  of  induction.  As  analogues  of  electrodynamic  induc- 
tion those  of  static  induction  and  magnetic  induction  may  be  given. 
To  electrify  a  body  by  static  induction  it  is  not  necessary  that  it  be 
brought  into  actual  contact  with  the  charged  body;  for  instance, 
let  A,  Fig.  76,  be  a  body  charged  with  positive  electricity  and  let  B 
be  a  pith  ball  suspended  near  it.  The  charge  of  A  polarizes  the 


dielectric,  in  this  case  the  air,  separating  the  two  bodies,  and 
the  side  of  B  nearest  A  will  be  charged  negatively  and  the  opposite 
side  of  B  positively.  This  effect  produces  electric  separation  by 
induction.  In  magnetic  induction  all  the  characteristics  of  a  rota- 
tional current,  or  a  magnetic  field  due  to  a  current  flowing  through  a 
helix  of  wire  may  be  exhibited  ;  in  other  words,  the  curved  lines  of 
force  of  both  are  similar  in  every  respect.  If  the  pole  of  a  perma- 
nent steel  bar  magnet,  A,  is  brought  near  the  end  of  a  bar  of  soft 
iron,  B,  Fig.  77,  the  iron  becomes  a  temporary  magnet  without 
actual  physical  contact  with  the  permanent  magnet  by  induction, 
and  with  its  poles  oppositely  disposed  to  those  of  the  permanent 
magnet.  If  a  sheet  of  glass  or  paper  is  placed  over  the  steel  or 


iron  magnets  and  iron  filings  are  sprinkled  on  its  surface,  the  parti- 
cles will  arrange  themselves  in  the  direction  of  the  lines  of  mag- 
netic force  extending  far  beyond  the  ends  of  the  magnets  and  show- 
ing by  these  curved  lines  of  force  the  strains  and  stresses  set  up  in 
the  surrounding  space. 

An  apparatus  for  detecting  and  determining  the  direction  of 



an  induced  current  is  shown  in  Fig.  78.     The  circuit  A  includes 
the  battery  1  and  the  key  2 ;  a  second  circuit  B  is  so  arranged  that 


a  part  of  its  conductor  is  parallel  with  a  portion  of  the  circuit  A. 
In  the  circuit  B  is  placed  a  galvanometer  or  telephone  receiver,  3. 
Now,  if  the  key  2  is  made  to  close  the  circuit  A,  and  the  current 
flows  in  the  direction  of  the  arrow,  then  a  momentary  current  will 
be  set  up  in  B  in  the  opposite  direction,  and  when  the  current  A 
is  broken  a  second  momentary  current  will  flow  in  the  reverse 
direction  in  B.  This  is  due  to  the  fact  that  on  closing  the  circuit 
A  it  is  instantly  surrounded  by  electricity  in  rotation  or  curved 
magnetic  lines  spreading  out  in  circles  or  tubes  of  force,  as  shown 
in  Fig,  79,  some  of  which  are  large  enough  to  inclose  the  coil  B; 


at  the  instant  the  lines  from  the  first  circuit  thread  through 
the  second  coil  an .  e.  m.  f .  proportional  to  the  rate  at  which 
they  link  with  the  second  circuit  B  causes  the  momentary 
current  to  be  set  up  or  induced.  If  the  circuit  is  composed  of 
many  turns  of  wire  instead  of  a  single  conductor,  and  again  if  the 
circuits  are  enlarged,  the  effective  distance  at  which  the  currents 
will  be  induced  is  proportionately  increased.  This  is  the  method 


by  which  Sir  William  Preece  was  enabled  to  obtain  indications  at  a 
distance  of  eight  miles,  and  was  the  method  he  was  engaged  upon 
when  Marconi  succeeded  in  interesting  him  in  his  spark-gap  and 
coherer  system. 

The  practical  applications  of  electro-magnetic  induction  have 
not  been  in  the  extension  of  the  distance  between  the  inducing  and 
the  induced  currents,  but  rather  in  their  proper  relations,  as  in  the 
case  of  transformers  and  induction  coils.  Another  phase  of  electro- 
magnetic induction  is  called  into  action  when  a  soft  iron  core  is 
inserted  in  a  coil  of  wire;  in  this  case  it  will  be  magnetized  by  the 
magnetic  lines  of  force.  The  degree  to  which  the  iron  will  become 
magnetic  is  termed  its  permeability;  new  properties  are  now 
acquired  through  the  result  of  this  combination,  i.e.,  an  iron  core 
inserted  in  a  magnetic  field  causes  the  lines  of  force  to  be  greatly 
intensified  and  the  inductance  produced  by  the  turns  of  wire  acting 
on  each  other,  as  well  as  the  mutual  induction  exerted  by  one  coil 
of  wire  on  another,  especially  if  the  secondary  coil  consists  of  many 
turns,  is  greatly  increased. 

PRIMARY  AND  SECONDARY  CURRENTS. — The  coil  shown  in  Fig. 
80  is  one  constructed  by  Faraday,  and  is  the  basis  of  the  modern 

induction  coil,  although  the  evolution 

A.  A "      B.Ek'  of  the  latter  was  more  directly  due  to 

Henry   than   to   Faraday.     The  pri- 
mary winding,  AA,  is  formed  of  wire 

FIG.  SO.-FIRST  INDUCTION  COIL.     of  large  cross-section,  and  the  second- 

ondary    coil    BB    of    wire    of    small 

cross-section  well  insulated,  and  a  soft  iron  core,  C;  the  rela- 
tive values  of  the  e.  m.  f.  impressed  on  the  inductor  or  primary 
coil  and  that  produced  in  the  secondary  coil  is  called  the  ratio 
of  transformation.  This  ratio  is  directly  proportional  to  the 
number  of  turns  of  the  inductor  and  secondary,  except  for  a  very 
small  loss  in  transformation ;  therefore  the  energy  at  the  terminals 
of  a  secondary  coil  is  very  nearly  equal  to  that  impressed  on  the 
primary  circuit.  •  As  an  illustration,  suppose  the  number  of  turns 
on  the  secondary  coil  to  be  1,000,  and  that  on  the  primary  10, 
then  the  increase  in  e.  m.  f.  is  100  times  that  of  the  primary  or 
inductor,  but  the  current  or  quantity  of  electricity  will  be  pro- 
portionately less.  This  ratio  is  called  the  coefficient  of  transforma- 



THEORY  OF  THE  INDUCTION  COIL. — In  treating  of  the  several 
elementary  principles  involved  in  the  action  of  induction  coils,  the 
effect  of  the  magnetic  field  will  be  considered  first. 

In  the  inductor,  which  is  a  simple  sole- 
noid or  helix,  with  an  air  core,  repre- 
sented in  longitudinal  section,  Fig.  81, 

i  i 
i  i 

i  i  i 

i  i 
i  i 

i  i 
I  I 
I  I 
i  i 

the  current  flowing  through  a  single 


turn  of  the  coil  induces  at  its  centre  a 
magnetic  field  which  may  be  thus  ex- 
pressed : 

_   2irl 
'   10r 

where  /  is  the  strength  of  the  current  in  amperes  and  r  the  radius 
of  the  core.  In  a  long  inductor  the  magnetic  field  within  it  is  uni- 
form except  near  the  ends,  and  its  intensity  is 


where  n  is  the  number  of  turns  in  the  inductor  per  unit  of  its 
length.  This  is  the  intensity  of  the  magnetizing  force  or  the 
number  of  lines  per  unit  of  area  that  exist  at  any  point,  and  is 
represented  by  H. 

PERMEABILITY.  —  Iron  possesses  the  essential  property  for  the 
formation  of  the  lines  of  magnetic  force;  it  is  therefore  desirable 
that  soft  iron  cores  be  employed  in  induction  coils  to  obtain  the 

maximum  effect  of  magnetization. 
The  number  of  lines  of  force  per 
square  cm.  in  the  core  is  repre- 
sented by  B.  The  flow  of  mag- 
netic lines  of  force  is  concen- 
trated in  the  iron  core,  as  shown 
in  Fig.  82.  Since  there  is  a  very 
great  difference  in  the  degree  to 

which  various  substances  are  susceptible  to  magnetization,  air  has 
been  taken  as  the  standard  or  unit.  The  ratio  of  the  magnetization 
produced  to  the  magnetizing  force  is  represented  by  /w  ,  that  is, 


/i  is  called  the  permeability  of  the  substance.    Non-magnetic  metals 
and  insulators  are  considered  to  have  practically  the  permeability 



of  air.  Iron  possesses  a  permeability  100  to  10,000  times  greater 
than  that  of  air.  As  the  magnetization  of  the  core  increases,  its 
permeability  decreases  so  that  a  core  may  soon  be  completely 
saturated  with  magnetism  and  additional  magnetizing  force  will 
have  no  further  effect.  In  soft  iron  the  limit  of  magnetic  satura- 
tion is  about  60,000  lines  of  force  per  square  cm.  of  cross-sectional 

HYSTERESIS  AND  EDDY  CURRENTS. — When  the  currents  of 
an  inductor  are  operated  intermittently  as  by  an  interrupter  of 
an  induction  coil  there  is  a  retardation  or  lagging  of  the  mag- 
netizing and  demagnetizing  effects  in  the  iron  core  due  to  molecular 
stress;  this  is  called  hysteresis,  and  Ewing1  has  found  that  the 
permeability  of  an  iron  core  is  greater  when  the  magnetizing  force 
is  decreasing  than  when  it  is  increasing,  and  thus  some  work  must 
be  done,  and  this  takes  the  form  of  heat;  the  curve,  Fig.  83,  indi- 
cates this  difference. 

MUTUAL  INDUCTION. — The  total  induction  developed  in  a  sec- 
ondary composed  of  a  single  turn  of  wire  wound  on  a  closed  mag- 
netic circuit,  as  shown  in  Fig.  84,  is  (see  Lodge2)  independent  of 




its  size  or  form  ;  if  the  secondary  is  wound  with  ri  turns  of  wire  the 
total  induction  is,  of  course,  ri  times  this.  The  total  induction  $  ,  or 
the  number  of  lines  of  force  cutting  the  secondary  coil  is  equal  to 



where  ft  is  the  permeability  of  the  core,  ri  the  number  of  turns  of 
wire  in  the  primary,  A  the  area  of  the  cross-section  of  the  primary 

^wing,  On  the  Magnetization  of  Iron  in  Strong  Fields.  Proceedings 
Royal  Society,  March  24,  1887. 

"Lodge's  Modern  Views  of  Electricity,  Page  389. 


in  square  centimeters,  /  the  current  in  amperes,  and  Z  the  length. 
of  the  primary  coil  in  centimeters.  This  formula  indicates  that  the 
induction  is  mutually  reactive,  and  may  be  simply  expressed  by 
MI,  the  mutual  induction  between  the  primary  and  secondary 
coils  being  represented  by  M,  or 

When  an  alternating  or  interrupted  current  flows  in  the  primary 
an  e.  m.  f.  is  produced  in  the  secondary  proportional  to  the  rate 
at  which  the  lines  link  with  it  from  the  primary  thus, 


e  =  dt' 

and  the  potential  e  of  the  induced  current  in  the  secondary  coil  de- 
pends on  two  factors,  namely,  the  number  of  turns  of  wire  in  the 
secondary  and  the  rate  of  alternation  or  interruption,  of  the  current 

in  the  primary,  or, 

d*  _  ._  dl  _  4imn'uA,  dl 

l=dt~  MdT  --  ioT~  dt' 

These  are  the  fundamental  principles  underlying  the  construction 
of  transformers,  and  it  is  evident  that  as  high  a  potential  as  de- 
sired may  be  obtained  by  increasing  the  number  of  turns  of  wire 
on  the  secondary. 

FUNCTION  OF  THE  CONDENSER.  —  The  differentiating  feature  of 
induction  coils  from  those  termed  transformers  lies  in  the  employ- 
ment of  an  interrupted  current  and  a  condenser  in  shunt  with  the 
make  and  break  device.  The  theory  of  induction  coils  having  these 
additional  factors  is  quite  complicated,  involving  new  and  complex 
phenomena,  which  render  the  construction  of  coils  from  predeter- 
mined calculations  exceedingly  difficult,  if  not,  indeed,  impossible. 

Fig.  85  shows  diagrammatically  an  induction 

p        j  coil  in  which  an  interrupter  is  connected  in 

|  —  »  i  —  I         series  with  the  primary  winding  and  a  con- 

denser in  shunt  with  the  interrupter;  the 

'  —  \AAAA/WVV^  —  '          inductance  of  the  primary  coil  is  represented 

r~~\/\/\/\/^  _          ky  ^i,  the  inductance  of  the  secondary  by  L2, 

Q  the  e.  m.  f.  by  E,  the  capacity  of  the  con- 

I.    j  ••*  denser  around  the  make  and  break  by  C^. 

E  •  i  ~^»    ~ 

The  object  of  the  condenser  is  to  produce  a 

^J  greater   difference  of   potential   at  the  ter- 

R°'  So7T0)EiL.lNDUC"        niinals  PPf  by  permitting  the  primary  cur- 

rent to  charge  the  condenser  while  the  break 
is  taking  place  at  the  interrupter  X;  the  more  quickly  the  break 



takes  place  the  smaller  the  capacity  of  the  condenser  C  may  be. 
Lord  Bayleigh  has  shown1  that  if  the  primary  circuit  is  severed  by 
a  pistol-shot,  the  conditions  approach-  very  closely  the  ideal  break, 
i.e.,  absolute  instantaneousness,  and  when  this  ideal  point  is 
reached  the  condenser  may  be  eliminated  entirely,  as  there  is  no 
time  for  the  potential  of  the  primary  to  rise  to  a  value  where 
it  produces  an  abnormal  spark,  in  which  case  the  current,  instead 
of  being  broken,  is  still  conducted  across  the  gap  by  the  rarefaction 
of  the  air  due  to  the  heating  effect  of  the  spark  itself.  When  these 
conditions  prevail  the  current  is  prevented  from  dropping  from  its 
maximum  to  its  minimum  value  in  the  shortest  possible  time  and 
the  potential  difference  in  the  secondary  coil  is  likewise  diminished. 
In  all  interrupters  the  period  required  to  effect  the  break  i& 
exceedingly  large,  compared  with  zero,  whether  they  are  of  the 
vibrating,  turbine  or  electrolytic  type  and  a  condenser  of  the  proper 
proportions  is  a  necessity.  Dr.  James  E.  Ives  has  shown2  that 
when  the  primary  circuit  is  thus  slowly  broken  the  current  in  the 



primary  becomes  alternating,  as  indicated  in  the  curve,  Fig.  86,  as  a 
resultant  alternating  current  action  of  the  condenser.  Fig.  87  is  the 
discharge  curve  of  a  direct  current  through  the  primary  circuit  fol- 
lowed by  the  oscillatory  discharge  of  the  condenser;  the  period  of 

1  Philosophical  Magazine,  Vol.  II.,  1901,  page  581. 
2Ives,  Physical  Review,  vol.  15,  1902. 


alternation  of  the  current  in  the  primary  circuit  may  be  ascertained 
by  the  formula, 

The  capacity  should  be  reduced  to  as  small  a  value  as  will  prevent 
excessive  sparking  ;  if  a  greater  capacity  is  employed  than  is  needed 
to  fulfill  this  requirement  the  secondary  spark  will  be  diminished 
and  its  efficiency  decreased  instead  of  increased.  The  optimum 
capacity,  as  Johnson  has  termed  the  capacity  giving  the  longest 
spark,  depends  chiefly  on  the  inductance  and  resistance  of  the 
primary  coil.  The  potential  difference  of  the  secondary  coil  de- 
pends on  the  mutual  inductance  of  the  primary  and  secondary 
coils  and  the  relative  values  of  capacities  of  the  primary  and  sec- 
ondary coils  ;  the  primary  capacity  is  the  capacity  of  the  condenser, 
and  the  secondary  has  a  distributed  capacity  resulting  from  the 
turns  of  wire  wound  closely  together. 

Now  let  Y2  equal  the  potential  of  the  secondary  I0,  the  initial 
primary  current,  M  the  mutual  inductance  of  the  primary  and 
secondary,  C2  the  distributed  capacity  of  the  secondary,  Lx  the 
inductance  of  the  primary  coil,  L2  the  inductance  of  the  secondary 
coil,  and  Cj  the  capacity  of  the  condenser,  then  the  potential  at 
the  terminals  of  the  secondary  may  be  found  by  the  equation 

In  this  equation  the  damping  factor  due  to  the  resistance  of  the 
coils  is  neglected.  In  the  primary,  as  well  as  in  the  secondary  coil,  os- 
cillating currents  are  set  up,  having  a  period  in  the  primary  given  by 


and  in  the  secondary  by 

The  distributed  capacity  of  the  secondary  is  so  small  that  it 
may  be  neglected.  The  expression  for  the  secondary  potential  then 


Again,  in  properly  constructed  coils  practically  all  the  magnetic 
lines  of  force  of  the  primary  cut  the  secondary  when  the  primary 
circuit  is  interrupted  and 

and  the  equation  reduces  to 



=  In  J^sin 

which  is  the  difference  of  potential  at  the  terminals  of  the  secondary ; 
it  is  this  factor  upon  which  the  length  of  the  disruptive  discharge 
depends.  Its  maximum  value  is  given  by 


It  is  obvious,  therefore,  that  the  maximum  potential  difference 
of  the  secondary  is  the  resultant  of  (a)  the  value  of  the  current  in 
the  primary  before  interruption,  (b)  the  inductance  of  the  second- 
ary coil,  and  (c)  the  capacity  of  the  condenser.  The  potential  dif- 
ference of  the  secondary  varies  directly  as  the  initial  primary  cur- 
rent, as  the  square  root  of  the  inductance  of  the  secondary  and  as 
the  square  root  of  the  reciprocal  of  the  primary  capacity.  In  order 
to  ascertain  the  maximum  difference  of  potential  of  a  coil  of  any 
;size  it  is  only  necessary  to  know  the  initial  primary  current  I0,  the 
inductance  of  the  secondary  coil  L2,  and  the  capacity  of  the  con- 
denser around  the  break  C1?  as  indicated  by  the  formula  last  given. 
Klingelfuss  has  deduced  the  following  laws,  which  hold  for  coils 
of  all  sizes  up  to  100  cm.  spark-length1:  (a)  the  length  of  the  dis- 
ruptive discharge  is  directly  proportional  to  the  number  of  turns 
of  wire  on  the  secondary  coil;  (b)  the  e.  m.  f.  induced  in  the 
primary  is  proportional  to  the  primary  current;  and  (c)  the 
e.  m.  f.  induced  in  the  secondary  is  likewise  proportional  to  the 
primary  current.  In  coils  having  iron  cores  the  permeability  and 


consequently  the  inductance  vary  with  the  strength  of  the  current ; 
the  inductance  may  be  determined  by  ascertaining  its  value  with  a 
email  current  and  then  with  a  large  current,  and  taking  the  mean 
JAnnalen  der  Physik,  5:  p.  837,  1901. 



value  as  the  normal.     Coils  of  various  forms  have  been  experi- 
mented with,  but  those  shown  in  Figs.  88  and  89  have  been  found 


to  be  the  most  efficient.  Klingelfuss  in  testing  the  relative  values  of 
varying  number  of  turns  of  wire  on  the  secondary  coil  obtained  the 
curves  shown  in  Fig.  90 ;  I  is  the  curve  obtained  with  the  horseshoe 



0      10      20      30     40      50      60      70     80      90     100     110    120     130    140  150 

Turns  (thousands) 

type  of  coil;  II  the  results  for  a  straight  coil  with  a  core  of  large 
cross-section;  curve  III  was  obtained  with  a  straight  coil  having  a 
core  with  a  square  cross-section,  and  IV  by  a  large  coil  giving  a 
45  cm.  spark.  From  these  curves  plotted  by  Klingelfuss  it  appears 
that  the  horseshoe  type  of  coil  is  the  most  efficient,  but  is  not 


practicable  for  high  potentials,  as  the  sparks  take  place  across  the 
air-gap  of  the  magnet. 

The  curves,  Fig.  91,  are  due  to  Ives,  and  show  that  when  the 
iron  in  the  core  is  increased  the  potential  of  the  secondary  rises  very 




300  400 

Number  of  wires 

Fio.  91.— EFFBCT  OP  IRON  IN  CORE. 

rapidly  at  first  and  more  slowly  afterward.  The  curves,  Fig.  92, 
showing  the  effect  of  varying  the  capacity  around  the  break,  are  by 
Mizuno,  and  demonstrate  graphically  the  value  of  increasing  .the 
capacity  of  the  condenser  to  the  critical  point  of  optimum  capacity, 
when  the  disruptive  discharge  is  of  maximum  length,  and  that  any 
increase  of  capacity  above  this  value  tends  to  decrease  the  spark- 
length.  The  phenomenon  of  distributed  capacity  of  the  secondary 
coil  is  difficult  of  elucidation,  as  well  as  the  law  of  the  break  of 
the  primary  current,  but  while  these  and  other  obscure  factors  are 
yet  without  the  pale  of  mathematics,  the  theory  of  the  induction 
coil  with  all  its  complexities  are  fairly  well  evolved,  and  from  the 
foregoing  formulae  and  equations  the  determination  of  the  elements 



.2  .3  .i  .5  .6  .7  .8  .9        .10 

Capacity  (Microfarads,) 

and  constants  of  induction  coils  may  be  obtained  with  a  reasonable 
degree  of  accuracy. 



While  Faraday's  ring  is  the  prototype  of  the  modern  induction 
coil,  the  development  of  the  latter  seems  to  have  been  more  directly 
due  to  Henry's  flat  spirals.  Sturgeon  made  some  experiments  with 
coils  with  and  without  iron  cores  in  1836,  and  in  the  same  year 
an  important  advance  was  made  by  Prof.  S.  S.  Page,  of  Wash- 
ington, when  he  interrupted  the  battery  circuit  by  a  rapidly 
revolving  spur  wheel,1  and  later  made  and  broke  the  circuit  by 
drawing  one  end  of  the  battery  wire  over  a  file.  The  primary 
and  secondary  coils  of  Henry  and  Page  were  made  continuous, 
that  is,  a  thick  wire  was  first  wound  into  a  helix,  and  then  sol- 
dered to  one  terminal  of  this  was  a  long  thin  secondary.  Callan, 
in  1836,  describes  the  construction  of  his  coil  as  being  made 
of  two  separate  insulated  wires,  one  thick  and  the  other  thin, 
wound  on  an  iron  core  together,  but  the  peculiar  construction  lies  in 
the  fact  that  the  secondary  or  thin  wire  was  joined  to  the  end  of  the 
thick  wire,  so  that  they  formed  one  circuit,  as  in  the  case  of  Henry 
and  Page.  Callan  also  devised  an  "electro-magnetic  repeater,"  or 
"vibrating  contact  breaker,"  for  interrupting  the  circuit.  Sturgeon, 
the  inventor  of  the  electro-magnet,  investigated  the  influence  of 
electrical  currents  on  soft  iron  as  regards  the  thickness  of  the  metal 
requisite  for  the  full  display  of  magnetic  action.  Sturgeon  ap- 
plied to  his  coil  a  make  and  break  arrangement  consisting  of  a  wire 
dipping  into  a  cup  of  mercury  and  operated  by  a  revolving  cam  and 
lever  producing  36  breaks  per  second ;  this  he  subsequently  changed 
for  a  disk  and  obtained  540  breaks  per  second;  he  then  placed  a 
solid  iron  core  in  the  coil  and  obtained  powerful  shocks.  After 
some  trials  he  substituted  a  bundle  of  fine  iron  wires  for  the  solid 
core  and  obtained  much  better  results.  Bachhoffer  also  noted  the 

'Silliman's  American  Journal  of  Science,  October,  1836. 
•  92 


same  conditions.  Sturgeon's  coil  was  an  advance  over  those  made  at 
that  time,  and  the  general  form  he  gave  it  has  been  retained  to 
the  present  day. 

Callan,  in  a  paper  dated  September  11,  1837,  and  printed  in 
Sturgeon's  Annals  of  Electricity,  says:  "In  making  electro-mag- 
nets (coils)  which  are  to  be  connected  for  the  purpose  of  obtaining 
increased  electric  intensity  care  must  be  taken  not  to  solder  the 
thin  to  the  thick  wire,  but  to  leave  both  ends  of  the  wire  projecting." 
In  a  note  he  recommends  that  for  lecture  purposes  the  thick  wire 
and  the  thin  wire  should  be  wound  on  separate  spools,  so  to  Callan 
we  owe,  not  only  this  form,  but  an  induction  coil  having  a  pri- 
mary of  thick  wire  and  a  secondary  of  fine  wire.  In  this  year 
Barker  designed  a  make  and  break  device  in  the  form  of  a  star 
arranged  so  that  the  projections  dipped  into  a  vessel  of  mercury, 
and  this  has  ever  since  retained  the  name  of  Barker's  wheel.  About 
this  time  Bachhoffer  states  that  he  applied  to  his  coil  a  self-acting 
contact-breaker,  and  this  is  the  earliest  reference  to  an  automatic 
interrupter.  Callan  advanced  the  idea  of  connecting  the  secondary 
circuits  of  a  number  of  coils  in  parallel  and  Fleming  credits  him 
with  the  knowledge  at  that  date  of  adding  up  the  electro-motive 
forces  of  a  number  of  distinct  coils.1  In  a  paper  of  1837  Callan 
contributed  another  great  improvement  in  the  method  of  construct- 
ing induction  coils;  this  consisted  of  increasing  the  insulation  of 
the  secondary  by  drawing  the  wire  just  prior  to  winding  through  a 
hot  bath  of  melted  resin  and  beeswax,  which  mode  is  still  in  use. 
To  Poggendorf  we  are  indebted  for  the  invaluable  suggestion  of 
winding  a  large  number  of  thin  flat  coils,  after  insulating  them, 
so  that  there  could  be  no  great  difference  of  potential  between  the 
immediate  coils,  and  then  connecting  them  in  series. 

Callan  constructed  one  of  the  largest  coils,  up  to  the  advent  of 
wireless  telegraphy,  ever  built.  It  was  completed  in  1863  and  gave 
a  spark  of  15  inches  in  length.  It  is  still  preserved  in  Maynooth 
College,  England.  In  1837  Page  invented  his  rocking-magnet  in- 
terruptor.  By  many  he  is  credited  with  the  discovery  of  the  di- 
vided coil.  In  1838  he  constructed  a  most  efficient  coil  operated  by 
an  automatic  make  and  break  formed  of  a  vibrating  spring  dipping 
in  a  cup  of  mercury.  He  noted  the  untoward  effect  of  the  spark 
at  the  point  of  break,  due  to  the  continued  passage  of  the  current 

1  Fleming's  Alternate  Current  Transformer,  Vol.  II. 


caused  by  the  mercury  vapor,  and  remedied  this  by  flowing  the 
surface  of  the  mercury  with  oil.  Page  was  likewise  the  first  physicist 
to  show  that  the  secondary  discharge  of  an  induction  coil  was  simi- 
lar in  every  respect  to  a  static  discharge,  and  that  electrostatic  ten- 
sions could  be  obtained,  Ley  den  jars  charged,  the  leaves  of  an  elec- 
troscope diverged  and  many  other  phenomena  produced  heretofore 
observed  only  with  electrostatic  machines.  Page  also  noted  that 
the  spark  could  be  lengthened  by  heating  the  air  between  the  oscil- 
lator balls,  and  obtained  a  spark  4%  inches  in  length  with  a  dis- 
charge giving  normally  a  maximum  spark  of  ^r  inch  in  the  air.  He 
observed  also  the  phenomenon  that  the  spark  of  a  primary  circuit, 
when  broken,  was  extinguished  by  introducing  the  terminals  be- 
tween the  poles  of  a  powerful  magnet  when  the  spark  was  blown 
out  with  a  loud  report. 

Wagner  and  Neef  improved  upon  Page's  mercurial  break  in 
1840  by  designing  the  now  familiar  vibrating  armature  with  plati- 
num contacts.  With  this  invention  the  induction  coil  was  prac- 
tically completed  with  the  exception  of  the  condenser.  In  1851 
Ruhmkorff  greatly  improved  the  efficiency  of  the  coils  by  carefully 
insulating  the  secondary  from  the  primary  by  means  of  a  glass  tube 
and  with  glass  disks  at  either  end  to  hold  the  wire  in  place.  He 
provided  also  the  commutator  for  reversing  the  current,  and  to- 
gether with  his  improvements  of  the  vibrating  interrupter  he  be- 
came famous  as  a  maker  of  induction  coils,  and  to-day  his  name 
stands  as  a  symbol  for  high-tension  coils.  The  last  important  and 
one  of  the  greatest  improvements  was  made  by  Fizeau1  by  the  addi- 
tion of  the  condenser.  Ruhmkorff  at  once  took  up  the  work  and 
designed  condensers  especially  adapted  for  the  purpose  and  made 
them  with  carefully  proportioned  dimensions.  Ruhmkorff  made  his 
condensers  of  oiled  silk  or  paper  with  intervening  leaves  of  tinfoil. 
The  condenser  thus  formed  was  placed  in  the  base  of  the  coils  and  the 
opposite  terminals  connected  to  the  opposite  posts  of  the  inter- 
rupter. In  1867  Ruhmkorff  constructed  his  chef-d'oeuvre,  a  coil 
giving  sparks  40  cm.  in  length.  M.  Jean,  an  amateur  coil  builder, 
devised  a  method  for  securing  better  insulation  in  1854.  This  con- 
sisted in  immersing  the  whole  coil  in  a  liquid  insulator  such  as 
oil  or  turpentine.  He  also  baked  and  dried  the  coil  to  eliminate 
any  remaining  moisture  previous  to  immersion  and  performed  the 
whole  process  in  a  vacuum,  thus  avoiding  contact  with  the  air  in 

lComptes  Rendus,   1853.  Fizeau. 


the  transfer  of  the  coil  to  the  oil.  Taking  advantage  of  all  these 
improvements  in  the  building  of  coils,  Alfred  Apps,  a  London 
maker,  constructed  the  famous  Spottiswoode  coil1  giving  a  spark 
42  inches  in  length. 


In  the  construction  of  induction  coils  for  practical  wireless 
telegraphy  a  heavy  and  continuous  secondary  discharge  is  of  prime 
importance.  Induction  coils  for  this  class  of  work  should  be  con- 
structed upon  lines  somewhat  different  from  those  usually  followed 
in  ordinary  coils,  that  is  to  say,  they  need  not  be  wound  to  obtain 
excessively  high  potentials,  and  the  secondary  coil  should  exercise 
but  a  slight  reaction  on  the  magnetic  lines  of  force,  thus  offering 
but  little  opposing  influence  to  the  primary  current. 

To  obtain  these  desirable  features  the  inductor  or  primary  coil 
is  made  quite  long  and  the  secondary  coil  is  proportionately  shorter 
and  is  wound  with  wire  having  a  much  larger  cross-section  than  an 
ordinary  coil,  thereby  decreasing  the  losses  by  ohmic  resistance  to  a 
minimum,  since  every  turn  of  wire  not  absolutely  required  to  obtain 
potential  adds  to  the  total  resistance ;  the  use  of  wire  of  large  cross- 
section  also  reduces  to  a  minimum  the  heating  due  to  alternating 
secondary  currents.  The  secondary  coil  should  be  doubly  insu- 
lated, thus  strengthening  the  weakest  points  of  the  induction  coil 
and  rendering  its  disruption  under  the  heavy  demands  of  com- 
mercial wireless  telegraph  practice  practically  impossible. 

CORES. — The  core  of  an  induction  coil  should  be  made  of  care- 
fully annealed  Swedish  soft  iron  wires,  preferably  of  No.  18,  20,  or 
22  B.  &  S.  gauge,  cut  into  suitable  lengths  and  bound  into  a  compact 
bundle.  It  has  been  found  that  by  increasing  the  diameter  of  the 
core  in  proportion  to  its  length  a  greater  frequency  of  interruption 
is  possible,  which  is  a  great  advantage  when  an  electrolytic  inter- 
i  uptor  is  employed  in  connection  with  it,  since  the  B  H  curves  are 
described  with  little  retardation  even  when  the  frequency  of  inter- 
ruption reaches  a  value  of  10,000  per  minute;  this  is  due  to  the  de- 
crease of  resistance  offered  by  a  coil  of  large  cross-section  to  the  flow 
of  the  magnetic  lines  of  force  through  it.  This  magnetic  reluctance, 

1  Philosophical  Magazine,  January,  1887,  p.  30. 


as  it  is  termed,  is  the  divisor  where  the  magneto-motive  force  is 
the  dividend,  and  the  quotient  is  the  magnetic  flux,  or  it  may  be  ex- 
pressed thus : 

The  magnetic  flux 

. =  Magneto-motive  force. 

The  reluctance. 

The  core  of  the  coil  should  be  long  and  extend  from  two  to 
six  or  eight  inches  beyond  the  secondary;  by  this  arrangement  the 
number  of  lines  of  magnetic  force  cutting  a  turn  of  the  secondary 
is  greater  at  the  middle  than  at  the  ends,  and  therefore  less  wire 
may  be  employed  in  the  secondary.1 

PRIMARY  COILS. — In  large  coils  the  inductance  between  the 
local  turns  of  wire  is  the  cause  of  excessive  sparking  at  the 
interrupter.  To  overcome  this  objectionable  feature,  the  primary 
coil  is  made  up  of  a  number  of  turns  of  small  wires,  the  multiple 
winding  is  equal  in  conductivity  to  a  single  wire  of  large  diameter. 
This  gives  better  results  in  virtue  of  a  closer  winding  of  the  wire 
on  the  core.  The  inductor  or  primary  coil  gives  the  best  inductive 
effects  when  wound  in  two  layers  on  the  coil.  Double-covered 
cotton  or  silk  magnet  wire  may  be  used,  and  the  size  depends  on 
the  length  of  the  sparks  and  the  kind  of  discharge  desired.  In 
wireless  telegraphy  where  thick  discharges  are  required  a  corre- 
spondingly heavy  current  must  flow  through  the  inductor,  and 
thus  a  wire  of  large  cross-section  should  be  used.  The  strength 
of  the  disruptive  discharge  is  subject  very  largely  to  the  degree 
of  magnetization  of  the  coil,  and  this,  by  the  number  of  turns  of 
wire  on  the  inductor,  providing  they  are  in  close  proximity  to  the 
coils,  in  virtue  of  the  law  of  ampere  turns,  which,  simply  stated, 
is  that  a  current  flowing  through  a  number  of  turns  of  wire  is 
equal  to  the  number  of  amperes  flowing  through  a  single  turn 
multiplied  by  the  number  of  turns  of  wire. 

In  the  construction  of  inductors  it  is  desirable  to  minimize  the 
inductance  of  the  turns,  since  the  effect  of  this  local  self-induction 
is  to  produce  a  retardation  of  the  primary  current,  therefore  wire  of 
large  cross-section  is  employed  together  with  a  double  layer  of 
wire;  if  the  wire  is  too  large  difficulty  may  be  expected  in  the 
nature  of  excessive  sparking  at  the  interrupter.  For  wireless  tele- 

iphysical  Review   Ives    Vol.  XIV.,  1902 


graph  transmitters/ makers  of  coils  have  found  the  following  sizes 
of  wire  suitable  for  the  inductors: 

c,.        e      -i    •  No.  of  wire. 

Size  of  coils  m  spark  length  B  &  S  Gauge 

!/2  inch  to  1  inch No.  16 

1  inch  to  2  inches No.  15 

2  inches  to  4  inches No.  14 

4  inches  to  8  inches No.  13 

8  inches  to  12  inches No.  12 

The  inductor  should  be  wound  to  occupy  nearly  the  entire 
length  of  the  coil,  and  then  treated  to  a  coat  of  insulation. 

SECONDARY  COILS. — To  obtain  a  heavy  and  rapid  disruptive  dis- 
charge the  secondary  coil  should  be  wound  with  wire  having 
at  least  fifty  per  cent,  greater  cross-section  than  in  ordinary  types 
of  induction  coils  found  in  the  open  market,  yet  the  number  of 
turns  of  wire  should  remain  the  same,  and  to  increase  the  output 
of  a  coil  thus  constructed  so  that  it  will  give  its  maximum  efficiency 
the  secondary  coil  should  be  wound  with  the  least  number  of  turns 
of  wire  possible  and  yet  be  capable  of  producing  a  given  length  of 
spark,  since  every  additional  turn  of  wire  not  absolutely  necessary 
increases  its  resistance  and  decreases  the  amperage  of  the  secondary 
current  without  proportionately  increasing  the  length  of  the  spark. 
Coils  for  wireless  telegraphy  are,  in  consequence,  larger  than  the 
usual  types;  but  this  feature  is  compensated  for  in  virtue  of  its 
giving  heavy,  white  and  powerful  discharges  which  are  capable  of 
setting  up  in  the  radiator  system  oscillatory  currents  of  great 

In  order  to  obtain  the  proper  distribution  of  wire  in  the  sec- 
ondary the  best  method  is  to  ascertain  the  spark  length  of  single 
coils  made  of  a  few  turns  of  wire  and  placed  at  intervals  along  the 
core  and  in  the  magnetic  field  of  the.  inductor ;  curves  may  then  be 
plotted  which  will  give  fairly  accurate  determinations  of  the  proper 
amount  and  distribution  of  wire.  The  secondaries  of  induction 
coils  giving  2  inch  sparks  and  under  may  be  wound  of  continuous 
wire,  layer  upon  layer,  until  the  proper  amount  of  wire  per  given 
Bpark-length  is  used ;  the  cheaper  coils  to  be  found  in  the  market  are 
built  up  in  this  manner.  But  for  effective  work  in  wireless  teleg- 


raphy  the  winding  of  the  secondary  must  be  composed  of  sectional 
disks.  In  coils  of  1  inch  spark-length  two  or  more  sections  may  be 
employed,  and  these  sections  should  decrease  in  thickness,  increase 
in  diameter  and  be  added  to  in  number  as  the  size  of  the  coil  in- 
creases. Sectional  disks  iV  inch  in  thickness  are  the  most  suitable 
for  coils  giving  sparks  12  to  18  inches  in  length. 

In  winding  these  sections  the  wire  is  drawn  through  a  melted 
insulating  compound  composed  of  three  parts  of  resin  and  one 
part  of  beeswax ;  the  silk  insulated  magnet  wire,  with  this  additional 
insulating  medium  still  hot  upon  it,  is  reeled  into  a  thin  flat  coil 
between  two  brass  disks  having  planed  surfaces  and  carefully  ad- 
justed so  that  each  surface  shall  have  the  same  thickness  and 
c^pproximately  the  same  amount  of  wire  on  it.  The  sectional  disks. 



are  then  dried  and  partially  assembled  when  they  are  connected  in 
series,  as  shown  in  Fig.  93,  where  the  outer  terminal  of  one  section 
is  connected  with  the  inner  terminal  of  the  next  one.  A  more  recent 
practice  is  to  connect  the  outer  terminals  of  the  first  two  sections 
together  and  then  the  inner  terminals  of  the  next  two,  as  shown  in 
Fig.  94;  in  the  case  illustrated  in  Fig.  93  the  terminal  of  one  coil 
is  brought  down  between  the  sections  in  order  to  make  connection 
with  the  inner  terminal  of  the  next  section  to  it,  and  this  has  a 
tendency  to  produce  short-circuiting  and  sparking  between  the 
individual  sections.  This  is  obviated  in  the  latter  method,  the  cur- 
rent flowing  in  the  same  direction  through  all  of  the  sectional  disks. 
Some  makers  of  induction  coils  increase  the  number  of  turns 
of  wire  in  the  sections  which  are  to  occupy  the  middle  of  the  core, 
so  that  it  will  be  much  larger  and  the  amount  of  wire  much 


greater  than  at  the  ends,1  as  shown  in  Fig.  95.  This  arrangement 
brings  the  greatest  number  of  turns  in  a  position  where  the  mag- 
netic field  is  at  its  maximum  value.  In  ordinary  induction  coils 
where  a  long,  thin  disruptive  discharge  is  desired,  the  secondary 
coil  is  wound  with  No.  36  to  40  B.  &  S.  magnet  wire,  but  in  wire- 
less telegraphy  where  a  heavy  spark  is  essential  No.  30  to  34  wire 
is  used.  The  amount  of  wire  per  inch  spark  for  coils  up  to  6  inches 
of  No.  34  wire  is  approximately  ll/2  pounds ;  for  coils  larger  than  6 
inches  it  is  about  a  pound. 

INSULATION. — Where  heavy  disruptive  discharges  are  required, 
the  insulation  of  the  secondary  coil  must  be  carefully  considered. 
It  is  of  prime  importance  that  all  the  air  is  removed  from  the 
spaces  between  the  turns  of  wire  in  the  sectional  disks  and  from 


the  interspaces  between  the  sections  themselves  after  assembling. 
These  minute  air  bubbles  weaken  a  coil  and  diminish  its  efficiency, 
and  may  in  time  cause  its  total  disruption,  due  to  electrostatic 
bombardment  of  rapidly  alternating  currents  at  high  potential 
which  develop  heat. 

To  prevent  these  untoward  effects,  manufacturers  construct  what 
is  termed  a  vacuum  secondary;  the  sectionally  wound  disks  are 
dried  before  removal  from  the  winding  machine,  and  after  being 
assembled  they  are  immersed  in  a  melted  insulating  compound  of 
resin  and  beeswax;  the  air  is  then  thoroughly  exhausted;  when 
removed  the  coil  is  inclosed  in  a  solid  mass  of  air  and  moisture- 
proof  insulation.  Oil  is  of  course  the  ideal  insulation,  but  it  adds 
bulk  to  the  coil,  and  there  is  always  danger  of  leakage,  while  the 
process  described  gives  excellent  satisfaction  and  has  been  adopted 
by  all  the  leading  manufacturers. 

Electricity:  Its  Theory,  Sources  and  Application.    Sprague. 


ASSEMBLY  OF  PARTS. — After  the  coil  is  properly  mounted  an 
interrupter  and  a  condenser  are  necessary  adjuncts  to  complete  the 
equipment.  The  interrupter  should  be  constructed  to  operate 
smoothly  and  uniformly  without  regard  to  the  variability  of  the 
disruptive  discharge  while  in  action.  The  condenser  should  be 
adjustable  so  that  sparking  of  the  interrupter  contacts  may  be 
reduced  to  a  minimum,  in  accordance  with  the  laws  of  capacity  and 
inductance  already  elucidated.  Interlocking  switches  are  now 
placed  on  large  coils,  which  prevent  short  circuits,  etc.  By  their  use 
it  is  impossible  for  the  current  to  flow  through  the  primary  until 
the  interrupter  is  in  operation. 

SOURCES  OF  ELECTRO-MOTIVE  FORCE. — Induction  coils  may  be 
operated  by  primary  cells,  storage  batteries,  or  by  a  direct  110-volt 
current.  In  wireless  telegraph  practice  it  is  preferable  to  operate 
coils  from  110-volt  circuits  where  practicable,  as  the  increased 
energy  gives  a  heavier  discharge,  and  therefore  more  powerful  oscil- 
lations are  set  up  in  the  radiator.  Where  primary  batteries  are 
employed  a  large  excess  current  must  be  provided,  or  the  discharge 
will  be  enfeebled  and  the  coil,  whatever  its  make  and  rating,  will 
be  inefficient.  It  is  not  advisable  to  operate  coils  on  220-volt  cir- 
cuits, since  the  reaction  on  the  primary  is  dangerous  alike  to  the 
coil  and  the  operator.  Where  a  220-volt  direct  current  is  available 
a  small  motor-generator  may  be  installed;  that  is  to  say,  a  direct 
current  motor  operating  on  a  220-volt  circuit  may  be  directly  con- 
nected to  a  110-volt  dynamo,  which  supplies  energy  to  the  coil,  or  a 
motor-generator  answering  the  same  purpose  may  be  used.  A  motor 
with  two  windings  on  its  armature,  one  to  take  the  current  at  220 
or  500  volts  and  the  other  to  generate  a  current  of  15  amperes  at  20 
volts,  may  also  be  used.  An  alternating  current  cannot  be  employed 
directly  to  operate  an  induction  coil,  for  the  reason  that  the  rate  of 
alternation  of  the  current  has  a  time  constant  too  high  to  give- 
efficient  disruptive  discharges  without  heating  the  coil.  Alternating 
currents  may  be  used,  however,  by  utilizing  in  the  circuit  a  Cald- 
well  liquid  interruptor  or  designing  the  induction  coil  so  that  a 
Grisson  converter  may  be  introduced. 

SELECTION  AND  CARE  OF  A  COIL. — In  ordering  induction  coils 
for  wireless  telegraphy  there  are  a  number  of  factors  to  be  taken 
into  consideration.  Coils  are  rated  by  the  length  of  spark  they 
give,  and  the  heavier  the  discharge  the  whiter  the  spark  appears.  The 
rating  of  an  induction  coil  should  be  made  when  the  coil  is  operated 


normally,  and  not  by  the  mere  length  of  a  single  discharge.  A  coil 
working  with  a  current  of  15  amperes  at  20  volts  =  300  watts 
should  completely  fill  a  spark-gap  one  inch  long  between  terminals 
made  of  i/^-inch  disks.  It  is  often  convenient  to  know  the  polarity 
of  the  secondary  discharge.  This  may  be  easily  ascertained,  since 
the  positive  terminal  is  always  cold,  whilst  the  negative  terminal 
is  hot  when  the  coil  is  in  action.  If  a  Geissler  tube  is  attached  to 
the  terminals  the  positive  glows  with  a  purplish  red  light  and  the 
negative  with  a  bluish  violet  light. 


The  proper  care  must  be  taken  of  an  induction  coil  to  get  the 
best  results,  and  unless  handled  with  the  consideration  usually 
bestowed  on  other  fine  mechanical  or  electrical  appliances  the  re- 
sults will  not  be  satisfactory.  The  interrupter  should  be  kept  clean 
and  the  surfaces  of  the  platinum  contacts  smooth  and  parallel  with 
each  other;  when  an  adjustable  condenser  is  employed  care  must 
be  exercised  to  obtain  the  proper  capacity.  If  too  large  or  too  small 
a  capacity  is  used  the  performance  of  the  interruptor  will  be  ren- 
dered variable,  and  excessive  sparking  will  result.  One  of  the  most 
common  causes  of  failure  in  the  operation  of  coils  is,  however, 
directly  due  to  insufficient  current;  if  batteries  are  utilized  as  the 



source  of  current  it  is  of  vital  importance  that  there  should  be 
a  very  large  excess,  for  effective  discharges  are  only  obtained  by 
currents  of  large  amperage. 

TYPES  OF  INDUCTION  COILS. — In  Fig.  96  is  shown  a  2"  induction 
coil  the  secondary  of  which  is  formed  by  winding  a  continuous  wire 
in  several  layers  around  the  primary.  The  layers  are  insulated  from 
each  other  by  paraffine  paper.  Coils  constructed  on  this  simple  plan 
are  made  in  sizes  giving  from  14"  spark  to  a  2"  spark.  These  coils 


are  equipped  with  single  vibrating  spring  interrupters  and  paper 
condensers;  they  give  quite  satisfactory  results  for  experimental 
work  provided  they  are  carefully  handled.  By  way  of  comparison, 
Fig.  97,  illustrating  a  2"  coil  of  modern  design,  is  given;  in  this  the 
secondary  is  built  up  of  disks  and  insulated  with  wax  and  rosin. 
The  interruptor  is  of  the  double  spring  vibrating  type  and  the  break 
is  shunted  with  a  mica  condenser. 

A  ten-inch  coil  built  by  Foote,  Pierson  &  Co.,  is  shown  in  Fig. 
98.  This  is  equipped  with  all  the  latest  modern  improvements,  in- 
suring successful  operation  under  strenuous  conditions;  it  includes 


an  independent  multiple  interrupter,  interlocking  switch,  safety- 
fuse  block,  adjustable  mica  condenser,  special  switches,  posts  for 
electrolytic  interrupters  and  a  series  parallel  arrangement  of  the 
inductor.  Fig.'  99  pictures  the  exterior  appearance  of  the  coil  used 
in  the  Lodge-Muirhead  system,  the  construction  of  which  is  similar 
to  that  indicated  in  the  preceding  portions  of  this  chapter. 

The  Kinraide  coil  consists  of  two  separate  secondaries  with 
their  primaries  connected  in  series.    Each  secondary  has  a  high  and 


low  potential  terminal  resulting  from  the  position  and  method  of 
winding  the  inductors.  The  primary  of  each  side  is  wound  outside 
the  secondary  winding.  The  object  of  this  is  to  overcome  the 
tendency  of  the  secondary  to  discharge  into  the  primary  coil.  Fig. 
100  represents  the  coil  photographically.  The  Braun-Siemens  and 
Halske  coil,  Fig.  101,  follows  the  specifications  given  for  properly 
designed  coils  for  heavy  service,  the  secondary  being  wound  with 
wire  having  50  per  cent,  greater  cross  section,  with  double  the  in- 
sulation of  ordinary  coils.  The  physical  characteristics  of  the  Slaby- 
Arco  coils  are  practically  the  same  as  those  of  the  Braun  type.  In 



ITig.  102  a  reproduction  of  a  coil  designed  by  Fessenden  is  given. 
It  will  be  observed  that  the  core  and  primary  extends  on  either  side 

~ -B.  Ink- 



of  the  secondary  to  a  distance  several  times  the  length  of  the  latter. 
It  has  been  shown  by  experiment  that  additional  secondary  coils 



near  the  ends  of  the  core  enhanced  to  a  very  small  extent  the  output 
of  the  current  of  the  secondary. 


The  largest  induction  coils  ever  made  for  wireless  telegraphy 
are  shown  in  Fig.  103.     Two  of  these  immense  coils  were  built  by 


Queen  &  Co.,  for  the  Japanese  Government.  The  core  of  the  in- 
ductor is  formed  of  iron  wires,  making  a  bundle  measuring  5  inches 
in  diameter,  having  a  length  of  four  feet  and  weighing  200  pounds. 



This  core  projects  12  inches  beyond  either  end  of  the  secondary,  the 
latter  being  divided  into  two  parts,  built  up  of  sectional  disks  and 
containing  100  miles  of  fine  and  carefully  insulated  magnet  wire; 
when  completed  the  outside  of  the  coils  measured  15  inches.  The 
interruptor  is  driven  by  an  electric  motor,  actuating  heavy  pieces  of 


platinum  which  breaks  under  oil,  -while  a  variable  mica  condenser  is 
provided  to  cut  down  any  undue  sparking.  Either  a  110  volt  d.  c. 
may  be  used,  or  a  25  volt,  20  ampere  current  from  a  storage  battery 
when  a  maximum  spark  of  42  inches  in  length  or  an  exceedingly 
heavy  disruptive  discharge  may  be  obtained. 



The  evolution  of  the  modern  high-class  induction  coi)  has  called 
forth  much  effort  and  ingenuity  in  providing  a  simple  method  for 
making  and  breaking  the  primary  circuit  with  precision  and  rapid- 


ity.  The  requirements  of  a  good  interruptor  are  (1)  a  break  ap- 
proaching as  nearly  as  possible  the  ideal,  i.e.,  absolute  instantaneous- 
ness,  (2)  high-speed  interruptions,  (3)  arbitrary  variability  of 
frequency  of  make  and  break  at  will  of  the  operator,  (4)  inde- 
pendence of  action  of  the  current  flowing  through  the  inductor,  and 
(5)  capability  of  carrying  large  currents.  Of  interrupters  there 
are  four  general  classes,  (a)  mechanical  vibrating,  (b)  mechanical 



rotating,  (c)  mercurial  turbine,  and  (d)  electrolytic.  As  to  the 
best  type  of  interrupter  there  is  a  wide  difference  of  opinion  everi 
among  experts,  but  the  mechanical  vibrating  is  the  simplest  type, 
easy  to  keep  clean  and  in  adjustment,  and  therefore  extremely 
suitable  for  all  ordinary  classes  of  work.  Where  the  highest  effi- 
ciency is  desired,  as  in  wireless  telegraphy,  the  mercury  turbine  or 
electrolytic  types  are  especially  serviceable,  and  since  trained 


operators  are  in  charge,  the  care  and  manipulation  of  these  more 
complex  devices  become  a  secondary  consideration. 

SIMPLE  VIBRATING  INTERRUPTOR. — In  this  type  of  interrupter 
the  make  and  break  is  accomplished  by  means  of  a  vibrating  spring, 
one  end  of  which  is  held  stationary,  while  its  free  end  carries  an 
armature  magnetically  operated  by  the  core  of  the  coil,  as  shown  in 
Fig.  104.  This  vibrator  is  connected  in  series  with  the  primary 
coil  and  the  battery,  and  is  so  arranged  that  when  no  current  is 
flowing  through  the  circuit  the  spring  carrying  a  movable  con- 
tact point  closes  the  circuit  through  a  stationary  contact  point; 
when  the  current  is  permitted  to  flow  through  the  circuit  the  core  of 



the  coil  is  magnetized  and  attracts  the  armature,  causing  the  cir- 
cuit to  be  broken  when  the  elasticity  of  the  spring  pulls  the  points 
into  contact,  closing  the  circuit  again.  A  condenser  is  shunted 
around  the  break,  as  per  diagram,  Fig.  105.  This  type,  known  as  the 
Neff  hammer  interruptor,  has  been  employed  on  large  coils — up  to 
10  and  12-inch — but  is  not  a  very  satisfactory  device  for  with- 
standing the  heavy  strains  to  which  it  is  subjected  in  wireless 
telegraphy,  although  it  is  employed  extensively  by  English  makers 
and  was  used  by  Marconi  in  many  of  his  most  successful  tests. 


This  interrupter  is  almost  universally  used  in  coils  up  to  4  inches. 
Its  periodicity  of  interruption  is  variable  only  through  a  very  lim- 
ited range  of  vibration,  it  has  a  tendency  to  stick  when  heavy  cur- 
rents are  used,  and  its  vibrations  are  sinusoidal,  which  affects  the 
rate  of  discharge;  oppositely  disposed,  its  frequency  is  fairly  high 
and  may  be  determined  by  the  musical  note  it  emits.  A  high  or 
low  period  of  vibration  can  be  arbitrarily  given  it  by  the  maker  by 
employing  a  thick,  short  spring  when  very  rapid  movements  are 
desired,  or  a  long,  thin  spring  if  a  slower  rate  is  necessary,  thus  ob- 
taining the  most  suitable  value  of  frequency  for  the  operation  of 
the  coil,  the  range  available  being  from  0  to  2,500  makes  and  breaks 
per  minute. 



DOUBLE-CONTACT  INTERRUPTOR. — This  is  a  modified  form 
of  the  above  vibrating  type,  but  has  a  platinum  contact  on 
both  sides  of  the  spring,  the  make  taking  place  as  the  amplitude 
of  the  spring  reaches  its  maximum  in  both  directions,  the  break  as 
the  elasticity  of  the  spring  moves  toward  0.  By  this  means  the 
frequency  of  the  interruption  may  be  increased  to  5,000  vibrations 
per  minute.  The  greatest  difficulty  with  this  form  is  in  its  sticking 

DOUBLE-SPRING  INTERRUPTOR. — In  all  single-spring  inter- 
rupters the  movable  contact  point  is  secured  directly  to  the  spring 


midway  between  its  stationary  and  its  free  end;  where  heavy  cur- 
rents are  employed  the  platinum  contacts  very  often  stick,  due  to 
the  fusing  of  the  points,  which  on  cooling  become  welded  together, 
rendering  the  device  inoperative.  In  the  double-spring  inter- 
rupter (Fig.  106)  two  springs  are  called  into  play,  the 
small  one  carrying  a  movable  platinum  contact,  projecting 
through  a  collar  in  the  large  one,  which  acts  as  the  vibrator 
spring  proper.  When  the  platinum  points  come  in  contact 
with  each  other  the  large  spring  is  not  arrested  in  its  action, 
but  is  carried  forward  until  it  reaches  its  full  amplitude, 
thus  giving  the  contact  points  the  benefit  of  a  long  make ;  when  the 
spring  is  returning  it  strikes  the  collar  of  the  small  spring  and 
breaks  the  contact  with  all  its  acquired  momentum  at  full  speed. 




C2Z3       I  v 




This  is  a  decided  improvement  on  the  simple-spring  vibrator,  since 
in  the  latter  the  break  takes  place  at  the  instant  the  spring  begins 
to  move.  In  the  double-spring  interrupter  the  force  is  sufficient 
always  to  break  the  slight  weld  at  the  contact  points. 

INDEPENDENT  INTERRUPTOR. — By  the  term  independent  it  is  to 
be  inferred  that  this  type  of  vibrator  is  a  complete  device  in  itself, 
although  a  subsidiary  piece  of  apparatus  of  the  induction  coil.  It 
usually  embodies  all  the  improvements  of  the  double-spring  inter- 
rupter, and,  being  operated  on  a  shunt,  it  may  be  started  or  stopped 
at  will  and  the  current  flowing  through  the  inductor  completely 
made  or  broken  or  intermittently  interrupted— as  the  specifications 

of  some  wireless  telegraph  systems 
call  for — as  desired.  Fig.  107  is  a 
photograph  of  a  standard  independent 
interruptor,  and  Fig.  108  shows  the 
connections  where  an  independent 
vibrator,  is  employed ;  1  represents  the 
contacts  for  the  short  circuit;  2  the 
interruptor  magnets ;  3  the  large  con- 
tacts for  the  primary  circuit;  4,  41 
the  primary  coil  in  two  layers  and 
5  the  source  of  e.  m.  f.  Independent 
interrupters  are  especially  adapted  to 
operate  coils  on  110-volt  circuits.  In 
the  type  shown  a  vertical  rod  is  at- 
tached to  the  free  end  of  the  large 

vibrating  spring  and  carries  a  sliding  weight  retained  in  position 
by  a  set  screw.  By  adjusting  the  weight  the  period  of  vibration 
may  be  varied  within  certain  limits,  offering  a  decided  advantage 
in  adjusting  it  to  the  requirements  of  wireless  telegraph  trans- 
mission. Other  features  of  this  interruptor  are  as  follows:  its 
action  is  independent  of  the  heavy  current  flowing  through  the 
coil,  it  gives  a  clean-cut  and  sharp  •  break,  and  it  cannot  stick. 
An  adjustable  condenser  is  very  often  mounted  on  the  same  base 
with  the  independent  interruptor,  and  is  an  important  feature 
where  a  variable  speed  takes  place,  since  different  periods  of  inter- 
ruption require  capacities  of  different  value.  The  magnet  of  the 
interruptor  should  be  especially  wound  for  the  current  with  which 
it  is  to  be  operated.  The  adjustable  condensers  usually  have  a 
total  capacity  of  4  or  5  microfarads  subdivided  into  fifths,  so  that 




a  suitable  value  may  be  had  for  every  condition  which  may  arise 
in  using  it  in  connection  with  the  smallest  or  the  largest  of  coils. 
Another  improvement  in  this  type  of  interruptor  is  to  design  it 
with  two  magnets  arranged  so  that  the  armature  and  spring  will 
just  clear  the  inner  surfaces  of  the  polar  projections  of  the  mag- 
nets, as  in  Fig.  109.  This  gives  the  spring  an  unlimited  play,  so 
that  its  full  amplitude  may  be  called  into  action,  making  it  very 
positive  and  powerful. 


action  of  interruption  on  the  coefficients  of  coils  experimenters 
usually  employ  the  simple  and  efficient  method  of  plunging  and 
removing,  by  hand,  one  of  the  terminals  of  the  inductor  into  a 
vessel  of  mercury  which  is  in  circuit  with  the  battery  and  primary 
coil.  The  fundamental  feature  of  a  mercurial  make  and  break  was 
utilized  by  M.  Bichat  in  1875,  who  adapted  it  to  a  reciprocating 
mechanism  operated  by  a  magnet,  as  in  Fig.  110.  It  consists  of  an 
electro-magnet,  Et  with  automatic  interruptor,  B,  like  a  vibrating 
bell  working  on  a  shunt  circuit.  The  armature  carries  the  rod  Lf 
to  which  is  fastened  the  contact  point  T.  The  mercury  is  represented 



by  the  black  space  at  the  bottom  of  the  vessel  and  is  marked  — , 
while  the  contact  point  forms  the  +  terminal ;  the  mercury  ia  cov- 
ered with  vaseline  to  prevent  sparking  and  oxidization. 


FIG.   110. 

MECHANICAL  ROTATING  INTERRUPTOR. — The  mercury  type  of 
interrupter  designed  by  Bichat  and  the  rotary  type  made  by  Du- 


cretet  are  much  used  in  France.    In  the  latter  device  the  recipro- 
cating motion  of  the  movable  contact  point  is  obtained  by  the  ro- 



tary  action  of  an  electric  motor.1  The  motor,  P,  is  mounted  on  an 
insulated  standard.  The  shaft  Am  of  the  armature  is  provided  with 
a  cam,  Ex,  operating  in  a  longitudinal  slotted  plate  to  which  is 
attached  the  rod  t  and  the  collar,  T,  as  in  Fig.  Ill,  in  which  the 
platinum  contact  point  is  adjusted ;  this  point  makes  and  breaks 
contact  with  mercury  in  the  vessel  here,  as  in  Bichat's  interrupter. 

Covering  the  mercury  is  a  layer  of 
petroleum  or  alcohol  to  prevent 
sparking.  The  interrupter  has  a 
periodicity  of  600  to  800  per  min- 
ute when  operated  by  the  motor. 
Fig.  112  is  a  diagram  of  the  inter- 
ruptor.  An  adjusting  screw,  Bf 
serves  to  raise  or  lower  the  mercury, 
giving  a  longer  or  shorter  period  of 
make,  as  the  case  may  require.  The 
speed  is  governed  by  means  of  the 
rheostat,  R,  and  its  ease  of  manipu- 
lation, reliability,  and  sharp  break 
make  it  a  serviceable  device  where 
low-speed  interruptions  can  be  used 
to  advantage. 

TOR. — The  mechanical  interrupters  described  are  exceedingly  easy 
to  manipulate,  require  little  attention,  and  are  always  ready 
for  use,  and  for  these  reasons  are  generally  supplied  with  induc- 
tion coils  for  sale  in  the  open  market.  In  wireless  telegraph 
practice  better  results  are  obtained  with  interruptors  haying  a 
smaller  time  constant,  and  which  therefore  more  nearly  ap- 
proach instantaneousness  of  break.  The  mercury  turbine  is  a 
device  of  this  character  offering  a  range  of  interruption  from 
10  to  10,000  per  minute,  with  the  relative  times  of  make  and  break 
under  the  control  of  the  operator.  The  cut,  Fig.  113,  shows  the 
mercury  jet  interrupter  designed  by  Dr.  R.  H.  Cunningham.2  It 
consists  essentially  of  a  hollow  spindle  containing  a  steel  worm,  P, 
revolved  by  a  motor  not  shown,  but  belted  to  it  by  a  pulley  at  8. 
Mercury  is  contained  in  the  well  below,  and  when  the  spindle  is 
rotated  the  mercury  is  drawn  upward  and  forced  outward  through 

*Comptes  Rendus,  Academy  of  Sciences,  June  14,  1897. 
1 Electrical  World  and  Engineer,  October  12,  1901. 




the  lava-tipped-  steel  tubes,  QQ,  by  centrifugal  force ;  the  mercury 
as  it  is  thrown  out  impinges  with  great  force  upon  oppositely  dis- 
posed sectors  of  sheet  iron  arranged  in  pairs,  as  shown  at  7;  these 
sectors  are  connected  to  the  terminals  HHf  the  circuit  being  formed 
between  the  sectors  through  the  mercury  jets,  QQ.  The  corners  of 
the  sectors  are  cut  off  at  an  angle,  the  breaks  taking  place  as  the 
impinging  jet  passes  over  the  portions  that  are  cut  away.  The 



terminal  rods  HH  may  be  raised,  or  lowered,  and  the  length 
of  time  required  for  the  contact  between  the  sector  and  the  jet 
may  be  varied  at  will.  In  the  mercury  turbine  two  pairs  of 
sectors  are  usually  employed,  which  produce  four  breaks  per  revo- 
lution, but  three  or  more  pairs  of  sectors  may  be  used  and  the 
number  of  breaks  per  second  increased  if  desired. 

The  break  in  this  type  of  interrupter  is  very  sharp,  owing  to 
the  centrifugal  velocity  of  the  jet  of  mercury  as  it  leaves  the  edge 
of  the  sector,  and  in  the  Cunningham  interrupter  this  is  accentuated 
to  a  further  degree  by  jets  of  compressed  air  attached  to  the  mer- 



cury  jets  QQ'}  the  air  is  compressed  by  two  trumpet-shaped  pipes, 
TT,  attached  to  the  spindle  Pf  and  as  they  revolve  at  a  high 
velocity  an  air-blast  is  forced  out  of  their  tips.  After  the  mercury 
has  been  projected  against  the  sectors  it  falls  back  into  the  cavity 
ready  to  be  used  again.  The  radial  projections  on  the  bottom  of 
this  well  or  cavity  prevent  the  rotation  of  the  mercury.  It  requires 
about  six  pounds  of  mercury  to  charge  the  turbine,  and  after  it  has 
been  in  operation  for  a  month  it  should  be  removed  and  the  parts 
cleaned  by  washing  in  a  solution  of  bichromate  of  potassium.  When 


driven  by  a  synchronous  motor  the  crest  of  each  wave  flowing  in  the 
same  direction  may  be  sheared  off,  and  thus  any  induction  coil  may 
be  operated  by  an  alternating  current  and  unidirectional  disruptive 
discharges  result  at  the  spark-gap.  A  condenser  of  small  capacity 
should  be  shunted  across  the  interrupter  to  obtain  the  best  results. 

ELECTROLYTIC  INTERRUPTOR. — In  systems,  of  wireless  teleg- 
raphy, especially  those  of  German  manufacture,  the  Wehnelt  elec- 
trolytic interrupter  has  met  with  favor,  and  the  results  attained 
have  been  very  satisfactory.  Interrupters  of  the  electrolytic  type 
consist  of  a  platinum  anode  having  a  surface  of  approximately  4 
square  mm.  and  a  lead  cathode  having  a  surface  approxi- 



mating  300  square  cm.,  both  being  immersed  in  a  solution 
of  sulphuric  acid  1  part,  and  water  5  parts.  When  these  electrodes 
are  connected  in  series  with  the  inductor  and  a  source  of  e.  m.  f. 
having  a  potential  of  40  volts,  bubbles  of  non-conducting  gas  are 
formed  on  the  terminal  of  the  platinum  anode  which  interrupts  the 
current ;  the  frequency  of  the  formation  and  bursting  of  the  bubbles 
varies  directly  as  the  e.  m.  f.  employed,  and  inversely  as  the  area 
of  the  platinum  surface. 


On  very  large  coils  this  type  of  interrupter  is  not  theoretically 
efficient,  since  a  current  of  3  or  4  amperes  is  required,  and  this 
causes  a  loss  of  100  to  150  watts,  due  to  the  heating  of  the  solution, 
which  if  continued  affects  the  rate  of  interruption,  diminishes  the 
sharpness  of  the  break,  and  sometimes  results  in  absolute  failure. 
For  these  reasons  the  solution  should  be  kept  at  a  uniformly  low 
temperature,  and  in  practice  this  may  be  accomplished  by  the  use 
of  a  cooling  worm  having  a  head  of  water  flowing  through  it;  the 
general  arrangement  of  the  worm  is  shown  in  Fig.  114,  and  it  may 
be  supplied  from  the  street  mains  or  by  using  a  siphon  of  rubber 
tubing.  In  the  Braun-Siemens  and  Halske  type  of  electrolytic  inter- 



ruptor  the  containing  vessel  is  swung  in  two  concentric  rings,  or 
gimbels  so  that  its  equilibrium  may  be  maintained  at  all  times,  and 
is  especially  useful  for  marine  work,  where  the  rolling  of  the  boat 
would  affect  it ;  this  interrupter  is  shown  in  Fig.  115.  When  an  elec- 
trolytic interrupter  is  employed  the  usual  condenser  shunted  around 
the  make  and  break  is  not  necessary,  as  the  interruptor  itself  has  a 
certain  inherent  capacity  due  to  electrolytic  action,  and  termed 


electrolytic  capacity,  which  is  sufficient  to  maintain  the  proper 
relations  of  the  coefficients.  A  vent  should  be  provided  in  the  top 
of  the  containing  vessel  and  attached  to  a  sponge  dampened  with 
water  or  an  alkali  solution.  Fig.  116  is  a  double  electrolytic  inter- 

An  alternating  current  may  be  used  in  connection  with  an 
electrolytic  interruptor  for  the  negative  current  impulses  have  no 
appreciable  effect,  while  the  positive  impulses  will  electrolyze  the 
solution  and  gas  bubbles  will  be  formed  as  in  the  case  of  the  ordi- 


nary  direct  current.  The  platinum  point  is,  however,  very  rapidly 
reduced  when  an  alternating  current  is  used,  for  the  negative  cur- 
rent acts  like  a  direct  current  when  the  platinum  point  is  made  the 
cathode  and  the  lead  plate  the  anode,  and  its  maintenance  is  there- 
fore quite  expensive;  but  where  an  alternating  current  only  is 
available  it  may,  by  this  method,  be  pressed  into  service.  In  prac- 
tice at  least  40  volts  are  required  to  obtain  good  results,  and  the 
rate  of  interruption  is  from  1,000  to  10,000  per  minute. 

LIQUID  INTERRUPTOR. — This  interrupter  is  due  to  Mr.  E.  W. 
Caldwell  and  is  essentially  electrolytic  in  action.1     In  this  type, 


Fig.  117,  there  are  two  metal  electrodes  immersed  in  a  conduct- 
ing solution  or  electrolyte;  the  electrodes  are  separated  from  each 
other  by  a  punctured  insulated  diaphragm.  When  in  action  the 
current  flowing  through  the  circuit  has  a  greater  density  at  the 
orifice  of  the  diaphragm,  with  the  result  that  a  bubble  is  formed 
which  interrupts  the  current;  the  bubble  then  collapses,  as  in  the 
Wehnelt  type,  only  to  be  formed  again,  disrupted,  and  so  on.  The 
rapidity  with  which  the  make  and  break  .takes  place  varies  with 
the  amount  of  current  flowing  in  the  circuit,  its  inductance,  size 
of  the  orifice  in  the  diaphragm,  the  depth  of  the  electrodes  in  the 
solution,  and  several  other  minor  factors.  Like  other  electrolytic 

^Electrical  Review,  New  York,  May  3,  1899. 



interrupters,  not  less  than  40  volts  are  required  to  operate  it,  and 
an  alternating  current  may  be  employed  if  a  direct  current  is 
not  available. 

ROTARY  INTERRUPTOR. — In  all  the  foregoing  interruptors  the 
impulses  in  the  inductor  are  in  the  same  direction,  and  unidi- 
rectional discharges  result  between  the  spark-balls  connected  to  the 
terminals  of  the  secondary  coil.  Rapidly  alternating  currents  may, 
however,  be  produced  by  means  of  the  rotary  pole-changing  inter- 
rupter. This  is  a  purely  mechanical  device  driven  by  a  motor  and 
consists  of  two  brass  disks  or  wheels,  Wa,  Wb,,  segments  of  which 
are  cut  out  of  their  peripheries,  and  these  are  filled  with  an  insu- 
lating compound  or  with  segments  of  vulcanite,  as  shown  in  Fig. 
118;  the  wheels  are  mounted  on  shafts,  8  8,  and  are  insulated 


from  each  other;  two  pairs  of  copper  or  carbon  brushes,  1,  3,  2,  4, 
are  arranged  to  press  firmly  on  the  wheels  like  brushes  on  the 
commutator  of  a  dynamo.  These  brushes  are  in  circuit  with 
the  source  of  e.  m.  f.  B,  and  the  wheels  are  connected  in 
series  through  the  primary  Pt  so  that  when  the  wheels  and 
brushes  are  in  the  position  indicated  in  Fig.  114  a  current  will  flow 
through  the  inductor  in  the  direction  of  the  arrow,  but  upon  the 
movement  of  the  wheels,  which  operate  synchronously,  through  a 
degree  of  arc  equal  to  the  peripheral  length  of  a  segment  a  re- 
versal of  the  poles  takes  place  and  the  current  now  flows  through 
the  inductor  in  the  opposite  direction.  In  adjusting  the  brushes 
care  must  be  exercised  that  the  pair  marked  1  and  2  do  not  touch 
the  brass  portion  of  their  respective  wheels  simultaneously  with 
the  brushes  3  and  4,  but  alternately  these  should  rest  on  the  in- 



sulated  segments.  When  the  rotary  interrupter  is  in  action,  as  the 
first  pair  of  brushes,  1,  2,  forms  contact,  the  current  from  the 
positive  pole  flows  through  the  disk  Wa  and  the  inductor  P,  thence 
through  the  wheel  Wb  and  the  brush  1  to  the  battery.  The  next 
instant  the  brushes  1  and  2  will  occupy  a  position  on  the  insulated 
segment  and  3  and  4  will  form  contact,  when  the  positive  current 
will  flow  through  the  brush  3,  traversing  the  wheel  Wa  and  back  to 




the  battery;  by  this  means  the  current  is  reversed  through  the 
inductor  as  many  times  per  revolution  as  there  are  segments  in  the 
wheels;  and  as  these  may  represent  a  large  number  and  the  speed 
at  which  the  wheels  are  rotated  may  be  very  rapid,  a  large  number 
of  alternations  through  the  inductor  per  second  may  be  obtained. 

DISRUPTIVE  DISCHARGE  INTERRUPTOR. — A  new  type  of  inter- 
rupter, based  upon  the  principle  of  rendering  an  air  gap  conductive 
by  a  disruptive  discharge,  is  the  invention  of  Thomas  J.  Murphy.  In 
the  diagram  Fig.  119,  a  direct  or  alternating  current  generator  d,  is 


connected  by  AAf  to  the  terminals  BC,  forming  a  spark-plug  ns;  the 
length  of  the  gap  is  much  greater  than  the  potential  developed 
by  a  can  break  down.  A  small  induction  coil  represented  by  DEF 
having  a  condenser  Q,  shunted  across  the  heads  of  the  secondary, 
connects  to  the  principal  air-gap,  EC,  through  the  spark-gaps  H 
HH1!!1.  To  prevent  the  current  flowing  continuously  from 
B  to  C  for  an  indefinite  period  after  the  initial  resistance  of  the 
air  has  been  disrupted  by  the  sparks  from  the  induction  coil  a  mag- 
netic blowout  NS  is  mounted  with  its  polar  projections  at  right 
angles  to  the  carbons,  thus  forming  the  arc ;  the  magnetic  field  re- 
acts on  the  arc,  the  disruptive  discharge  thereby  interrupting  the  cur- 
rent. When  in  action  the  generator  a  sends  a  current  into  the  circuit 



AAt  which  traverses  the  air-gap  B  C,  along  with  the  sparks  from 
the  induction  coil,  and  there  will  be  as  many  interruptions  of  the 
main  current  as  there  are  sparks  through  the  gap  from  the  induo- 
tion  coil.  This  interrupter  may  be  utilized  for  making  and  break- 
ing currents  having  a  potential  of  500-volts;  it  operates  most 
efficiently  on  a  220-volt  circuit.  A  very  small  induction  coil  may 
be  employed  to  primarily  disrupt  the  air.  A  photograph,  Fig.  120, 
presents  a  general  view  of  the  Murphy  interrupter. 

EOTARY  CONVERTER. — A  modified  form  of  the  above  type  of 
rotary  pole  changer  has  been  placed  on  the  market  by  the  General 
Electric  Company  of  Berlin  in  connection  with  the  Slaby-Arco 
apparatus.  It  is  known  as  the  Grisson  direct-alternating  current 

^Murphy  High-Potential  Interrupter.    Collins.    Elec.  World  and 
Nov.  28,  1903. 



transformer,1  and,  as  its  name  implies,  its  purpose  is  to  convert 
a  direct  current  into  pure  alternating  currents  in  the  inductor.  Dif- 
ferent from  the  ordinary  type  of  interrupter,  the  Grisson  converter 
does  not  interrupt  the  current  when  the  value  of  the  latter  reaches 
its  maximum,  and  this  effectively  eliminates  the  sparking  at  the 
brushes  B3  on  the  segmental  wheels  U1U- ;  heavy  currents  may  be 
utilized  for  feeding  the  inductor  in  consequence,  and  the  size  of  the 
condenser  may,  therefore,  be  greatly  diminished.  In  the  diagram 


Fig.  121,  it  is  easy  to  follow  the  evolution  of  alternating  currents 
converted  from  the  direct  current ;  the  inductor  pjp2p3  has,  distinct 
from  its  terminals  P1P2,  a  third  wire  connected  with  a  convolution 
in  the  middle  of  the  coil  at  P3.  A  direct  current  leads  through  to 
the  terminals  L  L1 ;  the  current  leading  in  to  L1  is  divided  at  the 
brushes  53  on  the  segmental  disks  ZJ1^2,  which  are  attached  to  a 
common  shaft  and  insulated  from  each  other,  splitting  the  direct 
current  from  the  leads  L  L-,  through  the  brushes  Bz,  forming  con- 
lScientific  American,  June  28,  1902. 



tact  with  the  segments  of  the  wheels,  reversing  the  current  as  the 
circuit  is  completed  through  the  inductor.  The  direct  current  flows 
to  the  inductor  P1P2  for  the  period  of  time  the  brushes  Bz  are  in 
contact  with  one  of  the  metal  segments  and  one  of  the  insulating 
segments  of  their  respective  wheels  when  the  circuit  including  the 
inductor  and  the  source  of  energy  is  closed,  and  the  total  voltage 
flows  through  the  inductor;  but  the  instant  this  critical  value  is 
reached  the  current  is  reversed  in  virtue  of  the  change  of  position 
of  the  conducting  and  insulating  segments,  and  the  current  is 
changed  in  direction  in  the  inductor ;  the  iron  core  of  the  inductor 
reverses  its  polarity  with  every  alternation  of  current,  and  a  counter 


e.  m.  f.  is  produced  by  means  of  cutting  off  the  current 
at  P2P3  in  the  first  circuit,  and  as  one  segment  approaches  and 
the  brushes  begin  to  form  contact  the  opposite  segment  leaves  its 
brush  and  the  current  is 'reduced  to  0;  when  the  first  circuit  is 
thus  broken  the  current  in  the  second  circuit  quickly  reaches  its 
maximum  value.  This  converter  has  a  frequency  of  from  400  to 
6,000  alternations  per  minute,  and  while  this  is  lower  than,  the 
periods  of  electrolytic  interrupters,  heavier  currents  may  be  used. 
The  contact  disks  are  revolved  by  means  of  a  small  motor,  M, 
operated  by  a  shunt  from  the  leads,  LL1;  C  represents  the  com- 
mutator and  R  a  variable  resistance  for  controlling  the  speed  of  the 
disks  U1U2,  so  that  the  converter  has  a  comparatively  wide  range 
of  frequency.  The  Grisson  converter  is  illustrated  photographically 
in  Fig.  122. 



MERCURY  VAPOR  INTERRUPTOR. — The  foregoing  interrupters  de- 
scribed are  designed  to  be  placed  in  the  primary  circuit  which 
includes  the  inductor  of  the  coil  and  source  of  e.  m.  f.  A 



new   interrupter   invented   by    Peter    Cooper    Hewitt,   is   shown 
in    the    diagram    Fig.    123    and    in    half    tone    at    Fig.    124, 


This  interrupter  differs  from  all  other  types  in  that  it  is  placed 
in  the  secondary  circuit,  and  it  not  only  interrupts  the  alternating 
current  of  high  potential,  but  serves  as  a  modified  form  of  spark- 
gap.  The  mercury  interruptor  is  constructed  on  the  same  general 
principles  as  a  mercury  vapor  lamp  and  consists  of  a  glass  globe 
with  inverted  necks,  from  which  the  air  is  exhausted.  The  necks 
contain  a  small  quantity  of  mercury  and  make  connection  with 
wires  leading  to  the  oscillator  system.  In  action  the  negative 
electrode  offers  an  exceedingly  high  resistance  to  the  high-potential 
alternating  current  until  a  maximum  critical  potential  difference  is 
reached,  when  it  suddenly  breaks  down  and  the  current  flows 
through  the  gaseous  conductor  with  little  or  no  opposition.  When 
the  difference  of  potential  between  the  positive  and  negative 
electrodes  drops  to  a  minimum  critical  potential  the  resistance  of  the 
positive  electrode  is  instantly  increased  to  its  normally  high  value. 
Eeferring  to  the  diagram,  1  represents  an  alternating-current  gen- 
erator connected  in  series  with  the  primary  of  a  step-up  trans- 
former; 2'  is  the  secondary  winding  of  the  transformer,  the  ter- 
minals of  which  lead  to  the  condensers  3,  3',  with  the  interruptor 
4,  4',  5  in  shunt  thereto.  The  condensers  are  connected  with  the 
aerial  wire,  6,  and  the  earth,  7,  but  a  closed  circuit  is  obtained  by 
means  of  a  variable  inductance,  8.  The  rapidity  of  the  interruptions 
depends  on  the  inductance  of  the  coil,  8,  and  the  capacity  of  the 
condensers  3,  3';  the  discharge  from  the  condensers  is  oscillating 
as  in  the  case  of  the  ordinary  oscillator  with  a  spark-gap,  and  the 
voltage  required  to  operate  the  interruptor  varies  from  2,000  to 
20,000,  the  shape  and  size  of  the  tube  and  coefficients  of  the  circuit 
determining  the  potential  required. 



One  of  the  fundamental  requirements  for  the  successful  opera- 
tion of  long-distance  wireless  telegraphy  is  a  high-frequency,  high- 
potential  current.  This  may  be  produced  by  a  number  of  different 
methods,  of  which  the  induction  coil,  previously  described,  i«  the 
best  known ;  others  are  the  f rictional  machine,  the  Tesla  oscillator, 
the  Thomson  high-frequency  apparatus,  and  the  Fleming  trans- 
former. Experience  has  shown  that  enormously  high  fre- 
quencies and  potentials  are  not  so  desirable  as  they  were  at  first 
believed  to  be,  but  that  oscillating  currents  having  a  periodicity  of 
100,000  per  second  and  a  potential  of  25,000  to  50,000  volts  give 
the  best  results,  since  the  former  produces  longer  wave  lengths, 
which  are  more  penetrating,  and  the  latter  backs  up  the  current  with 
sufficient  pressure  to  produce  a  heavy  discharge,  this  giving 
rise  also  to  penetrating  waves.  The  frictional  machine  and  the 
Tesla  oscillator  are  not,  therefore,  in  the  present  state  of  the  art, 
satisfactory  generators,  but  the  advances  in  the  evolution  of  wire- 
less telegraphy  are  so  rapid  that  either  of  these  devices  may  on  the 
morrow  be  found  useful.  A  description  of  these  methods  is  there- 
fore appended. 

FRICTIONAL  MACHINE. — The  frictional  machine  as  invented  by 
Otto  Guericke  consisted  of  a  globe  of  sulphur,  axially  mounted  and 
revolved  by  a  crank;  the  generation  of  electricity  was  effected  by 
the  friction  of  the  hand  against  its  surface.  A  glass  globe  was  sub- 
stituted by  Bose,  of  Wittenburg,  who  also  applied  a  smaller  wheel 
with  a  crank  and  belted  it  to  the  globe  to  increase  its  speed;  the 
electricity  was  collected  on  a  metal  tube.  The  plate  glass  machine, 
shown  in  Fig.  125,  was  devised  in  1787,  and  comprises  a  plate  glass 
disk,  A,  revolved  on  an  axis  by  a  crank  having  an  insulated  handle. 
The  friction  is  applied  through  the  rubbers,  D,  pressing  against  the 
disk  of  glass.  The  disk,  rubbers  and  prime  conductor  are  mounted 



on  separate  glass  standards;  the  prime  conductor,  Pf  consists  of  a 
metal  sphere  carrying  a  metal  comb  extending  on  either  side  of  the 

The  lower  portion  of  the  glass  disk  is  covered  with  a  silk  bag  to 
prevent  the  leakage  of  electricity  from  the  plate  during  its  half 
revolution  from  the  rubbers  to  the  collectors.  The  rubbers  should 
be  coated  with  an  amalgam  made  of  5  parts  of  zinc,  3  parts  of  tin, 
and  9  parts  of  mercury  melted  together,  pulverized,  and  made  into 
a  paste  with  lard.  Before  the  macli  ine  is  used  it  should  be  dried  in 
a  warm,  place  to  expel  all  moisture. 

In  action,  the  plate  glass  machine  is  revolved  toward  the  right, 
when  electricity  is  generated  by  the  rubbers.  When  the  charged 
disk  comes  within  the  field  of  the  collectors  the  electricity  is  accumu- 
lated by  the  prime  conductor,  thus  discharging  the  glass  disk,  which 


becomes  negative,  due  to  the  loss  of  its  charge.  During  each  revolu- 
tion of  the  plate  every  portion  is  alternately  charged  and  discharged, 
the  lower  half  being  constantly  positive  and  the  other  half  at  zero 
except  its  residual  charge.  The  energy  generated  by  a  frictional 
machine  is  proportional  to  the  surface  area  of  the  plate-glass  disk. 
The  length  of  the  spark  is  not  a  true  index  of  the  energy  generated, 
since  a  short,  thick  spark  may  represent  more  energy  than  a  long, 
thin  one.  The  greatest  objection  t<  the  frictional  machine  is  its  ex- 
cessively high  potential  and  proportionately  low  current  strength ; 
coupled  with  this  untoward  feature  is  the  variation  of  spark  due  to 
the  humidity  of  the  air  and  other  atmospheric  conditions.  When 
employed  in  wireless  telegraphy  a  spark-gap  should  be  provided  by 
mounting  a  metal  sphere  on  a  separate  glass  standard;  the 
aerial  wire  is  connected  to  the  prime  conductor  and  the  opposite 
side  of  the  spark-gap  to  the  earth. 

HoLT-ToPLER  MACHINES. — In  1865  Holtz  invented  a  machine 


to  generate  electricity  by  its  mutual  static  inductive  influence.  To 
operate  the  machine  it  was  necessary  to  give  it  an  initial  charge  from 
some  external  source.  Topler  improved  upon  the  design  by  making 
the  machine  self -exciting.  In  the  Holtz  type,  Fig.  126,  the  plate  A 
is  mounted  axially  on  a  shaft  and  revolves  to  the  left  by  means  of  a 
small  driving  wheel,  to  which  a  crank  is  attached.  I,n  front  of  the 
revolving  plate  are  the  collectors  V  and  H  attached  to  the  ebonite 
disk  M;  the  collectors  K  and  L  are  insulated  by  the  ebonite  rods 
extending  from  M ;  these  collectors  are  connected  to  the  Leyden 
jars,  C,  D,  and  with  the  adjustable  spark-gap  P,  R. 

The  glass  plate  B  is  fixed  on  ebonite  supports  and  remains  sta- 

FIG.  126. 

tionary.  Both  the  revolving  and  the  stationary  glass  disks  are 
coated  with  shellac ;  the  stationary  disk  has  two  openings  cut  in  it 
immediately  opposite  the  combs  K,  L;  two  inductors,  T ,  X,  made 
of  paper,  are  cemented  on  its  rear  surface.  The  Topler  machine  is 
constructed  on  the  same  general  principles  as  that  of  Holtz,  but  has 
cemented  on  its  front  surface  a  number  of  tin-foil  disks  or  carriers, 
which  form  contact  with  wire  brushes  as  the  glass  disk  revolves; 
two  of  these  brushes  are  connected  to  the  stationary  plate  and  two 
to  the  uninsulated  collectors,  thus  making  the  machine  self-exciting. 
When  in  action  and  the  plate  A  is  revolved,  the  tin-foil  carriers 
come  in  contact  with  the  brushes  E,  F,  opposite  brushes  touching 
each  opposite  pair  of  carriers  successively  at  the  same  instant. 
Electricity  is  generated  by  the  friction  produced  and  the  carriers  on 


A  are  charged  as  well  as  the  inductors  on  B;  the  instant  the  carrier 
is  insulated  from  the  inductor  by  the  partial  revolution  of  the  plate 
they  act  on  each  other  inductively,  and  the  process  being  continued, 
the  charge  multiplies,  finally  charging  the  glass  disk,  which  com- 
municates its  charges  to  the  Leyden  jars.  When  the  potential 
difference  between  the  inner  and  outer  coatings  of  the  jars  becomes 
great  enough  through  the  cumulative  action  of  the  charged  disks 
the  disruptive  discharge  takes  place  between  the  spark-balls  and 
oscillations  surge  through  the  circuit.  For  wireless  telegraph 
transmission  the  vertical  wire  is  attached  to  one  side  of  the  spark- 
gap  and  the  earth  terminal  to  the  opposite  side  as  in  the  case  of  an 
induction  coil. 

FLEMING  TRANSFORMER. — This  method  of  producing-  oscilla- 
tions is  described  in  connection  with  the  DeForest  system  of 
transmission,  but  is  probably  due  to  Dr.  Fleming.  It  consists  of  an 
alternating  current  generator  connected  in  series  with  the  primary 
winding  of  an  oil  insulated  transformer;  the  secondary  terminals 
are  connected  in  series  with  a  battery  of  Leyden  jars  or  oil  conden- 
sers having  a  spark-gap  in  shunt  thereto.  When  the  condensers 
are  charged  to  their  maximum  capacity  they  discharge  through  the 
spark-gap,  converting  the  alternating  high-potential  currents  into 
oscillations  of  great  intensity.  This  method  bids  fair  to  be  univer- 
sally adopted  as  a  means  of  transformation  for  sending  stations, 
and  possesses  many  desirable  features  over  the  induction  coil; 
among  these  may  be  cited  that  of  utilizing  any  quantity  of  energy, 
which  in  the  induction  coil  is  limited  by  the  interrupter.  The 
great  Marconi  transmitters  at  Poldhu,  Cornwall,  England,  Glace 
Ba)',  Nova  Scotia,  and  South  Welfleet,  Mass.,  are  equipped  with 
this  type  of  apparatus. 

TESLA  OSCILLATOR. — In  the  Tesla  oscillator  a  higher  rate  of 
frequency  and  a  higher  potential  are  obtained  than  by  an  induction 
coil  or  even  a  static  machine.  This  result  is  accomplished  by 
stepping  up  the  potential  of  an  ordinary  transformer  by  means  of 
a  second  transformer  coil  and  stepping  up  the  frequency  of 
oscillation  by  means  of  a  second  disruptive  discharge.  The  Tesla 
oscillator  begins  where  the  Fleming  transformer  leaves  off,  while  it 
differs  from  the  Braun  system  of  transformation  in  that  it  employs 
a  second  spark-gap.  A  comparison  of  the  diagrams  A,  B,  C,  Fig. 
127,  illustrates  the  physical  difference  in  the  apparatus  of  Fleming, 
Braun  ^nd  Tesla.1 

Martin,  Inventions  of  Nikola .  Tesla,   1894,  p.  207. 


Fleming's  method  is  represented  at  A,  Br aim's  at  B  and  Tesla's 
at  C.  In  Braun's  method  an  ordinary  induction  coil,,  1,  sparking 
through  the  gap  2,  is  employed  though  an  alternating-cur- 
rent generator  could  be  used  to  a  better  advantage;  in  either  case 




the  transformer,  3,  steps  up  the  potential  of  the  current:  the 
terminals  of  the  secondary  lead  to  the  antenna  and  earth  and  form 
an  open-circuit  oscillator.  In  Tesla's  oscillator  after  the  ordinary 
high  potential  is  obtained  by  transformation  through  the  coil,  1, 



and  a  frequency  or  ordinary  periodicity  is  attained  by  means  of  the 
spark-gap,  2,  the  oscillatory  current  is  again  stepped  up  by  means  of 
the  transformer,  3,  when  the  potential  may  be  further  increased  to 
a  million  volts,  and  by  discharging  this  high-potential  current 
across  the  spark-gap,  4,  the  frequency  may  be  further  stepped 
up  until  it  approximates  10,000,000  cycles  per  second,  when 

FIG.  128. — TESLA  COIL. 

the  current  assumes  altogether  new  properties  and  produces  phe- 
nomena new  and  distinct  from  that  of  the  induction  coil  or  the 
static  machine,  but  it  has  not  been  proven  of  value  in  wireless 
telegraphy  to  the  present  time. 

The  construction  of  a  Tesla  oscillator — that  is,  the  second  dis- 
ruptive discharge-coil — is  shown  in  the  sectional  drawing  Fig.  128. 
In  a  box,  B,  of  hard  wood  encased  in  sheet  zinc,  the  coil  is  placed. 
This  coil  consists  of  two  spools  of  hard  rubber,  R,R,  held  apart  at  a 
distance  of  10  cm.  by  bolts,  c,  and  nuts,  n,  also  of  hard 
rubber.  Each  spool  comprises  a  tube,  T,  having  an  inside  diam- 
eter of  8  cm.  and  3  mm.  thick,  the  two  flanges,  F,  F,  24 
cm.  square,  being  screwed  thereon,  leaving  a  space  between 
FF  of  about  3  cm.  The  secondary  winding,  s,  sf  of  the 



best  rubber-covered  wire,  has  26  layers  of  10  turns  each.  The  two 
halves  of  the  secondary  are  wound  oppositely  and  connected  in 
series,  the  connection  between  both  being  made  over  the  primary. 

The  primary  coil,  P  P,  is  wound  in  two  parts  and  oppositely 
upon  the  wooden  spool,  W ,  and  the  four  terminals  are  led  out  of 


the  oil  through  rubber  tubes,  t,  t,  having  great  dielectric  strength. 
Each  half  of  the  primary  coil  has  four  layers  and  24  turns  to  the 
layer;  both  of  these  parts  are  connected  in  series  and  the  primary 
and  secondary  layers  are  insulated  by  cotton  cloth.  The  coil  is  held 
in  position  in  the  oil  on  wooden  supports  and  there  should  be  at 
least  5  cm.  thickness  of  oil  surrounding  it.  Either  a  com- 


mercial  transformer,  as  that  employed  in  the  Fleming  method,  or 
an  ordinary  induction  coil  having  a  spark-gap,  may  be  employed 
for  the  primary  transformation  as  desired,  although  the  former 
gives  the  most  uniform  effects. 

ELIHU  THOMSON  APPARATUS. — The  photograph,  Fig.  129,  shows 
the  Thomson  machine  complete.  The  machine  is  composed  of  a 
wooden  casing,  with  glass  sides  and  top,  part  of  the  ends,  however, 
being  made  to  support  the  shaft  projecting  therefrom.  There  appears 
to  the  right  of  the  figure  a  pulley  which  is  upon  the  shaft  of  a  small 
direct-current  motor  secured  to  the  iron  base,  and  occupying  the 
lower  right-hand  corner  of  the  case.  This  motor  also  bears  a  pulley 
with  projections  or  studs  carried  on  its  face  for  engaging  with  the 
perforated  belt  rising  from  it  vertically,  and  passing  over  another 
similar  pulley  on  the  connector  frame  of  the  shaft,  which  will  be 
alluded  to  later.  The  motor  used  is  bi-polar,  having  slip  rings  and 
taps  to  its  winding  for  taking  off  single-phase  alternating  current. 

It  is,  therefore,  not  only  a  motor,  but  an  inverted  rotary  con- 
verter, converting  from  continuous  current  to  single-phase  alter- 
nating. The  cycles  are  a  little  over  25  per  second;  this,  of  course, 
depending  on  the  speed  of  the  motor  itself,  which  in  turn  may  be 
regulated  by  the  strength  of  the  field  of  the  motor.  On  the  lower 
left-hand  portion  of  the  case  is  a  step-up  transformer  taking  the  low 
voltage  current  from  the  motor  or  rotary  converter  and  transforming 
it  to  15,000  to  20,000  volts  in  the  secondary.  This  step-up  trans- 
former is  specially  made  and  insulated  securely  in  the  best  manner 
for  these  high  potentials,  solid  asphalt  being  employed  in  insulation. 
The  secondary  terminals  are  led  upward  within  the  case  to  the  left, 
and  are  connected  to  two  arc-shaped  pieces,  insulated  from  each 
other  and  arranged  to  come  close  to,  but  not  to  touch,  two  pins 
on  the  revolving  connector  frame  just  below.  To  the  right  of  these 
arc-shaped  pieces  are  a  set  of  similar  pieces  arranged  in  two  series, 
corresponding  to  the  two  terminal  pieces  and  having  connections 
led  from  them  upwardly  to  the  coils  of  a  set  of  glass  condensers. 
The  connections  and  arc-shaped  pieces  seen  in  front  are  those 
which  correspond  to  the  positive  foils,  and  those  at  the  back 
would  correspond  to  the  negative  foils.  On  the  assumption  that  the 
arc-shaped  piece  connected  to  the  secondary  of  the  terminal,  and 
seen  in  front  to  the  left,  is  a  positive  terminal,  it  is,  of  course, 
anomalous  to  speak  of  positive  and  negative  terminals  in  dealing 
with  alternating  currents;  but  the  significance  of  the  use  of  this 
term  will  be  seen  when  it  is  understood  that  the  revolving  connector 


frame  bears  connections  and  pins  whereby  the  terminals  of  the  high- 
potential  secondary  are  brought  into  contact  with  the  condenser  foils 
so  as  to  charge  these  foils  to  a  potential  of  15,000  to  20,000  volts 
definitely  as  to  polarity.  This  is  accomplished  by  making  the  con- 
nector frame  in  its  rotation  synchronous  with  the  rotations  of  the 
motor  or  rotary  converter,  and  giving  it  a  position  to  afford  connec- 
tion to  the  condensers  when  the  alternating  wave  is  at  or  near  its 
maximum  in  one  direction  only.  When  the  opposite  position  is 
reached,  the  frame  is  turned  to  a  position  such  that  no  connection 
can  be  afforded  to  the  condensers. 

The  charging  of  the  condenser  plates  or  foils,  as  above  alluded 
to,  takes  place  through  a  minute  spark-gap  between  pins  upon  the 
connector  frame  and  the  stationary  arc-shaped  pieces  connected 
with  the  foils.  This  avoids  the  noise  of  mechanical  play  or  rubbing 
and  saves  the  wear  which  might  otherwise  take  place.  The  con- 
nector frame,  therefore,  revolves  with  entire  freedom.  It  will  thus 
be  seen  that  the  connector  frame  in  charging  the  condensers  does 
so  with  them  in  parallel  or  as  one  large  condenser.  The  condensers, 
however,  on  a  semi-revolution  of  the  frame  arc  connected  one  with 
the  other  in  series  so  as  to  add  together  the  potential. 

The  same  connection  is  made  to  the  terminals,  consisting  of  slide 
rods  and  suitable  supports  on  top  of  the  machine,  and  bearing  brass 
balls  and  insulated  handles.  If  there  are  ten  condensers  in  a  set,  the 
multiplying  of  the  potential  is,  of  course,  ten  times  the  charge 
given  to  each  condenser  individually,  which  in  the  case  of  15,000 
volts  would  be  150,000. 

As  there  are  ordinarily  about  25  revolutions  per  second,  the  dis- 
charges of  the  condenser  are  at  that  rate,  but  of  course  are  capable 
of  being  varied  over  a  wide  range,  both  in  number  per  second  and  in 

The  machine  is  well  adapted  to  wireless  telegraphy,  as  it 
does  not  reverse  its  polarity,  the  vigor  of  the  discharges  may  be 
regulated,  and  its  operation  is  not  dependent  upon  the  weather; 
besides,  the  machine  is  portable  and  can  be  used  whenever  a  direct 
current  of  sufficient  voltage  is  at  hand. 

It  may  also  be  employed,  as  is  evident,  simply  as  a  motor  by 
belting  from  the  right-hand  pulley  and  open-circuiting  the  primary 
of  the  terminal.  The  terminal  posts,  as  seen  on  the  front  board, 
enable  various  connections  to  be  made  whereby  the  speed  and  voltage 
can  be  controlled.1 

better  from  Elihu  Thomson  to  the  author,  May  20,  1903. 



Prior  to  the  time  of  Hertz's  researches  in  1888,  the  effects  of 
electric  waves  had  been  observed  under  varying  conditions,  but  the 
cause  producing  such  phenomena  was  purely  speculative.  The 
earliest  reference  to  cohesion  under  electrical  influence  was  made 
by  Guitard  in  18501  who  observed  that  when  air  laden  with  dust  was 
electrified  from  a  point  the  particles  of  dust  cohered  into  strings  and 
that  the  same  phenomena  occurs  in  the  formation  of  snowflakes 
under  the  action  of  atmospheric  electrification  and  that  small  drops 
of  rain  are  cohered  into  large  drops  by  the  same  process,  the  light- 
ning thus  giving  rise  to  the  thunder  shower.  In  1866  Mr.  A.  S. 
Varley  described  his. observations  on  the  opposition  of  a  loose  mass 
of  dust  composed  of  conducting  material  to  electric  currents  of  mod- 
erate tension.  Varley  made  a  large  number  of  experiments  with 
lightning  bridges  based  on  the  principle  of  a  loose  contact,  but  he 
did  not  venture  an  explanation  of  such  action.2  In  1879  Prof. 
Hughes  operated  a  wireless  signaling  apparatus  at  a  distance  of  a 
mile,  using  his  microphonic  carbon  joint  as  a  detector.  Hughes  sus- 
pected the  action  to  be  due  to  electric  waves,  but  could  not  prove 
their  existence.  In  1884  Dr.  Temistocle  Calzecchi-Onesti  made  the 
first  device  which  has  come  to  be  called  the  coherer,3  and  was  the 
first  physicist  to  investigate  the  variability  of  conductivity  of  metal 
filings  under  divers  circumstances  and  conditions,  and  even  carried 
his  researches  to  the  point  of  connecting  his  tube  with  the  prime 
conductor  of  a  frictional  machine,  and  in  this  way  obtained  a  lower- 
ing of  the  resistance  of  the  metal  particles;  but  Calzecchi  had  no 
knowledge  of  electric  waves  and  ascribed  the  action  of  cohesion  to 
induction.  In  1888  Hertz  employed  a  metal  ring  for  the  detection 

*Lodge,  Electrician,  London,  Nov.  12,  1897.  Elec.  World  and  Eng.,  May 
10,  1902. 

2Varley's  Paper,  British  Association  (Liverpool  meeting) ,  1870. 
*Nuovo  Cimento.     Reprinted  in  Elec.  World  and  Eng.,  Dec.  2,  1899. 



of  the  electric  waves,1  and  in  1890  M.  Eduard  Branly  read  his 
classical  paper  on  "The  Variations  of  Conductivity  under  Electrical 
Influence/'  being  the  first  to  show  conclusively,  by  means  of  his 
radio-conductor,  that  cohesion  of  metal  filings  was  the  effect  of 
impinging  electric  waves.  He  also  made  known  the  process  of  re- 
storing the  normally  high  resistance  of  the  filings  by  percussion. 

In  1894  Lodge  read  a  paper  before  the  Electrical  Congress  "On 
the  Possibility  of  Transmitting  Signals  with  a  Hertz  Kadiator," 
employing  a  device  modeled  after  Onesti's  tube  and  Branly's  radio- 
conductor.  In  his  researches  on  the  phenomena  relating  to  the  action 
of  electric  waves  on  metal  filings  Lodge  found  that  the  particles 
were  drawn  into  contact  with  each  other  or  cohered,  and  so  he  gave 
to  the  tube  the  name  coherer,  which,  though  not  as  euphonious  as 
the  terminology  of  Branly,  struck  the  key-note  of  popular  sentiment, 
and  in  its  new  form  Lodge's  name  came  to  be  inseparably  linked 
with  it.  Lodge  was  the  first  to  apply  the  electro-mechanical  tapper 
as  a  means  for  automatically  decohering  the  filings,  an  arrangement 
which  is  in  general  use  to-day  in  wireless  telegraphy.  Marconi 
in  1897  improved  the  coherer  to  such  an  extent  that  in  its  present 
form  it  is  at  once  simple,  sensitive,  and  fairly  reliable,  and  is 
typical  of  the  evolutionary  progress  of  scientific  instruments. 

An  anomalous  class  of  detectors  which  have  been  termed  anti- 
coherers,  in  virtue  of  their  normal  resistivity  being  enormously 
increased  instead  of  decreased,  has  been  discovered  by  Herr  Schaffer, 
and  still  another  form  which  is  claimed  to  be  electrolytic  in  action 
by  Herr  Neugschwender.  The  fundamental  principles  involved 
in  the  foregoing  have  been  arranged  in  many  different  forms  based 
on  the  several  theories  to  be  described.  Since  the  action  of  electric 
waves  is  represented  by  the  secondary  effect  of  electric  oscillations, 
other  methods  of  detection  have  been  tried,  with  varying  degrees  of 
success.  Henry  long  ago  observed  the  changes  of  magnetic  polarity 
in  needles  inserted  in  a  coil  of  wire  a  distance  of  30  feet  from  the 
emitter.2  Elihu  Thomson  has  also  suggested  the  employment  of  a 
device  constructed  on  this  principle8  of  variation  of  magnetic  per- 
meability by  the  oscillating  currents  which  are  set  up  by  the  electric 
waves.  Kutherford  was  the  first  to  actually  employ  this  method 
successfully,  and  Marconi  has  devised  a  detector  based  not  only 
upon  magnetic  permeability  of  a  core  of  iron  by  electric  oscillations,, 

lSee  Chapter  III.,  Electric  Waves. 

'See  Chapter  V.,  Electric  Oscillations. 

^Proceedings  Eng.  Society,  Western  Penn.     Kintner,  1901. 


but  has  rendered  it  much  more  sensitive  and  effectual  by  adding 
a  hysteresis  effect.  Fessenden  has  recently  evolved  a  new  electric 
wave  detector  operated  by  the  current  of  the  oscillations  instead 
of  by  the  voltage,  as  in  foregoing  devices,  and  his  barretter,1  as  he 
terms  his  detector,  is  more  sensitive  than  any  yet  devised  for  the 


Branly  offered  several  hypotheses  to  explain  the  probable  me- 
chanical effects  produced  by  coherer  action.  He  did  not  believe  that 
any  displacement  of  the  filings  actually  takes  place  on  cohesion, 
especially  where  the  filings  are  held  in  position  by  extreme  pressure, 
or,  again,  as  in  the  solid  coherer  mixtures.  He  thought  it  possible 
that  there  might  be  a  volatilization  of  the  adjoining  particles  of  the 
filings  and  thus  form  a  bridge  of  electrical  conductivity.  In  the 
mixtures  of  filings  and  non-conducting  substances  he  offers  the  sug- 
gestion that  a  change  takes  place  in  the  dielectric  itself  and  that 
the  insulating  medium  is  broken  down  by  the  passage  of  minute 
sparks  and  that  the  punctures  thus  made  are  coated  with  a  conduct- 
ing substance.  Finally,  Branly's  theory  attributes  the  coherer  action 
to  the  gradual  breaking  down  of  the  dielectric  of  air  insulating 
the  filings,  the  action  being  accelerated  if  the  filings  are  compressed 
and  retarded  if  the  pressure  is  diminished. 

Lodge  in  studying  the  nature  of  metal  filings  under  the  in- 
fluence of  electric  waves  became  convinced  that  the  filings  were 
drawn  together  and  cohered  and  that*  the  particles  were  welded 
together,  forming  practically  a  continuous  conductor.  That  the 
primary  cause  of  cohesion  is  due  to  a  difference  of  potential  set  up 
by  the  oscillating  currents  through  the  resonator  circuit  is  well 
established.  Eccle  in  his  investigations  of  this  subject  agrees  with 
Lodge  in  the  matter  of  cohesion,  but  assumes  that  the  critical  po- 
tential difference  is  established  between  the  opposed  plane  surfaces 
of  the  filings  when  the  distance  separating  them  is  small  as  com- 
pared to  their  own  mass.  According  to  Eccle,  any  particle  of  mat- 
ter having  the  properties  of  conductivity,  which  is  not  spherical  in 
form,  and  which  is  free  to  move  in  the  electric  field  established  be- 
.tween  it  and  its  fellows,  has  the  property  of  exhibiting  orientation 
and  thus  of  setting  its  longest  axis  parallel  to  the  field.  Accordingly 
the  process  of  cohesion  by  electric  waves  follows  this  order :  ( 1 )  the 

*U.  S.  Patent  granted  to  Fessenden,  Aug.  12,  1902. 


waves  impinge  on  the  resonator  system,  which  (2)  produces  oscilla- 
tions in  this  system,  (3)  causing  a  difference  of  potential  between 
the  filings,,  creating  an  electric  field,  and  followed  (4)  by  a  purely 
mechanical  action  or  orientation,  which  results  in  (5)  heat  and 
ends  in  (6)  a  welding  process  or  cohesion. 

Guthe,  in  his  paper,  "The  Nature  of  Cohering  Action/71  ex- 
presses the  opinion  that  the  oscillations  first  heat  the  juncture  of 
the  points  of  the  metal  filings  where  they  form  contact  and  that  the 
coherer  effect  follows.  Shaw  ascribes  the  orientation  to  a  molecular 
change  in  the  metal  particles  and  not  to  the  filings  regarded  as  a 
mass.1  Guthe  and  Trowbridge  conclude  that  the  high  original  re- 
sistance of  the  metal  particles  is  due  to  the  film  of  oxidization  on  the 
surfaces  of  the  filings.  Bose's  coherer  theory  supposes  the  electric 
mass  to  act  direct  on  the  filings,  and  that  the  increase  and  decrease 
of  resistance  under  the  action  of  electric  waves  is  a  phenomenon  of 
molecular  strain  and  undergoes  a  physical  and  a  chemical  change 
or  modification  of  its  properties  in  which  cohesion  is  only  one, 

Haerdon  has  observed  the  coherer  effect  with  a  microscope  and 
concludes  that  the  action  is  electrolytic.  His  coherer  consisted  of  one 
contact  only  and  was  formed  of  two  perfectly  joined  points.  When 
the  incoming  waves  impinged  on  the  resonator  system  he  observed 
that  the  sparks  passed  from  one  terminal  to  the  other,  carrying 
minute  particles  of  matter,  when  a  bridge  was  formed  connecting 
the  two  points  and  possessing  the  property  of  conductivity  until 
broken  down  by  the  usual  method  of  percussion  or  tapping  process.? 

In  the  current  operated  wave  detector  of  Fessenden,  a  low  heat 
capacity  of  the  platinum  wire  must  be  maintained,  so  that  the  con- 
ditions are  such  that  the  radiating  surface  is  reduced  to  a  minimum ; 
this  is  the  reverse  of  the  action  of  the  bolometer,  which  has  a  large 
heat  absorbing  and  radiating  surface  compared  to  its  mass ;  for  this 
reason  Fessenden  employs  a  cylindrical  wire,  since  its  surface  per 
volume  is  smallest.  The  theory  of  the  action  of  the  hot-wire  de- 
tector involves  a  new  discovery,  namely,  that  "if  a  conductor  having 
a  specific  heat-factor  of  such  value  that  the  latent  energy  required  to 
heat  it  to  a  certain  excess  above  the  air  is  small  relative  to  the  energy 
lost  by  radiation,  convection  and  conduction  at  that  excess  tempera- 
ture during  the  time  of  a  signal,  then  it  is  possible  to  so  arrange  the 
conducting  wire  in  a  local  continuous  current  circuit  so  that  when  a 

Philosophical  Mag. 
2Annalen  der  Physik. 


given  amount  of  current  of  any  periodicity  or  wave  form  is  caused 
to  flow  through  the  conducting  wire  there  will  be  a  corresponding 
change  of  the  same  magnitude  in  the  local  circuit."1 


The  exceedingly  high  resistance  of  metal  filings  had  been  ob- 
served long  before  Branly  gave  his  attention  to  the  subject,  as  well 
as  the  decrease  in  resistance  when  pressure  is  applied;  by  varying 
the  pressure  from  zero  to  infinity  the  resistance  may  be  made  to 
drop  from  many  megohms  to  practically  that  of  a  solid  metal  con- 
ductor. But  not  only  has  pressure  the  property  of  decreasing 
the  resistance  of  metal  filings,  but  electric  waves  will  work  a  change 
in  the  metal  filings  of  a  coherer  so  that  from  a  non-conductor 
it  will  become  a  very  good  conductor  of  electric  currents.  In 

order  to  test  the  action  of  electric  wave& 
it  is  necessary  that  the  coherer  should 
be  placed  in  series  with  a  galvanometer 
or  telephone  receiver  and  a  single  cell 
of  chloride  of  silver  or  other  source  of 
FIG.  130.  e-  m.  f.,  as  in  Fig.  130. 

INTERNAL  COHERER  CIRCUIT.  This  Constitutes  a  circuit  for  the  pas- 

sage  of  the  direct  current  of  the  cell  which  is  to  register  the  drop 
in  resistance  of  the  coherer,  as  well  as  a  closed-circuit  resonator  for 
the  surging  of  the  electric  oscillations  set  up  in  it  by  the  impinging 
electric  waves.  Now  if  a  Leyden  jar  is  discharged  a  few  meters 
away,  there  will  be  instantly  a  deflection  of  the  galvanometer  needle 
or  a  click  in  the  telephone.  Repeating  the  spark  increases  the  con- 
ductivity of  the  coherer,  and  successive  sparks  sending  out  trains 
of  waves  will  break  down  the  resistance  finally,  which  a  single  spark 
emitting  a  train  of  waves  will  be  unable  to  do.  This  is  an  exceed- 
ingly important  factor  in  syntonic  wireless  telegraphy,  and  is  one 
of  the  fundamental  principles  underlying  it. 

When  a  coherer  is  adjusted  to  a  certain  critical  sensitiveness,  the 
filings  may  cohere  immediately  before  the  spark  passes  between  the 
oscillator  balls.  This  may  result  from  two  causes,  (a)  from  a  train 
of  waves  emitted  by  the  mechanical  interrupter,  or  (b)  from  the 
low-frequency,  high-potential  alternations  set  up  in  the  oscillator 

»U.  S.  Patent  Fessenden.     Aug.  12,  1902. 

Q j| 


system  of  the  coil  and  producing  a  strong  electrostatic  field.  Cal- 
zecchi  and  Branly  both  found  that  pulsating  and  direct  currents 
of  high  e.  m.  f.  produce  cohesion;  in  the  light  of  recent  knowledge 
it  seems  that  in  either  case  the  conductivity  of  the  coherer  is  in- 
creased by  the  potential  difference  between  the  irregularly  shaped 
particles,  and  this  follows  the  same  law  as  cohesion  under  the  action 
of  electric  oscillations.  Branly  tested  the  drop  in  resistance  of  the 
following  metals1  during  the  action  of  electric  waves :  iron,  copper, 
brass,  zinc,  antimony,  aluminum,  tellurium,  cadmium,  bismuth,  and 
lead,  and  determined  that  the  property  of  cohesion  depended  largely 
on  pressure  and  that  very  fine  metal  filings  after  percussion  offered 
an  almost  perfect  barrier  to  the  passage  of  a  feeble  direct  current ; 
the  proper  value  to  insure  a  maximum  sensitiveness  may  be  easily 
obtained  by  means  of  adjustments  of  the  terminal  conductor  plugs  of 
the  coherer.  Branly  noted  that  a  layer  of  copper  reduced  by  hydrogen 
and  spread  on  a  sheet  of  roughened  ebonite  2  cm.  wide  and  7  cm. 
long  and  well  polished  has  quite  a  range  of  variability.  Other 
substances  were  also  experimented  with,  including  galena,  pow- 
dered bioxide  of  manganese  mixed  with  antimony  and  com- 
pressed. Platinized  and  silvered  glass  and  glass  covered  with  gold, 
silver  and  aluminum  foil  were  also  susceptible  to  cohesion,  and 
when  iron  filings  were  mixed  with  colza  oil  or  petroleum  they  were 
likewise  affected ;  even  solids  consisting  of  iron  filings  and  Canada 
balsam  were  reduced  in  resistance  from  thousands  of  ohms  to  a  few 
hundreds  by  the  disruptive  discharge.  Rods  of  solid  fused  flowers 
of  sulphur  and  aluminum  filings  and  of  solid  copper  bars  oxidized 
and  laid  across  each  other  also  showed  a  marvelous  decrease  in  re- 
sistivity when  the  spark  passed.  The  normal  resistivity  may  be 
restored  by  percussion,  and  to  accomplish  this  Branly  employed  a 
mechanical  tapper,  the  hammer  of  which  could  be  regulated.  Some 
substances  would  retain  an  increase  of  conductivity  for  a  period  of 
24  hours,  and  in  others  the  normal  resistivity  would  be  instantly  re- 
stored; coherers  of  this  order  are  designated  auto-coherers,  self- 
righting  or  self-restoring  coherers,  as  fancy  dictates.  Other  sub- 
stances could  be  restored  to  normal  resistance  by  heating.  Branly 
also  observed  substances  in  which  there  was  an  increase  of  resistivity 
under  the  action  of  electric  waves ;  antimony  and  aluminum  filings 
exhibit  a  marked  increase  in  resistance;  these  detectors  are  called 
anti-coherers,  and  a  kind  of  platinized  glass  employed  as  a  coherer 
lComptes  Rendes,  Vol.  III.,  785,  and  vol.  112,  p.  90. 


would  increase  and  diminish  in  resistance  alternately.  KoepsePs 
researches  led  him  to  the  conclusion  that  the  harder  the  metal  filings 
the  greater  the  accuracy  in  decohering,  and  therefore  recommends 
highly  tempered  steel  filings.  Guthe  ascertained  that  the  potential 
difference  increases  with  the  strength  of  the  current  until  it  reaches 
a  certain  constant  value,  when  any  further  increase  has  no  effect 
on  it;  this  he  calls  its  critical  value.  Tommasina  has  made  some 
beautiful  experiments  in  cohesion  by  electric  waves.  His  apparatus 
consisted  of  a  nickel-plated  brass  ball  a  centimeter  in  diameter.,  sus- 
pended by  a  thin  wire;  a  few  mm.  from  the  ball  and  immediately 
under  it  a  copper  disk  15  mm.  in  diameter  was  delicately  poised 
on  a  copper  spring.  Connected  in  series  with  the  ball  and  disk 
was  a  battery.  Some  nickel  filings  were  now  placed  on  the  disk, 
the  ball  lowered  to  a  point  of  slightest  contact  and  the  current 
switched  through  the  circuit,  when  on  gently  elevating  the  ball  the 
filings  were  found  to  cohere  in  series,  forming  a  little  chain  nearly 
a  centimeter  in  length;  with  carbon  granules,  chains  15  mm.  in 
length  were  obtained. 

There  are  other  substances  than  those  tested  by  Branly  which 
possess  the  property  of  responding  to  electric  waves,  and  among 
them  may  be  mentioned  a  preparation  of  frog's-leg  nerve  and 
muscle,  as  shown  by  Kitter,1  and  the  author  has  succeeded  in  show- 
ing the  "coherer  effect"  of  electric  waves  acting  on  the  human 
brain.2  These  experiments  are  interesting  only  from  a  physiological 
standpoint.  The  detection  of  electric  waves  by  a  comparatively 
new  and  entirely  different  process  from  that  of  cohesion  is  the  class 
of  detectors  based  on  magnetic  permeability.  Great  results  are  ex- 
pected of  magnetic  detectors  by  many  authorities,  for  it  is  reasoned 
from  theoretical  considerations  that  all  the  energy  of  the  impinging 
wave  may  be  utilized  against  the  amount  merely  required  to  raise 
the  potential  to  certain  value  where  the  insulating  films  break  down 
and  waste  the  rest  of  the  wave,  as  in  the  case  of  the  coherer.  The 
great  advantage  of  this  detector  is  in  its  self-restoring  qualities  as 
well  as  that  its  resistance  is  practically  the  same  at  any  moment, 
whereas  in  a  coherer  before  and  after  tapping  there  is  always  a  wide 
diverging  in  its  resistance,  and  this  effects  a  considerable  variation 
in  the  workings  of  the  recorder.  It  is  also  claimed  that  it  is  more 

lrThe  Works  of  Hertz  and  Some  of  His  Successors.     Lodge. 
"Effect  of  Electric  Waves  on  Human   Brains.      Collins.      Elec.    World 
and  Eng.      Feb.  22,  1901. 


sensitive  and  much  more  uniform  in  action  than  the  coherer,  and 
will,  therefore,  be  of  great  value  in  syntonic  wireless  telegraphy. 
While  this  is  undoubtedly  true,  its  lack  of  variability  between 
resistivity  and  conductivity  is  decidedly  disadvantageous,  since  a 
relay,  however  delicate,  cannot  be  operated  with  it,  and  its  usefulness 
is  therefore  limited  to  the  telephone  as  an  indicator,  and  in  this  it 
acts  similarly  to  a  carbon  coherer,  which  is  likewise  self-restoring, 
i.e.,  returns  to  its  normal  resistance  without  tapping. 

Dr.  Lee  DeForest  and  Mr.  E.  H.  Smythe  made  an  extended 
investigation  into  the  cause  and  effect  of  substances  in  which  the 
electric  oscillations  proved  a  resistance  in  the  detecting  medium1 
instead  of  decreasing  it,  as  in  the  filings  coherer;  this  responder  is 
not,  however,  an  anti-coherer  in  a  strict  sense,  but  is  based  upon  the 
disruptive  action  of  high-frequency  currents.  When  two  electrodes 
are.  slightly  separated,  and  a  mixture  of  oxide  of  lead  and  glycerine 
or  other  suitable  medium  is  interposed  between  their  opposed  sur- 
faces, and  are  then  connected  in  series  with  a  source  of  current, 
minute  metallic  particles  are  detached  from  the  anode  and  thence 
carried  across  the  gap  separating  the  electrodes  to  the  cathode, 
where  they  build  up  bridges  which  extend  toward  and  soon  reach  the 
anode,  bridging  the  gap,  and  thus  lowering  the  resistance  of  the 
local  circuit,  as  shown  in  Fig.  131a.  These  metallic  threads  de- 
posited by  electrolysis  are  pro- 
duced by  the  local  current.  When 
the  oscillating  current  is  set  up 
by  the  impinging  waves,  it  breaks 
FIG.  131  a.  down  the  metallic  threads,  giving 


it  the  appearance  indicated  in  Fig. 
131&,  segregating  and  precipitat- 
ing  the   metallic   particles   quite 
-— •          i-    •%%         gently,   instead  of   violently  dis- 
FIG  1316-  rupting  them,  though  the  action 

DISRUPTION  BY  OSCILLATING  CURRENTS.  is  practically  instantaneous. 

ley suggests  the  following  way  for  testing  a  coherer  by  what  he  terms 
the  potential  difference  method.  He  assumes  that  all  metals  are 
equally  sensitive  and  that  any  degree  of  sensitiveness  may  be 
obtained  by  applying  the  requisite  pressure  to  the  filings  by  means 
of  the  coherer  conductor  plugs.  When  the  resistance  of  the  filings 
.  World  and  Eng.,  April  11,  1903,  p.  C13. 


is  infinitely  great,  they  do  not  decrease  in  resistivity*  gradually,  but 
remain  practically  constant  until  the  potential  difference  assumes 
a  critical  value,  and  the  resistance  then  drops,  just  as  in  the  case 
of  a  disruptive  discharge  between  oscillator  balls.  According  to 
Kinsley,  metals  oxidizing  readily  must  be  much  more  carefully 
treated  in  the  construction  of  coherers  than  those  which  do  not 
oxidize  so  easily.  Nickel  gives  the  best  results,  for  the  reason  that 
it  can  be  manipulated  in  the  open  air  and  gives  a  high  resistance — 
and  therefore  sensitiveness — as  required  in  wireless  telegraphy.  The 
voltage  for  operating  a  relay  through  a  coherer  should  not  be  greater 
than  0.4  and  the  current  only  0.002  to  0.001  ampere. 

The  adjustment  of  a  coherer  is  accomplished  by  placing  it  in 
series  with  a  cell  giving  the  current  and  voltage  just  cited  and  the 
relay  wound  to  the  resistance  it  is  intended  to  use.  The  coherer 
conductor  plugs  should  be  withdrawn  so  that  it  has  a  resistance  of 
several  megohms.  The  armature  of  the  relay  should  have  a  play  of 
one-tenth  mm.  and  just  clearing  the  poles  of  the  magnets.  The 
tension  of  the  spring  should  be  very  slight — merely  sufficient 
to  draw  the  armature  away  from  the  magnets  when  there  is  no 
current  flowing  through  the  relay  coils.  The  current  is  now  passed 
through  the  circuit,  the  conductor  plugs  being  manipulated  to  a 
nicety  until  the  turn  of  a  one-tenth  mm.  of  the  adjuster  screw  of 
the  relay  armature  causes  the  latter  to  be  drawn  to  or  from  the 
poles;  when  drawn  from  the  poles  by  the  adjustment  of  the  con- 
ductor plugs  the  coherer  may  be  said  to  be  roughly  correct.  Tap  the 
coherer  with  a  pencil  while  testing  to  prevent  premature  cohesion, 
which  is  apt  to  occur  either  from  pressure  or  from  the  potential 
caused  by  the  local  battery  circuit.  Test  finally  with  the  spark 
from  a  Leyden  jar  or  oscillator  system  of  a  coil. 

Another  method  for  testing  the  sensitiveness  of  a  coherer  is  to 
place  it  in  a  series  with  a  telephone  receiver  and  a  source  of  current 
having  a  small  e.  m.  f .  By  adjusting  the  coherer  plugs  while  listen- 
ing to  the  receiver  the  characteristic  sounds  will  easily  enable  the 
operator  to  determine  when  the  critical  value  has  been  reached ;  and 
when  the  maximum  sensitiveness  of  the  coherer  is  reached  the  flow 
of  the  current  is  continuously  heard.  The  plugs  should  now  be 
sealed  in  the  tube,  In  actual  practice  coherers  may  be  tested  by  one 
of  the  above  methods  and  then  further  tested  at  a  distance  of  20  or 
30  kilometers. 



Electric  wave  detectors  were  invented  before  electric  waves  were 
known  to  exist.  There  are  two  classes  of  detectors,  i.e.,  voltage- 
operated  detectors  and  current-operated  detectors.  These  classes 
may  be  subdivided  into  several  distinctive  types,  the  principal  ones 
being  the  coherer,  auto-coherer,  hot  wire  barretter  and  electrolytic 
responder.  These  various  detectors  will  be  described  in  the  rota- 
tion in  which  they  were  made  public. 

CALZECCHI  TUBE. — Calzecchi-Onesti  devised  a  coherer  consist- 
ing of  a  tube  filled  with  metal  filings  to  which  there  was  attached 


a  small  crank,  Fig.  132,  and  by  turning  the  crank  half  a  revolution 
the  filings  were  caused  to  decohere.1 

HERTZ  RESONATOR. — This  consisted  of  a  ring  with  a  microm- 
eter spark-gap,  as  shown  in  Fig.  20 ;  it  has  been  mentioned  through- 
out this  work  and  will  not  need  further  description  here.  With  the 
wire  detectors  of  Hertz  no  local  batteries  were  used  or  additional 
apparatus  to  increase  or  magnify  the  effects  of  the  waves. 

BRANLY  RADIO-CONDUCTOR. — Branly's  radio-conductor,  shown 
in  cross-section,  Fig.  133,  is  an  ebonite  tube,  1,  having  one  of  its 

lNeuvo  Cimento,  1884. 




conductor  plugs,  2,  arranged  like  a  piston  so  that  a  maximum  or 
minimum  pressure  may  be  applied  to  the  filings  in  the  cavity,  3; 


to  complete  the  circuit  the  opposite  terminal  conductor  plug,  4,  is 
used ;  the  terminals,  5,  6,  in  contact  with  the  filings  may  be  employed 
instead  of  2  and  4,  by  which  Branly  showed  the  decrease  of  re- 


sistance  was  equal  in  every  direction.  A  simpler  form  of  radio- 
conductor  was  devised  by  Branly,  and  is  shown  in  Fig.  134;  the 
arrangement  consisted  merely  of  two  oxidized  copper  bars  laid  at 



right  angles  one  upon  the  other.  The  author  increased  the  sensitive- 
ness of  this  arrangement  by  having  the  upper  rod  ground  to  a  knife 
edge  and  allowing  this  to  rest  lightly  on  the  lower  rod. 

LODGE  COHERER. — Lodge's  coherer  was  an  improvement  on  those 

FIG.  136a. — 


of  Calzecchi  and  Branly  in  that  the  tube  was  mounted  with  the 
conductor  plugs  having  a  screw  adjustment  so  that  the  pressure  on 

the  filings  might  be  varied  between 
wide  limits.  Fig.  135  represents  the 
Lodge  coherer,  half  size,  that  is  to  say, 
the  original  was  12  cm.  in  length  and 
had  a  bore  of  about  8  mm.  Two  other 
forms  of  coherers  designed  by  Lodge 
are  shown  in  Figs.  136  and  137.  In 
Fig.  136  a  turn  of  thin  iron  wire,  B,  is  mounted  on  an  adjustable 
lever — shown  at  A — and  impinges  on  a  small  piece  of  aluminum 
connected  with  one  of  the  binding  posts  and  the  adjustable  wire 

with  the  opposite  post.  The  second 
form  is  shown  in  Fig.  137.  It  also 
depends  on  an  imperfect  electrical  con- 
tact, and  is  therefore  essentially  a  co- 
herer. A  metal  point  rests  lightly  on 
a  metal  diaphragm  and  under  the  ac- 
tion of  the  waves  the  point  coheres  to 
the  disk,  and  is  made  to  decohere  by 
means  of  a  small  rack. 

of  detector  based  upon  the  principle  that  gas  possesses  greater 
conductivity  when  disturbed  by  electric  waves  than  in  its  nor- 
mal state  has  given  rise  to  the  vacuum  and  trigger  tubes 
for  experimental  observation.  Zehnder's  trigger  tube,  shown 
half  size  in  Fig.  138,  gives  better  results  than  an  ordinary 
vacuum  tube ;  the  terminals,  A,  B,  are  attached  to  the  resonator 
plates,  and  C  and  D  to  a  high-potential  current  which  is  on  the 

FIG.  1366.— 



verge  of  breaking  down  the  resistance  of  the  tube  and  causing  it  to 
glow;  the  impinging  electric  waves  supply  the  additional  potential 
in  the  form  of  oscillatory  currents  and  the  tube  becomes  luminous. 





Fitzgerald  employed  a  sensitive  galvanometer  as  a  detector,  the  field 
of  force  created  by  the  oscillations  exerted  a  final  influence  through 


the  galvanometer  system.  The  ther- 
mopile, the  thermal  joint,  the  bolo- 
meter, and  the  action  of  electric 
waves  on  wires  have  been  used  as 
detectors  by  Paalzow  and  Arons,  Eu- 
bens  and  Eitter.  Gregory  employed 
a  sensitive  expansion  meter  con- 
structed on  the  principle  of  a  Car- 
dew  voltmeter.  Bjerknes  employed 
a  rectangular  form  of  the  Hertz 
resonator  (Fig.  139)  tuned  to  the 

oscillator,  and  instead  of  a  spark-gap,  one  side  of  an  electrometer 
was  connected  in;1  the  needle  was  at  0  potential,  and  therefore  at- 
tracted by  both  quadrants;  with  this  detector  Bjerknes  plotted 
'Signalling  Through  Space  Without  Wires. — Lodge. 

FIG.  139.— 



curves  showing  the  persistency  and  damping  influence  of  open  and 
closed  resonator  systems. 

Boltzman  used  a  micrometer  air- 
gap  connected  to  an  electroscope,  as 
shown  in  Fig.  140.  A  current  of 
considerable  potential  is  prevented 
from  discharging  across  the  spark- 
gap  of  the  electrometer  until  the  thin 
insulating  film  of  air  becomes  ionized 
by  the  electric  waves  and  allows  the 
current  to  pass,  thus  deflecting  the 
leaves  of  the  electroscope.  As  Lodge 
has  pointed  out,  with  this  simple  ap- 
paratus electric  waves  could  have 
been  easily  discovered  a  hundred 
years  ago.  A  detector  used  by 
Eighi  depended  for  its  resistivity  on  a  film  of  finely  divided 
mercury  on  a  piece  of  glass  and  evidently  worked  on  the 
principle  of  the  air-gap.  Popoff,  in  his  meteorological  ex- 
periments, made  a  coherer  by  pasting  two  strips  of  platinum  foil 

FIG.  140.— 


on  the  inside  of  a  glass  tube;  the  ends  of  the  strips  of  foil  were 
brought  outside  the  tube ;  the  filings  were  placed  on  the  gap  between 
the  pieces  of  foil  and  filled  the  tube  about  half  full. 

MARCONI  COHERER. — Marconi's  coherer  is  an  improvement  on 
Lodge's  modification  of  Branly's  radio-conductor;  he  ascertained 



and  employed  the  most  sensitive  and  accurate  combinations  and 
quantities  of  metal  filings — 90  per  cent,  nickel  and  10  per  cent, 
silver — enclosed  in  a  space  of  1  square  mm.  cross-section.  His 
coherer  is  shown  in  full  size  in  Fig.  141.  With  it  he  has  been  able 
to  detect  signals  a  distance  of  1,099  miles.  The  terminal  conductor 
plugs  are  of  silver  with  platinum  leads  sealed  in  an  exhausted 
glass  tube.  The  object  of  creating  a  partial  vacuum  in  the  tube 
is  to  prevent  the  filings  from  succumbing  to  oxidization.  The  con- 
ductor plugs  are  sometimes  amalgamated  with  mercury,  but  too 
great  a  percentage  of  mercury  is  fatal  to  the  proper  working  of  the 
coherer.  It  is  not  necessary  to  exhaust  the  tube  to  insure  a  working 
coherer  within  certain  limits.  A  simple  coherer  for  laboratory 
work  is  shown  in  Fig.  143.  Two  brass  conductor  plugs,  a,  a^ 


slide  freely  through  the  brass  standards,  b,  &/  mounted  on  a  piece 
of  hard  rubber,  c;  the  terminals  of  the  plugs,  a,  a',  are  of  silver 
or  brass  1  mm.  in  diameter  and  sliding  nicely  in  a  piece  of  glass 
tubing.  The  plugs  a  and  a1  are  fitted  with  a  screw  adjustment  to 
obtain  an  inward  pressure,  the  springs  d  and  d1  drawing  the  plugs 
apart  when  a  higher  resistance  of  the  filings  is  desired.  The  set- 
screws,  e,  e1J  are  provided  to  secure  the  plugs  when  the  proper  ad- 
justment is  obtained.  The  filings  should  occupy  a  space  1  mm.  in 
length  and  the  bore  of  the  glass  tube  should  be  about  1  mm.  in 

SLABY-ARCO  COHERER. — The  coherer  used  in  the  Slaby-Arco  in- 
struments consists  of  silver  conductor  plugs  with  platinum  termi- 
nals, and  the  coherer  is  exhausted  for  the  reasons  stated  above,  a* 


well  as  to  keep  the  filings  at  all  times  perfectly  dry  and  movable., 
thus  permitting  the  original  grouping  of  the  filings  after  each  per- 
cussion. The  end  surfaces  of  the  conductor  plugs  are  not  parallel 
but  wedge-shaped,  as  in  Fig.  144;  this  "split"  or  pocket  of  the 
coherer  allows  its  sensitiveness  to  be  regulated  after  the  tube  is 
exhausted  and  sealed.  If  the  position  of  the  tube  is  such  that  the 
narrow  part  of  the  split  is  down,  the  filings  assume  a  vertical  posi- 

Fio.  144. — SLABY-ARCO  COHERER. 

tion,  the  pressure  is  increased  by  gravity,  and  its  sensitiveness  is  at 
its  maximum  value.  If  the  broad  part  of  the  "split"  is  down  the 
filings  are  spread  lengthwise,  the  pressure  is  diminished,  and  its 
sensitiveness  decreased.  A  very  sensitive  coherer  is  seldom  accurate 
enough  for  commercial  work,  but  by  this  arrangement  the  proper 
relations  of  sensitiveness  and  accuracy  are  easily  arrived  at.  The 
different  positions  of  the  coherer  are  obtained  by  means  of  an 
adjusting  pinion  and  a  catch  spring.  Metal  caps  are  attached  to 
either  end  of  the  coherer  tube,  making  the  exchange  of  coherers  very 

BRAUN  COHERER. — The  Braun-Siemens  and  Halske  coherer  is 
constructed  on  original  lines.  Its  essential  feature  is  that  it  does 
away  with  exhausting  the  tube.  Braun  contends  that  experiment 
had  not  shown  the  vacuum  tube  to  be  more  sensitive  than  are  the 
unexhausted  ones.  It  is  true  that  the  vacuum  coherer  is  exceedingly 
difficult  to  keep  in  adjustment,  even  transportation  sometimes  de- 
ranging it  and  when  its  sensitiveness  is  lost  it  is  practically  worth- 
less. Braun's  coherer  may  be  restored  to  its  initial  state  of  sensi- 
tiveness with  ease;  it  may  be  taken  apart,  cleaned,  reconstructed, 
and  adjusted  by  any  practical  operator.  The  conductor  plugs  are 
of  steel  and  the  filings  are  of  hardened  steel  after  Koepsel's  formula. 
The  ends  of  the  conductor  plugs  forming  contact  must  be  highly 
polished.  In  sensitiveness  it  is  practically  equal  to  the  best  vacuum 
nickel-silver  filings  coherer  and  its  accuracy  greater,  that  is  to  say, 
it  is  not  as  susceptible  to  atmospheric  disturbances.  Its  different 
parts  are  shown  in  Fig.  145. 

Braun  made  the  observation  that  the  steel  filings  coherer  does 
not  respond  as  quickly  and  is  not  as  accurate  when  the  conductor 



plugs  become  magnetic,  but  that  a  certain  critical  magnetism  in- 
creases its  sensitiveness  without  decreasing  its  accuracy.  He,  there- 
fore, devised  a  magnetic  regulator  consisting  of  a  permanent  ring 
magnet  and  placed  near  the  terminal  surfaces  of  the  conductor 
plugs.  By  rotating  the  ring  magnet  the  opposite  poles  may  be 
brought  near  the  ends  of  the  plugs  and  the  plugs  magnetized  or  de- 


magnetized  to  any  extent  desired.  Nearly  all  systems  of  wireless 
telegraphy  employ  the  regulation  coherer,  which  requires  tapping  to 
restore  it  to  its  normal  state  of  resistivity,  but  another  sub-class  of 
coherers  are  made  which  return  to  the  normal  resistance  without 


tapping ;  these  are  termed  self-righting,  self-restoring,  auto-coherers, 
or  microphone  coherers.  They  are  far  more  sensitive  than  those 
requiring  percussion,  but  this  is  due  to  the  exceedingly  high  re- 
sistance which  is  a  condition  required  in  self-righting  coherers.  By 



increasing  the  pressure  on  the  filings  or  granules  any  self-righting 
coherer  may  be  transformed  into  a  percussion  coherer.  Carbon 
granules  are  usually  employed  in  self -restoring  coherers. 

BLONDEL  REGENERABLE  COHERER. — Blondel's  regenerable  co- 
herer. Fig.  146,  was  designed  so  that  the  filings  in  the  coherer 
pocket  could  be  changed,  fliminiphed  or  increased,  after  the  air  was 
exhausted  from  the  tube.  The  coherer  proper  is  similar  to  the 
ordinary  type,  but  has  the  additional  U-shaped 
tube  blown  immediately  over  the  pocket  and  at 
right  angles  to  it.  The  inverted  U-tube,  which 
is  much  longer  at  its  free  end  than  the  arm  con- 
nected with  the  pocket,  contains  an  additional 
supply  of  metal  filings,  and  by  turning  the  U- 
tube  and  the  coherer  round  the  axis  of  the  lat- 
ter, the  quantity  of  filings  in  the  pocket  may  be 
varied.  Guarini  has  adopted  this  form  in  his 
repeater  system  of  wireless  telegraphy.  The 
Ducretet  coherer  is  similar  to  the  Blondel,  but 
the  pocket  is  V-shaped  and  the  filings  are  of 
hardened  steel.  It  is  shown  in  Fig.  147. 

SCHAFFER  ANTI-COHERER. — The  Schaffer  system  is  character- 


ized  by  its  use  of  an  anti-coherer.    It  is  made  on  the  principle  of  the 
Righi  coherer,  but  is  formed  of  a  silver  deposit  on  glass,  which  is 



divided  by  a  minute  air-gap  made  with  a  razor  edge;  it  is  then 
covered  with  a  film  of  celluloid. 

BRANLY  TRIPOD  COHERER. — The  two  most  recent  coherers  are 
the  Branly  tripod  and  the  Castelli  or  Italian  Navy  self-restoring 
tube.  The  new  Branly  coherer  consists  of  two  disks  of  metal,  in  one 
of  which  are  fixed  three  metal  rods  forming  a  little  tripod.  The 
points  of  these  rods  are  rounded  and  slightly  oxidized.  These  rest 
on  the  second  disk,  which  is  of  polished  steel.  The  degrees  of  oxidi- 
zation of  the  metal  points  and  the  polish  on  the  steel  disk  are  an 
essential  factor  in  the  resulting  sensitiveness.  The  thin  film  of 
oxide  will  remain  unchanged  for  several  months.  Branly  devised 
this  form  to  eliminate  the  multiplicity  of  contacts  as  in  the  ordi- 
nary coherer  and  which  is  the  principal  cause  of  its  uneven  vari- 
ability. Fig.  148  shows  its  form. 

CASTELLI  COHERER. — The  Castelli  coherer  is  said  to  have  been 
employed  by  Marconi  in  his  recent  transatlantic  cableless  tests,  and 
A  c  consists  of  a  tube,  A,  Fig.  149,  with 

^^)yW//j!//  conductor  plugs,  B,  B,  formed  of 
ft  ^\*  carbon,  a  central  core  of  iron,  C, 

FIG.  i49.-CAs^LLi  AUTO-COHERER,  leaving  the  dual  pockets,  D,  D,  to 

receive  two  drops  of  mercury.  The 

tube  is  self-decohering  and  in  practice  it  insures  regularity  and 
rapidity  equal  to  the  best  auto-coherers. 

DETECTOR.     (Side  Elevation.) 

DETECTOR.       (Top  Elevation.) 

FESSENDEN  MAGNETIC  DETECTOR. — Fessenden  employed  in  his 
earlier  experiments  a  magnetic  wave  detector,1  shown  diagrammat- 
ically  in  Fig.  150,  a,  1.  1  is  a  small  silver  ring,  with  a  mirror. 

^Proceedings  Eng.  Society  Wester^  Penn.     Kintner,  March  19,  1901. 



2,  attached  to  it,  and  the  system  suspended  by  a  quartz  fibre ;  3,  3' 
are  two  coils  of  wire  connected  in  series,  the  free  terminals,  4  and  5, 
of  which  are  connected  to  the  vertical  wire  and  the  earth.  High- 
frequency  oscillations  are  set  up  in  the  coil  by  the  impinging  elec- 
tric waves,  the  oscillations  in  the  coils  producing  a  magnetic  field 
between  them;  as  these  lines  cut  through  the  silver  ring,  currents 
are  induced  in  it  having  a  tendency  to  set  the  ring  at  right  angles 
to  the  surface  of  the  coils;  this  is  caused  by  the  field  so  created 
tending  to  equalize  the  magnetic  opposing  forces.  The  slightest 
movement  of  the  ring  and  mirror  is  easily  detected  and  determined 
by  means  of  a  reading  telescope  and  scale.  A  condenser  of  proper 
capacity  in  parallel  with  the  windings  of  the  coils  will  increase  its 

That  a  telephone  receiver  may  be  employed  instead  of  the  mir- 
ror and  scale  just  described,  to  read  the  signals,  the  arrangement 

shown  in  Fig.  151  was  devised; 
a  metal  ring,  1,  rests  lightly  on 
three  knife  edges,  2,  2',  3 ;  two 
of  these  knife  edges,  2,  2',  are 
of  metal  fastened  inside  the 
larger  ring,  and  the  third  knife 
edge,  3,  is  of  carbon.  An  alter- 
nating current  from  a  dynamo, 
(>,  passes  through  a  non-induct- 
ive resistance;  from  this  a  lead 
runs  to  the  knife  edges,  2,  2', 
and  an  opposite  lead  connects 
with  the  carbon  knife  edge,  3, 

through  the  telephone  receiver,  5.  This  forms  a  shunt  from  the 
dynamo  circuit.  The  vertical  wire  is  attached  to  the  large  ring, 
and  from  the  carbon  knife  edge  a  terminal  leads  to  earth. 

MARCONI'S  MAGNETIC  DETECTOR.1 — As  in  those  above,  this  de- 
tector depends  upon  the  varying  magnetic  lines  of  force  produced  by 
high-frequency  oscillations  set  up  in  the  detector  by  waves  emitted 
from  a  distant  point ;  but  there  is  another  factor  equally  important 
in  this  detector,  and  that  is  hysteresis,  or  theH  B  curve  which  takes 
place  when  a  piece  of  iron  is  magnetized  and  demagnetized.  Since 
the  ascending  and  descending  curves  do  not  coincide,  some  work 
must  be  done;  this  takes  place  in  the  form  of  heat,  and  this  magni- 
1  Journal  of  the  Society  of  Arts,  London.  Marconi,  1902. 

Fio.  151.— 
3ENDEN  DETECTOR.     (Second  Form.) 



fies  the  effects  of  the  oscillations.  In  construction  the  magnetic 
detector  is  simple;  a  layer  of  fine  insulated  copper  wire,  Fig.  152, 
is  wound  on  a  core  made  of  thin  iron  wires.  A  second  layer  of  fine 
insulated  wire,  2,  is  wound  on  the  first,  forming  a  secondary  coil. 
The  ends  of  the  inner  or  primary  coil  are  connected  with  the  an- 
tenna and  ground. 

The  terminals  of  the  secondary  coil  are  connected  in  series  with 
a  telephone  receiver  or  other  suitable  receiving  device.  In  Mar- 
coni's magnetic  detector  a  horseshoe  magnet  is  caused  to  revolve 
before  the  poles  of  the  iron  core  by  clockwork,  and  a  constant 



FIG.  152.— MARCONI  MAGNETIC  DETECTOR.     (First  Form.) 

change  occasioned  by  successive  reversals  of  magnetism  is  produced. 
The  magnet  should  be  revolved  very  slowly,  half  a  revolution  per 
second,  the  speed  being  changed  for  different  qualities  of  iron  em- 
ployed. The  great  advantage  of  the  magnetic  detector  lies  not 
only  in  its  self-restoring  properties,  but  in  its  resistance  remaining 
constant  during  the  passage  of  the  oscillation  as  well  as  in  the  in- 
termission. In  this  respect  it  will  prove  extremely  advantageous 
in  syntonic  wireless  telegraphy.  Its  disadvantage  lies  in  its  limited 
range  of  usefulness,  since  the  wide  divergence  between  resistivity 



and  conductivity  necessary  in  a  detector  to  operate  a  relay  is  in  the 
magnetic  detector  lacking,  and  accordingly  a  telephone  receiver  or 
other  sensitive  device  must  be  employed  in  connection  with  it. 

trolytic   anti-coherer    the    terminal    conductor    plugs    or    elec- 


trodes  employed,  Fig.   153,  arc  about  an  eighth   of  an  inch  in 
diameter  and  separated  one-sixteenth  of  an  inch ;  the  oppositely 

FIG.  154.— LODGE  MERC 

disposed  surfaces  may  be  either  smooth  or  roughened.  A  screw 
adjustment  is  provided  for  accurately  adjusting  the  sensitiveness  of 
the  responder.  The  complete  detector  consists  of  an  insulating  tube 



of  glass  or  ebonite.  In  the  interspace  is  the  sensitive  medium  com- 
posed of  rather  coarse  filings  and  oxide  of  lead  in  equal  bulk  and 
made  into  a  paste  by  the  addition  of  glycerine  or  vaseline  with  a 
trace  of  water  or  alcohol.  The  local  current  should  have  a  small 
value — one-tenth  to  one  milliampere — and  a  variable  resistance, 
ranging  from  0  to  15,000  ohms,  is  included  in  the  circuit  to  obtain 
the  proper  relation  of  current  to  resistance. 

LODGE  MERCURIAL  COHERER. — A  new  form  of  mercurial  co- 
herer brought  out  by  Lodge  is  shown  in  Fig.  154  photographically, 
and  in  Figs.  155,  a,  &,  in  cross-section  and  plan  and  possesses  sev- 
eral new  features.  It  is  sensitive  enough  for  wave  detection  at  long 
distances,  having  a  variability  ranging  from  maximum  resistivity 
to  maximum  conductivity  equal  to  the  best  filings  coherer  and 

FIG.  155a.— 


FIG.  1556.— 

without  the  disturbing  element  of  mechanical  decohesion  of 
the  latter.  The  Lodge  coherer  is  devised  so  that  fresh  and  uni- 
formly exposed  surfaces  are  constantly  in  action  for  the  process 
of  cohesion.  This  is  accomplished  by  causing  a  small  steel  disk 
to  revolve  continuously  in  contact  with  a  column  of  mercury, 
between  which  is  interposed  a  thin  film  of  oil.  When  in  action, 
the  instant  cohesion  is  effected  between  the  molecules  of  the  solid 
and  fluid  metals  disruption  is  produced  by  the  partial  revolution 
of  the  disk  when  freshly. exposed  surfaces  are  brought  into  position 
ready  for  the  next  impulse.  In  Figs.  155  the  rotary  wheel  is  indicated 
by  a;  an  amalgamated  platinum  wire  spiral,  b;  c  is  the.  connection 
between  the  wire  &  and  the  binding  post,  h;  dd  is  a  trough  of  mer- 



cury,  the  copper  brush,  e,  making  contact  with  the  axle,  /,  to  which 
the  disk  is  fastened;  a  spring,  /,  having  a  small  piece  of  felt,  k, 
attached  rests  lightly  on  the  disk,  keeping  its  surface  clean  and 
dry.  The  disk  is  revolved  by  gears  of  ebonite  operated  by  clockwork 
which  also  actuates  a  syphon  recorder.  The  coherer  is  connected 
directly  in  circuit  with  the  syphon  recorder;  without  the  inter ven- 


tion  of  a  relay  or  other  device,  the  local  current  should  be  kept  from 
0.03  to  0.5  volts ;  when  the  potential  difference  exceeds  this  the  film 
of  oil  will  be  broken  down  and  the  recorder  set  in  motion. 

commercial  form  of  magnetic  detector  now  employed  by  Marconi. 
It  consists  of  a  small  glass  tube,  AA,  on  which  is  wound  a  primary 
made  of  a  single  layer  of  wire,  BB,  the  terminals  leading  to  the 
aerial  and  earth  wires  respectively,  as  shown  in  Fig.  156.  A  second 
coil  of  wire,  0,  is  slipped  over  the  primary  and  the  terminals  of 
this  connect  with  a  telephone  receiver,  D;  two  grooved  wheels,  4 
inches  in  diameter,  are  connected  by  a  flexible  band  formed  of  a 
number  of  thin  iron  wires,  FF,  which  is  made  to  travel  through  the 
glass  tube  by  means  of  a  spring  motor  enclosed  in  a  case. 

Two  steel  horseshoe  magnets,  GG,  are  placed  closely  to  the  mov- 
ing band  of  wire  and  adjusted  until  the  maximum  effect  is  obtained. 
When  oscillations  are  set  up  in  the  resonator  which  includes  the 
primary  coil,  BB,  they  change  the  magnetic  intensity  of  the  moving 
band  of  iron  wire  and  thus  currents  are  set  up  in  the  coil,  C,  and 



the  telephone  receiver,  D.    The  magnetic  detector  is  shown  photo- 
graphically in  Fig.  157. 

FESSENDEN  HOT-WIRE  BARRETTER. — A  current-operated  wave 


detector1  that  is  more  rapid  and  sensitive  than  a  filings  coherer,  and 
one  which  does  not  require  tapping,  is  the 
invention  of  Fessenden.  It  is  shown  in 
detail  in  Fig.  158,  and  consists  of  a  short 
loop  of  silver  wire,  1,  having  a  diameter  of 
.002  and  having  a  platinum  core  .00006  of 
an  inch  in  diameter,  the  terminals  being 
fastened  to  the  leading-in  wires,  6,  6,  which 
are  sealed  in  the  glass  tube,  3.  The  tip  of 
the  loop  is  immersed  in  nitric  acid  and  the 
silver  is  dissolved  away,  leaving  a  minute 
platinum  surface  exposed;  this  is  done  in 
order  that  the  conductor  losses  will  exceed 
the  radiation  losses,  and  to  further  decrease 
the  loss  of  radiation  by  heat  the  loop  is  en- 
closed in  a  silver  shell,  5,  5 ;  the  bulb  is  then 

exhausted  to  further  increase  the  effectiveness  of  the  detector. 


»U.  S.  Patent.     Fessenden,  N.  706,744,  Aug.  12,  1902. 



FESSENDEX  LIQUID  BARRETTER. — A  liquid  barretter 

or  current-actuated  de- 
tector may  be  constructed 
in  different  forms,1  the 
simplest  being  shown  in 
Fig.  159a;  in  this  case 
the  loop  of  a  metal  bar- 
retter is  cut  and  the  ter- 
minals thus  formed,  -2 
and  3,  are  immersed  in 
nitric  acid,  when  its  sen- 
sitiveness is  increased 
and  it  will  act  even  more 
efficiently  than  before. 
This  barretter  may  be 
connected  either  directly 
indirectly  with  the 


FIG.  1596.— 


vertical  wire  and  ground 
as  desired.  Another  meth- 
od of  constructing  a  liquid  barretter  consists  in  forming  a  minute 
hole    through    a    diaphragm,    7,    Fig.    159&,    conveniently    done 

FIG.   ItiO. — FES 

by  drawing  down  a  very  thin  capillary  tube  to  about  ,003  of  an 

1U.  S.  Patent  727,331.      Receiver  for  Electromagnetic  Waves.      Fessen- 
den,  May  5,  1903. 


inch  internal  diameter,  cementing  it  into  a  hole  in  the  center  of 
a  thick  glass  disk,  and  then  grinding  off  the  ends  of  the  glass  tube 
until  they  are  flush  with  the  surface  of  the  diaphragm.  The  dia- 
phragm is  so  arranged  in  a  suitable  vessel,  4,  as  to  form  a  parti- 
tion, between  two  portions  of  the  solution  in  the  cup  or  holder, 
shown  at  b,  so  that  they  are  separated  except  by  the  thin  column  of 
the  liquid  contained  in  the  capillary  tube  which  joins  the  barretter. 
There  are  several  modifications  of  these  detectors,  but  in  every  case 
the  vital  principles,  i.e.,  "a  receiver  having  a  small  heat  capacity 
and  consisting  of  a  small  quantity  of  liquid/5  are  the  same.  The 
regulation  type  of  Fessenden  barretter  is  shown  in  the  photograph, 
Fig.  160. 

TESTING  BOXES  OR  BUZZERS. — Makers  of  wireless  telegraph 
apparatus  furnish  with  each  set  a  testing  box  designed  for  the  use 
of  the  operator  so  that  he  may  instantly  ascertain  if  his  coherer 
and  relay  are  in  working  order  and  poperly  balanced  for  the  recep- 
tion of  messages.  With  each  wireless  receptor  a  half  dozen  or  more 
coherers  are  supplied  and,  assuming  these  to  have  been  tested  to 
insure  sensitivity  and  accuracy,  it  is  only  necessary  for  the  operator 
to  adjust  the  relay  to  the  resistance  of  the  detector  and  the  current 
of  the  cell  included  in  the  local  circuit.  This  adjustment  is  made 
by  a  milled  screw  of  the  relay  which  determines  the  movement  of 
the  armature.  To  learn  the  degree  of  adjustment  required  the 
buzzer  is  employed. 

In  a  box  a  buzzer  and  a  dry  cell  are  inclosed  and  these  are 
connected  in  series  with  a  push  button  arranged  on  top.  When  the 
test  is  to  be  made,  the  box,  which  measures  approximately  3x4x6 
inches,  is  grasped  with  both  hands  at  the  ends,  bringing  the  push 
button  directly  under  the  thumb.  The  box  is  held  immediately  in 
front  of  and  from  4  to  12  inches  away  from  the  coherer;  the  button 
is  pressed  intermittently,  which  actuates  the  buzzer,  and  the  slight 
sparks  produced  between  its  contacts  suffice  to  send  out  waves  which, 
if  the  coherer  and  relay  are  operative,  will  cause  the  instrument  to 
respond  and  its  action  may  therefore  be  depended  upon  for  distances 
up  to  40  miles. 



The  history  of  wireless  telegraph  transmitters  for  com- 
mercial purposes  is  necessarily  brief.  In  1896  Marconi  con- 
structed the  first  practical  system  for  the  generation  and  trans- 
mission of  electric  waves1  to  a  distance.  He  immediately  proceeded 
to  England,  where  he  applied  for  a  patent.  Lodge  had 
made,  prior  to  Marconi's  application  of  the  spark-gap  principle, 
some  purely  experimental  tests,2  but  after  its  actual  application  to 
telegraphy  he  again  took  up  the  subject,  and,  recognizing  the  value 
of  a  properly  proportioned  oscillator  in  connection  with  a  reso- 
nator, he  devised  and  patented  an  apparatus3  in  1897  which  he 
exhibited  at  the  Royal  Society  Conversazione  in  1898. 

Slaby  and  Arco  of  Charlottenburg,  Germany,  deduced  certain 
conclusions  and  formulated  theories  for  an  improved  transmitter 
employing  a  closed  circuit  oscillator,  and  this  was  described  by  them 
before  the  Allegemeine  Electricitats  Gesselschaft,  Berlin,  in  1904.4 

Marconi  constructed  an  improved  transmitter  for  emitting  elec- 
tric waves  of  a  predetermined  length,  and  read  a  paper  on  his 
method  before  the  Royal  Institution  in  1902.5  Braun  fol- 
lowed with  his  compound-circuit  oscillator,  in  which  the  earth  is 
eliminated  as  a  factor  in  transmission  of  electric  wave  energy, 
the  text  of  which  he  made  public  in  1902.6  A  new  transmitter, 
previously  described,  was  designed  by  Fleming  for  utilizing  a  low- 
frequency,  high-potential  alternating  current  and  by  stepping  it  up 
by  means  of  an  oil-insulated  transformer,  its  potential  was  raised 

Marconi's  British  Patent.  Date  of  application  June  2,  1896;  Granted 
July  2, 1897. 

Exhibited  at  the  Royal  Institution,  June  1, 1894. 

'British  Patent  to  Lodge  granted  May  10,  1897. 

'Syntonized  and  Multiplex  Spark  Telegraphy,  Dec.  22,  1900. 

"Progress  of  Electric  Space  Telegraphy.  Royal  Institution,  June  13, 

6Braun,  Siemens  and  Halske  Wireless  TeHgraph  System :  Elec.  World 
(Mid  Eng.,  June  14,  1902. 



sufficiently  to  charge  a  series  of  condensers,  which  were  then  dis- 
charged through  a  spark-gap  as  usual,  and  in  this  manner  a  dis- 
ruptive discharge  was  obtained  without  the  induction  coil  and  its 
interrupter.  Fessenden  had  issued  to  him  a  series  of  United 
States  patents  in  August,  1902,1  involving  many  new  principles, 
the  cfief-d'ceuvre  of  which  is  a  method  for  distributing  capacity 
and  inductance  instead  of  localizing  these  coefficients  of  the  oscil- 
lator as  in  previous  systems;  for  carrying  this  method  into 
practice  a  tuning-grid  was  designed  rendering  inductance  coils 
and  condensers  no  longer  necessary.  John  Stone  Stone  has  had 
issued  to  him  a  large  number  of  patents  embracing  a  method 
for  impressing  oscillations  on  a  radiator  system  and  emitting  the 
energy  in  the  form  of  waves  of  predetermined  length  whatever  may 
be  the  electrical  dimensions  of  the  oscillator;  and  finally  Anders 
Bull  has  invented  an  electro-mechanical  transmitter2  the  purpose 
of  which  is  to  automatically  send  out  prearranged  series  of  wave 
impulses  for  selective  wireless  messages.3 


In  the  analysis  of  transmitters  it  will  be  observed  that  there  are 
three  systems  of  circuits;  i.e.,  (1)  a  low-voltage  direct  or  alter- 
nating current  circuit, 
which  includes  a  source  of 
e.  m.  f.,  a  key,  and  the 
primary  of  an  induction 
coil;,  (2)  a  low-frequency, 
high  -  potential  circuit. 

^>      >  Q  which  connects  the  second- 

L ^^      ^> ]_  ary  of  the  induction  coil 

with  the  spark-gap  of  the 
high-frequency  or  wave- 
emitting  circuit — these  are 

FIG.  161.— SYSTEM  OF  TRANSMITTING  CIRCUITS.        termed   internal    Circuits 

and  (3)  a  high-frequency, 

high-potential  circuit  or  oscillator  or  radiator  system,  as  shown  in 
Fig.  161.     In  some  of  the  later  transmitters  there  are  more  than 

Fessenden,  Wireless  Telegraph  Patents,  Aug.  23,  1902.     Elec.  World 
and  Eng. 

2See  Chapter  XVIII.     Syntonization. 
Scientific  American,  Mar.  21,  1903. 


three  circuits,  but  those  indicated  in  Fig.  161  are  the  funda- 
mental circuits  and  additional  ones  represent  transforming  circuits 
either  for  frequency  or  potential. 

CLASSIFICATION  OF  TRANSMITTERS. — Transmitting  apparatus 
may  be  divided  into  two  general  classes : 

A. — Non-syntonized  transmitters ; 

B. — Syntonized  transmitters ; 
and  these  classes  may  be  further  subdivided  as  follows : 

C. — Oscillators  for  high-frequency  currents; 

D. — Oscillators  for  low-frequency  currents; 
Class  C  may  be  again  divided  into  two  sub-classes : 

E. — Oscillators  with  grounded  arms ; 

F. — Oscillators  with  ungrounded  arms ; 

and  these  classes  and  sub-classes  may  comprise  the  following 
features : 

a. — Generators  of  the  induction  coil  type; 

6. — Generators  of  the  transformer  type; 

c. — Spark-gap  connected  in  series  with  its  aerial  wire  and 
ground ; 

d. — Oscillators  operating  through  transformers; 

e. — Oscillators  with  open  circuits ; 

/. — Oscillators  with  closed  circuits; 

g. — Oscillators  with  compound  circuits ; 

h. — Oscillators  with  non-tuned  circuits; 

t. — Oscillators  with  tuned  circuits; 

j. — Transmitters  electrically  syntonized,  and 

Ic. — Transmitters  mechanically  syntonized. 

Letters  in  the  text  are  not  indicated  in  the  diagrams,  since 
these  do  not  relate  to  the  specific  parts  of  the  emitter,  but 
to  the  nature  of  the  apparatus.  The  word  tuned  designates  an 
oscillator  so  proportioned  that  its  electrical  dimensions  correspond 
exactly  to  the  frequency  of  the  oscillations  set  up  in  it,  and  the  term 
syntonized  indicates  that  the  coefficientalof  the  oscillator  are  of  the 
same  value  as  that  of  the  resonator  operated  in  conjunction  with  it. 



In  all  cases  the  circuits  of  the  oscillator  systems  will  be  shown 
diagrammatically  and  drawings  of  the  internal  circuits  will  be 
given  where  the  plans  have  been  available. 

MARCONI  TRANSMITTER  (FIRST  FORM).  —  In  the  provisional 
British  Patent  applied  for  by  Marconi  entitled  Transmitting  Elec- 
trical Signals,  and  dated  June  2,  1896,  two  forms  of  transmitters 
are  covered  in  the  specifications.  In  the  first 
form,  shown  in  Fig.  162,1  the  diagram  indi- 
cates that  the  apparatus  is  non-syntonized 
(A)  and  the  oscillators  are  not  grounded 
(F)  ;  it  is  operated  by  an  induction  coil  (a)  ; 
the  oscillator  is  of  the  closed-circuit  type 
(/)  and  is  non-syntonized  (h).  The  fea- 
ture of  this  transmitter  is  the  placing  of 
the  oscillator  balls  forming  the  spark-gap 

in  the  focus  or  focal  line  of  *  parabolic 
mirror  —  as    in     Hertz's     experiments  —  di- 

rected toward  the  receiver.     In  this  transmitter  there  is  no  ver- 
tical wire  or  earthed  terminal.     The  distance  to  which  messages 
could  be  sent  was  so  limited  that  the  method 
is  not  now  employed. 

The  second  form  of  transmitter  devised  by 
Marconi  is  embodied  in  the  patent  specifica- 
tion above  referred  to  and  involves  the  funda- 
mental principles  utilized  in  all  transmitters 
employing  a  disruptive  discharge.  It  consists 
of  a  non-syntonized  radiator  (A)  for  high- 
frequency  currents  (C),  having  one  arm 
grounded  (E)  ;  it  is  operated  by  an  induction 
coil  (a)  with  its  oscillator  balls  connected 
with  an  aerial  wire  and  ground  (c),  forming 
an  oscillator  of  the  open-circuit  type  (e),  which  is  non-  tuned  (h). 
The  internal  and  oscillator  circuits  are  shown  in  Fig.  163  diagram- 
matically, and  photographically  in  Fig.  164.  This  is  the  first 
recorded  instance  of  an  aerial  wire  and  a  grounded  terminal  being 
connected  in  series  with  a  spark-gap,  and  constitutes  an  invention. 
'Paper  by  Marconi  on  Wireless  Telegraphy.  Inst.  of  Elec.  Eng. 


MITTER.    (Second  Form.) 



LODGE  TRANSMITTER   (FIRST  FORM). — In    a.    British     patent 
granted  to  Lodge,  May  10,  1897,  and  one  issued  to  him  in  the 



United   States  for  a  similar  device  dated   August   16,   1898,   is 
described  for  the  first  time  a  syntonized  system  (B)  utilizing  the 

coefficients  of  capacity,  inductance, 
and  resistance.  In  the  Lodge 
transmitter,  Fig.  165,  a  radiator 
consisting  of  a  pair  of  capacity 
areas,  1,  1',  made  of  plates  of  metal 
in  the  form  of  cones  and  having 
a  definite  and  uniform  capacity  are 
connected  with  syntonizing  induc- 
tance coils,  5,  5',  made  of  a  single 
layer  of  wire  or  metal  ribbon  pro- 
viding the  necessary  inductance  to 
effect  the  proper  balance  for  a 
given  capacity,  and  oscillations  of 
a  given  periodicity  are  thus  set  up. 
The  disruptive  discharge  takes 

FIG.  165.— LODGE  TRANSMITTER.  ,  ,    0          ,    ,,  ...  ~. 

(First  Form.)  place  at  3  and  the  oscillations  are 

prolonged  to  a  certain  extent ;  con- 
densers, 4,  4',  are  inserted  in  the  oscillator  circuit,  rendering  the  pro- 





cess  of  tuning  easier  of  accomplishment.  The  internal  circuit  in- 
cludes a  battery,  a  key,  and  the  primary  of  an  induction  coil. 
The  frequency  of  the  oscillations  may  be  varied  by  increasing  or 
decreasing  the  size  of  the  apparatus,  and  therefore  the  values  of 
inductance  and  capacity.  This  places  the  apparatus  in  the  class 
of  syntonized  transmitters  (B)  and  having  an  oscillator  for  high- 
frequency  currents  (C)  with  ungrounded  arm  or  terminal  (F)  ; 
the  different  parts  of  the  transmitter  are  characterized  by  an  in- 
duction-coil generator  (a)  supplying 
energy  to  an  open-circuit  oscillator  (e) 
and  having  tuned  (i)  and  syntonized 
circuits  (j). 

FORM). — The  transmitter  of  Dr.  A. 
Slaby  and  Count  Arco,  shown  in  dia- 
gram in  Fig.  166,  was  the  first  form 
devised  by  them.  One  arm  of  the 
oscillator  is  grounded;  a  spark-gap, 
2,  and  a  condenser,  3,  are  in  series 
with  the  aerial  wire,  1,  with  a  choke ; 
coil,  4,  intervening  between  the  aerial 
wire,  1,  and  the  return  conductor,  5, 
which  also  leads  to  earth;  the  vertical 
wire,  4,  is  tuned  to  the  frequency  of  the 
oscillations  set  up  in  it  and  the  wire,  5, 
should  be  one-fourth  the  length  of  the 

emitted  wave;  then  if  oscillations  of  any  other  frequency  than 
those  producing  complete  waves  or  four  times  the  length  of  the 
vertical  wire  occur,  they  will  either  find  their  greatest  amplitude 
in  the  coil,  4,  or  be  dissipated  in  the  earth  at  5,  and  in  either  case 
they  will  fail  to  emit  effective  waves.  The  internal  circuits  are 
not  shown.  The  oscillator  system  described  was  designed  as  a 
{^ntonic  transmitter  (B)  utilizing  high-frequency  oscillations  (C) 
.and  having  grounded  arms  (E) ;  it  is  operated  by  an  induction 
coil  (a),  and  the  oscillator  spheres  are  in  series  with  the  aerial 
wire  and  ground  (c)  as  is  the  return  conductor  connected  through 
the  inductance  coil  forming  a  closed  circuit  (/),  the  whole  pro- 
ducing a  tuned  system  ({).  The  difficulty  with  this  transmitter 

FIG.    166. — SLABY-ARCO    TRANS 
MITTER.     (First  Form.) 



lies  largely  in  placing  the  choke-coil,  4,  between  the  aerial  wire,  1, 
and  the  return  conductor,  5,  since  it  has  been  shown  that  a  closed 
circuit  is  a  very  feeble  emitter. 

devised  by  Dr.  Slaby  and  his  collaborator,  Count  Arco,  contain 
the  principles  of  a  new  theory  evolved  by  them.1  The  internal 
circuits  are  shown  graphically  in  Fig.  167,  in  which  1  represents  the 


inductor  of  a  Ruhmkorff  coil  connected  with  a  mercury  turbine 
interrupter,  2,  driven  by  a  small  motor,  3,  the  number  of  revolutions 
being  regulated  by  the  resistance,  4.  Connected  in  parallel  with 
the  turbine  is  a  high-potential  condenser,  5,  a  Morse  key  with 
magnetic  blowout,  6,  to  prevent  the  fusing  of  the  platinum  con- 
tacts by  heavy  currents,  and  a  resistance,  7,  for  regulating  the  cur- 
rent flowing  in  the  inductor.  The  terminals  8,  8',  connect  the 
inductor  with  the  source  of  current.  A  conductor  represented  by 
the  arrow  leads  to  earth  and  forms  a  lightning  arrester  to  protect  the 
1Syntonization.  Chapter  XIX. 


apparatus  from  lighting  should  it  strike  the  aerial,  and  is  also  use- 
ful in  equalizing  the  high  differences  of  potential  between  the  appa- 
ratus and  the  ground.  The  oscillator  system  consists  of  the  second- 


ary  terminals  of  the  induction  coil,  1,  Fig.  168 ;  the  oscillator  balls 
forming  the  spark-gap,  2,  are  immersed  in  oil,  and  the  terminals 
are  connected  with  the  binding  post,  and  one 
of  these  in  turn  is  connected  with  the  aerial 
wire,  Af  through  a  battery  of  Leyden  jars,  9, 
and  the  tuning  coil,  10.  A  well-insulated  wire 
connects  the  spark-gap  with  the  plug-plate,  12, 
which  forms  contact  with  the  battery  of  Leyden 
jars,  consisting  of  three,  seven,  or  fourteen  jars 
placed  in  a  cylindrical  pasteboard  box  with  the 
tuning  coil  wound  on  the  outside  as  shown ;  Fig. 
169  shows  a  simple  diagrammatic  arrangement 
of  the  oscillator  system  with  the  spark-gap,  2, 
connected  with  the  earth  at  3;  the  aerial  wire, 

4,  leads  to  the  earth,  7,  through  the  tuning  coil, 

5,  the  battery  of  Leyden  jars,  6,  connecting  with 
4,    on    one    side    and    the    inductance,    8,    and 

The  transmitter  is  of  the 

FIG.  169.— GRAPHIC 

the    aerial    wire, 

spark-gap,  2,  on  the  opposite  side. 



syntonized  class  (B),  with  oscillator  for  high-frequency  currents 
(C),  which  is  grounded  (E)  ;  its  generator  is  an  induction  coil  (a) 
oscillator  (g)  and  having  tuned  (i)  and  syntonized  circuits  (/). 

Fio.  170. — SL.ABY-ARCO  SYSTEM. 

its  oscillator  is  connected  with  the  aerial  wire  and  ground  (c),  and 
is  a  compound  circuit  (g)  formed  of  an  open-circuit  oscillator  (e) 
and  a  closed  oscillator  system  (/),  both  of  which  are  tuned  to  the 

period  of  oscillation  (i)  and  synto- 
nized with  its  complementary  reson- 
ator system  (/).  The  complete  ap- 
paratus is  shown  in  Fig.  170. 

FORM). — A  new  form  of  wireless 
telegraph  transmitter  employing  al- 
ternating currents  of  low  frequency 
and  high  potential  was  tried  by 
Emile  Guarini  Foresio,  of  Brussels, 
Belgium,  in  his  experiments  in  re- 
peating wireless  messages,  and  is  in 
several  respects  similar  to  the  one 

patented  by  Edison  in  1888.  This  transmitter  consists  of  an  ordi- 
nary induction  coil,  1,  Fig.  171,  with  a  mechanical  interrupter.  The 
oscillator,  or  more  properly  alternating  system  for  radiating  the  en- 

(First  Form.) 



ergy,  is  connected  direct  to  the  terminals  of  the  secondary  coil  and 
includes  an  aerial  wire,  2,  and  the  earthed  terminal,  3 ;  there  is  no 
s.park-gap,  but  in  other  respects  it  follows  closely  the  design  of  os- 
cillators of  the  open-circuit  type.  The  coil  is  operated  by  a  12-cell 
storage  battery,  and  the  current  thus  derived  is  led  to  a  switchboard 
and  thence  through  a  voltmeter,  ammeter,  and  variable  resistance,. 

FIG.  172. — GUARINI  TRANSMITTER.     (First  Form.) 

to  the  primary  winding  of  the  induction  coil.  Since  there  is 
no  spark-gap,  there  can  be  no  high-frequency  currents,  but  instead, 
there  is  a  surging  of  the  current  through  the  aerial  and  ground 
wires  the  frequency  of  which  is  low,  taking  place  synchronously 
with  the  make  and  break  of  the  interrupter  when  the  transmitter 



is  in  action.  This  transmitter  was  employed  by  Guarini  at  his 
Brussels  Station.  It  is  shown  in  Fig.  172.  It  will  be  seen  that 
it  is  a  non-syntonized  transmitter  (A)  having  an  oscillator  for 
lowr-frequency  currents  (D).  and  utilizing 
the  earth  (E)  ;  it  is  operated  by  an  in- 
duction coil  (a)  and  its  radiator  is  con- 
nected with  the  opposite  terminal  (c]  ;  it 
is  of  the  open-circuit  type  (e),  non-tuned 

(SECOND  FORM). — The  transmitter  Gua- 
rini employed  in  his  repeater  is  similar 
to  Marconi's  second  form,  but  has  a  con- 
denser placed  parallel  with  the  spark-gap 
to  diminish  the  normal  length  of  the 

FIG.   173. — GUARINI 

-GUARINI  TRANSMIT-  spark  and  obtain  a  heavier  discharge.  The 

(Second  Form.)  £ 

diagram,    Fig.    173,   depicts   the   general 
arrangements.     The  induction  coil  gave  a  maximum  spark  of  25 

FIG.   174.  —  (JuAiuxi  REPEATING  TRANSMITTER. 

cm.  with  a  current  of  3  amperes  and  30  volts,  but  during  the  oper- 
ation of  the  transmitter  the  spark  was  cut  down  to  5  mm.    Classified, 



this  transmitter  is  non-syntonized  (A),  and  has  a  high-frequency 
oscillator  (C)  with  a  grounded  arm.  It  likewise  is  operated  with 
an  induction  coil  (a)  and  its  oscillator  is  in  series  with  its  aerial 
wire  and  ground  (c)  ;  it  is  of  the  open-circuit  type  (e),  non-tuned 
(h),  and  non-syntonized.  Fig.  174  shows  the  automatic  re- 
peater in  half  tone. 

MARCONI  TRANSMITTER  (THIRD  FORM). — In  a  selective  system 
patented  by  Marconi  and  described  by  Fleming  in  the  Journal 
of  the  Society  of  Arts,  January  4,  19011, 
and  shown  schematically  in  Fig.  175,  the 
inventor  has  introduced  a  compound  open 
and  closed  circuit  oscillator  system  which 
produces  the  maximum  penetrative  effi- 
cacy of  the  emitted  wave  with  its  maxi- 
mum persistency  of  oscillation.  Marconi 
employs  two  copper  cylinders  instead  of 
the  usual  aerial  wire.  The  interior  cylin- 
der, 1,  is  connected  to  the  earth  at  3 ;  sur- 
rounding the  cylinder  1  is  a  cylinder,  2, 
having  a  larger  diameter  and  mounted  in 
such  a  manner  that  an  air-space  insulates 
them  from  each  other.  The  exterior  cylin- 
der is  connected  to  one  side  of  the  spark- 
gap,  4,  and  the  interior  cylinder  to  the  opposite  side  of  the 
spark-gap;  the  cylinders  represent  a  definite  capacity  which  is 
balanced  by  the  variable  inductance,  5.  In  action  this  trans- 
mitter resembles  a  Ley  den  jar  of  gigantic  capacity  and  having 
a  closed  circuit;  when  a  disruptive  discharge  takes  place  between 
the  spark-balls,  4,  the  high-frequency  currents  flow  through  the 
compound  circuits,  surging  many  times  before  they  are  damped 
out  by  transformation  into  electric  waves  which  retain  in  a  small 
measure  the  strength  of  those  propagated  by  the  open-circuit  oscil- 
lator, and  this  factor  added  to  the  persistency  of  the  emitted  waves 
places  it  in  the  class  of  syntonized  transmitters  having  oscillators 
for  high-frequency  currents  (C)  with  a  grounded  arm  (E)  ;  in  this 
transmitter  an  induction  coil  (a)  is  used  with  the  oscillator  con- 
nected in  series  with  the  ground  (c),  the  system  combining  an 
open  circuit  (e)  with  a  closed  circuit  (/),  forming  a  compound 
oscillator  (g).  The  oscillator  is  tuned  (t)  and  syntonized  (/) 
World  and  Eng.,  Nov.  9, 1901.  Syntonic  Wireless  Telegraphy. 

MITTER.    (Third  Form.) 



BRAUN  TRANSMITTER. — A  diagrammatic  arrangement  of  the 
transmitter  designed  by  Braun  is  shown  in  Fig.  176.  It  con- 
sists of  the  internal  circuits,  A,  including  the  primary  and  sec- 
ondary windings  of  the  inductor  and  the  open  and  closed  oscil- 
lator circuits,  B.  In  the  internal  circuit  a  modified  Wehnelt 
electrolytic  interrupter  designed  by  Simon  is  used,  or  where  a 
low-voltage  current  only  is  available  a  mercury  turbine  interrupter 
is  employed.  A  special  key  is  inserted  in  the  primary  circuit  capa- 
ble of  breaking  up  a  current  of  50  amperes  into  dots  and  dashes 
without  danger.  The  secondary  terminals,  2,  are  connected  to 
-either  side  of  the  spark-gap.  The  closed-circuit  oscillator  consists 
of  a  series  of  miniature  Leyden  jars  arranged  in  two  sets  of  twenty 
tubes  each  and  connected  in  series  with  the  spark-gap  and  primary 


winding  of  a  transformer  which  also  acts  as  an  inductance.  The 
secondary  of  the  transformer  is  connected  with  two  conductors,  6,  6', 
both  of  which  are  one-fourth  the  length  of  the  emitted  wave,  the 
whole  forming  an  open-circuit  oscillator  one  of  which  serves  as  the 
aerial  wire  emitting  long  powerful  waves. 

The  lower  conductor,  6',  is  usually  wound  in  a  coil,  but  having 
the  same  electrical  dimensions  as  the  aerial  wire,  and  in  order  to 
eliminate  the  earth  as  a  factor  this  conductor  is  attached  to  a  capa- 
city area  such  as  a  metal  cylinder.1  When  in  action  the  persistent 
oscillations  produced  in  the  closed  oscillator  circuit  are  transformed 
to  any  potential  desired  through  the  transformer,  setting  up  in  the 
open-circuit  oscillator  system  a  practically  constant  amount  of 

Serial  Wires  and  Earths. 



energy,  giving  rise,  therefore,  to  pure  sine  waves.  This  transmitter 
is  of  the  syntonized  class  (B)  with  high-frequency  circuits  (C), 
which  are  not  grounded  (F)  ;  an  induction  coil  (a)  is  used  to  trans- 
form the  current  in  the  first  cycle  of  operations.  A  distinct  open- 
circuit  (e)  and  a  closed-circuit  (/)  forms  a  compound  circuit 


oscillator  (g),  the  operation  taking  place  through  a  transformer  (d) , 
and  these  are  tuned  (i)  and  syntonized  (;)  for  selective  signaling. 
A  photographic  view  of  the  Braun-Siemens  and  Halske  system  is 
given  in  Fig.  177. 

MARCONI  TRANSMITTER  (FOURTH  FORM). — The  fourth  system 
devised  by  Marconi  to  solve  the  problem  of  syntonic  wireless  teleg- 



raphy  resulted  in  the  arrangement  shown  in  Fig.  178.  In  assembling 
the  apparatus  for  fulfilling  the  conditions  required  by  theory  it  is 
necessary  that  the  closed-circuit  (B)  and  the  open-cir- 
cuit (C)  should  be  tuned  to  the  same  period  of  oscil- 
lation— or,  as  Marconi  terms  it,  octaves.  Unless  these 
conditions  of  the  coefficients  are  fulfilled  the  different 
periods  of  the  (B)  and  (C)  oscillators  will  set  up  cur- 
rents each  of  a  different  frequency  and  phase,  with  the 
result  that  these  will  conflict,  and  in  so  doing  energy 

will  be  wasted  and  enfeebled 
waves  will  result.  The  object 
of  the  variable  inductance  A  in 
the  open-circuit,  then,  and  the 
condenser,  e,  is  to  enable  the 
adjustment  of  the  two  circuits 
so  that  they  will  have  the  same 
natural  periods  and  the  cur- 
rents in  them  will  be  in  the 

FIG.  178,-MARcoNi  TRANSMITTER.  same  phase.     The  classification 

of  this  transmitter  places  it  in 

the  syntonic  class  (B),  having  oscillators  for  high-frequency  cur- 
rents (C)  with  one  arm  grounded  (E).     An  induction  coil  (a)  is 


used  to  charge  the  oscillator,  which  is  connected  in  series  with  the 
radiator  and  ground  (c) ;   the  open-circuit  (e)  and  closed-circuit 



(/)  oscillators  operate  through  a  transformer  (d),  forming  a  com- 
pound circuit  (g).     The  oscillators  are  tuned  (i)  and  the  trans- 


mitter  syntonized   (/)   for  actuating  a  complementary  syntonized 

PopOFF-DucRETET  TRANSMITTER. — The  transmitter  designed 
by  Ducretet  as  the  complementary  apparatus  for  PopofFs  receptor 
is  shown  in  Fig.  179  and  is  of  the  ordinary  induction  coil,  open- 
circuit  oscillator  type,  similar  to  Marconi's  second  form  of  sending 
instrument.  The  spark-gap  is  inclosed  in  the  box,  o,  the  induction 


coil  is  represented  at  Bo,  the  motor  operated  mercurial  break  at  /, 
and  the  key  for  making  and  breaking  the  primary  coil  at  M. 
DEFOREST  TRANSMITTER. — The  DeForest  transmitter  is  shown 


in  diagram  in  Fig.  180  and  in  half-tone  in  Fig.  181.  The  trans- 
mitter is  based  on  Fleming's  design  and  employs  a  primary  alter- 
nating current  instead  of  a  direct  current,  and  a  transformer  instead 
of  an  induction  coil.  In  Fig.  180  an  alternating-current  generator,  1, 
working  at  500  volts,  supplies  energy  to  an  oil-insulated  transformer, 

3.  which  converts  it  to  a  pressure  of  25,000  volts  at  the  secondary 
terminals ;  a  key,  2,  serves  to  break  up  the  primary  current  into  the 
Morse  code ;  the  terminals  of  the  secondary  connect  with  the  spark- 
gap,  6,  of  the  oscillator  system,  which  comprises  the  vertical  wire, 

4,  the  earthed  terminal,  5,  and  the  condensers,  7,  8;  in  action  the 


high-potential  currents  charge  the  condensers  7,  8,  and  these  dis- 
charge through  the  spark-gap,  6.  This  scheme  eliminates  the  in- 
terrupter of  the  induction  coil  type  of  generators  and  gives  a  heavy 
discharge  between  the  spark-balls.  This  transmitter  is  in  the  non- 
syntonized  class  (A)  with  a  high-frequency  oscillator  (C),  and 
grounded  arm  (E) ;  generator  of  the  transformer  type  (b)  and 
oscillators  connected  with  the  aerial  wire  and  ground  (c)  having  an 
open  circuit  (e)  and  non- tuned  circuit  (h).  It  is  at  once  a  simple 
and  a  powerful  radiator  of  electric  waves. 

FESSENDEN  TRANSMITTER. — Fessenden  has  invented  a  trans- 
mitter that  is  constructed  with  special  reference  to  tuning,  speed 
in  transmission  and  economy  of  operation.  It  is  shown  in  the  dia- 
gram Fig.  182  and  in  the  photograph  183.  In  the  diagram  1  repre- 
sents a  source  of  e.  in.  f.,  2,  a  spark-gap,  3,  an  induction  coil  which  is 
kept  constantly  in  action;  4,  a  non-inductive  resistance,  5,  a  con- 



denser,  6  and  7,  tuning  girds  formed  of  one  or  more  movable  contacts 
to  each  pair  of  wires  which  are  immersed  in  oil.  The  tuning  grid 
embodies  novel  features,  combining  as  it  does  a  variable  inductance 
and  capacity  without  resorting  to  either  coils  or  condensers;  the 

grid     is     simply 
formed   of   parallel 
wires,  the  oil  having 
a  high  dielectric  ca- 
pacity.    As  it  is  a 
syntonic  emitter,  it 
belongs  in  the  (B) 
class,    and    has    a 
high-frequency  os- 
cillator    (C)     with 
grounded  arm  (E) ; 
j    an    induction    coil 
|    generator   (a)    sup- 
|    plies  a  high-poten- 
|    tial  current  to  the 
1    oscillator   in    series 
|    with   aerial   and 
°§   ground    wire     (c), 
o   forming    an    open- 
current  system  (e) 
tuned  (i)  and  syn- 
tonized (;').    By  ad- 
justing the  grid  any 
frequency  of  oscilla- 
tion   within    range 
of    the    instrument 
may  be  obtained. 


— The  transmitter 
designed  by  M.  Vic- 
tor Popp  and  Prof.  Eduard  Branly,  of  Paris,  is  shown  in  Fig. 
184 ;  it  consists  of  an  induction  coil  placed  end-on  in  a  case  with  the 
secondary  terminals  leading  to  a  spark-gap  as  shown;  one  side  of 
the  spark-gap  is  connected  to  the  aerial  wire  and  the  opposite  side 



leads  to  earth.     The  terminals  of  the  primary  coil  are  connected 
to  a  mercury  turbine  interrupter  operated  by  a  small  motor.    The 


transmitter  is  of  the  non-syntonized  type  (A)  with  oscillator  for 
high-frequency  currents    (C)   having  a  grounded  arm    (E).     Its 



generator  is  an  induction  coil  (a),  the  spark-gap  of  which  is  con- 
nected with  an  aerial  wire  and  ground,  forming  an  open-circuit 
oscillator  (e),  which  is  non-tuned  (h). 

CERVERA  TRANSMITTER. — A  transmitter  designed  by  Senor 
Julio  Cervera  Baveria1  for  the  Spanish  government  is  shown  dia- 

grammatically  in  Fig.  185;  its  chief 
feature  is  an  oscillator  system  in 
which  the  radiating  wire  is  of  exceed- 
ingly small  diameter,,  the  capacity  of 
which  is  increased  by  connecting  in 
series,  on  opposite  sides  of  the  spark- 
gap  condensers,  2,  2' ;  it  has  been 
shown  that  a  fine  wire  will  radiate  all 
the  energy  it  can  be  supplied  with. 
A  switch  is  provided  for  throwing  in 
the  condensers  when  the  transmitter 
is  in  operation  and  cutting  them  out 
when  the  receiver  is  connected  to  the 
aerial  and  ground  wire.  A  keyboard 
similar  to  a  typewriter  keyboard  was 
used  in  conjunction  with  the  trans- 
mitter, and  when  a  key,  corresponding 
to  the  letter  to  be  sent,  is  depressed, 
dots  or  dashes  in  the  Morse  code  re- 
sulted and  the  impulses  they  represent 
were  transmitted.  It  is  a  simple  non- 
syntonized  emitter  (A)  with  high- 
frequency  oscillator  (C),  and  having 
a  grounded  terminal  (B)  ;  an  induction  coil  (a)  charges  the  oscilla- 
tor formed  of  a  spark-gap  connected  in  series  with  its  vertical  wire 
and  ground  (c),  constituting  an  open-circuit  system  (e),  non-tuned 
(h)  and  non-syntonized. 

LODGE-MUIRHEAD  TRANSMITTER. — In  the  new  Lodge-Muirhead 
commercial  system2  two  forms  of  oscillator  systems  have  been  used 
and  these  are  modifications  of  Lodge's  original  transmitter.  In 
Fig.  186  a  spark-gap,  s,  is  connected  in  series  with  the  aerial  wire  a, 
and  having  a  variable  capacity  in  the  form  of  a  condenser  interposed 

^Electrician  (London),  April  18,  1902.  Wireless  Telegraphy  in  Spain. 

2Elec.  World  and  Eng.     Lodge-Muirhead  System,  Collins,  Aug.  1,  1903. 

FIG.  185. 



FIG.     186. — LODGE-MDIR 


(First  Form.) 

at  x ;  the  opposite  arm  includes  the  inductance  coil,  i,  a  condenser,  x, 
and  grounded  terminal,  E ;  this  system  may  be  supplied  with  energy 
by  means  of  an  ordinary  induction  coil  or  the  condensers  may  be 
I a  charged  by  the  secondary  current  of  a  com- 

JL  mercial    transformer,    when   they    will    dis- 

V  1  charge   through   the  spark-gap.     The   com- 

pound oscillator  system,  Fig.  187,  comprises 
an  open  and  closed  circuit ;  the  aerial  wire,  a, 
in  this  case  is  connected  with  the  earth 
through  the  primary  of  a  high-potential 
A  transformer  and  a  condenser  x ;  the  secondary 

1{JX  coil  forms  a  closed  circuit  in  which  is  in- 

*  eluded   a  pair   of   oppositely   disposed   con- 

densers and  the  primary  of  an  induction  coil 
or  a  transformer  operated  by  a  commercial 
alternating  current;  the  oscillator  spheres  are  in  shunt  with  the 
closed  circuit.  The  system  shown  in  Fig.  186  is  syntonized  (B) 
with  oscillator  for  high-frequency  currents  (C),  and  has  one 
arm  grounded;  a  generator  of  the  induction  coil  type  (a)  or  of  the 
transformer  type  (b)  may  be  used;  the  aerial  wire  and  ground  are 
connected  with  the  spark-gap,  c,  forming  an  oscillator  of  the  open- 
circuit  type  (e),  which  is  tuned  (i)  and 
syntonized  (j).  The  compound  oscilla- 
tor is  in  the  (B)  class,  i.e.,  syntonized 
with  high-frequency  oscillator  (C)y 
which  is  grounded  (E)  ;  an  induction 
coil  (a)  or  transformer  (b)  may  be  em- 
ployed, and  the  spark-gap,  aerial  wire, 
and  ground  are  in  series  (c),  forming 

'l|]Xl  an  oscillator  of  the  compound  type  (</), 

I  operating  through  a  transformer  (d)  ; 

both  the  open-circuit  oscillator  system 
(e)  and  the  closed-circuit  system  (/) 
are  tuned  (i)  and  syntonized  (;').  A  Morse  key,  automatic  machine, 
and  perforator  are  used  in  connection  with  the  low-tension  circuits, 
and  the  local  circuit  includes  a  "buzzer,"  the  purpose  of  which  is 
to  open  and  close  the  primary  circuit  of  the  induction  coil  so  that  a 
definite  frequency  is  obtained.  The  photograph,  Fig.  188,  is  an 
excellent  illustration  of  the  Lodge-Muirhead  system. 

TRANSMITTER.     (Second  Form.) 


BULL  TRANSMITTER. — The  Bull  transmitter1  is  an  electro- 
mechanical device  designed  especially  for  selecting  wireless  teleg- 
raphy. Its  oscillator  is  of  the  non-syntonized  class  (A),  designed 
for  high-frequency  currents  (C),  and  has  a  grounded  arm  (E),  as 
in  other  simple  systems/It  employs  an  induction  coil  (a)  energizing 
the  aerial  wire  and  earthed  terminal,  forming  the  oscillator  (c), 
which  is  of  the  open-circuit  type  (e),  non-tuned  (/t),  but  with  its 
mechanical  devices  the  transmitter  is  mechanically  syntonized. 

cableless  signal  transmitted  across  the  Atlantic  Ocean  was  emitted 
by  an  enormous  plant  developing  energy  equivalent  to  twenty-five 

FIG.   188.— LoDGE-MumuEAD  SYSTEM. 

horse  power  and  installed  at  Poldhu,  Cornwall,  England.  The  com- 
mercial cableless  station  erected  at  Tablehead/  Glace  Bay,  Nova 
Scotia,  is  equipped  with  a  generator  connected  to  a  forty  horse-power 
engine  and  the  one  at  South  Wellfleet,  Mass.,  develops  one  hundred 
horse-power.  In  these  great  transmitters  the  engines  are  coupled 
with  alternating-current  dynamos  generating  electricity  at  a  pres- 
sure of  2.000  volts,  which  is  then  converted  by  oil-insulated  trans- 
formers to  a  potential  of  100,000  volts;  a  battery  of  oil  condensers 
is  constantly  charged  by  this  high-voltage  current,  and  these  dis- 
charge through  a  spark-gap  formed  by  the  terminal  of  the  aerial 
and  the  ground  wire.  Thus  the  designing  of  long-distance  trans- 
mitters has  been  resolved  into  a  comparatively  simple  engineering 
task  involving  the  transformation  of  low-potential,  low-frequency 
currents  into  high-potential,  high-frequency  oscillations, 
^yntonization,  Chapter  XIX. 



The  first  complete  receiving  and  indicating  device  for  electric 
waves  was  not  applied  to  wireless  telegraphy,  but  for  meteorological 
determinations.  In  1888  Hertz  obtained  calculations  at  a  distance 
of  a  few  feet  with  his  ring  detector.  Lodge  in  1894  showed  how  a 
coherer  connected  with  a  galvanometer  could  be  used  as  a  receiver 
when  placed  a  distance  of  500  feet  from  the  source  of  the  waves. 
Prof.  Popoff,  of  Cronstadt,  designed  a  receptor  for  the  study  of 
atmospheric  electricity  in  1895,  and  this  arrangement  forms  the 
earliest  record  of  the  application  of  an  aerial  wire  or  antenna  con- 
nected with  a  detector  and  the  earth.  Prof.  Rutherford,  of  Mont- 
real, in  1896,  constructed  a  magnetic  detector  and  with  suitable 
auxiliary  appliances  forming  a  receptor  obtained  signals  at  a  dis- 
tance of  2,500  feet. 

In  his  experiments  in  Italy,  Marconi  in  1895  employed  a  coherer 
with  one  of  its  conductor  plugs  connected  with  an  elevated  capacity, 
the  opposite  terminal  of  the  detector  being  earthed.1  The  first  tests 
b)r  Marconi,  in  England,  in  1896,  were,  however,  executed  without 
recourse  to  the  antenna  and  earthed  wire,  but  by  concentrating  the 
received  waves  in  the  focus  of  a  parabolic  mirror  containing  the 
detector.  From  the  records  it  seems  that  Marconi  was  the  pioneer 
in  utilizing  the  Morse  register  in  combination  with  a  detector  and 
relay.  The  history  of  wireless  telegraph  receptors  is  analogous  to 
that  of  transmitters,  since  in  nearly  every  case  inventors  of  trans- 
mitters designed  complementary  apparatus  for  the  reception  and  in- 
dication of  the  waves;  thus  Lodge  gave  to  the  world  the  first 
syntonic  receptor  or  resonator  simultaneous  with  his  tuned  trans- 
mitter (1898),  the  result  being  a  complete  syntonic  system  of 
wireless  telegraphy.  Upon  the  discovery  that  carbon  and  some  of 
the  metals  were  self-restoring,  the  telephonic  receptor  came  into  use. 

Wireless  Telegraphy,  Marconi.    Institution  of  Elec.  Engs. ,  March  2, 1899. 



The  Slaby-Arco  and  Braun  systems  of  Germany,  the  Popoff-Decretet 
of  France,  and  other  makers  use  this  type  of  detector  in  combination 
with  telephone  receivers  for  portable  receptors.  Fessenden's  barret- 
ter is  an  auto-detector,  as  is  the  DeForest  electrolytic  responder. 
Marconi's  cableless  stations  are  equipped  with  telephonic  receptors, 
and  the  signs  of  the  time  point  to  its  ultimate  adoption  as  the 
successor  of  the  Morse  register  type.  An  electro-mechanically  oper- 
ated receptor  for  wireless  telegraphy  has  been  constructed  by  Anders 
Bull  and  is  the  latest  addition  to  the  art. 


The  term  receptor  will  be  used  where  it  is  intended  to  designate 
a  complete  receiving  apparatus.  Receivers  refer  to  individual  parts 
of  receptors  such  as  telephone  receivers,  et  cetera.  Receptors  com- 
prise two  principal  circuits,  i.e.,  (1)  a  milli-ampere,  low- voltage 
JL  direct-current  circuit  shown  at  1,  Fig. 

j .  t  189,  operating  a  relay  or  telephone  re- 

*•  "•  ,  ceiver,  af  by  means  of  the  cell,  b,  through 

'     " "    *  the  detector,  c,  and  (2)  a  high-frequency 

circuit  which  includes  the  aerial  wire,  2, 
2.    detector,  2',  and  grounded  terminal,  2"; 
upon  this  circuit  the  electric  waves  im- 
pinge, when  they  are  transformed  into 

-"  R  3  electric  oscillations.    The  first  w  termed 

an  internal  circuit,  and  the  second  a  resonator  system.  There  may 
ibe  one  or  more  internal  circuits  and  more  than  one  resonator  system, 
but  the  two.  circuits  indicated  in  the  diagram  are  the  principal  ones. 
CLASSIFICATION  OF  RECEPTORS.  —  Receptors  may  be  divided  into 
the  following  classes  : 

A.  —  Non-syntonized  receptors. 

B.  —  Syntonized  receptors. 

And  these  classes  may  be  again  indicated  thus: 

C.  —  Resonators  with  grounded  arms. 

D.  —  Resonators  with  ungrounded  arms. 

E.  —  Receptors  with  visual  recorders. 

F.  —  Receptors  with  telephonic  receivers. 

These  classes  may  consist  of  the  following  appliances  : 

a.  —  Detectors  operated  by  voltage. 

b.  —  Detectors  operated  by  current. 



c. — Resonators  connected  in  series  with  antennas  and  grounds. 

d. — Eesonators  operating  through  transformers. 

e. — Resonators  of  the  open-circuit  type. 

/. — Resonators  of  the  closed-circuit  type. 

g. — Resonators  of  the  compound-circuit  type 

h. — Receptors  with  non-tuned  circuits. 

i. — Receptors  with  tuned  circuits. 

/. — Receptors  electrically  syntonized. 

Jc. — Receptors  mechanically  syntonized. 

Combinations  of  these  various  factors  make  up  a  great  variety 
of  receptors  differing  widely  in  detail,  arrangement  and  specific 
purpose,  yet  all  are  dependent  on  the  same  sources  of  energy  for 
their  operation. 

POPOFF  RECEPTOR. — The  receptor  designed  by  Popoff  in  1895 
consisted  of  a  coherer,  1,  Fig.  190,  one  terminal  of  -which  was  con- 



Fio.  190. — POPOFF  RECEPTOR. 

nected  to  an  exploring  rod,  2,  or  antenna,  as  it  is  now  termed,  the 
opposite  terminal,  3,  leading  to  the  earth  through  the  coherer  and 
spark-gap,  4 ;  these  oppositely  disposed  coherer  terminals  were  con- 
nected in  series  with  a  relay  through  a  cell,  5,  and  in  an  auxiliary 
circuit  there  was  included  a  bell,  the  tapper  of  which  served  also 



to  decohere  the  filings.1  Thus  the  first  actual  long-distance  receptor 
may  be  classified  as  a  non-syntonized  system  (A)  with  a  resonator 
having  one  terminal  grounded  (C) ;  though  no  Morse  register  was 
used,  it  had  all  the  elements  of  the  (E)  type,  except  the  register  it- 
self. The  apparatus  in  the  internal  circuit  was  actuated  by  a  voltage- 
operated  detector  (a)  of  the  coherer  type,  and  this  was  connected  in 
series  with  the  antenna  and  ground  (c),  forming  an  open-circuit 
resonator  (e),  the  whole  comprising  receptors  with  non-tuned 
circuits  (h).  The  Popoff  receptor  formed  the  foundation  for  those 
of  every  system  since  devised  where  Morse  registers  are  used. 

MARCONI  RECEPTOR  (FIRST  FORM). — The  earliest  form  of  re- 
ceptor designed  by  Marconi  is  shown  diagrammatically  in  Fig.  191. 

PIG.  191.— MARCONI  RECEPTOR.     (First  Form. 

It  consisted  of  a  coherer,  jf  f-f  ;2,  ;3,  connected  with  a  polarized 
relay,  n,  and  a  dry  cell,  g,  in  series  with  the  non-inductive  resistances 
or  choking  coils,  fc1,  fc1,  so  that  the  sparking  of  the  contacts  of  the 
relay  which  sets  up  oscillations  in  the  local  circuit  may  be  anni- 
hilated or  "choked"  before  they  reach  the  coherer,  and  again  these 
choking  coils  compel  the  oscillations  set  up  in  the  resonator  system 
to  traverse  the  coherer  instead  of  wasting  their  energy  in  following 
the  alternative  path  which  includes  the  relay.  Non-inductive  re- 
sistance coils  are  also  inserted  in  shunt  at  q  and  s,  so  that  there  may 
be  no  electrical  disturbances  by  the  local  battery  near  the  coherer, 
which  otherwise  would  retard  the  detector  in  regaining  its  high 
resistance  after  the  action  of  the  oscillations.  The  relay  causes 
the  current  from  the  battery,  r,  to  pass  through  the  tapper,  p,  and 
'Elektritchestvo,  St.  Petersburg,  July,  1896. 



also  through  the  electro-magnets  of  the  sounder,  li.  The  tapper  or 
decohering  device  is  adjusted  so  that  it  will  tap  back  the  filings  to 
their  normally  high  resistance;  when  the  impinging  waves  on  the 
resonator  system  are  converted  into  oscillations  the  coherer  permits 
the  current  to  flow  through  the  circuits,  and  this  causes  the  deli- 
cately poised  armature  of  the  relay  and  tapper  to  vibrate  rapidly 
and  in  unison  with  each  other;  when  the  coherer  closes  the  circuit 
the  relay  armature  is  drawn  into  contact,  and,  closing  the  second 
local  or  internal  circuit,  starts  the  tapper ;  the  tapper  in  turn,  by 
decohering  the  filings,  stops  the  action  of  the  current  and  the 
operation  of  the  relay.  In  the  sounder  first  employed  and  the 
Morse  register  since  used,  the  levers  are  arranged  to  have  a  high 
time  constant  compared  with  the  armatures  of  the  relay  and  tapper, 
and  the  former,  in  virtue  of  its  great  inertia,  cannot,  therefore, 
follow  the  rapid  movements  of  the  latter,  so  that  when  a  series  of 
waves  are  received  representing  a  dash  in  the  Morse  code  the  arma- 
ture or  lever  of  the  recorder  remains  down  until  the  cessation  of  the 

LFic.  192. — MARCONI  RECEPTOR.     (Second  Form.) 

waves ;  a  dot  is  registered  in  the  same  way,  but,  the  waves  being  of 
shorter  duration,  the  lever  is  held  down  a  shorter  time.  In  this 
receptor  a  parabolic  reflector  was  employed  to  receive  the  impinging 
waves  and  concentrate  them  upon  a  small  resonator  formed  of 
copper  plates,  Jc  Jc ;  it  was  designed  to  be  used  in  connection  with  the 
Marconi  transmitter  (Fig.  162).  It  will  be  observed  that  it  is  in 
the  class  of  non-syntonized  receptors  (A),  having  an  ungrounded 


arm  (D)  and  employing  a  Morse  register  (E).  The  indicator  is 
operated  by  a  voltage  detector  (a)  of  the  coherer  type,  and  the 
resonator  is  of  the  closed-circuit  type  (/),  the  circuit  of  which  is 
non-tuned  (h).  Theoretically,  the  choke  coils,  k  ~k,  place  the  res- 
onator in  the  open-circuit  class  (e),  but  the  general  design  is  that 
of  a  closed-circuit  system.  All  receptors  giving  visual  indications 
by  means  of  Morse  registers  are  constructed  upon  practically  the 
same  lines  as  the  one  just  described. 

MARCONI  RECEPTOR  (SECOND  FORM). — In  the  second  form  of 
receptor  designed  by  Marconi  and  shown  in  Fig.  192,  the  resonator 
system  is  formed  by  an  antenna  extending  into  the  air  and  supported 
by  a  mast,  balloon,  or  kite,  one  terminal  of  which  is  connected  to 
the  coherer,  the  opposite  conductor  plug  forming  connection  with 
the  earth  at  E.  An  open-circuit  resonator  is  thus  obtained  and 
practice  has  indicated  this  to  be  best  adapted  to  the  requirements 
of  long-distance  wireless  telegraphy.  The  arrangement  of  the  tapper 


with  the  extra  choke-coils,  p*,  p2,  are  here  represented  together  with 
the  additional  connections  required  to  complete  the  equipment;  in 
all  other  respects  the  receiver  is  the  same  as  that  just  described. 
In  the  photograph  shown  in  Fig.  193  it  will  be  observed  that  the 



apparatus  is  inclosed  in  a  metal  box ;  the  object  oi  this  arrangement 
is  to  preclude  extraneous  waves  from  impinging  on  the  wires  of  the 
internal  circuits  and  thus  set  up  oscillations  and  miniature  trains 
of  waves. 

LODGE  RECEPTOR. — Early  in  the  art  Lodge,  recognizing  the 
importance  of  sending  and  receiving  selective  messages,  designed 
a  system  to  fulfill  these  requirements.  The  receptor  illus- 
trated in  Fig.  194  consists  of  a  resonator  sys- 
tem for  the  reception  of  electric  waves  of  a 
definite  length  and  converting  them  into  os- 
cillators of  a  given  frequency.  In  nearly  all 
receptors  the  resonator  is  merely  a  counter- 
part of  the  oscillator  or  complementary  ap- 
pliance, having  about  the  same  electrical 
proportions  as  the  oscillator  system  with 
which  it  is  so  closely  allied.  The  resonator 
system  employed  by  Lodge  is  made  by  con- 
necting two  capacity  areas,  1, 14,  together  by 
an  inductance  coil,  6;  this  inductance  also 
serves  as  the  primary  coil  of  a  small  trans- 
former, the  secondary,  7,  of  which  is  con- 
nected in  series  with  the  coherer,  8.  The  re- 
cording apparatus  is  similar  to  that  shown 
in  Fig.  192.  The  capacity  areas  are  of  metal,  either  zinc  or  copper, 
and  are  cone-shaped.  This  receptor  is  in  the  syntonized  class  (B) 
and  the  post,  9,  insulates  the  capacity  areas 
from  the  earth  so  that  the  resonator  is  un- 
grounded (D).  A  Morse  register  (E)  indi- 
cates the  message,  through  a  voltage-oper- 
ated detector  (a)  ;  the  resonator  has  two  cir- 
cuits operating  through  a  transformer  (d) ; 
utilizing  the  properties  of  both  the  open- 
circuit  (c)  and  the  closed-circuit  resona- 
tors (/)  and  giving  it  a  compound  char- 
acter (g)  ;  these  circuits  are  not  only  tuned 
(i),  but  syntonized  (/). 

Arco  multiple- tuned  receptor  is  based  on  a 
number  of  original  conclusions  bearing  on 

FIG.    195.-SJABT-ARCO    RE-  ^    ^    Qjf    electpical    resonance.       In    Fig. 

FIG.   194. — LODGE  RECEP- 



195,  the  antenna  is  shown  at  1,  leading  to  the  earth  at  2.  A  second  or 
auxiliary  wire  representing  the  same  inductance,  capacity,  and  re- 
sistance as  the  antenna  is  connected  with  it  at  the  point  of  contact 
with  the  earth  or  nodal  point;  in  the  receptor  the  wire  terminates 
in  the  coherer,  the  opposite  terminal  leading  to  earth  through 
the  condenser.  The  internal  circuits  are  shown  in  Fig.  196;  the 

fcl  _____  I? 


J         Hii  ^rth 


antenna  is  connected  with  the  relay  as  indicated  by  the  dotted  lines, 
while  the  heavy  lines  illustrate  the  circuit  which  includes  the  relay, 
tapper,  and  Morse  register;  1  is  the  antenna,  2  a  cut-out,  and  3,  4, 
5,  6,  and  11  the  circuit  comprising  the  resonator.  The  relay,  8, 
is  operated  by  the  cell,  9,  which  leads  through  the  magnets  of  the 
tapper,  10,  to  the  coherer,  5,  the  circuit  being  completed  through 
the  inductance,  4,  and  the  coil  connected  with  the  earth  terminal, 
11,  the  return  leading  to  the  relay.  The  second  internal  circuit 
includes  the  battery,  12,  the  tapper,  13,  the  relay  working  contact, 
14 — including  the  tongue — the  polarizing  battery,  15,  the  elements 
of  which  are  connected  in  parallel,  and  the  Morse  register,  16. 
The  resistance  of  the  Slaby-Arco  coherer  is  about  2,000  ohms  and 
the  relay  is  wound  to  about  the  same  resistance;  it  is  of  the 
Siemens  polarized  type.  The  receptor  is  syntonized  (A)  with 
grounded-arm  resonator  (C)  and  operates  a  Morse  register  (E) ; 
the  coherer  (a)  is  connected  in  series  with  the  antenna  and  ground 
(c)  and  has  resonators  of  the  open  circuit  type  (c)  and  closed 
circuit  type  (/)  both  of  which  are  tuned  (i)  and  syntonized  (/). 
BRAUN  KECEPTOR. — The  resonator  system  of  the  Braun  receptor 



is  shown  in  Fig.  197,  in  diagram.  The  antenna,  A,  upon  which  the 
waves  impinge  sets  up  oscillations  in  the  closed  resonator  formed  by 
the  condensers,  c,  e,  and  the  inductance  coil,  t,  which  also  acts  as 


the  primary  of  a  small  transformer  coil.  The  addition  of  a  second 
conductor,  B,  equal  to  y  the  received  wave,  gives  the  proper  elec- 
trical symmetry  to  the  primary  open  circuit,  whereby  pure  resonance 


effects  are  obtained.  The  second  conductor,  B,  instead  of  being 
grounded  as  is  ordinarily  the  case,  is  a  short  piece  of  wire  attached 
to  a  cylinder  which  acts  as  a  capacity  replacing  both  the  wire  and  the 



earth  itself  in  so  far  as  the  coefficients  of  either  are  concerned. 
The  polarized  relay,  the  tapper,  and  coherer  are  clearly  shown  in 
Fig.  198 ;  the  relay  is  of  the  Siemens  type  with  permanent  magnets, 
the  magnet  coils  of  which  are  wound  to  high  sensitiveness.  The  tap- 
per differs  from  those  of  electro-mechanical  construction  in  that  it  is 
merely  actuated  and  not  operated  by  an  electric  current,  its  energy 
being  imparted  by  a  spring  motor.  The  Braun  receptor  involves  the 
principles  of  the  syntonized  class  (B),  the  resonator  system  is  un- 
grounded (D),  and  the  receptor  indicating  the  message  by  means 
of  a  register  (E)  ;  it  employs  a  coherer  (a)  and  its  resonator 
operates  through  a  transformer  (d)  ;  the  resonators  follow  the 
e,  f,  g  classes  in  that  they  are  open,  closed  and  compound;  the 
circuits  are  tuned  (i)  and  syntonized  (;').  A  Braun  portable 
receptor  is  illustrated  in  Fig.  199. 


MARCONI  KECEPTOR  (THIRD  FORM). — In  the  effort  to  eliminate 
the  antenna  as  a  factor  in  the  reception  of  electric  waves,  Marcom 
evolved  a  third  form  of  apparatus,  shown  in  Fig.  200.  The  recep- 
tor consisted  of  two  concentric  cylinders  of  metal  with  an  air- 
space between  them.  The  inner  one  is  connected  with  the  earth ; 
the  outer  one  is  connected  to  the  inner  one  by  a  circuit  which 
includes  the  primary  of  a  transformer  coil  of  special  design  and 
a  coil  for  varying  the  inductance.  The  capacity  is  constant  and  is 


determined  by  the  size  of  the  concentric  cylinders.  The  secondary 
of  the  transformer  coil  forms  a  closed-circuit  resonator  with  a 
coherer  and  a  relay  in  circuit.  It  follows 
the  syntonized  class  of  receptors  (B),  the 
resonator  has  a  grounded  arm  (C)  and  util- 
izes a  Morse  register  (E)  ;  a  coherer  (a)  is  in 
the  closed  resonator  circuit  and  the  inner 
cylinder  connected  with  the  earth  places  it  in 
the  (C)  class;  the  resonator  operates  through 
a  transformer  (d)  and  is  of  the  compound 
type  (g)  ;  both  circuits  are  tuned  (i)  and 
syntonized  (;'). 

wireless  telegraph  repeater  combining  in  a 
single  instrument  a   transmitter  and  a  re- 
FIG.  200.— MARCONI  RE-     ceptor  is  the   invention  of   Emile   Guarini 

CEPTOR.    (Third  Form.)  r       . 

Foresio;  the  repeater  is  absolutely  auto- 
matic in  all  its  functions,  and  from  the  instant  the  en- 
feebled radiation  from  a  distant  station  impinges  on  the 
antenna  through  all  the  succeeding  translations  from  the  coherer 
to  the  powerful  re-energized  waves  emitted  from  the  same  aerial 
wire  no  human  hand  is  required  to  assist  it.  Fig.  201  is  a  diagram 
of  the  combined  circuits  representing  the  receptor  and  the  trans- 
mitter/and  Fig.  202  is  a  photograph  of  the  complete  apparatus. 
A  single  vertical  wire,  1,  serves  to  receive  and  radiate  the  waves; 
a  special  switch,  2,  provides  the  means  for  automatically  cutting 
out  the  aerial  wire  from  the  spark-gap,  when  the  receiving  ap- 
paratus is  brought  into  action  and  vice  versa.  The  inductor,  3, 
supplies  current  to  the  oscillator;  a  condenser,  4,  is  shunted 
across  the  spark-gap  as  previously  described.  The  receptor  con- 
sists of  a  Siemens  relay,  5,  placed  in  series  with  a  Blondel  regen- 
erable  coherer,  6 ;  the  platinum  surface  contact  points  of  this  relay 
are  too  small  to  transmit  the  current  required  to  operate  the  induc- 
tion coil,  so  a  second  relay  or  aerial  switch,  2,  having  a  larger 
carrying  capacity,  is  used.  The  aerial  wire  is  connected  directly  to 
one  terminal  of  the  primary  winding  of  a  transformer  coil,  7,  the 
•opposite  terminal  leading  to  earth  through  the  metal  box,  12 ;  the 
coil,  7,  increases  the  potential  of  the  oscillatory  current  in  the 
coherer  circuit,  in  which  is  included  a  condenser,  8,  serving  the 
'Guarini's  Transmitter,  2d  form,  Chap.  XIV. 



purpose  of  establishing  the  proper  ratio  between  inductance  and 

Non-inductive  resistance  coils,  9  and  10,  are  inserted  between 
the  relay,  5,  and  the  coherer,  6;  to  protect  the  internal  circuits, 
including  the  relay  and  coherer,  the  whole  is  inclosed  in  a  metal 
box,  12,  and  as  an  extra  precaution  a  choking  coil,  13,  is  intro- 


duced  to  annihilate  any  oscillations  set  up  in  the  circuit  connecting 
the  aerial  relay,  2,  and  the  polarized  relay,  5.  The  action  of  the 
repeater  is  such  that  when  the  incoming  waves  are  received,  oscil- 
lations occur  in  the  open-circuit  resonator  system  formed  by  the 
antenna,  1,  one  side  of  the  relay,  2,  the  metal  box,  12,  and  the  wire 
leading  to  earth;  the  waves  acting  on  the  coherer,  6,  close  the 
circuit  of  the  relay,  5,  which  in  turn  causes  the  armature  of  the 
aerial  relay,  2,  to  be  drawn  into  contact,  switching  out  the  resona- 


tor  circuit  and  switching  in  the  radiator  system  when  the  re- 
energized waves  are  emitted.  The  oscillator  and  resonator  circuits 
are  virtually  a  unit  of  the  non-syntonized  type  (A)  having  a 
grounded  arm  (C)  ;  the  message  is  received  by  a  Morse  register 
(E).  The  coherer  places  it  in  the  (a)  class,  the  former  being  in  a 
closed  resonator  circuit,  operating  through  a  transformer  (d) 


having  a  compound-circuit  resonator  (g) ;  the  receptor  is  non- 
tuned  (h).  This  system  of  repeating  wireless  messages  was  tested 
between  Antwerp  and  Brussels,  a  distance  of  25  miles. 

MARCONI  EECEPTOR  (FOURTH  FORM). — The  fourth  type  of 
receptor  devised  by  Marconi  for  selective  wireless  signaling  is 
shown  in  the  sketch  Fig.  203.  An  aerial  wire,  A,  is  connected 
to  earth,  Ef  through  the  primary  of  a  transformer,  j1,  and  the 



Pro.  203. — MARCONI  RECEPTOR. 
(Fourth  Form.) 

variable  inductance,  g\  the  secondary  coil  of  the  transformer  is 
connected  in  series  with  the  coherer,  Tf  and  the  free  terminals  of 

the  secondary  a  condenser,  f,  the  op- 
posite coatings  of  which  connect  with 
a  source  of  e.  m.  f.,  and  a  relay.  The 
condenser  increases  the  capacity  of 
the  closed-circuit  resonator  system, 
and  in  the  case  of  a  prolonged  series 
of  comparatively  feeble  but  properly 
timed  oscillations  being  received  they 
are  stored  up  until  the  e.  m.  f .  at  the 
terminals  of  the  coherer  is  sufficient 
to  break  down  its  high  resistance  and 
cause  the  indicating  apparatus  to  re- 
spond in  consequence1.  The  trans- 
former is  especially  wound  and  is  de- 
scribed in  the  succeeding  chapter. 
Classified,  this  resonator  is  of  the 
syntonized  type  (B),  having  a 
grounded  arm  (C),  the  receptor  in- 
cluding a  Morse  register  (E) ;  a  coherer  (a)  operated  through 
a  transformer  (d)  connects  an  open-circuit  resonator  (e)  in 
series  with  antenna  and  ground  (c)  with  a  closed-circuit  sys- 
tem (f),  forming  a  resonator  of  the  compound-circuit  type  (g) ; 
these  resonator  circuits  are  tuned  (i)  and  syntonized  (/).  This 
system  was  tested  between  St.  Catherines,  Isle  of  Wight,  and 
Poole,  in  Dorset,  England.  When  electric  waves  of  a  certain 
frequency  are  used  no  interference  is  caused  by  the  working  of  the 
Admiralty  installations  in  the  vicinity. 

FESSENDEN  KECEPTOR. — The  receptor  devised  by  Fessenden 
embodies  several  novel  and  important  features.  Its  resonator 
system  is  closely  allied  to  the  oscillator  system,  since  a  specific 
tuning  device  serves  either  purpose.  The  resonator  system,  of 
which  the  tuning  devices  form  the  principal  part,  is  shown  in  Fig. 
204,  and  has  for  its  object  the  reception  of  code  messages  and  others 
where  accuracy  and  positive  action  are  essential.  The  antenna,  1, 
is  connected  through  a  condenser,  12,  with  one  of  the  tuning  grids, 
13 ;  this  device  is  connected  with  the  wave  detector  or  barretter,  14, 

'Royal  Institution  Lecture,  Progress  of  Electric  Space  Telegraphy.  Mar- 
coni, June  13,  1902. 



the  resonator  circuit  being  completed  through  the  tuning  grid,  X, 
which  leads  to  earth  E.  The  tuning  grids  are  constructed  of  one 
or  more  pairs  of  conductors  arranged  in  a  box  containing  oil  in- 
sulating the  wires.  By  this  arrangement  the  capacity  and  induc- 
tance of  the  circuit  is  distributed,  instead  of  bunching  these 
coefficients  by  coils  and  condensers,  which  tends  to  cut  down  the 
effective  radiation  per  oscillation. 

Fio.  204. — FESSENDEN  SYSTEM. 

The  barretter  of  Fessenden  is  connected  in  series  with  a  pair  of 
head  telephone  receivers,  15,  and  current  is  supplied  by  a  pair  of 
elements  having  a  slightly  opposed  e.  m.  f.,  through  a  non-induct- 
ive resistance.  The  diagram  Fig.  204  shows  a  complete  send- 
ing and  receiving  apparatus;  20  to  25  is  an  electro-magnetic 
cut-out,  and  this  device  is  rendered  operative  through  the  switch, 



a,  b,  3,  the  lever,  25,  drawing  the  leading-in  wires,  24,  in  or  out 
of  contact  as  the  case  may  be.  The  calling  apparatus  is  shown  in 
32,  and  comprises  a  coherer,  35,  a  transformer  33  and  34,  a  tele- 
phone receiver,  a  bell  or  other  suitable  indicating  mechanism.  The 
Fessenden  receptor  is  subject  to  the  following  classification:  It  is 
^  syntonized  receptor  (B)  with  grounded  arm  resonator  (C)  using 
a  telephone  receiver  to  indicate  the  signals;  its  detector  is  current 
operated  (&),  and  is  connected  in  series  with  the  antenna  and  earth 
(c),  forming  an  open-circuit  resonator  ('e)  ;  which  is  tuned  (i)  and 
syntonized  (/).  The  photograph  Fig.  205  shows  the  new  type  of 


liquid  barretter  and  other  features  of  the  system.     Fig.  206  is  a 
portable  Fessenden  apparatus. 

PopOFF-DucRETET  RECEPTOR. — Like  the  Popoff-Ducretet  trans- 
mitter, the  receptor  designed  by  them  resolves  the  receiving  appara-- 
tus  into  its  simplest  form,  i.e.,  a  single  cell,  a  detector,  and  a  tele- 
phone receiver.  When  in  action  the  coherer,  A,  is  attached  to  the 
top  of  a  containing  box  or  case,  and  connection  with  the  dry  cell 
and  telephone  is  made  by  means  of  a  flexible  cord  and  spring  jacks. 
The  coherer,  containing  grains  of  carbon,  decoheres  automatically, 
•so  that  no  tapper  is  required.  The  aerial  wire  is  connected  to  one 
"terminal  of  the  coherer  and  the  earthed  wire  to  the  opposite  ter- 



minal.  It  is  simply  a  non-syntonized  receptor  (A),  having  a 
grounded  resonator  (C)  using  a  telephone  receiver  (F)  as  an  indi- 
cator, actuated  by  an  auto-coherer  (a)  connected  in  series  with 
the  antenna  and  ground  (c),  forming  an  open-circuit  resonator1 
(e)  and  non-timed  (h).  It  is  shown  in  Fig.  207. 

DEFOREST-SMYTH  RECEPTOR. — The  receptor  illustrated  dia- 
grammatically  in  Fig.  208  and  photographically  in  Fig.  209  is  the 
result  of  researches  by  Dr.  Lee  DeForest  and  Edwin  H.  Smythe; 


it  employs  as  a  detector  an  anti-coherer  based  on  electrolytic  prin- 
ciples, which  responds  to  the  impressed  differences  of  potential  in 
a  manner  diametrically  opposite  to  that  of  a  coherer.  Usually  two 
fesponders,  as  these  detectors  are  termed,  are  connected  in  series,, 
as  shown  in  the  diagram,  with  the  antenna  and  grounded  terminal ; 
1,  I1  represent  the  responders,  2,  21  choking  coils,  3  an  inductive 
resistance,  4  a  source  of  e.  m.  f.,  5  a  condenser,  6  a  head  telephone 
receiver,  7  the  antenna,  8  the  ground  wire,  and  9,  9  cut-outs  for 
the  responders.  The  internal  circuit  includes  the  head  telephone 
receivers,  responders,  and  cells;  the  internal  circuit  is  normally 
closed,  the  current  flowing  through  the  telephones  all  the  time  the 



anti-coherer  is  not  actuated  by  the  oscillations;  when  the  oscilla- 
tions take  place,  however,  the  latter  disrupts  the  electrolytically 
deposited  thread  formed  by  the  local  current  between  the  electrodes 
of  the  responder,  when  its  resistance  is  instantly  increased,  the  local 
current  ceases  to  flow,  and  the  diaphragm  of  the  telephone  receiver 
released  from  the  pull  of  the  magnets  recovers  its  normal  position, 
producing  a  sharp  click.  This  receptor  is  of  the  non-syntonized 
class  (A),  has  a  grounded  resonator  (C),  and  utilizes  a  telephone 
receiver  (F),  its  detector  is  voltage-operated  (a),  the  resonator  is 


connected  in  series  with  the  antenna  and  ground  (c),  is  of  the 
open-circuit  type  (e),  and  is  non-tuned  (h).  Messages  have  been 
received  at  the  DeForest  Coney  Island  station  from  the  Etruria, 
when  the  steamer  was  ninety  miles  at  sea. 

CERVERA  EECEPTOR. — The  receptor  of  Senor  Julio  Cervera 
Baveria1  operates  through  the  same  aerial  and  ground  wire  as  the, 
transmitter,  but  the  condensers  employed  for  the  latter  are  cut  out 
by  means  of  a  switch.  The  construction  of  the  receptor  is  shown 
In  the  diagram,  Fig.  210 ;  and,  it  will  be  observed  that  the  antenna^ 
1,  is  connected  with  the  earthed  terminal,  2,  through  the  primary 
coil  of  a  small  transformer,  3;  in  the  secondary  of  the  transformer, 

Electrician.    London.    April  18,  1902,  p.  1008.  F;Vr;!; 


4,  is  inserted  a  condenser,  5;  the  soft  iron  core,  which  is  also  in 
circuit  with  the  secondary,  terminates  in  the  coherer,  7 ;  a  variable 
resistance,  8,  is  included  in  the  local  circuit,  connecting  the  co- 
herer and  the  relay,  10,  and  the  cell,  9; 
the  battery,  11,  is  thrown  into  circuit  by 
the  relay,  10,  which  operates  a  second  or 
multiplying  relay,  12.  The  battery  oper- 
ating the  Morse  register  is  shown  at  13, 
while  14  is  the  de-coherer  battery  and  15 
the  tapper.  The  sensitiveness  of  the  co- 
herer may  be  regulated  through  the  wind- 
FIG.  208.-DSFORE8T  REC7p-  inS  of  the  electro-magnet  and  the  resist- 
TOIU  ance,  17;  a  battery  for  regulating  the 

electro-magnet,  18,  is  also  inserted  in  this  circuit  as  well  as  an 
ammeter,  19.  There  are,  consequently,  four  distinct  circuits  in  this 
receptor,  each  having  its  own  source  of  current  and  fulfilling  the 
following  functions:  (a)  actuating  the  Morse  register,  (b)  making 
and  breaking  the  coherer  and  relay  circuit  to  render  decohesion 
more  positive,  (c)  operating  the  tapper,  and  (d)  interrupting  the 
circuit  of  an  electro-magnet  regulating  the  coherer.  The  receptor  of 
Cervera  is  non-syntonized  (A),  with  grounded  resonator  (C),  and 
the  receptor  indicates  its  message  by  means  of  a  Morse  register 
(E),  it  employs  a  coherer  (a)  operating  through  a  transformer  (d), 
forming  a  compound  resonator  (g)  having  non-tuned  circuits  (h). 
The  device  is  quite  complicated,  but  has  been  in  operation  between 
Tarifa  and  Ceuta  across  the  Strait  of  Gibraltar,  a  distance  of  34 

BRANLY-POPP  RECEPTOR. — The  principal  feature  of  this  system 
is  the  Branly  tripod  coherer,  previously  described.  This  coherer  is  ar- 
ranged at  the  back  of  the  Morse  register,  Fig.  211,  so  that  a  lever 
operated  by  the  latter  serves  as  a  tapper  for  the  detector,  thus  elim- 
inating the  electro-mechanical  tapper  usually  employed.  The  local 
current  from  the  cell,  B,  which  has  an  e.  m.  f .  of  one-half  volt,  actu- 
ates the  spring  motor  of  the  register  through  an  internal  circuit 
formed  through  the  screw,  A,  in  the  lever  referred  to,  making  con- 
tact with  a  platinum  plate,  P,  leading  to  a  Claude  relay,  R,  the  cir- 
cuit being  completed  through  a  variable  resistance,  v,  and  the  tripod 
coherer,  D ;  the  terminals  leading  from  the  relay  connect  with  the 
Morse  register.  The  receptor  is  non-syntonized  (A),  the  resonator 
having  one  arm  grounded  (C),  the  message  being  indicated  by  a 



Morse  register  (E) ;  its  detector  is  of  the  coherer  type  (a)  and  its 
resonator  formed  by  a  direct  connected  aerial  wire  to  the  coherer 
and  ground  (c)  of  the  open-circuit  type  (e),  and  is  non-tuned 
(h).  The  Branly-Popp  system  is  in  operation  between  Cape  Gris 


Nez  and  Cape  de  la  Hague.  The  half-tone,  Fig.  212,  gives  an  excel- 
lent idea  of  the  completed  receptor.  In  Fig.  213,  the  receptor  is 
shown  connected  to  recording  meteorological  gauges  which  are  now- 
being  used  in  France.. 

LoDGE-MuiRHEAD  KECEPTOR. — In  the  new  Lodge-Muirhead  re- 
ceptor1 two  distinct  resonators  have  been  tested.  The  first  is  a 

*Elec.  World  and  Eng.,  Aug.  1,  1903,  p.  173.    Collins. 



simple  open  circuit,  and  the  second  is  a  compound-circuit  system. 
The  open-circuit  resonator  comprises  an  antenna,  a,  Fig.  214,  lead- 

Fio.  210. — CERVERA  RECEPTOR. 

ing  to  the  earth  through  the  condensers,  x  and  x± ;  the  internal  cir- 
cuits include  an  inductance,  L,  a  Lodge  rotating  mercurial  coherer, 


C,  condenser,  X2,  and  a  siphon  recorder  operated  by  a  current  from 
the  cell,  E.  No  relay  is  interposed  between  the  coherer  and  the 
recorder,  rf  the  action  being  direct.  This  receptor  is  syntonized  (B), 
and,  different  from  the  first  Lodge  system,  has  a  grounded  resonator 
(C),  it  employs  a  siphon  recorder  (E),  and  a  voltage-operated 
detector  (a)  is  placed  in  a  shunt  with  the  internal  circuit  of  the 
resonator  proper,  the  aerial  wire  being  connected  direct  to  the 
earth  with  the  condensers  interposed  (c) ;  the  resonator  is  of  the 
open-circuit  type  with  tuned  resonator  and  internal  circuits  (i) 
producing  a  syntonized  receptor  (j). 

The  compound-circuit  oscillator,  shown  in  Fig.  215,  is  com- 
posed of  an  open-circuit  resonator,  a,  primary  of  a  transformer,  tpf 


which  also  serves  as  an  inductance  and  condensers,  xlf  and  x2 ;  the 
latter  connecting  with  the  earth ;  the  secondary  of  the  transformer, 
ts,  is  in  series  with  the  rotating  mercurial  coherer,  c,  forming  a 
closed  circuit  including  a  cell,  E,  and  a  siphon  recorder,  r;  in 
shunt  with  this  circuit  is  a  condenser,  x2,  causing  the  oscillations 
to  surge  through  the  closed  circuit  with  a  predetermined  frequency 
until  it  reaches  its  maximum  amplitude,  and  excluding  these  oscil- 
lations from  the  recorder.1  The  complete  receptor  is  illustrated 
in  Fig.  216;  the  latter  A  refers  to  the  siphon  recorder,  B  the 
actuating  mechanism,  D  reversing  switch,  E  voltmeter,  and  F 
the  transformer.  When  properly  adjusted  for  sending  a  message 
the  needle  of  the  recorder  is  sustained  so  that  if  a  dash  is  trans- 
mitted a  long  line  is  recorded  on  the.  tape,  while  a  dot  is  indicated  by 
British  Patent,  Lodge  and  Muirhead.  No.  20,069. 



a  short  line.  In  actual  practice  the  lines  may  waver,  but  absolute 
accuracy  is  not  of  importance,  as  it  is  just  as  easy  for  an  operator 
to  translate  the  recorded  script  even  though  there  are  a  number  of 
impulses  to  each  dash.  Its  fine  adjustment  is  not,  however,  diffi- 
cult, but  every  minute  fluctuation  of  the  recorded  impulses  may  be 
easily  noted  and  the  fault  traced  at  once  to  the  transmitter  or  re- 
ceptor, as  the  case  may  be,  and  rectified;  Fig.  217  is  a  reproduction 
of  a  tape  of  the  siphon  recorder.  The  experimental  stations  of  the 
Lodge-Muirhead  system  were  located  at  the  works  of  Muirhead  & 
Co.,  Elmer's  End,  Beckingham,  Kent,  and  at  Downe,  eight  and 
one-half  miles  distant,  with  the  intervening  geological  formation 


of  Kentish  chalk  which  offers  five  times  the  amount  of  resistance 
of  the  sea,  and  the  distance,  therefore,  representing  about  44  kilo- 

BULL  EECEPTOR. — The  receptor  designed  by  Anders  Bull  con- 
sists of  an  open-circuit  resonator  for  mechanically  receiving  wire- 
less messages,  and  will  be  treated  in  the  chapter  on  Syntoniza- 
tion.  It  is  a  syntonized  receptor  (B)  with  resonator,  having 
one  terminal  grounded  (C),  and  employs  Morse  registers;  de- 
tectors of  the  coherer  type  (a)  are  placed  in  series  with  antenna 
and  the  ground  forming  a  resonator  of  the  open-circuit  type  (/), 
the  circuits  of  which  are  non-tuned  (h),  but  the  receptor  is 
mechanically  syntonized  (Tc). 

signals  transmitted  across  the  Atlantic  Ocean  wirelessly  from 



Poldhu,    Cornwall,    were    received    and    indicated    at    St.    Johns,. 
Newfoundland,  by  an  apparatus  of  extreme  simplicity.     It  con- 


sisted  of  an  open-circuit  resonator  formed  of  a  single  aerial 
wire  elevated  in  the  teeth  of  a  storm  by  a  huge  Baden-Powell 
kite.  The  free  terminal  of  the  improvised  antenna  was  connected 


RECEPTOR.    (First  Form.) 

RECEPTOR.    (Second  Form.) 

direct  to  one  of  the  conductor  plugs  of  a  Solari  auto-coherer,  the 
opposite  conductor  plug  leading  to  earth.  In  series  with  the 
coherer  there  was  connected  a  telephone  receiver  with  a  single 
cell,  and  all  adjusted  to  a  nicety.  "S"  was  the  letter  translated 



into  the  Morse  code  represented  by  three  dots  and  sent  out  by  the 
Poldhu  radiator  with  an  energy  equivalent  to  forty-five  horse- 
power; three  faint  clicks  were  heard  in  the  telephone  on  the  shore 



of  Newfoundland,  3,000  miles  distant,  and  cableless  telegraphy  be- 
came a  fact.  In  the  more  recent  receptors  for  the  indication  of 
cableless  messages,  a  magnetic  detector  and  many  other  types  of 


wave  responsive  devices  have  been  tested.  The  resonators  for 
the  permanent  station  equipments  are  the  inverted  pyramidal  forms 
of  wires  used  as  radiators,  and  are  tuned  and  syntonized  with  the 
complementary  station  with  which  it  is  working,  so  that  the  best 
results  may  be  produced. 


FIG.  218.— MORSE  KEY. 


The  general  synthetic  arrangement  of  wireless  telegraph  sys- 
tems, comprising  the  transmitting  and  receiving  apparatus,  ha& 
been  described  in  detail,  while  the  individual  appliances  have  been 

treated  more  or  less  briefly.  As 
the  finished  system  depends 
'argely  upon  the  design,  construc- 
tion, and  proper  adjustment  of 
the  various  parts,  a  more  com- 
plete account  may  be  found  use- 


An  ordinary  telegraph  key, 
Fig.  218,  will  serve  to  arbitrarily 
make  and  break  a  current  of  the 
requisite  energy  to  operate  a 

four-inch  coil  into  Morse  dots  and  dashes ;  coils  •  of  greater  pro- 
portions require  heavier  currents  and  must  be  provided  with  suitable 
keys;  these  are  usually  modifica- 
tions of  the  regulation  type. 

MARCONI  KEY. — The  key 
adopted  by  Marconi  for  the  heavy 
service  required  of  it  in  sending 
wireless  messages  is  shown  in  Fig. 
219,  and  is  one  in  which  the  lever 
and  contacts  assume  much  larger 
proportions  than  the  ordinary 
Morse  type.  The  lever  is  in- 
sulated from  the  contacts  and  has 
a  hard  rubber  handle  set  at  right 
angles  to  the  lever.  The  stationary  and  movable  brass  contacts 
are  connected  in  series  with  a  battery  and  the  primary  winding 
of  the  induction  coil.  When  the  key  is  operated  the  handle  is 
grasped  firmly  and  depressed,  a  spring  producing  the  reciprocal 


Fio.   219. — MARCONI   KKY. 



action.    A  condenser  in  the  base  of  the  key  aids  materially  in  cut- 
ting down  the  spark  formed  on  breaking  the  circuit. 

(A)  BRAUN  KEY. — Professor  Braun  devised  a  key  enabling  an 
operator  to  break  up  a  current  of  fifty  amperes  continuously  with- 
out danger  to  the  coil,  interrupter,  or  key  itself.  The  key  is  so 
arranged  that  the  principal  contact  is  made  after  the  circuit  is 
closed.  On  breaking  the  circuit  the  contact  is  opened  first  and 

Fio.  220a,6. — BRAUN  KEY. 

but  one  path  is  left  for  the  current,  i.e.,  through  the  discharger. 
By  this  means  the  break  remains  nearly  sparkless. 

(B)  BRAUN  KEY. — Another  method  of  preventing  the  fusion 
of  contacts  is  by  fitting  the  key  with  a  magnetic  blowout.  Fig.  220, 
o>  b,  shows  an  exterior  and  an  interior  view  illustrating  the  posi- 
tion of  the  magnets  for  blowing  out  the  spark  formed  on  breaking 


the  primary  current  between  the  platinum  points  of  the  key.  This 
device  is  based  on  Davy's  discovery  of  the  effect  of  a  magnetic 
field  upon  the  voltaic  arc  and  its  application  to  other  apparatus  for 
preventing  injurious  discharges  has  been  the  subject  of  much  liti- 
gation in  the  United  States  in  the  Thomson  magnetic  blowout 



suits.  Fig.  221  is  a  diagrammatic  view  of  a  blowout  applied  to  a 
spark-gap.1  An  electro-magnet,  NS,  is  placed  with  its  axis  at 
right  angles  to  the  line  joining  the  contacts,  A,  B,  and  produces 

a  strong  magnetic  field  between 
them.  The  instant  the  current  is 
broken  the  spark  is  extinguished  by 
the  magnetic  field.  Instead  of  the 
magnetic  field  a  blast  of  air  may 
be  used  effectively. 

DUCRETET  KEY. — Ducretet,  the 
French  instrument-maker,  devised 
the  key  shown  in  Fig.  222 ;  it  con- 
sists of  two  insulated  standards 
supporting  a  cup  containing  mer- 
cury ;  a  spring  handle  is  arranged  to 
operate  freely  through  the  bar  con- 
necting the  standards;  the  handle 
carries  at  its  lower  extremity  a  me- 
tallic point;  when  the  handle  is 
pressed  downward  the  movable 
metallic  point  comes  in  contact 

with  the  mercury  and  the  primary  circuit  is  completed;  when  the 
handle  is  released  the  spring  causes  it  to  resume  its  normal 

FIG    222.— DUCRETET  KEY. 


position  breaking  the  circuit  formed  between  the  point  and  the 

Inventions  of  Nikola  Tesla.    Martin,  p.  209. 



FESSENDEN  KEY. — The  time  constant  of  the  foregoing  keys 
is  very  high,  and  to  increase  the  speed  Fessenden  designed  the 
key  illustrated  in  Fig.  223;  to  an  ordinary  Morse  steel-lever  key 
is  attached  a  device  for  throwing  the  sending  circuit  in  and  out 
of  tune.  This  is  accomplished  by  means  of  the  key,  4,  which  is 

FIG.  224. — DE  FOREST  KEY. 

provided  with  fingers,  10,  arranged  to  be  pressed  into  contact  with 
the  wires  so  that  the  circuit  is  shunted  around  the  tuning  grid. 
This  action  takes  place  in  an  oil  chamber. 

DEFOREST  KEY. — In  the  DeForest  system  an  ordinary  Morse 
key  has  a  curved  projecting  arm  attached  to  the  lever  and  ex- 

FIG.  225.— DE  FOREST  KEY. 

tending  into  a  compartment  containing  oil;  on  the  lower  end 
of  the  arm  is  a  contact  having  a  comparatively  small  surface  and 
oppositely  disposed  to  it  is  a  stationary  metal  contact  as  shown  in. 



Fig.  224.  From  these  contacts  well  insulated  leads  connect  with 
the  transformer  and  generator.  Only  the  manual  portions  of  the 
key  are  exposed  and  these  are  thoroughly  insulated  since  the  break 
takes  place  under  oil.  It  is  illustrated  in  half-tone  in  Fig.  225. 


LoDGE-MuiRHEAD    KEY. — In    the   Lodge-Muirhead    system   of 
transmission  a  large  Morse  key1  (see  Fig.  226)  is  usually  employed 


in  connection  with  a  perforator,  a  device  by  which  a  message  may 
be  prepared  at  leisure  and  despatched  with  celerity.    The  operation 
is  simple ;  a  tape  is  passed  through  a  perforator  with  a  key  attached 
lElec.  World  and  Eng.,  Aug.  1,  1903.     Lodge-Muirhead  System. 


to  it;  by  manipulating  the 
key,  the  message  is  punched 
in  the  tape.  When  it  is  de- 
sired to  transmit  the  mes- 
sage, the  tape  is  passed 
through  the  automatic  ma- 
chine in  circuit  with  the 
source  of  e.  m.  f.,  and  the 
inductor  of  the  coil;  the 
message  may  be  sent  as 
rapidly  as  desired,  a  brush 
passing  over  the  perfora- 
tions in  the  tape,  closing  the 
circuit.  In  this  way  speed 
and  accuracy  are  attained. 


ZER. — In  conjunction  with 
the  key  and  automatic  trans- 
mitting  machine  a  "buzzer" 
is  included  in  the  local  cir- 
cult;  it  is  shown  in  the 
photograph,  Fig.  227,  and 
in  a  side  elevation  in  Fig. 
228;  the  object  of  this  de- 
vice  is  to  open  and  close 
the  primary  circuit  of  the 
induction  coil  so  that  a  de- 
finite frequency  is  obtained 
in  the  local  circuit ;  the  buz- 
zer consists  of  two  sounders 
connected  with  each  other  so 
that  they  operate  alternate- 
ly. To  a  copper  rod  is 
fastened  an  arm  of  alu- 
minum and  connects  with 
the  armature  of  one  of  the 
sounders;  the  copper  rod 
has  a  pointed  end  dipping 
into  a  cup  of  mercury  and 
making  or  breaking  con- 



tact  as  the  lever  is  drawn  up  or  down;  this  arrangement  inter- 
rupts the  current  about  600  times  per  minute,  so  that  a  similar 
frequency  is  set  up  in  the  secondary  and  electric  waves  are  emitted 
at  small  but  definite  periods  of  time. 


In  oscillator  circuits  where  high-frequency,  high-potential  cur- 
rents surge,  condensers  having  variable  capacities  are  sometimes 
desirable,  especially  in  syntonic  systems.  The  Leyden-jar  type 
of  condenser  is  the  simplest  in  construction  and  the  oil  condenser 
the  most  satisfactory,  since  the  insulating  properties  of  oil  are  very 
high  while  its  specific  inductive  capacity  is  very  low.  Experiment 
has  shown  that  it  is  desirable  to  exclude  all  matter  of  a  gaseous 




FIG.  229   A.    B. — TESLA  OIL  CONDENSER. 

nature  adjacent  to  the  dielectric  in  order  to  prevent  electrostatic 
bombardment  and  the  untoward  effects  resulting  as  a  consequence. 

TESLA  OIL  CONDENSER. — An  oil  condenser  designed  by  Tesla  is 
shown  in  the  sectional  drawings,  Fig.  229,  A  and  B.  The  condenser 
plates  are  contained  in  a  suitable  case,  A ;  the  plates,  B}  C,  are 
connected  to  the  terminals,  D,  E,  leading  outside  the  case.  To  pre- 
vent the  plates  from  spreading  or  coming  in  contact  with  each  other 
they  are  separated  by  a  strip  of  porous  insulating  material,  F\  the 
interior  of  the  case  is  then  filled  with  the  oil,  G.  This  type  of  con- 
denser is  highly  efficient  and  will  not  be  affected  by  high-potential 
currents.  The  capacity  of  the  condenser  ma}f  be  varied  within  cer- 
tain limits  by  securing  the  plates  to  the  adjustable  rods,  H,  passing 
through  stuffing  boxes,  Kf  in  the  case,  A ;  the  distance  between  the 
plates  may  be  varied  by  the  nuts,  LL. 

BRAUN  CYLINDRICAL  CONDENSER. — An  adjustable  condenser, 
composed  of  a  series  of  miniature  Leyden  jars  so  arranged  as  to 
bring  within  as  small  a  space  as  possible  the  greatest  capacity  area, 



was  devised  by  Braun  for  increasing  or  decreasing  the  capacity  of 
his  oscillator.  The  tubes,  Fig.  230,  are  made  of  glass,  have  a 
diameter  of  25  mm.,  are  2  mm.  in  thickness,  and  are  coated  inside 
and  out  with  tinfoil.  They  vary  in  capacity  from  0.004  micro- 
farad to  0.005  mf.,  and  the  capacity  of  the  system  may  be  easily 
adjusted  by  merely  slipping  them  in  or  out  of  the  rack.  In  this 
way  the  closed-circuit  oscillator  is  tuned  to  its  own  natural  period 
as  well  as  to  the  open-circuit  oscillator  emitting  the  waves. 


ADJUSTABLE  MICA  CONDENSERS. — In  resonator  systems  the  po- 
tential of  the  oscillations  is  very  low  compared  with  those  emitting 
the  waves,  and  the  condensers  employed  may  be  made  with  a 
dielectric  of  mica.  Mica  condensers  may  be  obtained  in  the  open 
market  in  any  form,  capacity,  and  adjustability  desired.  Adjustable 
condensers  comprise  a  number  of  sections,  and  by  a  system  of 
plugs,  inserted  or  removed,  the  various  condenser  units  may  be 
thrown  in  or  out  of  circuit  as  desired.  Non-adjustable  condensers 
of  a  given  value  are  often  used  in  resonator  systems  where  the 



capacity  of  the  circuit  has  been  accurately  determined,  as  in  the 
Braun  condenser  illustrated  at  A,  Fig.  231. 


ing of  the  high-tension  transformer  making  the  electrical  connec- 


tion  between  the  open  and  closed  circuits  of  the  Braun  oscillator 
is  designed  so  that  it  will  give  the  desired  wave  length  with  the 


greatest  capacity.    The  diameter  of  the  transformer  is  20  cm. ;  and 
is  illustrated  in  Fig.  232,  when  the  various  parts  are  assembled,  and 


in  Fig.  233  when  taken  apart.  It  consists  of  an  inductor  of  four 
turns  of  heavy  wire  wound  outside  of  a  secondary  coil  formed  of 
thirty  or  forty  turns  of  fine  wire,  so  that  oscillations  set  up  in  the 
closed-circuit  oscillator  may  be  stepped  up  in  the  open-circuit  oscil- 
lator emitting  the  waves.  The  transformer  removed  from  the  jar 
shows  clearly  its  internal  construction,  consisting  simply  of 
an  air-core  induction  coil  with  the  primary  well  insulated  and 
its  relative  position  to  the  secondary  reversed;  the  coils  are  then 
immersed  in  oil.  The  transformer  of  the  compound  resonator  sys- 
tem (see  B,  Fig.  231)  is  very  much  smaller  than  the  transformer 
above  described,  since  the  impressed  potential  in  the  resonator 
circuit  must  necessarily  be  smaller  than  in  the  oscillator  system. 

FIG.  233. — BRAUN  TRANSFORMER.     (Dissected.) 

jigger  produced  by  Marconi  for  his  receptor  consists  of  a  primary 
coil  wound  with  fine  wire  contrary  to  custom  and  the  secondary 
with  still  finer  wire  in  single  layers.1  It  was  found  that  if  more 
than  one  layer  was  employed  in  the  device  no  results  were  ob- 
tainable ;  this  was  a  disadvantage,  since  a  greater  number  of  turns 
was  required  to  obtain  a  higher  ratio  of  transformation  between 
the  primary  and  secondary  than  unity,  as  at  A,  Fig.  234.  To 
overcome  this  obstacle  the  number  of  turns  of  wire  on  the  sec- 
ondary was  increased  at  the  ends,  as  shown  at  B,  Fig.  234,  and 
this  transformer  giving  excellent  results,  the  coil  C,  Fig.  234,  was 
constructed.  This  particular  winding  prevents  the  opposition 

'Discourse  by  Marconi,  Royal  Institution,  Feb.  2,  1900. 



effects  of  electro-magnetic  induction  with  the  electrostatic  induc- 
tion at  the  ends  of  tlie  primary. 



FIG.  2346. — MARCONI  LOW-POTENTIAL  TRANSFORMER.     (Second  Form.) 

FIG.  234c. — MARCONI  LOW-POTENTIAL  TRANSFORMER.     (Third  Form.) 

Devices  for  tapping  back  the  filings  of  coherers  to  their  nor- 
mally high  resistance  are  usually  of  the  vibrating  type,  that  is,  they 
are  arranged  with  an  automatic  make  and  break.  Single-stroke 
tappers  have  been  employed,  but  are  .not  well  adapted  for  the  pur- 
pose. In  a  properly  constructed  tapping  mechanism  the  striking 



lever  to  which  the  hammer  is  attached  should  be  short,  since  it  is 
desirable  to  give  the  vibrating  element  a  low  time  constant,  as  this 


is  one  of  the  essential  features  in  the  production  of  dashes  when 
used  in  conjunction  with  a  Morse  register. 

MARCONI  DE-COIIERER. — In  the  Marconi  tapping  device  the 


electro-magnets  are  set  at  an  angle  of  45°  on  a  block  of  wood;  the 
armature,  striking  lever,  and  hammer  are  arranged  beneath,  as 


shown  in  the  photograph,  Fig.  235,  so  that  the  coherer  is  tapped 
from  the  under  side.  The  ivory  holder  with,  its  coherer  attached  is 
held  in  position  by  means  of  an  adjustable  ebonite  standard,  and 
the  strength  of  the  hammer  stroke  is  regulated  to  a  nicety  by  screws 
controlling  the  standard,  the  magnets  moving  the  hammer  up 
and  down. 

BRAUN  DE-COHERER. — The  Braun  electro-mechanical  de-coherer 
is  shown  in  Fig.  236 ;  the  mechanism  for  producing  the  strokes  is 


actuated  by  a  local  current,  but  is  operated  by  a  spring  motor ;  this 
renders  the  operation  of  tapping  the  tube  entirely  independent  of 
the  local  current.  The  force  is  therefore  always  uniform  and  the 
filings  are  arranged  in  the  same  relative  positions  each  time.  When 
the  filings  cohere,  a  trip  catch  is  released  electrically  and  the 
mechanism  is  set  in  motion ;  when  de-cohesion  takes  place  the  catch 
drops  and  the  motor  is  stopped.  The  coherer  may  be  easily  and 
quickly  placed  in  electrical  connection  with  the  internal  circuit  by 
slipping  it  into  place  between  the  opening  clutches  forming  the 



GUARINI  DE-COHERER. — The  de-coherer  employed  by  Guarini 
is  arranged  with  a  spiral  spring  and  screw,  giving  a  very  fine  ad- 
justment and  permitting  strokes  to  be  applied  to  the  coherer  of  any 
Tequired  strength.  The  standards  for  holding  the  coherer  in  posi- 
tion are  rigid,  as  shown  in  Fig.  237.  It  is  a  simple  and  efficient 
type  of  electro-mechanical  de-coherer. 

COLLINS  DE-COHERER. — A  device  to  take  the  place  of 
the  electro-mechanical  tapper  was  designed  by  the  author  in 

1899.  In  this  arrangement  the 
coherer  is  a  little  different  from 
those  previously  described  in  that 
the  conductor  plugs  are  beveled, 
forming  a  V-shaped  pocket  as 
shown  in  Fig.  238;  in  this  are 
placed  some  fine  Norway  iron  fil- 
ings carefully  annealed  to  prevent 
the  retention  of  magnetism.  Over 
the  tube  is  an  electro-magnet,  the  terminals  of  which  are  connected 
in  series  with  the  coherer  and  relay.  When  the  oscillations  cohere  the 
filings  the  local  current  energizes  the  magnet  and  the  particles  of 
iron  are  attracted  to  the  polar  projection ;  this  causes  the  circuit  to 
be  broken,  since  the  resistance  becomes  infinite  as  the  gap  formed 
between  the  plugs  gradually  widens. 



The  relay  is  employed  in  wireless  for  the  same  purpose  that  it  is 
in  wire  telegraphy,  i.e.,  it  permits  very  feeble  currents  to  be  aug- 
mented by  stronger  ones.  There  are  two  types  of  relays,  (a-) 
those  having  delicately  poised  soft-iron  armatures  and  (6)  those 
having  permanently  magnetized  armatures.  The  former  are  known 
as  ordinary  relays  and  the  latter  as  polarized  relays.  Ordinary  re- 
lays are  wound  to  resistances  of  from  50  to  1,000  ohms  and  polarized 
relays  are  wound  to  as  high  as  10,000  ohms.  Eelays  of  less  than 
1,000  ohms  are  useful  only  in  the  laboratory  or  for  lecture  purposes 
when  applied  to  wireless  telegraphy. 

ORDINARY  EELAYS. — In  wireless  telegraphy  the  relay  is  usually 
connected  in  series  with  the  coherer  and  cell.  When  the  filings 
cohere,  an  armature  carrying  a  contact  is  attracted  by  the  magnets 
until  the  movable  contact  makes  connection  with  a  permanent  con- 



tact,  when  a  second  or  local  battery  will  be  thrown  into  circuit 
which  operates  the  tapper  and  actuates  the  Morse  register.  A  screw 
is  provided. for  moving  the  magnets  toward  and  away  from  the 
armature,  as  may  be  observed  in  Fig.  239;  so  that  the  proper  ad- 
justment may  be  obtained.  The  armature  of  soft  iron  is  pivoted 
between  two  set  screws.  A  spiral  spring  capable  of  regulation  draws 
the  armature  away  from  the  magnets ;  there  are  four  binding  posts, 
two  of  which  are  placed  in  the  circuit  including  the  electro-magnets 
connecting  with  the  coherer  and  two  in  circuit  with  the  local 
battery,  Morse  register  and  tapper.  The  differential  relay  is  an- 


other  type  employed  in  duplex  and  quadruplex  telegraphy,  but  it 
has  not  yet  been  used  in  wireless  telegraphy. 

POLARIZED  RELAYS. — The  polarized  relay,  in  virtue  of  its  high 
sensitiveness,  has  been  adopted  by  all  the  leading  makers  of  wireless 
telegraph  instruments  where  a  Morse  register  indicates  the  mes- 
sage. The  sensitiveness  of  this  type  of  relay  is  due  largely  to  the 
elimination  of  the  retractile  spring  common  to  the  ordinary  relay, 
and  another  decided  advantage  of  the  polarized  relay  is  that  its 
adjustment,  made  by  means  of  a  single  screw,  is  easily  effected  and 
as  easily  maintained.  In  the  Marconi  polarized  relay,  in  the  type  of 
receptor  designed  for  use  on  board  ship,  there  is  a  delicate  re- 
tractile spring  attached  to  the  armature  lever  to  compensate  for 
the  motion  of  the  vessel,  but  this  does  not  materially  affect  its 



A  polarized  relay  consists  of  a  permanent  steel  magnet,  N,  S, 
and  an  electro-magnet.,  m,  m',  with  the  usual  soft  iron  cores;  the 
lower  poles  of  this  magnet  are  secured  to  the  N  pole  of  the  per- 
B  _  manent  magnet,  and  therefore  both  of  the  upper 
poles  of  the  electro-magnet,  n,  ri,  will  be  of  the 
same  polarity  as  N,  provided  no  current  is  flow- 
ing through  the  coils,  m,  ra',  but  when  the  co- 
herer permits  the  local  current  to  flow,  the  N 
pole  of  one  of  the  electro-magnets  becomes  much 
-7/1,  stronger,  which  changes  its  polarity  to  the  op- 
posite sign.  A  perspective  view  of  the  polarized 
relay  without  its  casing,  is  shown  in  Fig.  240 ; 
FIG.  240.— POLARIZED  the  armature  lever,  c,  c1 ',  is  pivoted  at  B  and 


swings  between  the  poles  of  the  electro-magnets,  n,  n ,  but  the  arma- 
ture is  adjusted  so  that  it  approaches  a  trifle  closer  to  one  pole 
than  the  other,  for  if  it  were  absolutely  equidistant  it  would  not 
move,  since  it  would  be  equally  attracted  by  either  pole;  the  lever 
rests  against  an  insulated  point,  D',  Fig.  241,  when  there  is  no 

FIG.  241. — POLARIZED  RELAY.     (Top  View.) 

current,  but  it  is  drawn  into  contact  with  the  point  D  when  the 
current  energizes  the  magnets.  The  contact  points  are  adjustable, 
so  that  the  lever  may  be  brought  into  the  proper  relations  with  the 
magnets.  Braun's  polarized  relay  is  illustrated  in  Fig.  242  and  a 
standard  polarized  relay  of  the  Marconi  type  is  shown  in  Fig.  243 ; 
these  relays  have  a  high  sensitiveness  and  will  operate  on  one 



twenty- thousandth  of  an  ampere ;  by  closing  the  circuit  through  the 
medium  of  the  human  body  the  armature  of  one  of  these  relays  will 



readily  respond  if  its  adjustment  is  maximum,  and  this  is  a  method 
employed  by  operators  to  test  its  working  properties. 


There  are  four  different  means  used  for  the  indication  and  final 
translation  of  the  received  impulses  into  a  readable  alphabet. 
Enumerated  these  are  (a)  the  ordinary  telegraph  sounder,  (b)  the 


Morse  register,  (c)  the  telephone  receiver,  and  (d)  the  siphon  re- 
corder.   In  the  types  a  and  c  the  messages  are  rendered  audible  and 



in  b  and  d  they  are  indicated  visually.  The  sounder  has  not  found 
a  very  wide  application,  although  Marconi  once  used  it,  since  the 
reception  of  messages  where  voltage-operated  detectors  require  tap- 
ping to  restore  their  resistance  necessitates  a  period  of  time  so  great 
that  deciphering  the  code  by  sound  becomes  exceedingly  difficult; 
so  then  a  Morse  register  or  a  siphon  recorder  becomes  a  valuable 
adjunct,  and,  regardless  of  how  slowly  messages  are  received,  they 
are  easily  read.  The  telephone  receiver  has  been  utilized  for  three 
reasons:  (1)  it  is  the  most  sensitive  receiver  known;  (2)  it  will 
operate  with  a  current  of  exceedingly  limited  variability  and  will 
therefore  work  with  auto-coherers  and  current-operated  detectors 

.  ....    1:44. MOKSK     itlCUlMTKU. 

where  the  changes  are  not  great  enough  to  operate  other  indicating 
devices;  and  (3)  it  possesses  speed;  added  to  these  factors  are 
others,  including  durability,  simplicity,  and  cheapness. 

MORSE  EEGISTER. — This  type  of  indicator  is  used  in  nearly  all 
the  receptors  designed  by  English  and  continental  experts  in  wire- 
less telegraphy,  since  the  factor  of  time  does  not  enter  into  the 
question  of  reading  the  etherogram,  and  besides  a  permanent  record 
of  the  dispatch  is  obtained.  The  Morse  register  is  usually  an 
electrically  actuated,  mechanically  operated  device,  and  in  this  case 
it  is  self -starting ;  in  the  recently  designed  Marconi  recorders  the 
mechanism  is  started  by  hand.  The  electrical  parts  of  a  recorder 
comprise  an  electro-magnet  having  an  armature  connected  with  the 


spring  motor,  so  that  when  it  is  attracted  by  the  magnets  the 
mechanism  is  set  in  motion  and  a  toothed  disk  draws  the  paper 
tape,  supplied  from  a  roll,  across  a  wheel  having  an  inked  surface. 
The  armature  is  also  in  connection  with  the  disk,  and  when  a  cur- 
rent flows  through  the  magnets  the  inked  surface  is  drawn  into 
contact  with  the  moving  tape  and  impresses  upon  it  a  dot  or  a  dash 
as  the  case  may  be.  The  mechanism  is  controlled  by  a  weighted 
vibrating  rod  and  may  be  regulated  so  that  the  paper  will  move 
fast  or  slow  as  desired.  But  the  tape  should  move  slowly  compared 
with  the  time  period  of  the  vibrations  of  the  decoherer  tapper,  so 
that  the  frequency  of  the  latter  produced  by  the  coherer  and  the 
lever  of  the  relay  will  cause  the  succession  of  dots  to  run  together 
on  the  tape  and  make  a  continuous  mark  as  long  as  the  armature  is 



d  b  c  a 


attracted  to  the  magnets.    Fig.  244  is  a  photograph  of  an  Ameri- 
can-made Morse  register. 

TELEPHONE  EECEIVERS. — The  subject  of  telephone  receivers  has 
been  so  exhaustively  treated  that  little  need  be  said  relating  to  their 
construction.  In  the  ordinary  Bell  magneto-electric  telephone 
receiver  a  coil  of  fine  insulated  wire  is  connected  in  circuit  with  the 
wave  detector  and  a  chloride  of  silver  or  dry  cell.  A  permanent 
steel  bar  forms  the  core  for  the  coil  of  wire,  projecting  a  few 
mm.  beyond  the  ends;  a  disk  of  turned  or  japanned  iron  called 
a  diaphragm  is  supported  firmly  at  its  edges,  but  is  capable  of 
vibrating  at  its  center.  Fig.  245  shows  a  number  of  different  forms 
of  receivers ;  starting  from  the  right,  a  shows  the  watchcase  form,  & 
the  commercial  Bell  receiver,  c  the  Swedish  type,  and  d  the  Collins 
wireless  telephone  receiver. 



SIPHON  EECORDERS. — The  siphon  recorder,  invented  by  Lord 
Kelvin  for  indicating  the  sluggish  and  feeble  signals  from  long 
cables,  has  been  adapted  to  the  indication  of  wireless  telegraph 


messages  by  Prof.  Lodge  and  Dr.  Muirhead.  In  the  siphon  re- 
corder the  rise  and  fall  of  the  local  current  caused  by  the  variations 
of  conductivity  of  the  mercury  coherer  operates  through  a  rec- 
tangular coil  of  very  fine  wire,  b,  b',  as  shown  in  the  outline  draw- 


ing,  Fig.  246;  this  coil  is  suspended  by  thin  wires,  f,  f,  between 
the  poles  of  a  permanent  magnet,  N,  S.  A  stationary  soft  iron 
core  is  magnetized  by  induction  and  the  fluctuation  of  the  cur- 



rent  swings  the  coil  from  right  to  left.  A  fine  siphon,  one  end 
of  which  dips  into  the  ink,  projects  the  latter  on  a  tape  moved 
by  an  automatic  mechanism,  and  thus  graphically  depicts  the 
curve  of  the  current  strength  flowing  through  the  circuit.  The 
coherer  circuit  is  connected  with  the  suspension  wires,  f,  f.  In 
the  Muirhead  recorder  the  ink  is  discharged  from  the  siphon  by 
causing  it  to  vibrate.  These  and  other  improvements  have  been 


added  to  the  original  siphon  recorder  by  Dr.  Muirhead;  the  com- 
plete instrument  is  shown  in  Fig.  247. 


In  the  oscillator  of  the  Slaby-Arco  system  this  is  made  of  a 
few  turns  of  heavy,  bare  copper  wire  wound  concentrically  on  an 
insulating  cylinder  containing  the  Leyden  jars.  Adjustable  con- 
tacts are  arranged  so  that  the  value  of  inductance  may  be  varied  at 
will.  The  tuning  coil  of  a  resonator  system,  see  Fig.  248,  consists 
of  a  number  of  turns  of  No.  16  B.  and  S.  gauge  wound  spirally  on 



a  cylinder  of  wood.  Each  turn  represents  a  length  of  one  meter,  and 
there  are  110  turns,  so  that  the  coil  may  be  utilized  in  tuning  any 
wave  length  up  to  400  meters. 


A  salient  feature  introduced  by  Marconi  to  increase  the  working 
range  and  accuracy  of  his  receptors  are  choking  coils;  the  relation 
of  these  coils  to  the  circuits  is  given  in  Fig.  249,  the  object  being  to 
cut  off  the  oscillations  surging  through  the  resonator  so  that  the 
full  value  of  potential  difference  may  be  impressed  on  the  coherer, 
as  well  as  to  prevent  the  surging  of  high-frequency  currents  in  the 
closed  internal  circuit,  which  would  result  in  the  emanation  of 
trains  of  electric  waves  and  a  reaction  of  the  coherer.  Choking  coils 


are  also  placed  in  the  second  internal  circuit,  which  includes  the 
tapper  and  the  recording  device,  so  that  oscillations  set  up  due  to 
the  capacity  of  the  circuits  will  be  annihilated  before  resultant  deter- 
rent electric  waves  can  be  set  in  action.  Choking  coils  are  placed  in 
various  parts  of  the  internal  circuits  and  the  accuracy  of  indication 
is  greatly  improved.  Fig.  250  is  a  full-size  illustration  of  a  choking 
coil;  the  coils  consist  of  a  given  length  of  wire  dovbled  back  on 
itself  and  then  wound  on  a  wooden  spool  so  that  both  ends  terminate 
on  the  outside  of  the  spool,  forming  a  non-inductive  coil ;  these  coils 
have  an  approximate  resistance  of  4,000  ohms  and  are  wound  with 
silk-covered  wire  No.  40  B.  &  S. 


Polarized  cells  are  used  in  the  Slaby-Arco  and  some  other  sys- 
tems instead  of  the  choking  coils  introduced  by  Marconi,  the  ob- 
ject of  which  is  to  prevent  sparking  of  the  relay  contacts  and  so 



eliminate  the  detrimental  waves  thus  set  up.  A  polarized  cell  con- 
sists of  a  small  vessel  containing  dilute  sulphuric  acid,  in  which  a 
pair  of  platinum  wire  electrodes  are  immersed;  a  battery  of  four 
or  five  of  these  cells  is  connected  in  series  across  the  relay  contacts. 


In  practice  it  is  usual,  where  voltage-operated  detectors  are 
used,  to  place  the  different  parts  of  the  receptor,  i.e.,  coherer,  tapper, 
battery,  and  rela}r,  on  a  common  base,  which  is  then  inclosed  in 

Fio.  250. — MARCONI  CHOKING  Con,. 

a  metal  case  to  protect  them  from  the  heavy  discharges  of  the  near- 
by transmitter.  These  cases  should  be  grounded  so  that  oscillations 
set  up  in  them  may  be  dissipated  in  the  earth. 


There  are  a  number  of  codes  used  in  telegraphy,  the  principal 
ones  being  the  American  Morse  and  the  Continental  alphabets. 
The  latter  is  best  adapted  to  the  purposes  of  wireless  transmission, 
since  there  are  no  spaced  letters ;  twelve  to  fifteen  words  per  minute 
is  sufficiently  rapid  where  a  Morse  register  is  employed  and  twenty- 
five  to  thirty  words  per  minute  is  about  the  speed  limit  where  a 
telephone  receiver  is  used. 





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In  a  patent  granted  to  Thomas  A.  Edison,  dated  December  29, 
1891,  means  are  shown  for  transmitting  signals  without  wires  by 
elevating  plates  of  metal  on  poles  or  by  balloons.  The  aerial  wire 
was  connected  to  one  terminal  of  a  secondary  coil  with  the 
opposite  terminal  leading  to  the  earth;  while  this  is  perhaps 
the  earliest  reference  to  aerial  wires  and  earth  plates,  the 
method  does  not  employ  either  a*  spark-gap  or  a  wave  detector  for 
oscillatory  currents.  In  Amos  E.  Dolbear's  patent,  issued  in  1886, 
no  reference  is  made  to  the  elevation  of  the  capacities  he  suggested 
for  the  equalization  of  the  coefficients  of  the  circuit  connected  with 
the  earth.  In  1895  Isadore  Kitsee  obtained  a  patent  for  signaling 
without  wires  and  indicated  how  one  terminal  of  the  system  was 
extended  vertically  to  an  elevation  approximating  the  height  of  a 
vessel's  mast.  The  antenna  and  earth  utilized  by  Prof.  Popoff  in 
his  meteorological  receptor  in  1895  and  that  by  Marconi  in  his 
electric  wave  transmitter,  the  patent  application  of  which  was  filed 
in  England  in  1896,  are  the  earliest  references  to  the  subject  of 
aerial  wires  and  grounds  in  connection  with  electric  wave  wireless 
telegraphy.  In  Nikola  Tesla's  British  specification,  filed  October 
21,  1897,  he  describes  a  method  of  producing  "a  very  high  electrical 
pressure,  conducting  the  current  caused  thereby  to  earth  and  to  a 
terminal  at  an  elevation."  The  various  designs  for  aerial  radiators 
and  antennas  employed  in  different  systems  will  be  treated  in 
sequence  in  the  text  appertaining  to  their  application  in  practice. 


There  are  two  theories  relating  to  the  probable  capacity  of  the 
earth  and  several  concerning  the  role  the  earth  plays  in  the  operation 
and  propagation  of  electric  wave  signals.  The  true  solution  of  the 



problems  presented  by  the  earth  is  practically  the  key  to  syntonic 
wireless  telegraphy.  In  one  of  the  two  theories  referred  to  the  earth 
is  considered  as  a  sphere  insulated  in  space ;  the  second  and  opposi- 
tion theory  assumes  the  earth  with  its  surrounding  envelope  of  air 
to  be  a  condenser.  Koepsel1  by  a  formula  in  electrostatics  for  the 
potential  of  a  charged  sphere  insulated  in  space  deduced  a  result 
showing  the  earth's  capacity  to  have  a  low  value  and  comparable 
with  artificial  capacities  used  in  wireless  telegraph  practice. 

The  second  theory  advocated  by  the  author  treats  the  earth 
and  air  as  if  they  were  two  concentric  spherical  shells, 
the  medium  between  them  representing  its  specific  inductive 
capacity,  when  their  capacity  will  be  the  same  as  in  the 
case  of  two  parallel  plates  with  their  surfaces  brought  in 
close  proximity  with  each  other  in  the  form  of  a  condenser.  If, 
as  the  first  theory  postulates,  the  earth  is  a  single  spherical  shell 
insulated  in  space,  its  capacity  must  necessarily  be  very  limited, 
since  a  single  coating  on  a  glass  jar  would  be  incapable  of  acquiring 
more  than  the  slightest  charge ;  but  if  the  strata  of  atmosphere  holds 
a  charge  opposite  to  that  of  the  earth,  then  it  may  be  likened  to  a 
complete  Leyden  jar  with  its  inner  and  outer  coatings,  and  its 
capacity  would  be  enormously  increased.  The  importance  of  know- 
ing absolutely  the  capacity  of  the  earth  cannot  be  overestimated,  but 
could  such  conclusions  be  thus  positively  ascertained,  the  density  of 
the  charge  at  a  given  point  could  only  be  taken  as  a  theoretical 
standard ;  for,  owing  to  the  differences  of  atmospheric  densities,  the 
electric  charge  may  be  maximum  or  minimum  at  any  point  at  any 
given  instant,  and  even  then  of  a  different  sign. 

Many  different  views  have  been  submitted  to  explain  the  relation, 
if  any,  of  the  earth  to  the  radiating  and  receiving  systems ;  among 
the  more  prominent  may  be  mentioned  the  following:  (a) that  high- 
frequency  currents  are  projected  from  the  earthed  terminal  of  the 
oscillator,  whence  they  are  conducted  by  the  earth  to  the  resonator ; 
(&)  that  the  earth  acts  simply  as  a  local  capacity  for  the  aerial 
wires;  and  (c)  that  the  earth  as  a  capacity  having  a  large  value 
serves  to  tune  the  oscillator  and  resonator,  since  both  being  grounded 
would  represent  the  same  capacity.  As  to  the  nature  of  the  earth 
as  a  conducting  medium  for  electric  waves  there  is  also  a  variance 
of  opinion;  by  those  advocating  sliding  waves  the  sea  is  regarded 
as  opaque  to  electric  waves,  and  it  is  claimed  that  in  this  it  fulfills 

'Koepsel,  Dingler's  Polytechnisches  Journal,  June,  1903. 


Maxwell's  law  in  that  salt  water  is  a  conductor  of  electricity. 
Others  voice  the  opinion  that  the  sea  will  transmit  electric  waves,, 
since  salt  water  does  not  follow  the  general  law  for  conductors,  in 
that  it  conducts  by  electrolytic  action.  One  fact,  however,  is 
positively  known,  namely,  that  electric  waves  are  much  more 
easily  transmitted  over  salt  water  than  over  fresh  water  or  land. 
Whatever  these  conditions  may  be,  it  is  well  known  that  if  a 
metallic  conductor,  as  a  lightning  rod,  be  extended  upward 
in  the  air  and  its  lower  terminal  connected  with  the  earth,  a  con- 
stant current  will  flow  through  it,  equalizing  in  a  small  measure 
a  difference  of  potential  that  is  always  present.  If  this  conductor  is 
divided  and  the  resulting  terminals  form  an  air-gap,  the  potential 
difference  may  be  measured  by  a  galvanometer,  or  if  the  air-gap  is 
microscopic  in  size  sparks  will  pass ;  if  a  detector  of  the  coherer  type 
is  inserted  in  the  gap  the  filings  will  cohere  under  certain  meteoro- 
logical conditions  and  the  restoration  of  the  charge  will  be  indicated. 
In  practice  these  atmospheric  disturbances  often  produce  characters 
on  the  tape  of  the  recording  instrument,  and  these  untoward  indi- 
cations are  called  "X's,"  or  stays.  The  purpose  of  the  aerial  wire,, 
on  the  one  hand,  is  to  send  out  transverse  vibrations  in  the  ether  in 
the  form  of  electric  waves,  and  on  the  other,  to  receive  them;  it 
was  ascertained  by  Dr.  Slaby  and  Prof.  Braun  that  the  proper 
length  of  the  aerial  wires  should  be  one-fourth  the  length  of  the 
emitted  wave,  and  therefore  the  radiator  and  antenna  should  have 
as  nearly  the  same  height  as  possible. 

A  law  relating  to  the  distance  over  which  electric  waves  may  be 
transmitted  with  a  given  height  of  aerial  wire  was  deduced  em- 
pirically by  Marconi  very  early  in  the  practice  of  the  art.  This 
law  states  that  with  a  given  current,  instruments  of  standard  di- 
mensions and  all  other  factors  being  equal,  the  distance  to  which 
signals  may  be  transmitted  increases  as  the  square  of  the  length 
of  the  radiating  wire ;  or,  graphically,  if  a  wire  20  feet  in  height  will 
transmit  one  mile,  a  wire  40  feet  in  height  will  send  waves  four 
miles,  and  one  80  feet  in  height  will  transmit  waves  sixteen  miles, 
et  ccetera.  This  general  law  was  mathematically  evolved  by  Prof. 
Ascoli,  who  deduced  his  conclusions  in  accordance  with  Neu- 
mann's formula  and  found  the  reciprocal  action  to  be  propor- 
tional to  the  square  of  the  length  of  one  of  the  two  aerial  wires 
if  these  are  of  equil  length,  and  in  simple  inverse  proportion  of  the 
distance  between  them. 



It  would  seem  that  the  empirical  law  of  Marconi  and  the 
deductions  of  Ascoli  may  be  subject  to  modification  since  Captain 
Bonomo,  of  the  Royal  Italian  Navy,  has  concluded  that  the  dis- 
tance to  which  signals  may  be  transmitted  is  in  accordance  with 
the  formula  L  =  0.15  ^/"^  where  L  represents  the  length  of  the 
aerial  wires,  D  the  signaling  distance  in  meters  and  0.15  is  a  con- 
stant. Where  a  number  of  parallel  wires  are  employed  instead 
of  a  single  vertical  wire  as  first  used  by  Marconi  this  apparent 
discrepancy  is  accountably  due  to  a  greater  radiation  of  energy 
and  also  in  virtue  of  a  longer  wave  length  emitted. 

The  intensity  of  the  oscillations  does  not  diminish  with  the 



40         CO         80         100 
Distance  In  Kilometers 

120        140 


increase  of  distance  if  the  length  of  the  aerial  wires  is  increased 'in 
proportion  or  as  the  square  of  the  distance ;  therefore,  by  doubling 
the  height  of  the  aerial  wires  the  distance  of  signaling  may  be  four 
times  as  great.  In  a  series  of  experiments  carried  out  by  Dr.  Slaby 
to  determine  with  precision  the  exact  height  of  aerial  wire  required 
to  transmit  messages  over  a  given  distance  the  curve  shown  in  Fig. 
251  was  plotted.  Starting  with  an  initial  energy  of  746  watts,  the 
curve  represents  the  maximum  distance  for  transmission  over  bodies 
of  salt  water,  with  the  Slaby- Arco  standard  station  apparatus.  Con- 
siderable latitude  has  been  allowed  for  meteorological  and  climatic 
changes  and  unfavorable  conditions  of  the  year,  as,  for  instance, 
the  heated  atmosphere  of  the  summer  months.  The  accuracy  of  the 
curve  has  been  tested  carefully,  and  while  the  sending  and  receiving 


instruments  are  calibrated  in  accordance  with  the  curve,  their 
actual  working  distance  may  be  much  greater,  as,  for  instance,  it  was 
found  possible  to  obtain  messages  between  the  Deutschland  and 
Duhmen,  a  distance  of  150  kilometers,  whereas  the  curve  gives  the 
working  distance  as  80  kilometers.  The  photo-electric  effect  of  sun- 
light on  aerial  wires  was  deduced  by  Marconi1  based  upon  the  con- 
clusions reached  by  Hertz2  in  1887,  who  found  that  the  effect  of  one 
electric  spark  from  an  induction  coil  on  another  had  a  tendency  to 
diminish  the  size  of  the  latter,  and  that  this  curious  result  was  due 
to  ultra-violet  radiation — in  which  the  disruptive  discharge  is 
rich — dissipating  the  charge  of  electricity  stored  in  the  second  oscil- 
lator system.  Eighi  attributed  the  effect  to  the  ultra-violet  radia- 
tion producing  convection  or  the  process  of  dispersing  negative 
electricity,  the  charge  being  carried  away  by  the  molecules  of  air. 
Bighi3  also  determined  that  ultra-violet  radiation  charged  wires, 
when  insulated,  with  positive  electricity,  and  Elster  and  Geitle  have 
been  able  to  show  the  dissipating  influence  of  not  only  sunlight,  but 
of  diffused  daylight  on  conductors.  This  phenomenon  was  observed 
at  the  antennas  by  Marconi  when  he  received  signals  a  distance  of 
2,099  miles  from  Poldhu,  Cornwall,  England,  on  the  steamship 
Philadelphia.  During  the  test  made  on  this  trip  it  was  ascertained 
on  one  occasion  that  the  signals  were  distinct  and  clear  at  night  for 
2,000  miles,  but  in  daylight  the  signaling  distance  was  only  a  fourth 
as  great,  or  500  miles. 


In  practice  it  is  of  vital  importance  to  maintain  absolute  in- 
sulation of  the  aerial  wires  and  earthed  terminals  of  the  radiator 
and  resonator  circuits,  for  in  utilizing  high-frequency,  high-poten- 
tial currents  leakage  becomes  excessive  should  any  portion  of  the 
systems  come  in  contact  with  masts,  buildings,  or  other  physical 
appurtenances.  Where  the  aerial  and  ground  wires  are  sustained 
or  supported,  heavy  glass  or  porcelain  insulators  are  desirable. 
The  wires  themselves  should  be  highly  insulated,  since  this  pro- 
tects the  oscillatory  currents  from  dissipating  their  energy  in  the 
atmosphere  and  does  not  retard  the  action  of  the  electric  waves, 
for  insulators  are  transparent  to  them. 

Progress  of  Space  Telegraphy.  Royal  Inst.  Lecture,  Marconi,  June 
13,  1802. 

^Wiedemann's  Annalen.  31,  p.  983. 
*Comptes  Rendus,  vol.  107,  p.  559. 



METHODS  OF  SUSPENSION. — A  simple  and  efficient  method  for 
suspending  aerial  wires  from  the  yardarm  of  a  mast  is  shown  in 

Fio.  252. — SIMPLE  METRO 

Fio.  253. — DUCHETET  METHOD 

Pig.  252 ;  the  mast  is  represented  at  1,  the  yardarm  2,  insulator  3, 
capacity  area  4,  and  wire  5.    The  insulator  is  supported  by  a  loop 


of  tarred  rope  attached  to  the  yardarm,  and  the  capacity  area,  or 
wire  if  it  be  used  direct,  is  inserted  longitudinally  in  the  insulator 



as  shown.  The  method  illustrated  in  Fig.  253  was  designed  by 
Ducretet  and  is  a  superior  modification  of  the  one  just  described. 
A  method  to  eliminate  leakage  where  the  aerial  wire  leads  in  the 
station  to  the  instruments  is  shown  in  Fig.  254  and  is  due  to  L)r. 
Braun;  it  will  be  seen  that  the  leading-in  wire  passes  through  a 
porcelain  bushing  inserted  in  an  aperture  cut  in  the  window-pane. 

FORMS  OF  AERIALS. — The  early  Popoff  antenna  consisted  of  a 
lightning-rod,  while  that  employed  by  Marconi  in  his  first  essays 
comprised  a  single  copper  wire  leading  from  the  instruments  and  to 
a  large  metal  plate  which  was  attached  to  its  upper  free  terminal 


as  in  Fig.  252.  Various  forms  of  aerial  wires  are  shown  in 
Fig.  255;  the  object  of  adding  to  the  number  of  wires 
is  to  obtain  a  greater  radiating  and  receptive  surface;  refer- 
ring to  the  figures,  a  is  the  ordinary  single  wire  aerial,  b  parallel 
wires  which  are  in  some  cases  arranged  in  fan  shape,  c  multiple 
quadrangular  aerial,  d  multiple  cylindrical  aerial,  and  e  inverted 
pyramidal  aerial  for  long-distance  transmission.  The  length  of 
aerials  range  from  50  to  200  feet.  Fleming  has  pointed  out  that 
if  an  aerial  is  composed  of  seven  strands  of  wire,  each  having  a 



diameter  of  No.  22  B.  S.  G.,  and  a  length  of  150  feet,  and  insulated 
from  the  earth,  its  capacity,  if  held  vertically,  is  0.0003  micro- 
farads. If  a  number  of  wires  are  placed  very  closely  together, 
their  combined  capacity  is  not  nearly  equal  to  the 
sum  of  their  individual  capacities,1  and  therefore 
the  wires  should  be  placed  at  a  considerable  distance 

LODGE  CAPACITY  AERIALS. — The  earliest  form  of 
aerial  devised  for  the  purpose  of  selective  signaling 
is  due  to  Lodge,  and  is  shown  in  diagram  Fig.  256. 
Two  cones  of  large  dimensions  were  made  of  metal 
and  insulated  from  each  other  and  the  earth.  These 
served  to  increase  the  capacity  of  the  system  as  well 
as  to  radiate  and  receive  the  electric  waves.  The 
capacity  areas  were  of  definite  value,  but  were  con- 
nected with  an  inductance  coil,  so  that  this  factor 
could  be  varied  at  will. 

GUARINI  SHEATHED  AERIAL. — The  fact  that  elec- 
tric waves  are  intercepted,  reflected,  and  absorbed  by 
metals  led  Guarini  to  devise  the  sheathed  aerial  shown 
in  Fig.  257 ;  the  aerial  wires  emitting  and  receiving 
the  waves  were  insulated  and  then  encased  in  a  me- 
tallic sheath  diverging  at  the  top,  forming  a  cylinder 
of  large  diameter  in  which  a  slot  was  cut ;  the  purpose 
of  this  arrangement  was  to  reflect 
the  emitted  waves  in  a  given  direc- 
tion or  to  receive  them  from  a  given 
point  of  the  compass.  There  is  a 
very  great  loss  of  energy  in  this 
method  of  transmission,  but  in  spe- 
cific cases  it  might  be  useful.  When 
receiving,  all  extraneous  electric 
waves  are  either  reflected  from  the 
sheath  surrounding  the  aerial  wire 
or  transformed  into  oscillations 
which  are  conducted  to  the  earth. 


WIRE    AERIAL.  —  The    differential 

aerial    system    introduced    by    Tom-    FIG.  25?.— GUARINI  SHEATHED  AERIAL. 
'Cantor  Lectures,  Journal  of  the  Society  of  Arts,  London,  March,  1903. 

FIG.  256. 



masi-Jegou  some  years  ago  was  intended  to  receive  various 
wave  lengths  simultaneously  by  employing  two  or  more  wires 
at  the  transmitting  station  A,  Fig.  258;  these  radiating  wires 

were  of  different  lengths.  At  the 
receiving  station  B,  5  kilometers 
distant,  the  antennas  is  equal  in 
length  to  the  shorter  one  at  A, 
while  at  the  Station  C  the  an- 
tennaa  is  equal  to  the  longest  wire 
at  A.  By  a  proper  adjustment  the 
indicators  were  not  actuated  except 
when  the  shortest  wire  at  A  is  send- 
ing to  B  or  the  longest  one  at  A  to 
C,  except  where  a  definite  value  of 
the  distance  produces  a  neutral  effect 
on  both  receivers. 
MARCONI  AERIAL  (SECOND  FORM). — The  aerials  employed  by 
Marconi  in  his  first  syntonic  system,  composed  of  inner  and  outer 

A  BC 



metal  cylinders,  mark  the  first  attempt  to  eliminate  the  high  vertical 
wire  as  a  factor  in  wireless  telegraphy.     Marconi  has  used  single 



cylinders  of  four  or  five  meters  in  height  in  some  of  his  experiments, 
and  it  is  stated  that  messages  have  been  sent  and  received  a  distance 
of  twenty  miles  with  their  aid.  A  wireless  telegraph  automobile 
designed  by  this  inventor  for  military  purposes  is  equipped  with  an 
adjustable  cylinder  arranged  to  fold  back  on  top  of  the  vehicle 
when  not  in  active  service.  It  is  illustrated  in  Fig.  259. 

SLABY-ARCO  DIRECT  EARTHED  AERIAL. — To  •  Dr.  Slaby  and 
Count  Arco  is  due  the  credit  of  having  employed  the  sending  and 
receiving  aerials  directly  connected  with  the  earth.  Before  the  re- 
searches which  led  to  this  method  it  was  the  common  practice  to 

connect  the  lower  free  end  of  the  aerial 
wire  with  one  side  of  the  spark-gap  or 
coherer  and  the  earth  to  the  comple- 
mentary side,  but  it  was  subsequently 
found  that  if  the  oscillators  and  wave 
detectors  were  connected  to  the  aerial 
wire  at  a  point  where  it  formed  contact 
with  the  earth,  as  in  Fig.  260,  the  po- 
^EEF  ~^  tential  of  the  oscillations  was  equally 

a  effective,  while  the  discharge  of  atmos- 

FIG.'  260.-SLABY-ARco  DIRECT      Pheric  electricity  through  the  detector 
EARTHED  AERIAL.  would  be  dissipated  in  the  earth  at  A. 

in  accordance  also  with  the  theory  evolved,  all  waves  received  by  the 
aerial  which  were  not  of  a  predetermined  length  will  pass  into 


the  earth,  since  the  nodal  point  is  at  A  ;  the  aerial  wire  should  be 
in  this  case  one-fourth  the  length  of  the  wave  it  is  desired  to  re- 

BRAUN  ARTIFICIAL  EARTH. — In  Braun's  system  the  radiator, 
Fig.  261,  A,  is  connected  with  the  primary  of  a  transformer  coil,  a, 
whose  opposite  terminal  is  not  earthed,  but  is  attached  to  a  cylinder 


of  copper  or  zinc,  illustrated  in  the  photographs,  Fig.  262.  This  is 
one  of  the  striking  features  of  the  Braun  system  and  an  original 
departure  in  commercial  wireless  telegraphy.  It  is  claimed  that 
this  method  effectually  eliminates  the  disturbances  due  to  atmos- 
pheric electricity.  The  aerial  wire  forming  the  antenna  of  the 
resonator  is  divided  by  the  condensers,,  c,  c,  and  the  primary  of  the 
transformer  coil,  T,  as  shown  in  Fig.  197. 

DE  FOREST  MAST  AND  AERIAL. — One  of  the  stations  of  the  De 


Forest  system  is  located  at  Steeplechase  Park,  Coney  Island.  It  is 
equipped  with  a  mast  210  feet  in  height;  it  is  constructed  of  four 
poles  set  in  crosstrees  and  supported  by  square  bars  of  iron  with  a 
shoulder  at  one  end  to  sustain  the  topmast  over  the  head  of  the 
lower  mast,  and  are  termed  fids;  the  mast  is  guyed  to  braces  sunk 
into  the  sand  sixteen  feet  deep.  The  guys  are  of  wire  rope  with 
hemp  rope  terminals  spliced  in  about  100  feet  from  the  ground; 
the  object  of  this  combination  is  to  maintain  the  insulation  of  the 
aerial  cables,  of  which  there  are  two  supported  by  a  yardarm  near 
the  top,  and  prevent  them  from  coming  in  contact  with  the  guys. 
It  is  illustrated  in  Fig.  263.  A  number  of  other  masts,  aerials  and 



stations  are  shown  giving  an  excellent  idea  of  the  individual  ar- 
rangements. Fig.  264  is  a  Fessenden  New  York-Philadelphia,  135 
foot  aerial ;  Fig.  265,  a  Marconi  station  at  Rosslare,  Ireland ;  Figs. 
266  and  267,  are  Slaby-Arco  stations  at  Sapnitz  and  Gross  Molen 


respectively ;  a  Braun-Siemens  and  Halske  equipment  at  Helgoland 
is  illustrated  in  Fig.  268,  while  Fig.  269  shows  a  French  school- 
ship  with  Branly-Popp  aerials. 

FESSENDEN  WAVE  CHUTE. — In  a  recent  patent  granted  to  Fes- 
senden additional  data  are  given  relating  to  aerials  and  grounds. 
This  physicist  has  found  it  desirable  to  have  a  highly  conducting 
surface  over  which  the  waves  are  propagated  in  the  neighborhood 
of  the  point  where  they  are  generated,  and  that  this  highly  conduct- 



ing  surface  should  extend  to  a  distance  from  the  point  of  their  pro- 
duction at  least  one-fourth  of  the  length  of  the  wave  in  air  and  in 
the  direction  toward  the  station  to  which  it  is  desired  to  send  the 
message.  The  diagram,  Fig.  270,  illustrates  the  method  for  produc- 
ing the  desired  results  and  is  termed  by  Fessenden  a  wave  chute; 
in  the  figure,  1  is  the  sending  conductor,  and  2,  2',  2"  is  the 
grounded  conductor  leading  across  buildings  and  other  obstacles  to 


I  beyond  the  limit  of  obstructions  when  the  terminals  are  earthed 
as  shown.  The  coils  3,  3,  3,  3,  forming  guys  from  the  mast,  have  a 
period  of  oscillation  different  from  that  of  the  antenna,  and  this- 
with  the  grounded  conductor  or  wave  chute  eliminates  the  inter- 
ference of  extraneous  waves  and  serves  to  dissipate  atmospheric 
potentials  which  occur  in  ordinary  aerial  wire  systems.  In  practice 
Fessenden  employs  a  sending  wire  having  a  large  capacity  and  low 
inductance.  The  former  is  regulated  by  increasing  the  area  of  the 



aerial  wire  and  the  latter  by  adding  to  the  number  of  turns  of  wire 
connecting  the  vertical  wire  with  the  oscillator. 

KITE-SUSTAINED  AERIALS.— With  the  advent  of  the  auto-co- 
herer and  current-actuated  detectors  came  portable  transmitters  and 
receptors  and  the  kite-sustained  aerial  wire.  Heretofore  one  of  the 
greatest  obstacles  in  the  successful  transmission  of  wireless  messages 


in  military  operations  was  the  heavy  accouterments  entailed  by  the 
use  of  masts,  as  these  are  much  too  cumbersome  to  be  transported 
with  the  facility  necessary  in  such  all-important  operations,  and 
instruments  without  80-  or  100-foot  aerials  are  useless.  The  kite 
and  the  balloon  offer  the  solution.  Kites  are  preferable,  except  in 
cases  when  there  is  no  wind,  and  then  small  hydrogen  gas-bags  are 
useful.  In  the  Branly-Popp  wireless  telegraph  automobile  ambu- 
lances, balloons  are  employed.  The  exterior  and  interior  of  these 



ambulances  are  reproduced  in  Fig.  271.  Various  forms  of  kites 
especially  adapted  to  the  velocity  of  the  wind  may  be  obtained 
for  elevating  and  sustaining  the  aerial  wires.  The  aerial  is 


attached  to  the  kite  as  illustrated  in  Fig.  272.  Aluminum  wire, 
in  virtue  of  its  extreme  lightness,  makes  a  desirable  vertical  wire 
for  this  purpose.  The  transmitter  and  receptor  utilize  the  same 


vertical  wire  for  radiating  and  receiving  the  waves,  the  change  being 
made  by  means  of  an  ordinary  switch. 

In  very  light  winds  the  Malay,  or,  as  its  improved  form  is  known, 


the  Eddy  kite,  is  largely  employed ;  it  is  shown  in  Fig.  273.  These 
kites  are  fitted  with  a  "bridle,"  which  is  already  adjusted.  To  the 
ring  or  loop  at  the  center  of  this  bridle  the  end  of  the  ball  of  kite- 



cord  is  secured  so  that  the  knot  is  a  firm  one.  These  kites  are  tail- 
less, may  be  flown  in  a  very  light  breeze,  and  a  number  of  the  kites 
may  be  connected  in  tandem  and  their  sustaining  properties  in- 
creased. In  winds  having  a  higher  velocity  the  cellular  or  the 
American  modification  of  it,  known  as  the  Blue  Hill  box  kite, 


shown  in  Fig.  274  in  outline,  and  a  photographic  reproduction 
in  Fig.  275,  may  be  used.  It  has  a  large  sustaining  surface  and 
may  be  used  in  winds  of  ordinary  velocities;  in  winds  having  a 
velocity  of  thirty  or  forty  miles  per  hour  a  box  kite  having  a  very 
small  sustaining  surface  is  especially  serviceable,  since  it  pos- 
sesses marvelous  stability.  Fig.  276  is  a  complete  portable  army 



equipment  constructed  by  the  Braun- Siemens  and  Halske  Com- 
pany for  the   German  Government;  it  was  placed  in  charge  of 



the  Royal  Military  Aerostat  Battalion;  Fig.  277  shows  the  aerial 
wire  suspended  from  a  kite  and  the  instruments  in  operation.  The 
transmitting  apparatus  includes  a  dynamo  direct  connected  to  a 



gasolene  engine  and  is  arranged  on  one  gun  carriage  while  the 
receiver  is  placed  on  another. 

MARCONI  CABLELESS  STATION  AERIAL. — The  first  trans-Atlantic 
signals  transmitted  from  the  cableless  station  at  Poldhu,  England, 


on  December  12,  1901,  were  received  by  a  single  aerial  wire  sus- 
pended from  a  kite  at  an  elevation  of  400  feet  at  St.  John's, 
Newfoundland;  the  kites  employed  during  these  aerial  tests 


were  constructed  on  the  same  general  lines  as  those  designed 
by  Major  Baden-Powell,  consisting  of  a  bamboo  frame  nine  feet  in 
height  covered  with  silk  and  having  a  hexagonal  form.  The  aerial 
wire  passed  through  a  window  and  was  attached  to  a  pole,  and  from 



this  it  led  to  the  kite.  The  wire  leading  to  earth  forming  the  oppo- 
site arm  of  the  resonator  was  suspended  over  the  cliff  from  the 
station  at  Signal  Hill  and  was  connected  to  heavy  plates  of 

FIG.  273.— EDDY  KITE. 

copper  anchored  in  the  sea.  The  aerial  wires  of  the  trans- 
mitting station  at  Poldhu,  England,  consisted  of  15  vertical  wires 
suspended  from  masts  210  feet  in  height  and  were  arranged  in  a 

FIG.  274.— BLUE  HILL  Box  KITE. 

circle.  The  construction  of  the  multiplex  aerials  at  Glace  Bay, 
Novia  Scotia,  and  South  Wellfleet,  Mass.,  cableless  stations  are 
designed  especially  for  emitting  long  and  powerful  electric  waves. 


J.  275. — STARTING  THK    Hox    Kin. 












Figs.  278,  279  and  280  are  photographs  of  the  South  Wellfleet  sta- 
tion in  the  course  of  construction;  four  wooden  standards  210  feet 
in  height  are  arranged  in  a  quadrangle  and  are  sustained  by  guy 
wires ;  the  aerial  is  composed  of  400  wires  forming  an  inverted  pyra- 
mid ;  the  upper  terminals  are  insulated  and  the  lower  ends  terminate 
in  a  single  conductor  of  large  dimensions.  The  opposite  arm  of  the 
system  is  connected  with  several  large  metal  plates  deeply  imbedded 
in  the  earth  to  make  good  contact.  For  the  purpose  of  testing  the 
range  of  wireless  telegraphy  over  land  and  sea,  the  King  of  Italy 
placed  the  magnificent  man-of-war  Carlo  Alberto  at  Marconi's  dis- 
posal. It  was  on  this  vessel  that  the  greatest  achievements  of  this 
brilliant  young  inventor  were  consummated  when  he  kept  in  touch 
with  the  Poldhu  station,  while  in  the  Mediterranean  and  across  the 
Atlantic  Ocean. 



Electrical  resonance  effects  have  long  been  observed  in  connec- 
tion with  low-frequency  alternating  currents.  Lenz  investigated 
these  current  waves  over  fifty  years  ago1  and  Koosen  described  the 
exalting  effects  of  a  circuit  having  a  certain  capacity  and  inductance 
in  18542;  many  years  ago  Siemens  Brothers  found  that  the  volt- 
age from  an  alternator  was  increased  in  a  closed*circuit  cable  im- 
mersed in  a  tank  of  water.  This  phenomenon,  which  may  be  termed 
simple  electrical  resonance  in  accordance  with  its  acoustic  analogue, 
is  sometimes  referred  to,  though  improperly,  as  a  Ferranti  effect, 
and  was  noted  and  carefully  analyzed  by  Fleming  in  the  con- 
centric cables  connecting  London  with  Deptford3;  and  finally  in 
1894  Pupin  evolved  a  complete  theory  of  alternating-current  res- 
onance which  he  set  forth  in  a  paper  read  before  the  American 
Institute  of  Electrical  Engineers.4  In  1885  Overbeck  determined 
that  a  large  value  of  inductance  resulted  in  a  circuit  having  the 
same  period  of  oscillation,5  and  in  1887  Hertz  obtained  sym- 
pathetic resonance  phenomena  between  mutually  reacting  circuits  ;6 
Hertz  plotted  resonance  curves  and  Bjerknes  obtained  similar  re- 
sults and  verified  the  correctness  of  these  curves  by  experimental 
measurements  in  1891,7  and  finally  Lodge  devised  his  syntonic 
Leyden  jars  which  required  a  fine  adjustment  of  their  coefficients 
to  effect  sympathetic  resonance  and  upon  which  the  whole  scheme 
of  syntonization  of  wireless  telegraph  apparatus  has  been  founded.8 

^Poggendorfs  Annalen,  vol.  76,  1849. 

*Poggendorfs  Annalen,  vol.  92,  1854. 

^Journal  of  the  Institution  of  Elec.  Engs.,  vol.  20,  p.  362. 

'Transactions  Institute  of  Elec.  Engs.,  New  York,  1894. 

•Of.  Overbeck.     Weidemann's  Annalen,  vol.  26,  p.  245,  1885. 

6Hertz,  Weidemann's  Annalen,  vol.  31,  p.  421,  1887, 

7N.  Bjerknes,  Weidemann's  Annalen,  vol.  44,  p.  74,  1891. 

*Nature,  Vol.  40,  p.  368. 





Electric  resonance  phenomena  are  strikingly  similar  to  those  of 
acoustic  resonance.  Electric  resonance,  like  its  acoustic  analogue, 
may  be  simple  or  sympathetic ;  in  sound,  simple  resonance  is  a  direct 
reinforcement  of  a  simple  vibration,  and  may  be  demonstrated  by 
whistling  at  a  low  pitch  across  the  open  mouth  of  a  bottle  and  then 
raising  the  pitch  until  a  corresponding  frequency  of  vibration  equal 
to  that  of  the  natural  period  of  the  bottle  is  reached,  when  the  latter 


will  emit  a  similar  sound  and  reinforce  the  note  in  strength  and 
quality1  (see  Fig.  282).  In  simple  electric  resonance  an  alternating 
current  of  high  or  low  frequency  flowing  through  a  circuit  having 
inductance  and  capacity,  if  the  frequency  of  the  alternation  or 
oscillation  is  proper,  will  surge  through  the  circuit  and  its  voltage 
will  be  augmented  by  resonance  until  it  may  be  at  least  four  times 
1  Architectural  Acoustics.  Kelly. 


greater  than  its  normal  value,  or,  expressed  symbolically,  if  the 
frequency  of  the  current  is  N  and  the  capacity  of  the  circuit  is  C  in 
microfarads  and  the  inductance  of  the  circuit  is  L  in  henries,  then 
resonance  will  take  place  when 

!/  2irCL 

The  degree  of  resonance  is  limited  largely  by  the  resisting  properties 
of  the  circuit  and  losses  due  to  the  imperfect  elasticity  of  the 
medium.  Thus  the  higher  the  frequency  of  the  current,  the 
smaller  becomes  the  effect  of  resistance  in  the  circuit  and  the  more 
nearly  is  pure  resonance  approached.  Primary  resonance  in  an 
ordinary  open-circuit  oscillator  system  has  been  likened  by  Fleming 
to  that  of  acoustic  resonance  in  a  closed  organ-pipe  ;  thus  the  radiat- 
ing aerial  wire  when  its  current  is  oscillating  with  a  frequency 
natural  to  its  dimensions  corresponds  to  the  fundamental  frequency 
of  an  organ-pipe,  and  the  similarity  does  not  end  here,  for  the  radi- 
ating aerial  wire  has  a  very  low  potential  difference  and  a  large 
current  strength  at  its  spark-gap  terminal,  representing  a  crest  of 
the  current  wave  and  a  node  of  potential,  while  at  the  upper  and 
free  end  of  the  aerial  radiating  wire  there  is  a  reverse  condition  of 
affairs,  for  here  the  potential  difference  is  maximum,  forming  a 
loop,  and  the  current  is  now  minimum,  forming  a  node,  just  as 
there  is  a  very  slight  difference  in  the  oscillation  of  the  air  molecules 
or  pressure  and  a  great  alternation  of  air  movement  at  the  mouth 
of  the  organ-pipe,  while  at  the  upper  end  of  the  pipe  there  is  a 
great  variation  of  the  air  molecules  and  a  corresponding  increase  in 
air  movement. 

If  air  at  a  certain*  pressure  is  admitted  to  an  organ-pipe  of 
proper  dimensions  a  primary  note  will  be  emitted  that  is  called  the 
fundamental;  likewise  when  the  primary  oscillations  of  an  electric 
current  correspond  to  the  dimensions  or  natural  period  of  a  circuit, 
waves  having  a  fundamental  frequency  will  be  emitted.  By  vary- 
ing the  pressure  of  air  in  an  organ-pipe  the  fundamental  note  may 
be  substituted  and  tones  of  different  values  will  be  produced1,  which 
are  the  harmonics  of  the  fundamental,  and  so  also  by  impressing 
upon  a  radiator  or  resonator  system  a  current  of  predetermined 
frequency,  harmonic  oscillations  will  be  set  up  and  the  waves  they 
emit  find  their  analogue  in  the  overtones  of  an  organ-pipe. 

aThis  fact  was  discovered  by  Daniel  Bernoulli!,  a  mathematician. 




The  loops  and  nodes  of  electric  oscillations  may  be  exhibited  in  a 
very  striking  manner  by  an  apparatus  devised  by  Dr.  Seibt.1  It 
comprises  an  induction  coil,  1,  Fig.  283,  the  secondary  terminals  con- 
necting with  the  spark-gap,  s;  the  oscillator  system  includes  the 


spark-gap,  one  terminal  of  which  leads  to  a  variable  inductance,  L ; 
the  opposite  terminal  connects  with  the  outer  coating  of  a  Leyden 
jar,  C,  and  to  earth  at  e ;  the  jar,  C,  is  in  series  with  a  second  jar,  C1, 
the  inner  coating  of  which  connects  with  the  inductance,  L,  forming 
a  closed  circuit;  from  the  inductance,  L,  there  extends  vertically 
a  spiral  of  silk  insulated  copper  wire  six  feet  in  length  by  two 
inches  in  diameter  supported  on  a  wooden  core;  parallel  with  the 
closely  wound  spiral  of  wire  is  a  straight  copper  wire,  E9  grounded 
at  e.  If  now  the  apparatus  is  placed  in  a  dark  room  and  oscillations 
are  impressed  on  the  spiral  wire  having  a  frequency  corresponding 
to  the  natural  period  of  the  circuit,  a  luminous  glow  will  be  ob- 
served to  take  place  between  the  spiral  and  its  complementary 
'Cantor  Lecture,  Society  of  Arts,  London,  March,  1903. 


straight  wire  showing  visually  the  difference  of  potential  represented 
by  the  wires ;  and  if  the  oscillators  are  tuned  to  the  natural  period  of 
the  circuits,  the  glow  will  increase  gradually  from  the  bottom  to  the 
extreme  ends  of  the  wires,  where  it  will  be  maximum.  But  if  the 
values  or  the  coefficients  are  rearranged  by  varying  the  inductance 
and  capacity  so  that  the  frequency  of  the  oscillations  may  be  in- 
creased, a  node  will  be  formed  at  A,  or  one-third  of  the  length  of  the 
coiled  wire  from  the  top,  and  the  glow  or  brush  discharge  will  be 
minimized,  shown  by  the  dotted  line,  indicating  that  the  first 
harmonic  of  the  fundamental  has  been  reached;  by  decreasing  the 
capacity  and  inductance  of  the  circuit  the  second  overtone  or 
harmonic  may  be  produced  and  observed. 

SYMPATHETIC  KESONANCE. — In  acoustics,  sympathetic  resonance 
is  the  vibration  of  any  musical  tone  in  response  to  a  musical  tone 


of  the  same  pitch ;  as  an  illustration,  let  a  note  from  a  trombone  be 
emitted  in  front  of  a  pipe  organ,  when  the  pipe,  having  a  similar 
period  of  vibration,  will  respond  in  virtue  of  their  natural  periods 
being  equal.  Sympathetic  electric  resonance  is  the  tuning  of  two 
circuits  so  that  an  oscillating  current  set  up  in  the  first  will  start 
a  train  of  high-frequency  oscillations  of  exactly  the  same  period  in 
the  second  circuit.  One  of  the  fundamental  laws  upon  which  elec- 
tric resonance  is  based  is  that  an  oscillating  current  of  definite 
frequency  will  set  up  a  greater  potential  difference  in  a  resonator 
tuned  to  the  same  frequency  of  oscillation  than  in  one  whose  natural 
period  of  oscillation  is  different.  Hertz  produced  sympathetic 
electric  resonance  by  means  of  the  simple  apparatus  shown  in  Fig. 
284.  The  oscillator  B  C  C'  is  charged  to  a  sparking  potential  by  the 
induction  coil ;  A,  the  resonator,  abed,  was  formed  of  wire  ending 
in  small  spheres  and  separated  a  distance  of  a  tenth  of  a  milli- 



meter.  An  open-circuit  resonator,  Fig.  285,  was  substituted  by 
Hertz  for  the  rectangular  closed-circuit  resonator  just  described, 
and  by  adjusting  the  capacity  and  inductance  to  a  suitable  value 
resonance  was  obtained  as  before. 

For  obtaining  the  highest  degree  of  resonance  between  two 
mutual  circuits  the  oscillator  and  resonator  should  be  closed,  since 
it  has  been  shown  that  high-frequency  currents  are  not  damped  out 
as  rapidly  in  closed  circuits  as  in  open  circuits,  and  therefore  the 





waves  emitted  approach  more  nearly  a  sinusoidal  curve,  which  is 
extremely  desirable;  but,  conversely,  a  train  of  electric  waves  from 
a  closed-circuit  oscillator  has  not  the  powerful  and  penetrating 
qualities  of  waves  emitted  by  the  quickly  damped  oscillations  of  an 
open  circuit.  A  closed-circuit  apparatus  devised  by  Lodge  to  illus- 
trate sympathetic  resonance  is  shown  in  Fig.  286 ;  the  radiator  con- 
sists of  a  Leyden  jar,  a,  connected  with  an  induction  coil,  I ;  the 


inner  and  outer  coatings  of  the  jar  are  connected  with  a  loop  of 
wire  a  meter  in  diameter  and  separated  by  a  spark-gap,  c;  the 
resonator  has  a  Leyden  jar,  d,  of  equal  capacity  arranged  with  an 
overflow  path  having  a  minute  air-gap  forming  the  detector;  the 
coatings  of  the  jar  are  connected  by  a  loop  of  wire  of  similar  di- 
mensions to  those  of  the  radiator,  but  the  closure  is  made  by  a  wire 
sliding  over  the  terminals  of  the  loop ;  now  if  the  first  jar  is  dis- 
charged, the  second  jar,  if  it  is  in  tune  with  it,  will  discharge  across 
the  air-gap  detector,  e ;  the  wire  slide,  /,  serves  to  tune  the  resonator 
with  the  oscillator  by  varying  its  value  of  inductance;  in  this  sys- 



tern  thirty  or  forty  oscillations  surge  through  the  circuits  on  the 
discharge  of  radiator  circuit. 

DETERMINATION  OF  PERIODICITY. — To  determine  the  periodicity 
of  oscillations  occurring  in  the  phenomena  of  resonance  Bjerknes 


plotted  the  curves  in  Figs.  287  and  288,  showing  graphically 
syntonic  values.  The  oscillations  of  an  open-circuit  radiator  or  res- 
onator are  rapidly  damped  out,  as  before  stated,  in  virtue  of  their 
transformation  into  free  electric  waves;  but  in  a  closed-circuit 
resonator  high-frequency  currents  will  continue  to  oscillate  for  a 


considerable  time  after  the  co-resonant  oscillator  has  ceased  to  emit 
waves.  Fig.  287  is  a  curve  showing  graphically  the  amplification  of 
oscillations  in  a  closed-circuit  resonator  such  as  Hertz  used  as  a  de- 
tector after  excitation  with  an  oscillator  in  syntony  with  it ;  in  this 
case  the  circuits  were  accurately  syntonized  with  the  oscillator,  as 
the  increasing  amplitude  of  the  swings  plainly  indicate.  In  a 
closed-circuit  resonator  that  is  not  quite  in  tune  with  the  oscillator 
emitting  the  waves  the  curve  shows  the 'varying  difference  in  phase 
by  the  greater  and  lesser  amplitudes.  Where  the  resonator  is  com- 
pletely out  of  syntony  with  the  oscillator  then  a  counter-action  takes 
place,  and  however  close  the  oscillator  may  be  to  the  resonator,  there 
will  be  no  currents  set  up  in  it,  for  each  succeeding  impinging 


wave  damps  out  the  feeble  impulse  of  the  preceding  one,  since  they 
are  not  properly  tuned  to  the  coefficients  of  the  circuit. 

curves  referred  to  were  plotted  by  Bjerknes  by  means  of  an  open- 
circuit  Hertz  oscillator,  1,  Fig.  xi8(J,  a  closed-circuit  resonator,  2,  and 
a  one-sided  electromotor.  3 ;  the  electrometer  was  attached  to  the 
resonator  so  that  the  quadrants  of  the  former  were  included  in  tho 
circuit  of  the  latter  as  shown  in  Fig.  139 ;  when  no  current  is  surg- 
ing in  the  resonator  system  the  double  quadrants  equally  attract 
the  needle  when  it  rests  at  zero  potential;  but  when  high-frequency 
oscillations  traverse  the  circuit  the  needle  is  deflected  to  the  right 


and  the  left,  making  it  easy  to  determine  with  considerable  accuracy 
the  damping  coefficients  of  the  circuit1. 

lying sympathetic  resonance  involve,  as  they  do  in  primary  reson- 
ance, the  coefficients  of  capacity,  inductance,  and  resistance,  but 
in  this  case  deal  with  two  mutual  circuits.  Starting  with  a 
capacity  and  inductance  of  a  given  value  in  the  oscillator  and 
resonator  systems  when  resonance  obtains,  it  has  been  mathemat- 
ically ascertained  and  experimentally  determined  that  syntoniza- 
tion  remains  unaffected  if  these  factors  are  changed  equally  in 
both  circuits;  again,  either  the  capacity  or  inductance  may  be  in- 
creased or  decreased  individually  in  the  oscillator  without  materially 
altering  the  resonance  effect,  provided  that  like  values  of  the  co- 
efficients of  the  resonator  shall  be  made  equal  or  that  the  coefficients 
of  the  resonator  shall  represent  some  multiple  or  sub-multiple  of 
the  oscillator  system;  the  resistance  at  all  times  of  both  circuits 
should  be  as  low  as  possible,  and  for  this  reason  a  current-operated 
detector  is  preferable  to  a  voltage-operated  detector.  There  are 
exceptions  to  the  above  rule,  as,  for  instance,  where  the  capacity  of 

decrement  of  Electric  Oscillations.  M.  V.  Bjerknes,  Comptea  Rendus, 
June  22,  1871. 



a  circuit  may  be  decreased  by  increasing  its  inductance  without  de- 
stroying the  resonance  qualities;  this  is  due  to  the  fact  that  the 
harmonics  of  the  circuit  are  based  upon  the  product  of  its  capacity 
and  inductance. 

Exceeding  care  must  be  exercised  in  tuning  and  syntonizing 
electric  circuits  for  the  production  of  resonance  phenomena,  and 


the  desired  results  may  be  much  more  easily  obtained  by  the  varia- 
tion of  capacity  than  by  changing  the  values  of  inductance.  When 
resonance  is  effected  a  very  slight  addition  or  reduction  of  capacity 
will  be  sufficient  to  throw  the  co-resonant  circuits  out  of  syntony 



and  effectually  prevent  the  resonator  from  responding  to  'the  oscil- 

usually  employed  in  practice  in  tuning  a  closed  oscillator  cir- 
cuit to  the  aerial  or  open  oscillator  system  is  by  means  of  a  hot- 
wire ammeter.  Assuming  the  apparatus  to  be  of  the  compound 
circuit  type  and  that  the  connections  have  been  properly  made,  a 
hot-wire  ammeter,  shown  in  Fig.  290,  is  inserted  in  circuit  with 
the  shunt  and  aerial  wire  indicated  in  the  diagram,  Fig.  291.  The 
sliding  contacts  1  and  2  rest  on  an  inductance  coil  and  these  are  first 
brought  together  to  cut  out  the  inductance.  The  primary  circuit  is 
then  closed  by  depressing  the  Morse  key  while  the  contacts  are 
gradually  separated  until  the  ammeter  gives  the  highest  reading. 

FIG.  291. — TUNING  OSCILLATOR  CiRcurrs. 

When  this  is  determined  the  speed  of  the  interrupter  tnfcy  be  vai  led, 
since  a  higher  reading  may  sometimes  be  had  by  a  careful  adjust- 
ment of  the  make  and  break  device.  Occasionally  the  final  position 
of  the  sliding  contacts  may  result  in  an  overtone  or  minor  wave 
length.  In  the  Slaby-Arco  transmitters  installed  on  vessels  in  the 
United  States  Navy  the  wave  length  used  is  about  200  meters,  which 
is  the  length  produced  by  a  closed  circuit  consisting  of  seven  Leyd^n 
jars  and  approximately  qne  turn  of  inductance. 

TUNING  RESONATOR  CIRCUITS. — With  every  syntonized  receptor 
system  there  should  be  supplied  an  inductance  coil  for  tuning  the* 
open  and  closed  circuits  similar  to  that  employed  in  the  oscillator 
systems.  The  tuning,  however,  is  accomplished  by  more  or  less  arbi^ 
trary  methods.  Since  the  capacity  of  the  coherer  is  varying  con- 
stantly, the  sliding  contacts  can  only  be  approximately  adjusted 


Then  when  possible  to  receive  from  some  transmitter  whose  wave 
length  is  normally  that  desired  to  receive  by,  the  operator  of  the 
former  should  transmit  a  test  letter  repeatedly  at  short  intervals  of 
time,  gradually  decreasing  the  amount  of  energy,  while  the  operator 
at  the  receiving  station  should  adjust  his  tuning  coil  until  the  letter 
is  received  to  the  best  advantage,  when  the  relative  values  of  the 
open  and  closed  circuits  and  the  resonator  and  oscillator  systems  will 
be  co-resonant.  The  aerial  wire  of  the  resonator  should  as  nearly 
equal  the  length  of  the  oscillator  aerial  as  possible,  in  order  that 
sharp  resonance  may  obtain. 

KESONANCE  IN  WIRELESS  TELEGRAPHY. — The  efforts  to  employ 
electric  resonance  in  wireless  telegraph  apparatus  so  that  a  trans- 
mitter, tuned  to  a  definite  period  of  oscillation  and  sending  out  in 
consequence  waves  of  predetermined  lengths  only,  would  set  up 
oscillations  in  a  receptor  whose  resonator  system  was  tuned  to  a 
similar  frequency,  and  therefore  in  syntony  with  the  oscillator,  has 
called  forth  many  ingenious  and  striking  combinations.  Since  per- 
sistent oscillations  are  essential  to  a  syntonic  system  of  precision,  it 
is  evident  that  closed  circuits  are  eminently  adapted  for  sympathetic 
resonance  effects,  but  it  has  also  been  pointed  out  that  such  closed 
circuits  are  exceedingly  poor  radiators,  and  therefore  quite  un- 
suitable for  long-distance  wireless  transmission ;  oppositely  disposed 
is  the  fact  that  while  open-circuit  systems  emit  powerful  waves,, 
their  damping  coefficient  is  so  large  that  their  application  to  syn- 
tonic wireless  telegraphy  is  very  limited.  These  untoward  condi- 
tions, together  with  that  offered  by  the  unknown  factors  the  earth 
presents,  are  problems  on  which  much  time  and  thought  have  been 
expended.  To  overcome  these  objectionable  features  many  combi- 
nations of  open  and  closed  circuit  systems  have  been  devised  in 
which  persistent  oscillations  would  be  set  up  in  a  closed  circuit  of 
an  oscillator  first,  and  by  transformation  be  made  to  oscillate  in  an 
open  circuit,  where  they  are  damped  out  successively  by  conversion 
into  electric  waves  instead  of  radiating  all  their  energy  in  two  or 
three  swings;  a  resonator  designed  on  similar  lines  to  those  em- 
bodied in  its  complementary  circuit  radiating  the  waves  is  so  ar- 
ranged that  the  emitted  waves  impinge  on  an  open-circuit  resonator 
first,  and  are  then  transformed  into  oscillations  in  a  closed  cir- 
cuit, where  they  surge  to  and  fro  many  times  before  their  energy 
is  absorbed  bv  the  total  resistance  of  the  circuit. 



Recognizing  the  vast  importance  of  a  syntonic  system  of  wire- 
less telegraphy  whereby  a  plurality  of  oscillators  and  resonators  in 
the  same  field  of  force  may  selectively  communicate  with  any  in- 
dividual station  to  the  exclusion  of  all  others,  Lodge'  invented  and 
patented  an  apparatus  in  England  in  1897,1  involving  the  prin- 
ciples of  electrical  resonance.  This  was  an  open-circuit  sys- 
tem having  a  high  time  constant,  and  therefore  utilizing  long 
electric  waves.  The  value  of  closed-circuit  systems  in  resonance 
phenomena  and  of  open-circuit  systems  for  long-distance  trans- 
mission now  called  forth  the  best  efforts  of  the  workers  to  effect 
a  harmonious  combination  in  which  the  desirable  qualities  of  both 
should  be  retained.  Slaby  and  Arco  of  Germany  devised  a  system 
for  this  purpose  in  1898-99,  and  described  it  in  detail  in  1900. 2 
Simultaneously  Marconi  was  working  out  the  principles  of  a  syn- 
tonic system  by  which  the  persistent  oscillations  in  a  closed  cir- 
cuit could  be  utilized,  the  high  aerial  wire  eliminated,  and  the 
for  this  purpose  in  1898-99,  and  described  it  in  detail  in  1900.2 
In  the  same  year  Braun  evolved  a  system  of  selectivity  based  on 
the  proper  proportioning  of  the  coefficients  of  both  open  and  closed 
circuits,  and,  reversing  the  methods  above  cited,  he  eliminated  the 
earth  and  retained  the  antenna.4  In  1902  Fessenden  devised  aii 
electro-mechanical  multiplexing  system,  the  transmitter  having 
acoustic  tuning-forks  with  make  and  break  mechanism  adjusted  to  a 
certain  number  of  vibrations  and  the  receiver  having  electro-mag- 
nets or  telephones  with  armatures  or  tongues  vibrating  at  a  period 

British  Patent,  Lodge,  11,575,  1897. 

2Syntonized  and  Multiplex  Spark  Telegraphy.  General  Elec.  Co.,  Dec. 
22,  1900. 

'Progress  of  Electric  Space  Telegraphy.  Royal  Institution,  June  13, 

*Elec.  World  and  Eng.  Braun,  Siemens  &  Halske  System.  Collins,  June 
14,  1902. 



equal  to  those  of  the  transmitting  forks.1  A  selective  system  has 
been  produced  by  Mr.  John  Stone  Stone,2  of  Boston,  in  which  two 
simple  circuits  are  associated  inductively,  each  having  an  independ- 
ent degree  of  freedom,  and  in  which  the  restoration  of  electric  oscil- 
lations to  zero  potential  the  currents  are  superimposed,  giving 
rise  to  compound  harmonic  currents  which  permit  the  resonator 
system  to  be  syntonized  with  precision  to  the  oscillator. 

A  patent  issued  to  Nikola  Tesla  on  March  17,  1903,  for  a 
syntonic  system  of  wireless  telegraphy  describes  an  apparatus  em- 
ploying two  oscillators  at  the  transmitting  station,  each  having 
its  own  aerial  wire;  a  single  key  operates  both  simultaneously. 
At  the  receiving  station  there  are  two  resonators  syntonized  to  the 
individual  frequencies  of  the  oscillators,  and  when  the  circuits 
are  syntonic  the  relay  of  the  receptor  is  acted  upon,  but  if  one 
of  the  circuits  is  not  in  accord  with  the  other  no  signal  will  re- 

A  strictly  mechanical  system  of  selective  wireless  telegraphy 
in  which  electric  resonance  is  eliminated  as  a  factor  has  been  de- 
vised by  Anders  Bull,3  of  Christiania,  Norway.  The  mechanism 
is  operated  electrically.  By  this  system  three  wireless  messages 
have  been  sent  and  received  simultaneously  and  selectively,  being 
the  first  time  in  the  art  that  mechanical  methods  have  been  em- 
ployed successfully  in  obtaining  selectivity. 


Selective  wireless  telegraphy  has  been  developed  along  three 
distinct  lines,  i.e.,  electrical,  electro-mechanical,  and  mechanical. 
In  the  electrical  method  the  principles  of  resonance  are  called  into 
practice;  in  the  electro-mechanical  method,  tuned  circuits  are 
combined  with  mechanical  vibrators,  and  in  mechanical  methods 
mechanism  is  actuated  by  impulses  from  the  transmitter  operating 
synchronously  with  the  receiver. 

LODGE  TUNED  SYSTEM. — In  the  Lodge  tuned  system  of  wireless 
telegraphy,  shown  in  Fig.  293,  the  method  of  selective  intercommu- 
nication consists  of  producing  and  detecting  a  sufficiently  prolonged 
series  of  rapid  electric  oscillations  so  arranged  that  a  particular 

'Letters  Patent.    Fessenden,  715,203,  Dec.  2,  1902. 
2  Letters  Patent.     Stone,  714,756. 

3 Electrician,  London,  1903.  Experiments  on  Selective  Wireless  Teleg- 
raphy. Anders  Bull.  Oct.  2. 



frequency  of  oscillation  at  the  sending  station  may  cause  an  instru- 
ment to  respond  at  a  distant  station  tuned  to  some  multiple  of  that 


a  c 


frequency.    The  inductance  coil  of  the  radiator,  A,  Fig.  293,  pro- 
longs the  oscillations,  so  that  the  emitted  waves  have  a  definite 


period.     The  resonator,  B,  Fig.  293,  having  the  same  electrical 
dimensions  as  the  radiator,  the  number  of  oscillations  set  up  in 
the  former  is  very  large,  for  the  feeble  impulses  are  gradually 
strengthened  by  cumulative  action  until  the  resistance  of  the  wave 
detector  is  broken  down.    A  complete  set  of  Lodge's  apparatus  was 
shown  in  operation  at  the  Royal  Society  Conversazione  in  London, 
May  11,  1898,  and  operated  in  a  manner  most  satisfactory. 

SLABY-ARCO  MULTIPLE  SYSTEM.  —  The  principles  upon  which 
the  Slaby-Arco  multiple  wireless  telegraph  system  is  based  will  be 
readily  understood  by  referring  to  the  diagram,  Fig.  294,  where 
A  and  B  represent  the  aerial  wires  at  a  distance  from  each  other  ; 
when  oscillations  are  set  up  in  A  of  a  definite  frequency  syntonic 
oscillations  will  surge  through  J5,  the  amplitude  of  which  will  fol- 
low a  sine  wave  law  between  the  free  terminals,  a,  c,  and  the  earthed 
terminals,  b,  d,  the*  amplitude  being  greatest  at  a,  c,  that  is,  if 
the  aerial  wires  are  each  one-fourth  of  the  wave  in  length,  when 
the  earthed  terminals  will  form  the  nodal  point  of  the  oscillations. 
Postulating  that  such  is  the  case,  then  it  is  evident  that,  since  the 

point  of  greatest  amplitude  of  the  an- 
j  tenna  is  at  c,  B,  the  wave  detector,. 

should  be  placed  so  that  this  maximum 
potential  difference  may  be  impressed 
I  upon  it.    But  it  is  not  necessary  for  the 

i  coherer  to  be  placed  at  the  free  terminal 

/  of  the  receiving  antenna,  for  the  same 

effect  is  obtainable  by  connecting  a  hori- 
^^-  -----          I          zontal  wire  with  the  vertical  air  wire  at 

-^--.^  "  its   nodal   point,    i.e.,   the   earth,    and 

FIG.  2M.-Porl^  LOO™  ANB  then    connecting    the    free    terminal 

NODES.  of     the     horizontal     wire     to     a     co- 

herer as  shown  in  Fig.  295,  when  the  amplitude  of  oscilla- 
tion at  &  will  be  exactly  the  same  as  at  a.  In  practice  the 
coherer  is  earthed  where  the  oscillation  again  forms  the  nodal 
point  of  the  current  wave.  The  damping  coefficient  of  such  an 
oscillator  and  resonator  is  much  less  than  in  open-circuit  systems, 
and  for  this  reason  the  persistency  of  oscillation  is  much  greater 
than  it  would  otherwise  be,  although  the  aerial  wires  act  as  an 
open-circuit  radiator  and  resonator.  The  Slaby-Arco  system  was 
exhibited  before  the  German  Emperor,  and  two  messages,  sent  from 
two  different  stations,  were  received  simultaneously. 



syntonic  wireless  telegraph  system,  shown  diagrammatically  in  Fig. 
296,  the  inventor  has  designed  an  oscillator  in  which  high-frequency, 
high-potential  currents  are  not  so  powerful  as  in  open-circuit  oscil- 
lators, but  it  emits  long  trains  of  waves  instead  of  strongly  damped 
ones;  a  syntonic  receiver  will  not  respond  to  the  first  few  feeble 


wave  impulses,  but  the  cumulative  effect  of  the  train  of  waves 
finally  breaks  down  the  resistance  of  the  coherer  when  the  indica- 
tions take  place. 

FIG.  297. — MARCONI  SYNTONIC  SYSTEM.     (Second  Form.) 

In  this  syntonic  system  Marconi  succeeded  in  obtaining  excellent 
results  with  zinc  cylinders  7  m.  high  and  1.5  m.  in  diameter  be- 


tween  St.  Catherine's  Point,  Isle  of  Wight,  and  Poole,  30  miles 
distant,  the  signals  not  being  interfered  with  or  deciphered  by  other 
stations  working  in  the  immediate  vicinity. 

form  of  syntonic  apparatus  Marconi  utilized  an  open-circuit  oscil- 
lator formed  of  the  regulation  aerial  wires  and  earthed  terminals. 
The  frequency  of  oscillation  of  the  open-circuit  radiator  can  be 
regulated  by  increasing  or  decreasing  the  number  of  turns  of  wire 
or  by  placing  a  variable'  condenser  in  series  with  it,  as  shown  in  Fig. 
297.  The  resonator  of  the  receiver,  B,  is  similar  to  that  of  the 
oscillator,  but  leads  to  the  earth  through  the  primary  winding  of 
the  transformer,  the  secondary  of  which  is  connected  to  the  wave 
detector,  To  obtain  resonance  the  open-circuit  oscillator  must  have 


the  same  values  of  inductance  and  capacity  as  the  open-circuit 
resonator,  which  includes  the  primary  winding  and  the  condenser 
referred  to.  This  system  was  installed  by  the  English  Admiralty 
between  Portland  and  Plymouth,  a  distance  of  65  miles  as  the  bird 
flies,  and  with  hills  800  feet  high  intervening.  At  Poole  and  Niton 
are  Marconi  stations  likewise  equipped  with  this  type  of  syntonic 
system,  the  distance  being  30  miles.  The  lines  of  propagation  of 
these  two  systems  cross  each  other  at  the  angle  shown  in  the  map, 
Fig.  298,  and  it  was  found  that  when  both  systems  were  tuned  to  a 
different  frequency  messages  could  be  sent  simultaneously  and  ab- 
solutely independent  of  each  other. 

BRAUN  RESONANCE  SYSTEM. — The  arrangement  employed  by 
Braun  to  obtain  the  maximum  number  of  oscillations  per  charge 
with  the  radiation  of  the  greatest  amount  of  energy  per  oscil- 
lation and  its  complementary  resonator,  which  is  to  a  certain 
extent  its  counterpart,  is  shown  diagrammatically  in  Fig.  299.  In 
action  it  operates  as  follows:  the  oscillations  set  up  in  the  closed 



circuit  are  impressed  upon  the  open  circuit  by  the  linking  of  the 
magnetic  lines  of  force  in  the  transformer  coils,  when  the  second- 
ary receives  the  maximum  potential  of  the  high-frequency  current 
which  are  emitted  from  the  open  circuit;  the  impinging  waves  on 
the  antenna  of  the  resonator  are  diametrically 
opposite  to  that  of  the  oscillator  in  that  the 
oscillations  are  set  up  in  the  open  circuit  first 
and  by  conversion  are  made  to  surge  in  the 
closed  circuit,  where  they  are  not  only  persist- 
ent, but  by  simple  resonance  are  amplified  in 
potential  until  the  coherer  gives  way  and  the 
indication  results.  Braun's  system  has  been 
tested  between  Cuxhaven,  Germany,  and  Heli- 
goland, in  the  German  Ocean,  36  miles  distant, 
with  excellent  success. 

tion to  and  in  combination  with  the  tuning  de- 
vices employed  by  Fessenden  in  his  transmitter 
and  receiver,  based  upon  the  coefficients  of  the 
oscillator  and  resonator,  the  electro-mechanical 
apparatus  shown  diagrammatically  in  Fig. 
300,  forms  a  method  of  obtaining  selective 
signals  independent  of  the  dimensions  of  the 
sending  and  receiving  circuits;  in  the  trans- 
mitter the  radiator,  1,  is  grounded  through  the 
spark-gap,  2,  in  the  usual  manner.  The  pri- 
mary of  the  coil  is  connected  in  series  with  the 
battery,  4,  and  with  two  make  and  break 
mechanisms,  A,  B,  operated  independently  and 
at  predetermined  but  given  rates  of  speed.  The  make  and  break 
consists  of  a  cup,  5,  containing  mercury,  with  a  reciprocating  pin,  6, 
alternately  making  and  breaking  contact  similarly  to  a  mercurial 
interruptor  of  this  type,  the  motor,  7,  serving  to  operate  it. 

The  tuning  forks,  8,  8,  A,  are  adjusted  to  a  given  period  and 
correspond  to  the  motor  driven  interruptor,  5,  6,  7,  A  ;  likewise  the 
forks,  8,  8,  B,  have  a  period  of  vibration  corresponding  to  the  motor 
interruptors,  5,  6,  7,  B,  but  the  A  forks  are  tuned  to  a  different 
pitch  from  the  B  forks,  e.g.,  A  may  be  adjusted  to  256  vibrations 
per  second  while  B  may  have  384  vibrations  per  second.  The  re- 
ceiver is  operated  by  the  Fessenden  detector,  11,  connected  in  series 

FIG.  299. — BRAUN  RESO- 



with  the  antenna  and  ground;  the  local  circuits,  including  two  or 
more  electro-magnetic  mechanisms  operating  in  unison,  have  the 
same  periods  of  vibration  as  those  of  the  transmitter.  When  a 
message  is  sent  the  key  9  is  depressed  to  make  a  dot  or  dash,  and 
during  this  time  the  make  and  break  mechanisms  send  out  groups 
of  electric  waves,  but  one  of  the  sets  of  groups  emits  waves  at  the 
rate  of  256  per  second  and  the  other  at  the  rate  of  384  per  second, 
and  these  different  groups  of  waves  acting  on  the  resonator  circuit 
cause  the  tongues,  13,  of  the  receiving  mechanism  to  respond  syn- 
tonically  and  actuate  telephone  receivers.  Fessenden  has  very  re- 
cently dispatched  messages  between  Jersey  City  and  Philadelphia, 


a  distance  of  90  miles,  and  nearly  all  overland,  with  a  minimum 
of  energy. 

TESLA  DUPLEX  SYSTEM. — To  eliminate  the  difficulty  of  resona- 
tors responding  to  the  upper  and  lower  harmonies  of  other  sys- 
tems in  the  effective  zone,  Tesla  has  designed  a  duplex  apparatus, 
which  he  compares  to  a  combination  lock;  two  frequencies  are 
employed  at  both  the  sending  and  receiving  stations,  and  when 
these  act  in  unison  operate  a  common  relay.  This  is  accomplished 
by  generating  two  sets  of  oscillations,  having  different  periods 
surging  in  independent  oscillators  and  receiving  them  by  means 
of  independent  resonators  each  of  which  is  tuned  to  its  comple- 






mentary  oscillators;  AB,  Fig.  301,  represents  diagrammatically  the 
sending  and  receiving  systems.  The  radiators,  D1,  D2,  are  connected 
to  the  terminals  of  the  secondaries  of  two  transformers,  S1,  S2,  the 
opposite  terminals  leading  to  earth,  E,  as  in  other  systems.  The 
primaries,  P1,  P2,  are  in  series  with  the  inductances,  L1,  L2,  and 
the  condensers,  C1,  C2',  the  condensers  are  energized  by  the  gen- 
erator, S ;  shunted  across  the  condensers  is  the  spark-gap,  D, 
consisting  of  a  rotating  disk  having  projections,  p,  p,  as  shown, 
which  makes  and  breaks  the  disruptive  discharge  between  the 
electrodes,  n,  n,  inserted  in  the  holders,  B1,  B2.  This  discharge 
disk  is  connected  with  the  primary  circuit  at  F  and  may  also  be 
led  to  earth  at  E,  when  two  independent  primary  circuits  are 

The  duplex  oscillators  sending  out  energy  in  two  different  wave 
lengths  are  impressed  upon  the  resonators,  e  s1  d1  and  e  s2  d2, 



syntonized  to  the  sending  station  so  that  each  responds  exclusively 
to  one  of  the  two  frequencies  at  the  transmitting  station ;  the  elec- 
tric wave  detectors,  a1,  a2,  are  placed  in  the  oscillator  circuit  leading 
to  earth  at  e;  R1,  R2  are  relays  in  independent  circuits  actuated  by 
the  resonators,  and  when  these  relays  operate  simultaneously  the 
internal  circuit  containing  a  third  relay,  R?,  is  closed;  when  the 
relay  R3  becomes  operative  it  actuates  the  recording  mechanism. 
This  system  is  said  to  work  very  well  in  the  laboratory. 

STONE  MULTIPLEX  SYSTEM. — The  invention  of  Stone  for  mul- 
tiplex selective  signaling  consists  of  a  single  vertical  wire  at  the 
transmitting  station  radiating  electric  waves  of  a  single  given 
frequency.  The  oscillator  is  of  the  open-circuit  type  and  is  im- 



pressed  with  forced  oscillations  of  a  simple  harmonic  character 
by  means  of  a  series  of  closed-circuit  oscillators  acting  through  the 
medium  of  transformers.  The  receiver  is  made  to  respond  to  the 
selective  frequency  of  the  oscillator  by  employing  a  periodic  open- 
circuit  resonator  and  interposing  between  it  and  the  translating 
device  a  series  of  closed  circuit  resonators  capable  of  responding 
to  a  given  and  predetermined  frequency. 

In  Fig.  302,  A  and  B  represent  the  transmitter  and  receiver 
respectively.  In  these  diagrams  V  is  the  aerial  wires  connected  with 
the  earth,  E,  through  the  medium  of  the  primary  of  a  transformer, 
I2,  thus  forming  an  open-circuit  oscillator  and  resonator.  The 
secondary,  I1  A,  forms  a  closed-circuit  oscillator,  which  includes 
the  inductance,  L,  condenser,  0,  and  spark-gap,  8',  the  local  low- 
frequency,  high-potential  circuit  feeding  the  spark-gap  is  composed 


of  the  secondary  of  a  transformer,  I1,,,  and  the  condenser,  (7;  the 
primary  local  circuit  consists  of  the  inductor  of  the  transformer,  112, 
the  key,  K,  and  an  alternating  current  generator,  a.  The  receiver, 
By  is  a  physical  counterpart  of  the  transmitter  in  that  its  resonator 
is  of  the  open-circuit  type  and  has  combined  with  it  a  closed-circuit 
resonator  having  a  definite  period  due  to  the  condenser,  C1,  and  the 
inductance,  L\  the  local  circuit  includes  the  coherer,  E,  the  usual 
battery,  B,  and  the  relay,  R. 

In  action  the  condenser,  C,  discharges  through  the  closed-circuit 
resonator,  Sl,  L,  and  is  of  high  frequency.  The  oscillations  of  this 
circuit  are  simple  harmonic  in  character  and  are  unaffected  by  the 
inductive  association  of  the  open-circuit  oscillator  because  the  in- 
ductance of  the  closed-circuit  resonator  is  large  when  compared  with 
that  of  the  open-circuit  oscillator.  Now  when  two  oscillators  are 



inductively  associated  each  has  its  own  degree  of  freedom,  or  its 
natural  period  of  oscillation,  and  each  is  modified  by  the  other,  as 
shown  in  the  cuve,  Fig.  303 ;  but  if  the  coefficients  of  each  circuit 


are  such  that  the  combined  inductance  of  the  two  oscillators  is  large 
when  compared  with  the  mutual  inductance  between  the  circuits, 


the  natural  period  of  oscillation  becomes  practically  the  same  as  if 
the  circuits  were  isolated.  The  object  of  this  arrangement  is  to 
obtain  as  nearly  as  possible  a  pure,  simple,  harmonic  wave  and  to 


reduce  to  a  minimum  the  minute  overtones  which  cause  a  departure 
from  the  true  sine  wave.  At  his  stations  on  the  Charles  Eiver  em- 
bankment (Boston),  Stone  has  shown  it  possible  to  transmit  and 
receive  selective  signals  when  the  difference  in  frequency  was  not 
more  than  ten  per  cent. 

BULL  SYNCHRONIZED  SYSTEM. — A  selective  system  of  wireless 
telegraphy  based  on  mechanical  principles  has  been  invented  by 
Anders  Bull.  The  apparatus  comprises  a  transmitter  and  a  receiver ; 
the  transmitter  includes  an  open-circuit  oscillator  supplied  with 
energy  by  the  usual  transformer  or  induction  coil  operating  through 


tin  Apparatus  termed  a  disperse?',  likewise  the  receiver  has  an 
open-circuit  resonator  actuating  a  number  of  registers  through  a 
mechanism  termed  a  collector.  The  disperser  is  shown  diagrammat- 
ically  in  Fig.  304,  and  in  half-tone  in  Fig.  305.  By  referring  to 
these  figures  it  will  be  observed  that  the  disperser,  A,  is  connected 
by  gearing  to  the  motor,  B,  a  Siemens  and  Halske  regulator,  C,  con- 
trolling its  speed.  D  is  an  electro-magnet  automatically  controlling 
a  disk,  making  a  specific  number  of  contacts  and  sending  out  a 
similar  and  predetermined  number  of  series  of  electric  waves. 

When  it  is  desired  to  send  a  message,  the  key,  I1,  is  depressed 
and  closes  the  circuit  including  the  battery  and  electro-magnet,  2, 
which  attracts  an  armature  attached  to  a  clutch  carrying  a  pin  as 
shown.  The  function  of  the  armature,  magnet,  and  clutch  is 



shown  more  clearly  in  Fig.  306,  being  a  sectional  view  of  the  dis- 
perser.  When  the  armature  is  drawn  to  the  magnet,  2,  the  disk,  3, 
is  released  by  the  clutch,  4,  and  then  revolves  at  a  speed  of  about 
5  r.  per  second.  At  every  revolution  of  the  disk,  contact  is  made  by 
the  springs,  6,  and  the  circuit,  including  the  battery,  7,  and  the 
electro-magnet,  8,  is  closed.  The  disperser  proper  consists  of  400 
steel  springs,  9,  attached  at  right  angles  to  the  disk  and  near 
its  periphery;  these  long,  vertical  springs  have  their  ends  free 
and  pass  through  slots  in  a  stationary  and  upper  disk,  10;  the 
springs  are  thus  permitted  to  move  in  a  radial  direction  only; 
a  ring  of  brass  forming  a  groove,  11,  is  fastened  to  the  framework 
and  guides  the  springs  so  that  with  each  revolution  of  the  disk, 
which  is  once  every  second,  they  either  slide  in  the  groove,  12,  or 
within  its  inner  circumference.  The  bronze  arc,  13,  takes  the  place 


of  a  section  of  the  brass  ring,  11,  and  has  a  finger  projecting  toward 
the  center  of  the  disk;  as  the  vertical  steel  springs  come  in  con- 
tact with  it,  they  are  forced  toward  the  magnet,  14.  Attracted  by 
this  magnet,  the  springs  slide  along  until  released  at  the  edge  of 
15,  where  they  are  again  drawn  into  the  groove  or  return  to  the 
inner  part  of  the  ring  by  their  own  elasticity  according  to  whether 
the  magnet  is  or  is  not  energized. 

Now  in  action  when  it  is  desired  to  send  a  dot  the  key  is  de- 
pressed for  less  than  a  fifth  of  a  second,  or  the  time  required  for  the 
disk  3  to  complete  one  cycle,  and  the  current  flows  through  the 
circuit  as  a  single  impulse.  When  a  dash  is  transmitted  the  key 
is  held  in  contact  until  the  disk  3  has  revolved  a  number  of  times, 
when  a  corresponding  number  of  electric  impulses  at  one-fifth 
second  intervals  flows  through  the  circuit  causing  the  springs  to 
make  contact  at  regular  intervals  by  means  of  contact  points,  18, 



and  thus  closing  the  circuit  in  which  the  battery,  19,  and  the  coil, 
20,  form  a  part.  As  there  are  a  number  of  these  contact  points 
arranged  around  the  frame  at  prescribed  distances,  it  is  evident  that 
the  number  of  series  of  electric  waves  emitted  will  be  equal  to  the 
number  of  contact  points,  and  by  varying  the  distance  between  these 
points  any  combination  or  series  of  waves  may  be  sent  out  through 
the  medium  of  the  electro-magnetic  key,  20,  battery,  21,  induction 
coil,  22,  and  the  oscillator  circuit  23. 

The  collector  is  similar  to  the  disperser  except  that  receptive 
devices  are  employed  instead  of  emitting  appliances  in  the  circuits. 
Tig.  307  is  a  plan  view  and  308  a  half-tone  of  the  collector.  The 


coherer  is  connected  in  the  open-circuit  resonator  in  the  usual  man- 
ner while  the  relay,  23,  in  series  with  a  cell  is  included  in  a  local  cir- 
cuit with  the  coherer.  The  tapper,  24,  is  in  parallel  with  an  auxil- 
iary circuit  formed  by  the  armature  of  the  relay  in  series  with  the 
magnet,  25.  For  every  series  of  electric  waves  that  impinge  upon  the 
resonator  system  one  of  the  vertical  steel  springs  slides  into  the 
groove,  26,  of  the  ring.  The  revolving  disks  of  the  disperser  and  col- 
lector revolve  synchronously,  so  that  the  angular  distances  of  the 
springs  sliding  in  the  grooves  will  be  proportional  to  the  time  con- 
stant between  the  series  of  the  waves  impinging  on  the  vertical  wire. 



Since  the  points  are  arranged  in  the  same  relative  positions  in  both 
the  disperser  and  collector,  and  are  operated  synchronously,  contact 
in  both  is  made  simultaneously.  The  points,  27,  are  connected  in 
series  with  the  Morse  printing  register,  28.  Now  a  prearranged 
series  of  electric  waves  will  cause  the  springs  to  make  contact  at 
the  same  instant  when  the  local  collector  battery  operates  the 


register.    Electric  wave  series  in  succession  will  produce  a  dash  or 
a  series  of  dots  representing  a  dash. 

In  Bull's  experiments  one  disperser  and  one  collector  were 
employed,  but  these  were  arranged  with  three  sets  of  contact  points, 
thus  permitting  any  one  of  three  Morse  registers,  shown  in  the 
photograph,  Fig.  308,  to  be  operated  at  will.  Three  series  of  waves 

jiJ...  .r-..,*..  .1...'.  i 


f          r           f       r    r    «         ' 


were  used,  represented  in  A,  Fig.  309,  by  the  dotted  lines  S*t  S2,  S*, 
the  horizontal  line  being  taken  as  time  and  the  wave  series  by  the 
heavy  vertical  strokes.  The  spaces  between  the  light  strokes  rep- 
resent intervals  of  one-fifth  second.  B  illustrates  how  the  wave 
series  are  registered  when  the  key  of  the  transmitter  is  kept  closed. 
I,  II,  III,  are  the  types  of  three  Morse  registers  operated 
independently  of  each  other.  The  transmitters  and  receivers 


may  be  set  up  in  different  localities  and  at  varying  distances  with 
equally  good  results. 

This  represents  the  evolution  of  transmitting  messages  through 
space  without  wires  as  well  as  the  wireless  transmission  of  intelli- 
gence in  the  same  field  of  force  without  interference.  Wireless 
telegraphy  has  made  gigantic  strides  since  its  inception  a  few  years 
ago,  especially  in  the  bridging  of  distance,  but  its  commercial  future 
now  rests  on  the  problem  of  syntonization,  and  when  this  shall  have 
been  accomplished  the  possibilities  of  the  new  art  will  be  practically 
unlimited  and  of  untold  value. 



The  brilliant  achievements  in  wireless  telegraphy  lead  naturally 
and  in  sequence  to  the  more  difficult  proposition  of  transmitting 
articulate  speech  without  wires ;  but  wireless  telegraphy  is  infinitely 
easier  of  solution  than  wireless  telephony,  since  an  electrical  im- 
pulse of  any  character  may  be  utilized  as  a  signal,  whereas  in  the 
transmission  of  speech  an  alternating  current  having  the  same 
phase,  amplitude  and  frequency  at  either  station  are  neces- 
sary. This  being  the  case,  it  is  obvious  that  electric  waves  produced 
by  the  disruptive  discharge  are  not  suitable  for  wireless  telephony, 

--»•     c 

B      •«• 


Fro.  311. — CONDUCTIV- 

since  the  decrement  of  the  oscillations  producing  the  waves  are 
periodic  and  reach  0  in  a  very  small  fraction  of  a  second,  and  are, 
therefore,  quite  incompatible  with  the  long,  smooth  sine  wave  cur- 
rents usually  employed  in  telephony.  But  while  electric  waves  are 
not  adapted  to  wireless  telephony  there  are  several  methods  by  which 
results  may  be  obtained  within  certain  limitations. 




CONDUCTIVITY  METHOD. — One  of  the  simplest  methods  of  tele- 
phoning without  wires  is  by  utilizing  the  earth  as  a  portion  of  the 
sending  and  receiving  circuits,  and  by  leakage  or  dispersion  of  the 
current  in  the  primary  circuit  through  the  earth  the  energy  spreads 
in  elliptical  lines  of  force  like  magnetic  lines  between  the  poles  of 
a  magnet,  as  in  Fig.  310.  This  is  known  as  the  conductivity 
method,  and  when  applied  to  actual  transmission  two  base  lines, 
AB  and  CD,  are  arranged  parallel  with  each  other  so  that  the 
terminals  of  the  sending  and  receiving  circuits  are  earthed,  as  shown 
in  Fig.  311,  when  a  current,  either  direct  or  alternating,  flows 
through  the  circuit  AB  the  energy  is  propagated  to  the  circuit  CD 
in  virtue  of  the  great  cross-section  of  the  earth,  which  is  a  fairly 
good  conductor.  The  length  of  the  base  lines  should  be,  preferably, 
twice  the  length  of  the  distance  to  which  speech  is  to  be  transmitted ; 


it  is  this  limiting  feature  which  has  prevented  its  employment  in 
practice,  except,  perhaps,  in  special  cases. 

INDUCTIVITY  METHOD. — A  second  fundamental  method  ideal 
in  its  mode  of  propagating  energy  when  articulate  speech  is  con- 
sidered, consists  of  a  large  primary  coil  of  wire  with  a  similar 
secondary  placed  at  a  distance.  Let  AB,  Fig.  312,  represent  two 
coils  of  wire  placed  with  their  planes  parallel  with  each  other,  or 
their  planes  may  be  horizontal.  On  speaking  into  a  telephone 
transmitter  with  a  battery  in  series  with  the  coil  A  an  undulatory 
current  in  rotation  through  the  turns  of  wire  will  set  up  a  magnetic 
flux  the  lines  of  which  may  be  great  enough  to  link  the  coil  B, 
i.e.,  when  the  lines  from  the  coil  A  thread  through  the  coil  B  an 
e.  m.  f.  proportional  to  the  rate  at  which  they  link  with  the  coil 
B  produces  by  its  inductive  action  a  momentary  current  in  the 
coil  including  in  its  circuit  the  telephone  receiver.  As  the  num- 


ber  of  turns  of  wire  and  size  of  the  coils  and  e.  m.  f.  increases  the 
distance  between  the  two  coils  may  be  extended. 

ELECTRIC  WAVE  METHOD. — Many  experimenters  have  en- 
deavored to  utilize  high-frequency,  high-potential  currents  in  wire- 
less telephony,  but,  for  reasons  previously  pointed  out,  it  is  not 
practicable  to  employ  a  disruptive  discharge  to  obtain  electric 
oscillations  of  constant  value.  Alternating  currents,  however,  of 
comparatively  low  frequency  will  emit  electric  waves,  although  such 
radiations  are  very  feeble ;  but  speech  may  be  transmitted  wirelessly 
if  the  spark-gap  of  the  oscillator  is  bridged  by  an  air-gap  and  a 
mechanically  high-frequency  current  is  employed ;  the  spoken  words 
will  be  reproduced  by  inserting  a  receiver  in  the  resonator  circuit. 
Another  method  the  author  has  employed  is  to  permit  the  spark- 
gap  of  the  oscillator  to  remain  open,  causing  the  current  to  surge 
to  and  fro  in  it  with  every  reversal  in  the  secondary  of  the  trans- 
former, although  it  is  difficult  to  determine  whether  the  calcula- 
tions obtained  are  the  result  of  an  alternating  magnetic  field 

\/ o    / 


around  the  radiator  or  electric  waves  .  emanating  from  it.  This 
method  offers  some  promise,  though  the  effective  distance  covered 
has  been  exceedingly  limited. 

BELL  KADIOPHONE. — The  principles  upon  which  Professor 
Alexander  Graham  BelPs  radiophone  for  telephoning  by  a  beam 
of  light  are  well  known.  In  this  method  a  ray  of  light 
from  either  the  sun  or  an  arc  light  is  caused  to  fall  upon  a  plane 
mirror,  1,  Fig.  313,  and  reflected  to  the  lens,  2,  where  it  is  re- 
fracted and  brought  to  a  point  and  impinges  on  the  concave  mir- 
ror, 3,  attached  to  the  back  of  a  diaphragm  of  a  telephone  trans- 
mitter, 4;  the  light,  after  reflection  from  the  mirror,  3,  passes 
through  a  condensing  lens,  5,  where  it  is  projected  to  a  distance 



through  space  to  the  receiver,  6.  This  consists  of  a  parabolic 
mirror,  af  having  a  selenium  cell,  I,  placed  in  its  focal  line;  a 
battery,  d,  and  a  telephone  receiver,  c,  are  connected  in  series  with 
the  selenium  cell. 

When  the  radiophone  is  in  action  the  vibrations  of  the  dia- 
phragm by  the  voice  varies  the  intensity  of  the  light  falling  upon 
the  concave  mirror  and  the  projected  beam  of  light  is  gathered  in 
the  focus  of  the  receiving  parabolic  mirror,  where  the  light  waves 
are  concentrated  on  the  selenium  cell,  which  varies  in  resistance 

FlG.    314. KUHMKR     PHOTO- Kl.KCTKlC     1'UANUMITTKR. 

coincidently  with  the  intensity  variations  of  the  light,  and  every 
vibration  of  the  diaphragm,  change  in  light  intensity  and  cell  resist- 
ance is  reproduced  in  the  telephone  receiver.  Speech  has  been  trans- 
mitted by  this  method  several  hundred  feet  and  is  marvelously  clear 
and  distinct. 

EUHMER  PHOTO-ELECTRIC  TELEPHONE. — Since  Bell's  experi- 
ments, new  discoveries  have  been  made  in  photo-electric  effects, 
and  among  the  most  interesting  may  be  cited  the  speaking  arc, 
invented  by  Simon,  of  Gottingen,  Germany,  who  ascertained 
that  by  superimposing  an  alternating  current,  induced  in  the  sec- 
ondary of  a  small  transformer  coil  by  the  undulations  of  the  pri- 
mary in  series  with  a  telephone  transmitter,  as  a  heavy  direct-cur- 
rent operating  an  arc  light  the  volume  and  intensity  of  the  flame 



varied  proportionately,  and  though  these  variations  ,/ere  not  per- 
ceptible to  the  eye,  due  to  the  persistency  of  vision,  they  would 
affect  a  photographic  plate  or  a  selenium  cell. 

Having  in  view  the  object  of  producing  a  photo-electric  tele- 


phone  of  sufficient  penetrative  power  to  be  useful,  Professor  Ernest 
Ruhmer,  of  Berlin,  devised  an  apparatus  for  utilizing  the  principles 
involved  in  Bell's  radiophone  and  the  Simon  speaking  arc.  This 
he  did  by  placing  an  arc  light  in  the  focal  line  of  a  parabolic  re- 
flector, Fig.  314,  having  a  diameter  of  50  cm.,  and  constructed  like 



a  searchlight.  The  arc  is  supplied  by  a  storage  battery  of  52 
and  8  or  10  amperes  when  speech  was  transmitted  over  a  distance 
of  3  or  4  kilometers.  A  telephone  transmitter  is  connected  in  series 
with  a  small  storage  battery  of  6  or  8  volts,  as  shown  in  the  illus- 
tration, and  the  primary  of  a  transformer,  while  the  secondary  is 
connected  through  a  condenser  in  parallel  with  the  arc-light  circuit. 
The  receiver  designed  by  Euhmer,  Fig.  315,  consists  of  a  parabolic 
reflector  and  having  a  selenium  cell  placed  in  its  focal  line  in 
series  with  a  pair  of  telephone  receivers  and  a  battery.  Selenium 


cells,  employed  before  Euhmer,  were  made  by  winding  a  pair  of  wires 
parallel  to  each  other  on  a  flat  piece  of  glass  and  filling  the  space 
between  them  with  fused  selenium.  Clausen  and  von  Bronk  made  a 
cell  of  this  type  having  a  ratio  of  10  to  1  in  resistivity  variations, 
and  a  cell  by  Giltay  exhibited  a  variation  ranging  between  533.000 
ohms  in  darkness  to  26,000  ohms  in  a  light  of  400  intensity,  but 
these  cells  have  a  high  time  constant  in  returning  to  their  original 
resistance.  The  cell  devised  by  Euhmer  was  given  a  cylindrical 
form  so  that  the  light  might  be  evenly  distributed  over  its  surface 
by  the  reflector.  The  selenium  cell  was  made  by  winding  two  fine 
platinum  wires  in  parallel  and  separated  by  7-10  mm.  on  a  glass 
tube  33  mm.  in  length  and  20  mm.  in  circumference  and  then  fore- 


ing  the  prepared  selenium  in  the  space  between  the  wires.  This 
preparation  consists  of  heating  the  amorphous  red  powder,  in  which 
state  selenium  is  found,  until  it  is  transformed  into  a  black,  gummy 
mass,  when  it  becomes  a  very  good  insulator ;  it  is  then  applied  to 
the  interstices  of  the  platinum  wires  and  baked  for  twelve  hours  at 


a  constant  temperature  of  200°  F.,  when  it  is  annealed  by  gradually 
reducing  the  temperature  and  crystalline  selenium  results,  having 
a  gray  color  and  assuming  the  remarkable  property  of  varying  its 
electrical  resistance  under  the  influence  of  light.  Such  a  cell  is 
marvelously  sensitive  to  light  variations  and  has  a  maximum  re- 


sistance  of  120,000  ohms  in  the  dark  and  dropping  to  1,500  ohms 
when  illuminated  by  a  1G  candle-power  lamp.  With  this  equipment 
liuhmer  conducted  his  experiments  on  Wannsee,  the  transmitter 
being  placed  on  an  electric  launch,  the  Germaniaj  Fig.  31G,  and  the 
receiver  on  the  shore,  Fig.  317,  at  a  distance  of  ll/2  kilometers;  this 
distance  was  gradually  increased  until  a  maximum  distance  of  4 
kilometers  was  reached. 

COLLINS  WIRELESS  TELEPHONE. — Having  tested  all  the  above 
methods  for  transmitting  articulate  speech  without  wires,  and 
finding  that  each  had  its  especial  limitations,  the  author  sought  for 
some  method  by  which  the  difficulties  encountered  might  be  over- 
come. In  experiments  with  coherers  adjusted  to  their  maximum 
sensitiveness  it  was  ascertained  that  comparatively  low-frequency, 
high-potential  currents  alternating  through  an  oscillator  would  emit 
waves  of  sufficient  energy  to  break  down  the  resistance  of  a  de- 
tector. It  was  also  found  that  when  mechanically  produced  high- 
frequency,  high-potential  currents  are  discharged  into  the  earth 
and  there  restore  the  potential  level  of  the  circuit,  of  which  the 
earth  forms  a  portion,  instead  of  free  air,  new  manifestations  occur, 
and  among  them  may  be  cited  the  propagation  of  long  sine  waves 
to  great  distances.  The  length  of  the  waves  depends  on  the  fre- 
quency of  alternations  and  the  frequency  on  the  coefficients  of  the 
transmitting  circuit,  and  these  joint  factors,  finally  on  the  constants 
of  the  ether,  which  are  its  elasticity  and  its  density. 

Since  the  value  of  elasticity  of  the  ether  is  not  absolutely  known, 
it  has  been  determined  empirically  by  its  reciprocal  or  dielectric 
constant,  as  when  ether  is  associated  with  gross  matter  which  has 
a  specific  inductive  capacity.  The  density  of  ether  closely  identified 
with  the  atoms  of  the  atmosphere,  acts,  paradoxically,  as  though 
it  were  greater  than  in  vacuo,  and  the  effect  on  the  particles  of 
matter  of  which  the  earth  is  composed  is  greater  than  on  the  air. 
The  term  bound  ether  has  been  given  to  ether  associated  with  gross 
matter.  Now  matter,  gross  or  transcendental,  acts  like  a  solid 
body  if  it  is  struck  hard  enough,  when  vibrations  will  be  trans- 
mitted by  it.  Strike  the  surface  of  a  body  of  water  with  a  board  and 
it  will  assume  at  the  instant  of  impact  all  the  characteristics  of  a 
solid ;  and  every  molecule  of  the  water  will  vibrate  in  consequence ; 
beat  the  air  with  an  outspread  wing  with  sufficient  force  and  it  will 
resist  its  movement,  if  its  velocity  is  great  enough,  like  a  solid 
body,  and  the  ether  also  acts  like  a  solid  body  if  it  is  struck  hard 



enough  and  an  electric  discharge  is  the  hammer  to  strike  it  with, 
when  transverse  vibrations  in  it  occur. 

Mechanically  high-frequency,  high-potential  currents  cause  the 
earth-bound  ether  to  manifest  its  presence  to  a  greater  distance  than 
in  free  ether  or  ether  associated  with  air  upon  the  impact  of  the 
former.  The  action  of  sound  waves  furnishes  a  good  analogue;  if 
a  bell  is  struck  in  water  it  can  be  heard  many  times  farther  than 
when  it  is  struck  in  free  air,  for  the  density  of  water  is  greater  than 
air ;  similarly  if  a  bell  could  be  struck  in  a  sea  of  mercury  the  sound 
waves  would  be  propagated  to  a  much  greater  distance  than  in 


water,  since  mercury  is  much  more  dense  than  water.  The  waves 
the  author  employed  in  his  wireless  telephone  are  radiated  normally 
in  a  circle,  but  it  has  been  found  possible  to  reflect  and  make  them 
undirectional  within  15°  of  arc.  Fig.  318  is  an  illustration  of  a 
portable  equipment  devised  for  testing  the  telephone  in  the  field, 
and  was  employed  in  the  early  experiments.  Later,  three  stations, 
Figs.  319,  320  and  321,  were  established  at  Rockland  Lake,  N.  Y. 
Complete  standard  station  sets  were  installed  at  these  stations  for 
wireless  telephony,  as  shown  in  Fig.  322.  In  the  transmitter  a 
primary  coil  is  connected  in  series  with  a  key,  battery,  and  variator ; 
the  terminals  of  the  secondary  winding  are  connected  to  a  circuit  cor- 



responding  to  the  oscillator  of  a  wireless  telegraph  system.  Bridged 
across  the  secondary  of  the  transformer  coil  is  an  adjustable  con- 
denser, so  that  the  ratio  of  inductance  and  capacity  may  be  main- 
tained in  their  proper  relations  and  the  reproduced  speech  made 
clear  and  distinct.  The  receiver  operates  through  a  circuit  similar 


to  a  resonator  and  consists,  in  its  simplest  form,  of  a  telephone 
receiver,  a  battery,  transformer,  coil,  inductance,  and  capacity. 

When  in  operation  and  the  primary  circuit  is  closed,  the  current 
is  varied  automatically,  and  mechanically  high  frequency  and  high 
potential  currents  are  set  up  in  the  discharging  circuit,  which  emit 
the  waves  in  the  earth  ;  the  waves  impinging  on  the  receiving  circuits 
surge  with  the  same  frequency  and  have  the  same  amplitude  of 
vibration,  though  diminished  volume  of  the  original  currents  of  the 







emitting  circuits.  The  received  impulses  are  translated  by  a  tele- 
phone receiver.  The  first  tests  of  this  system  of  wireless  telephony 
were  made  at  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  in  1899,  when  speech  was  trans- 



mitted  to  a  distance  of  200  feet;  in  1900  words  were  sent  wire- 
lessly  across  the  Delaware  River,  a  mile,  and  in  1902,  with  im- 
proved apparatus,  a  distance  of  three  miles  was  covered  between 
the  sending  and  receiving  stations.  In  the  same  year  proving  sta- 


tions  were  established  at  Kockland  Lake,  N.  Y.,  A,  Bf  Figs.  320  and 
321  being  a  mile  apart.  This  was  the  first  complete  wireless  tele- 
phone system  working  in  both  directions  and  equipped  with  signal- 
ing apparatus. 

While  these  preliminary  tests  have  been  made  on  land,  the 
sphere  of  the  wireless  telephone  lies  in  its  application  to  vessels 
in  harbors.  Hardly  a  month  passes  but  that  one  vessel  rams  an- 
other, due  primarily  to  a  misunderstood  signal,  and  this  is  especially 
true  in  foggy  weather. 

The  wireless  telegraph  is  not  adapted  to  this  class  of  work,  since 
it  requires  a  skilled  operator  who  must  be  constantly  at  the  cap- 
tain's or  pilot's  side  to  interpret  the  Morse  code.  The  wireless 
telephone  is  a  first-hand  instrument  at  once  simple,  reliable,  and 
may  be  applied  to  any  vessel  at  a  comparatively  small  cost.  Ex- 
tensive experiments  have  been  in  progress  during  the  summer  on 
the  Hudson  River  (New  York  City),  where  wireless  telephones  were 
installed  on  the  ferryboats  John  G.  McCuLlougli  and  Ridgewood, 
of  the  Erie  Railroad  system,  pictures  of  which  are  given  in  Fig.  323. 
Not  until  the  advent  of  the  wireless  telephone  had  there  been  a 
single  improvement  looking  toward  the  safety  factor  in  marine 
signaling  at  close  range  since  the  invention  of  the  time-honored  and 
hoary  steam  whistle. 

Into  the  future  it  is  dark  and  difficult  to  see!  Its  misty  veil 
is  so  drawn  that  only  a  little  light  reaches  us  through  its  filtering 
meshes,  and  this  by  the  empirical  path  of  experience;  therefore  we 
cannot  predict.  The  wireless  telegraph,  the  dream  of  yesterday,  is  a 
reality  of  to-day;  cableless  telegraphy,  now  in  its  experimental 
struggles,  may  eliminate  the  cable  to-morrow.  The  wireless  tele- 
phone may  never  supplant  the  efficient  wire-system,  yet  stranger 
things  have  come  to  pass  in  less  time  than  the  quarter  of  a  cycle 
we  term  a  century.  The  assistance  of  the  telegraph,  the  cable,  the 
telephone  in  the  advancement  of  civilization  is  beyond  the  wildest 
speculation  of  the  romancer  living  fifty  years  ago.  What  these 
modes  for  the  transmission  of  intelligence  have  done  for  mankind 
in  the  making  the  last  half  of  the  past  century  let  us  hope  that 
wireless  methods  will  do  for  the  first  half  of  the  present  century. 
These  are  but  additional  links  in  the  universal  chain  of  evolution 
as  designed  by  the  omnipotent  Creator. 


Allemaod,  37. 
Ampere,  78,  79. 
Apps,  37,  95. 
Arago,  78. 
Arco,  passim. 
Arons,    148. 
Ascoli,  236,  237. 

Bachhoffer,  92,  93. 

Baden-Powell,  252. 

Barker,  93. 

Becquerel,  G6,  79. 

Bell,   228,  287,   289. 

Beckeley,  6. 

Bernouilli,  2GO. 

Bichat,  112,  114. 

Bjerknes,  21,  52,  148,  258,  264,  265. 

Blondel,  passim. 

Boltzmann,   148. 

Bononio,  237. 

Boscovitch,  2,  3. 

Bose,  127,  139. 

Botts,  66. 

Bradley,  14. 

Braun,  passim. 

Bra  illy,  passim. 

Bronk,  von,  290. 

Bull,  164,  183,  186,  207,  270,  280. 

Caldwell,  100,   119. 

Callan,  92,  93. 

Calzecchi-Onesti,  136,  137,  141,  145. 

Cardew,   148. 

Castelli,  154. 

Cervera-Baveria,  182,  202,  203. 

Claude,  203. 

Clausen,  2»0. 

Collins,  passim. 

Coulomb,   (54. 

Cunningham,  114,  115. 

Davy,  78,  211. 
De  Forest,  passim. 
De  la  Rive,  21,  24,  25. 
Dolbear,  234. 
Dunne,  27. 
Dubois-Reymond,  79. 
Ducretet,  'passim. 

Eccle.  138. 
Eddy,  240. 

Edison,  171,  234. 
Edlund,  65. 
Erlung,  10. 
Ewing,  84. 

Faraday,  passim. 
Fedderson,  37,  48. 
Felici,  79. 
Fessenden,  passim. 
Fitzgerald,  20,  148. 
Fizeau,   14,   79,  94.. 
Fleming,  passim. 
Foote,  102. 
Foucault,  14,  79. 
Franklin,  36,  37. 
Fresnel,   9. 

Geissler,  27,  101. 
Gilbert,   47. 
Giltay,  290. 
Green,  64. 
Gregory,  148. 
Grisson,   100,   122,  124. 
Guarini-Foresio,   passim. 
Guericke,  von,  36,   127. 
Guitard,    136. 
Guthe,    139,   142. 

Haeckle,  6. 
Halske,   passim. 
Hawksbee,  36. 
Heardon,  139. 
Heaviside,   21. 
Helmholtz,  von,  passim. 
Henry,  passim. 
Hertz,  passim. 
Hewitt,  125. 
Holtz,   127,   129. 
Hopkinson,    55. 
Hughes,  136. 
Hume,  6. 
Huygens,  2,  3,  14. 

Ives,  76,  86,  96. 

Jaumann,  39,  44. 
Jean,   94. 
Jegou.  241. 
Jenkins,   65. 
Johnson,  87. 
Jones,  7. 
Joulo,  66,  69. 



Kelly,  258. 
Kelvin,  passim. 
Kinraide,  103. 
Kinsley,  143,  144. 
Kintner,  137,  154. 
Kirehhoff,  60,  79. 
Kitsee,  234. 
Kleist,  36. 

Klingelfuss,    88,    89,    90. 
Koepsel,  142,  151,  234. 
Koosen,  258. 

La  Grange,  3. 
Lamb,  59. 
Langley,  27. 
La  Place,  64. 
Lebedew,  8,  21,  33. 
Lecher,  27. 
Lenz,  66,  79,  258. 
Lodge,  passim. 

Marchant,    48. 
Marconi,  passim. 
Martin,  130,  212. 
Matthieson,  66. 
Maxwell,  passim. 
Mizinro,  90. 
Morse,  passim. 
Muirhead,  passim. 
Murphy,  121,   122. 
Musschenbroek,  36. 

Neef,  94,  109. 
Neugschwender,  137. 
Neumann,  79,  236. 
Newton,  2,   13. 

Ohm,  49,  66,  68,  69. 
Overbeck,  258. 

Paalzow,  148. 
Page,  92,  94. 
Pierson,   102. 
Plank,   54. 
Plato,  9. 
Poggendorf,  93. 
Poincaire,  21. 
Poisson,  64. 
Popoff,  passim. 
Popp,  180,  203,  207. 
Poynting.  21. 
Preece,  82. 
Pupin,  11,  258. 

Queen,  42,  105. 

Rayleigh,  55,  86. 

Reiss,  22,  46,  52. 

Righi,  58,  148,  153,  238. 

Ritchie,  79. 

Ritter,  142,  148. 

Romer,   14. 

Rontgen,   15. 

Rubens,  148. 

Ruhmer,  288,  289,  290,  292. 

Ruhmkorff,  37,  79,  94,  169. 

Rutherford,  137,  185. 

Sarasin,  24,  25. 
Savart,  47,  48. 
Schaffer,  137,  153. 
Shaw,    139. 
Siebt,   261. 
Siemens,  passim. 
Silliman,  92. 
Simon,  175,  288,  289. 
Slaby,  passim. 
Smythe,  143,  201. 
Spottiswood,  37,  95. 
Sprague,  99. 
Stone,  164,  277. 
Sturgeon,  78,  92. 

Taylor,  33. 
Tesla,  passim. 

Thompson,  Sylvan  us,  17,  20. 
Thomson,  Elihu,  passim. 
Thomson,  J.  J.,  21,  59. 
Toepler,  127,  129. 
Tommasini,  142. 
Trowbridge,  27,   37,   48,    139. 
Turpain,  59. 
Tyndall,  13,  48. 

Varley,  136. 

Wagner,  79,  94. 
Watson,  36. 
Weber,  79. 

Wehnelt,  40,  116,  119. 
Wheatstone,  14,  66,  77. 
Wiedemann,  29,  44. 
Willyoung,   116. 
Wilson,  55. 

Young,  14. 
Zehnder,  147. 





JUL  31  1916 


AUG  3  1918 
DEC  I?  M* 


FEE  13 1922 

SEP  6t«I 

MAY  17  1323 

0  4 1993 

AUG     5    1939 


1  OCT  0  9  1992 

CIRC!  1 1  ATIOM 
DEC  1  9  1996' 

